How to register IBM PC Camera using JMERegistry?

When I click 'detect capture devices' it is finding 'IBM PC Camera'.
But when I want to add it, by clicking add button, it is giving err saying 'can't add it err'.
I want to capture the image from the webcam(IBM PC Camera) into awt frame.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.

To capture an image from a webcam into awt frame, you can use the Java Twain package
This package enables you to connect to a camera, scanner or frame grabber directly from your java application. In the tutorial, there is an example how to capture an image into awt frame (ExampleShow).

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    Power bank (I'm using 8,400 mAh)
    Dual USB Male to 5 Pin Mini USB Y Cable
    Camera --- 5 Pin Mini USB ------------------ USB camera adapter ---------- Ipad
                                                   '---------- Power Bank
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    your welcome

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    No can do, Skippy!

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