How to release the capturing device

Dear helper
I have developed an applet for video conference. I stored it in tomcat server. The client browsed a parant window and click the button, javascript will open another child window for the applet. In the first time, the applet was working normal. While I closed the child window and clicked the button again, the child window could not init the applet. I suspected the capturing device was not been released. As I closed the parant window and re-open it and then click the button, the applet worked properly in the child window.
Would you please let me know how to relesae the device while i close the child window without close the parant window. I checked the applet code, the disposal code had be added.
Thank you for your advise in advance.

Hi Indu,
Have you already thought of moving such "outsorted" devices to a special stock? Alternatively you may choose to allocate a special (user-) status(for example, BLOCKED)  to the device/equipment. This also will also prevent a further usage of this device.
Kind regards,

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  • Releasing a captured device

    i think this is a new question to the forum - so take it as a challenge.
    i have an applet that grabs a frame from a webcam and uploads the image to the server.
    after the image is sent, i close the applet window ( a pop up window).
    because the applet window is a pop up window, my webcam device remains busy, and when i try to reopen that pop up from its parent window, i get a device busy exception.
    is there a way to ask the CaptureDeviceManager to release the captured device?

    If your webcam is not listed in the CDM, there are 2 options:
    1) Your webcam never has been in the CDM. You need run jmfregistry to configure it correctly in JMF.
    2) You are using the webcam, so you have created a datasource to it. You only need is disconnect the datasource: ds.disconnect();
    Good luck and sorry for my english

  • How to stop the capture source of AudioVideoCaptureDevice

    Hi. I capture video with the AudioVideoCaptureDevice API and I'm not sure if I followed the right steps to implement it. If I record a video for the first time everything works in the emulator but when I tap the record button for the second
    time the app crash. I think it's because I have to disconnect the file stream from the capture source but I can't because passed an instance of  AudioVideoCaptureDevice as the source of the video recorder brush. Here's my code + - in the order of
    private async Task InitializeVideoRecorder()
    if (vcDevice != null)
    vcDevice = null;
    CameraSensorLocation location = CameraSensorLocation.Back;
    captureResolutions =
    vcDevice = await AudioVideoCaptureDevice.OpenAsync(location, captureResolutions[0]);
    vcDevice.RecordingFailed += OnCaptureFailed;
    vcDevice.VideoEncodingFormat = CameraCaptureVideoFormat.H264;
    vcDevice.AudioEncodingFormat = CameraCaptureAudioFormat.Aac;
    // Initialize the camera if it exists on the phone.
    if (vcDevice != null)
    //initialize fileSink
    await InitializeFileSink();
    // Create the VideoBrush for the viewfinder.
    videoRecorderBrush = new VideoBrush();
    // Display the viewfinder image on the rectangle.
    viewfinderRectangle.Fill = videoRecorderBrush;
    // Set the button state and the message.
    UpdateUI(ButtonState.Initialized, "Tap record to start recording...");
    // Disable buttons when the camera is not supported by the phone.
    UpdateUI(ButtonState.CameraNotSupported, "A camera is not supported on this phone.");
    catch(Exception ex)
    MessageBox.Show("InitializeVideoRecorder Error:\n" + ex.Message);
    private void OnCaptureFailed(AudioVideoCaptureDevice sender, CaptureFailedEventArgs args)
    //setup iClips video file creation
    private async Task InitializeFileSink()
    StorageFolder isoStore = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFolderAsync("Shared");
    sfVideoFile = await isoStore.CreateFileAsync(
    // Set the recording state: display the video on the viewfinder.
    private void StartVideoPreview()
    // Display the video on the viewfinder.
    if (vcDevice != null)
    // Create the VideoBrush for the viewfinder.
    videoRecorderBrush = new VideoBrush();
    // Display the viewfinder image on the rectangle.
    viewfinderRectangle.Fill = videoRecorderBrush;
    // Set the button states and the message.
    UpdateUI(ButtonState.Ready, "Ready to record.");
    txtRecTime.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
    // If preview fails, display an error.
    catch (Exception e)
    MessageBox.Show("Start Video Preview Exception:\n " + e.Message.ToString());
    // Set recording state: start recording.
    private async void StartVideoRecording()
    if (vcDevice != null)
    s = await sfVideoFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite);
    await vcDevice.StartRecordingToStreamAsync(s);
    rState = 1;
    logo.Opacity = 1.0; //brighten logo to indicate that the recording started
    StartTimer(); //show time ellapsed on UI
    // Set the button states and the message.
    UpdateUI(ButtonState.Recording, "Recording...");
    // If recording fails, display an error.
    catch (Exception e)
    MessageBox.Show("Start Video Recording Error:\n" + e.Message.ToString());
    // Set the recording state: stop recording.
    private async void StopVideoRecording()
    await vcDevice.StopRecordingAsync();
    sfVideoFile = null;
    rState = 0;
    logo.Opacity = 0.1;
    // Set the button states and the message.
    UpdateUI(ButtonState.Stopped, "Preparing viewfinder...");
    // If stop fails, display an error.
    catch (Exception e)
    MessageBox.Show("Stop Video Recording:\n " + e.Message.ToString());
    // Start the video recording.
    private void StartRecording_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Avoid duplicate taps.
    StartRecording.IsEnabled = false;
    private void DisposeVideoRecorder()
    if (_cs != null)
    // Stop captureSource if it is running.
    if (_cs.VideoCaptureDevice != null
    && _cs.State == CaptureState.Started)
    // Remove the event handler for captureSource.
    _cs.CaptureFailed -= OnCaptureFailed;
    // Remove the video recording objects.
    _cs = null;
    vcDevice = null;
    //fileSink = null;
    videoRecorderBrush = null;
    InitializeVideoRecorder() is called in OnNavigatedTo the when I tap the record button StartVideoRecording() is then called like wise StopVideoRecording() and when I tap the record button( or call StartVideoRecording) for the second time an error
    is thrown. What am I missing? (I bet it's something to do with how I implemented the capture source.) Thaanks in advance.

    Thank you that answer is very helpful. I got the recording to work and it's playing the video back too, however, when I record for the second time and tries to playback that file the screen is just black. Can you kindly take a look at my methods
    and see where I'm missing up?
    // Constructor
    public MainPage()
    //setup recording
    // Prepare ApplicationBar and buttons.
    PhoneAppBar = (ApplicationBar)ApplicationBar;
    PhoneAppBar.IsVisible = true;
    StartRecording = ((ApplicationBarIconButton)ApplicationBar.Buttons[0]);
    StopPlaybackRecording = ((ApplicationBarIconButton)ApplicationBar.Buttons[1]);
    StartPlayback = ((ApplicationBarIconButton)ApplicationBar.Buttons[2]);
    PausePlayback = ((ApplicationBarIconButton)ApplicationBar.Buttons[3]);
    catch (Exception ex)
    MessageBox.Show("Constructor Error:\n"+ ex.Message);
    //Life Cycle
    protected async override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
    // Initialize the video recorder.
    await InitializeVideoRecorder();
    //prepare shutter hot keys
    CameraButtons.ShutterKeyHalfPressed += OnButtonHalfPress;
    CameraButtons.ShutterKeyPressed += OnButtonFullPress;
    CameraButtons.ShutterKeyReleased += OnButtonRelease;
    protected override void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigationEventArgs e)
    // Dispose of camera and media objects.
    CameraButtons.ShutterKeyHalfPressed -= OnButtonHalfPress;
    CameraButtons.ShutterKeyPressed -= OnButtonFullPress;
    CameraButtons.ShutterKeyReleased -= OnButtonRelease;
    // Update the buttons and text on the UI thread based on app state.
    private void UpdateUI(ButtonState currentButtonState, string statusMessage)
    // Run code on the UI thread.
    switch (currentButtonState)
    // When the camera is not supported by the phone.
    case ButtonState.CameraNotSupported:
    StartRecording.IsEnabled = false;
    StopPlaybackRecording.IsEnabled = false;
    StartPlayback.IsEnabled = false;
    PausePlayback.IsEnabled = false;
    // First launch of the application, so no video is available.
    case ButtonState.Initialized:
    StartRecording.IsEnabled = true;
    StopPlaybackRecording.IsEnabled = false;
    StartPlayback.IsEnabled = false;
    PausePlayback.IsEnabled = false;
    // Ready to record, so video is available for viewing.
    case ButtonState.Ready:
    StartRecording.IsEnabled = true;
    StopPlaybackRecording.IsEnabled = false;
    StartPlayback.IsEnabled = true;
    PausePlayback.IsEnabled = false;
    // Video recording is in progress.
    case ButtonState.Recording:
    StartRecording.IsEnabled = false;
    StopPlaybackRecording.IsEnabled = true;
    StartPlayback.IsEnabled = false;
    PausePlayback.IsEnabled = false;
    // Video Recording Stopped.
    case ButtonState.Stopped:
    StartRecording.IsEnabled = true;
    StopPlaybackRecording.IsEnabled = false;
    StartPlayback.IsEnabled = true;
    PausePlayback.IsEnabled = false;
    // Video playback is in progress.
    case ButtonState.Playback:
    StartRecording.IsEnabled = false;
    StopPlaybackRecording.IsEnabled = true;
    StartPlayback.IsEnabled = false;
    PausePlayback.IsEnabled = true;
    // Video playback has been paused.
    case ButtonState.Paused:
    StartRecording.IsEnabled = false;
    StopPlaybackRecording.IsEnabled = true;
    StartPlayback.IsEnabled = true;
    PausePlayback.IsEnabled = false;
    // Display a message.
    txtDebug.Text = statusMessage;
    // Note the current application state.
    currentAppState = currentButtonState;
    catch (Exception ex)
    MessageBox.Show("UpdateUI Error:\n" + ex.Message.ToString());
    private async Task InitializeVideoRecorder()
    CameraSensorLocation location = CameraSensorLocation.Back;
    captureResolutions =
    vcDevice = await AudioVideoCaptureDevice.OpenAsync(location, captureResolutions[0]);
    vcDevice.RecordingFailed += OnCaptureFailed;
    vcDevice.VideoEncodingFormat = CameraCaptureVideoFormat.H264;
    vcDevice.AudioEncodingFormat = CameraCaptureAudioFormat.Aac;
    //Set a perfect orientation to capture with
    int encodedOrientation = 0;
    int sensorOrientation = (Int32)this.vcDevice.SensorRotationInDegrees;
    switch (this.Orientation)
    // Camera hardware shutter button up.
    case PageOrientation.LandscapeLeft:
    encodedOrientation = -90 + sensorOrientation;
    // Camera hardware shutter button down.
    case PageOrientation.LandscapeRight:
    encodedOrientation = 90 + sensorOrientation;
    // Camera hardware shutter button right.
    case PageOrientation.PortraitUp:
    encodedOrientation = 0 + sensorOrientation;
    // Camera hardware shutter button left.
    case PageOrientation.PortraitDown:
    encodedOrientation = 180 + sensorOrientation;
    vcDevice.SetProperty(KnownCameraGeneralProperties.EncodeWithOrientation, sensorOrientation + 90);
    // Initialize the camera if it exists on the phone.
    if (vcDevice != null)
    //initialize fileSink
    await CreateAndOpenNewVideoFile();
    // Create the VideoBrush for the viewfinder.
    videoRecorderBrush = new VideoBrush();
    // Display the viewfinder image on the rectangle.
    viewfinderRectangle.Fill = videoRecorderBrush;
    // Set the button state and the message.
    UpdateUI(ButtonState.Initialized, "Tap record to start recording...");
    // Disable buttons when the camera is not supported by the phone.
    UpdateUI(ButtonState.CameraNotSupported, "A camera is not supported on this phone.");
    catch(Exception ex)
    MessageBox.Show("InitializeVideoRecorder Error:\n" + ex.Message);
    private void OnCaptureFailed(AudioVideoCaptureDevice sender, CaptureFailedEventArgs args)
    //setup iClips video file creation
    private async Task CreateAndOpenNewVideoFile()
    StorageFolder isoStore = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFolderAsync("Shared");
    sfVideoFile = await isoStore.CreateFileAsync(isoVideoFileName+".mp4",
    s = await sfVideoFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite);
    // Set the recording state: display the video on the viewfinder.
    private void StartVideoPreview()
    // Display the video on the viewfinder.
    if (vcDevice != null)
    // Create the VideoBrush for the viewfinder.
    videoRecorderBrush = new VideoBrush();
    // Display the viewfinder image on the rectangle.
    viewfinderRectangle.Fill = videoRecorderBrush;
    // Set the button states and the message.
    UpdateUI(ButtonState.Ready, "Ready to record.");
    txtRecTime.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
    // If preview fails, display an error.
    catch (Exception e)
    MessageBox.Show("Start Video Preview Exception:\n " + e.Message.ToString());
    // Set recording state: start recording.
    private async void StartVideoRecording()
    if (vcDevice != null)
    await vcDevice.StartRecordingToStreamAsync(s);
    rState = 1;
    logo.Opacity = 1.0; //brighten logo to indicate that the recording started
    StartTimer(); //show time ellapsed on UI
    // Set the button states and the message.
    UpdateUI(ButtonState.Recording, "Recording...");
    // If recording fails, display an error.
    catch (Exception e)
    MessageBox.Show("Start Video Recording Error:\n" + e.Message.ToString());
    // Set the recording state: stop recording.
    private async void StopVideoRecording()
    await vcDevice.StopRecordingAsync();
    //sfVideoFile = null;
    rState = 0;
    logo.Opacity = 0.1;
    // Set the button states and the message.
    UpdateUI(ButtonState.Stopped, "Preparing viewfinder...");
    // If stop fails, display an error.
    catch (Exception e)
    MessageBox.Show("Stop Video Recording:\n " + e.Message.ToString());
    // Start the video recording.
    private void StartRecording_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Avoid duplicate taps.
    StartRecording.IsEnabled = false;
    private void DisposeVideoRecorder()
    if (vcDevice != null)
    // Remove the video recording objects.
    vcDevice = null;
    // Remove the event handler for captureSource.
    vcDevice.RecordingFailed -= OnCaptureFailed;
    s = null;
    sfVideoFile = null;
    videoRecorderBrush = null;
    private void OnCaptureFailed(object sender, ExceptionRoutedEventArgs e)
    MessageBox.Show("Recording Failed!");
    private void SaveThumbnail()
    Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
    var w = (int)vcDevice.PreviewResolution.Width;
    var h = (int)vcDevice.PreviewResolution.Height;
    var argbPx = new Int32[w * h];
    var wb = new WriteableBitmap(w, h);
    argbPx.CopyTo(wb.Pixels, 0);
    using (var isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
    var fileName = isoVideoFileName + "_iThumb.jpg";
    if (isoStore.FileExists(fileName))
    var file = isoStore.CreateFile(fileName);
    wb.SaveJpeg(file, w, h, 0, 20);
    private void StartTimer()
    dispatcherTimer = new System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer();
    dispatcherTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(dispatcherTimer_Tick);
    dispatcherTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);
    startTime = System.DateTime.Now;
    private void StopTimer()
    private void dispatcherTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    System.DateTime now = System.DateTime.Now;
    txtRecTime.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
    txtRecTime.Text = now.Subtract(startTime).ToString().Substring(0, now.Subtract(startTime).ToString().LastIndexOf("."));
    private void StopPlaybackRecording_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (rState == 1)
    // Avoid duplicate taps.
    StopPlaybackRecording.IsEnabled = false;
    // Stop during video recording.
    // Set the button state and the message.
    UpdateUI(ButtonState.NoChange, "Recording stopped.");
    if (rState == 0)
    // Stop during video playback.
    // Remove playback objects.
    // Set the button state and the message.
    UpdateUI(ButtonState.NoChange, "Playback stopped.");
    catch (Exception ex)
    MessageBox.Show("Stop playback recording Exception:\n" + ex.Message.ToString());
    private void StartPlayback_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    private async void PlayVideo()
    // Avoid duplicate taps.
    StartPlayback.IsEnabled = false;
    // Start video playback when the file stream exists.
    if (VideoPlayer.Source != null)
    // Start the video for the first time.
    // Remove VideoBrush from the tree.
    viewfinderRectangle.Fill = null;
    //get the path of iClips-video
    StorageFolder isoStore = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFolderAsync("Shared");
    iclip = await isoStore.GetFileAsync(isoVideoFileName + ".mp4");
    // Create the file stream and attach it to the MediaElement.
    VideoPlayer.Source = new Uri(iclip.Path);
    // Add an event handler for the end of playback.
    VideoPlayer.MediaEnded += new RoutedEventHandler(VideoPlayerMediaEnded);
    // Start video playback.
    // Set the button state and the message.
    UpdateUI(ButtonState.Playback, "Playback started.");
    catch (Exception ex)
    MessageBox.Show("Play Video Exception:\n" + ex.Message.ToString());
    private void PausePlayback_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    private void PauseVideo()
    // Avoid duplicate taps.
    PausePlayback.IsEnabled = false;
    // If mediaElement exists, pause playback.
    if (VideoPlayer != null)
    // Set the button state and the message.
    UpdateUI(ButtonState.Paused, "Playback paused.");
    private void DisposeVideoPlayer()
    if (VideoPlayer != null)
    // Stop the VideoPlayer MediaElement.
    // Remove playback objects.
    VideoPlayer.Source = null;
    iclip = null;
    // Remove the event handler.
    VideoPlayer.MediaEnded -= VideoPlayerMediaEnded;
    // Display the viewfinder when playback ends.
    public void VideoPlayerMediaEnded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    // Remove the playback objects.
    I'm using StorageFile to create the file to save the video to. I think my Stop and Start Video Recording logic is causing ether the video not to write to the file the second time or something else. If you can see something that's not right kindly tell me. Thank
    you in advance.

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    How to release the budget in SAP Funds Management. Please let me know the proceedure and the transaction code

    The answer depends on if you are using Former Budgeting or BCS.
    1) If you are using Former Budgeting:
    a. You should use transaction FR51 to enter Release or FR55 to distribute it.
    2) If you are using BCS:
    a. Within FMBBC transaction you have the option to release the budget, use document type as REL (release).
    b. You can activate the automatic release for each budget profile in Customizing of Funds Management Government.   To do this, in IMG select Funds Management Government ® Budgeting and Availability Control (Former Budgeting) ® Budget Profiles (Former Budgeting) ® Set Up Budget Profiles.
    With the automatic release, the corresponding background releases for expenditures FM account assignments with budget transfers are also posted. Take note that the maximum amount that this automated release can transfer from the sender is the amount that has already been released.
    If you do not activate the automated release, the maximum amount that can be transferred from the sender is that which has not yet been released.
    c. You can use the mass transaction for release, which is FMMPRELE.
    I hope that this answer your inquiry.
    Best Regards,
    Vanessa Barth.

  • How to release the Change request (Task in Repair Mode)

    Hello everybody,
    I have change request in that one Task in Repair mode.
    when i trying to release, it give the error message like
    Repair HRDK900911 may only contain repaired objects
    In repairs, you can only lock and edit those objects whose original exists in another SAP System.
    The object R3TR PROG /VWK/GPS_VCD_R was found in the object list of your repair HRDK900911. This object is not a copy but the original.
    So please suggest me
    How to release the Task (Repair) so I can release  the request.

    Yes you wont be able to release the request till you remove the flag from SE03.
    Goto SE03 > Display Repaired Objects
    Select Your object and remove the repair flag from top <Repair Flag>
    R3TR PROG <Your Object>
    Also as you are getting an error
    No valid change license available for namespace
    In SE03-->Display/change Namespace
    when I check the specified Namespace then their is no Repair License.
    So please suggest me Repair License is required?
    check what namespace it is refrerring to ... A namespace name should be there....
    1. Go to SE06 and click on the System Change Option.
    2. Verify that Namespace Systems Development  /Namespace/  is "Modifiable".
    1. Run transaction SM30
    2. Enter V_TRNSPACE
    2. Click Maintain
    3. Double Click on Namespace /NAMESPACE/
    4. Change Namespace role from P to C, then hit Save
    All the best !
    Edited by: prateek_y on Aug 30, 2010 3:21 PM

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    In my iPhone 4 the mute is getting on automatically dont know how to release the mute

    Have the same problem with every phone call since going to IOS7 - think my face is touching the mute on the screen but I am unaware that it has happened and keep talking until I realise the other side has hung up as they can't hear me - extremely frustrating. Then when the other side calls back, I don't hear the call as it is muted!! Is there a fix for this or a way to move the mute button??

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    can give me the details how to release the transport request to the quality server pr production server

    Use transaction SE09. Here select "modifiable" .Then click -Display.
    Now you get a list of all requests which can be released.
    Locate your request number and drill down. Release the sub-request first and then the main request by selecting and using the "transport" icon.
    091 9880028904

  • How to release the task and Transport

    Hi can anybody tell me the steps , how to release the task and how to relase the Transport into Quality.
    Thanks in advance.

    Go to SE09..
    Give your user name..Press enter..It will display all the CRs..
    Place the cursor on the task of the CR you want to release..
    Press the transport button (F9)..
    Do the same for all the tasks..
    Then place cursor on the CR..
    Press the transport button (F9).
    Now the CR is released...
    You can basis team to import the CR to quality system using the transaction STMS.
    Check this link for using the STMS

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    I added some extra fields to an existing segment of an idoc. While saving it created a new version. Now there are two versions : one is released and another is not. First one has the older fields and in the second one new fields along with the old fields
    how can I get only one version with the latest changes. Segment with the additional fields.
    Please advice.

    When I am trying to release that , it is saying 'A released version is already there for the segment'. So not able to release.
    Can you please tell me how to release the changes.

  • JMStudio: Couldn't initialize the capture device!

    I am using JMStudio to capture video from my webcam and I have a problem. When I start my computer and run JMStudio I can capture video without any problems but when I close and run JMStudio again and chose option "Capture" there is a problem: Couldn't initialize the Capture Device! when I reboot my opereting system (windows 7) I can capture first time but when I try it again secondary there is a problem :/
    Could someone help me please?

    You can try to use ManyCam
    just set it as DefaultWebcam.

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    Hey guys,
    Is it possible to have pulseaudio release the ALSA device when there is no sound playing through PA?
    Alternatively, is there a way to tell PA through D-Bus to release the device? (Based on this documentation it appears like it's possible)
    I'm using XBMC on my HTPC and am using PA so I can stream audio from other devices to the HTPC so I can listen to them on my nice HTPC speaker setup. However if I want to use Bitstreaming / Passthrough audio with XBMC, the ALSA device cannot be in use. The problem is PA seems to keep the device open no matter what.
    Any ideas?

    As far as I can tell, pulseaudio already does this automatically however, if you want to force it to release, the following should work:
    gdbus call -e -d org.freedesktop.ReserveDevice1.Audio0 -o /org/freedesktop/ReserveDevice1/Audio0 -m org.freedesktop.ReserveDevice1.RequestRelease <release priority>
    Last edited by Stebalien (2013-06-17 08:39:28)

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    Hi. I'm using Visual Studio 2013, and the Windows Phone App template. I'm using the Microsoft.Devices / CaptureVideo API to capture video. I now want to set the resolution to capture the video in a specific(available) resolution. How do I do that?
    Code snippet reference to API:
    CaptureVideo vcDevice = CaptureDeviceConfiguration.GetDefaultVideoCaptureDevice();
    and I also want to put a button there to toggle between front and rear camera. If I click the button, and the rear camera is currently active, the front camera must become active and vice versa. How do I do that with this API?
    Thank you.

    visit this page to know how.

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  • How to release the transport request

    Some one please help me here on better understanding on how transport
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    I know we can see the list in se so that will not be the answer of my
    question need proper explanation on that please I will be highly obliged.
    thank you

    Initially when a config request is raised...the settings are saved under a Request number. Every request is associated with a task under it.
    Release the task first (select the task and press F9)and then release the request(select the request and press F9). The objects will be no longer locked then and are free to be moved.
    Be careful while releasing the task. See the tables effected(if you expand task u can see). If you feel some unconnected table is included better a careful consideration be given while moving the request.
    When you release the task...the system may prompt you to enter text..that is nothing but the identification/explanation of your activity. You can record the same.
    Hope im clear
    Message was edited by:

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