How to reinitialize AURORA clientside orb?

I'm having the same problem as others are with servlet (or other) clients to 8i EJB:s.
Once in a while a CORBA.COMM_FAILURE exception will be thrown when calling an EJB-method and all calls to EJB:s after that fail with CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT.
This can always be fixed by restarting the clientside JVM so it is not an actual server problem (the server recovers anyway).
I tried to do a less intrusive recovery by recreating the InitialContext and looking up a new Home interface but that wont work. It also gives the CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT exception.
This means that it is the clientside AURORA orb itself that is somehow locked in an incorrect state.
So how do I kill that ORB? The first creation of an initialContext apparently fires it up somehow so it must be killable
and possible to retart.

Hi Everett,
you are right, it would be kind of an ugly hack to talk IIOP instead of talking JMS. Me looking into this is more out of desperation because all attempts to accomplish the reconnect via the JMS API failed (see If there would be a not-too-complicated Corba solution I would go for it anyway because -- let's face it -- once you have installed your application in a productive environment you are not going to change your j2ee implementation every other day. The code would then have to check if this particular RMI-IIOP implementation is there; if yes, do the corba specifics, if no, work on the JMS level only.

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    You need to set ORB properties.
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    Reading the official doc will help.

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    Best regards,

    Hi Paddu,
    the selection screen will be reinitialized automatically. Only if the INITIALIZATION event or the parameters use SET/GET parameter IDs (addition MEMORY ID pid) the values will prevail.
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    What OS are your servers?
    If you are using Windows, you can have the applet call a ping() method on the server. The server's ping() meth could do a Runtime.getRuntime() and invoke the exec(String) to invoke "cmd ping xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx". It's a little bit of a pain if you want to read the response from the process though.
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    Chris Gallo
    901 Test ‏1157 KB

    This has nothing to do with creating an executable. This has everything to do with race conditions.
    You have a single loop and two case structures which are independent. This means that as long as the operator control is not empty, both case structures will execute. The bottom case structure writes the values to Excel. It writes whatever values are there, even though they may not have been updated or initialized yet. It seems to me that you want to write to Excel once you've actually gotten the values. This means that you should have an additional case in your upper loop's state machine that is something like "Write Data", in which you place the code to write the data.
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    Depending on what the component needs to reset you implement your logic.
    private function reset():void
        this.var1 = ""; //reset a string
    //perform other logic here including visual resets (use component lifecycle
    methods to make it performant);
    protected function
        event.newState = "state2"
        //reset state 1

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        Thank you for expected your advice.

    Welcome to the HP Community Forum.
    You could sign in as Bumbo Rabbit @ and it would not make a bit of difference to your Internet provider when it comes to connecting your computer to the Internet.
    The Microsoft live account you might use as a login to your new computer is not relevant to your ISP.
    Your email could be anything, else we could never lug our computers around and connect them to different networks.
    You can certainly add another Admin account to your computer -- this is even a good idea:
    Create a User Account with Administrative Privileges – Windows 8-8.1
    Troubleshooting Your Wireless Network and Internet Connection Windows 8
    How to Manually Add a Wireless Profile in Windows 8
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    Windows 8.1 Wifi showing "limited" or "No Internet Access"
    Click the Kudos Thumbs-Up to say Thank You!
    And...Click Accept as Solution when my Answer provides a Fix or Workaround!
    I am pleased to provide assistance on behalf of HP. I do not work for HP. 
    Kind Regards,

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    Also, after checking "scan for junk mail" and saving, issue
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