How to relink OPMN

We have an AS 9.0.4 installation on AIX 5.3 ML02.
After applying some APARs (AIX patch sets) we relink the AS 9.0.4 follow this Metalink Note: 245375.1
All the software, are relinked but I not see that the "opmn" are relinked (the executables in the /opmn/bin are unchanged and the libraries in the /opmn/lib to).
Obvious, the matter here, is the opmn don't start (opmnctl start) :((
The error in /opmn/logs/ons.log is:
SSLGetSGCClient in the libnnz9_dynamic.a
The news, if we reinstall the complete software the opmnctl start ran!
The OUI is doing something more, that the Note:245375.1!!!???

How about
ps -flu oracle | grep "opmn " | awk '$5==1 {print $4}'
You can combine grep with awk. The trailing space after "opmn" is to prevent showing processes with opmn in directory path such as my "/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs/opmn/bin/ons" process.
You can also do something like
pstree -c -n -p | grep opmn | somestringprocessing
Let me know how it goes.
Yong Huang

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    Hi Khan,
    Running AD Relink
    Run AD Relink as follows.
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    Ben Low wrote:
    ... when I go to 'locate' or 'search' for the missing file FCPX gets stuck at the door to the Project Library ...
    you miss the concept of Libs:
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    Folders = old school
    tags = much more convenient.
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    concerning re-linking:
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    That drive was unintended un-plugged while using FCPX ..... never happened again.

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    psedbtool version 1.07
    Opening catalog C:\Users\Paul\Pictures\Adobe\My Catalog 1\catalog.pse7db
    Photoshop Elements version:      7
    Total files               :   5580
    Total files missing       :    236
    Total files offline       :   2377
    Total files wrong volume  :      0
    PSE Volume Table
    Path used by PSE        : \\DESKTOP1\SharedDocs
    Type                    : network_drive
    Status                  : online
    Total files             : 0
    Total files missing     : 0
    Total files wrong volume: 0
    Description             : //DESKTOP1/SharedDocs
    Serial                  : //DESKTOP1/SharedDocs
    Drive_path_if_builtin   :
    Id                      : 55993
    Path used by PSE        : [040115_1720 - Foto archief digitale fofos Caplio 22122002 - 10082003]
    Type                    : removable_drive
    Status                  : offline
    Total files             : 354
    Total files missing     : 0
    Total files wrong volume: 0
    Description             : 040115_1720 - Foto archief digitale fofos Caplio 22122002 - 10082003
    Serial                  : 823A-D95E
    Drive_path_if_builtin   :
    Id                      : 84
    Path used by PSE        : [30092004_001 9-30-04 Disc 1 of 1.]
    Type                    : removable_drive
    Status                  : offline
    Total files             : 1845
    Total files missing     : 0
    Total files wrong volume: 0
    Description             : 30092004_001 9-30-04 Disc 1 of 1.
    Serial                  : EFFF-FFFF
    Drive_path_if_builtin   :
    Id                      : 518
    Path used by PSE        : E:
    Type                    : builtin_drive
    Status                  : online
    Total files             : 2
    Total files missing     : 2
    Total files wrong volume: 0
    Description             : HP_RECOVERY
    Serial                  : 5856-C2FB
    Drive_path_if_builtin   : E:
    Id                      : 30448
    Path used by PSE        : [040115_2144 - Foto archief Digitale fotos Caplio 09102003 - 14012004]
    Type                    : removable_drive
    Status                  : offline
    Total files             : 178
    Total files missing     : 0
    Total files wrong volume: 0
    Description             : 040115_2144 - Foto archief Digitale fotos Caplio 09102003 - 14012004
    Serial                  : 6000-AC47
    Drive_path_if_builtin   :
    Id                      : 91
    Path used by PSE        : C:\Users\Paul\Pictures\Adobe\My Catalog 1
    Type                    : database_relative_drive
    Status                  : online
    Total files             : 1
    Total files missing     : 0
    Total files wrong volume: 0
    Description             : database relative
    Serial                  : amoc:database_relative_volume
    Drive_path_if_builtin   :
    Id                      : 2
    Path used by PSE        : C:
    Type                    : builtin_drive
    Status                  : online
    Total files             : 3199
    Total files missing     : 233
    Total files wrong volume: 0
    Description             : OS
    Serial                  : 05D7-A27E
    Drive_path_if_builtin   : C:
    Id                      : 1227
    Path used by PSE        : D:
    Type                    : builtin_drive
    Status                  : online
    Total files             : 1
    Total files missing     : 1
    Total files wrong volume: 0
    Description             : DATA
    Serial                  : B85D-94E3
    Drive_path_if_builtin   : D:
    Id                      : 30439
    Windows Drives
    Drive  Type             Serial     Path
    C:     builtin_drive    05D7-A27E 
    D:     builtin_drive    B85D-94E3 
    E:     builtin_drive    5856-C2FB 
    F:     readonly_drive   0000-0000

  • How to relink files in libraries in 10.1

    anyone?  I can't get into the library because it is a package.   How do I get in there to get to the clips?

    Heya Dave,
    I understand that it's possible that you want to import your media from library 1 into library 2. Perhaps library 1 that has all of your copied media is not opening in FCPX anymore and you want to create a new library with the media. Whatever the reason for wanting to relink media or otherwise access files media files that are already in the library here is the way.
    Visit the libraby.fcpbundle file in Finder, right-click the file and choose "Show Package Contents". From the package contents you can locate the original media. Move the media to a location that is outside of the library bundle file to access the files.
    Hope that helps!
    Jasper Thayer
    Apple Certified Trainer

  • How to relink globally ALL pages to new index?

    Using DW 8 had an index page which I changed the name to
    indexlayers and that updated all pages of course with how
    do I link all my pages to a new page I've called just "index"? I
    need a global relink but how do I do it?
    Thanks much

    Change the name of index to index-z. Then change the name of
    indexlayers to
    index. Then change the name of index to xindex AND REFUSE TO
    Then change index-z to index.
    Bada bing, bada boom.
    Or - do a sitewide find and replace to find all instances of
    to "index".
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "iwics2" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:e9r8am$aa8$[email protected]..
    > Hello
    > Using DW 8 had an index page which I changed the name to
    indexlayers and
    > that
    > updated all pages of course with how do I link
    all my pages to a
    > new
    > page I've called just "index"? I need a global relink
    but how do I do it?
    > Thanks much
    > KB

  • How to Relink Collection to catalog?

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    I am not able to see the photos that were previously in my collection sets. I see the blank images and the editing icons but no actual images, The photos are in the catalog.  How can I relink them to my catalog?

    brihi wrote:
    I am encountering the same problem where the Collections cannot identify a new external Hard-Drive.
    Initially, I received the error message "..DSC_0011.jpg” could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?.." Then I tried to identify the file, however, with the Collections I am receiving the same error message ".."The file is associated with another photo in the catalog. Each file can only be associated with one photo".
    I was able to I switched external hard-drives and updated the Folder locations easily and successfully but not so with the Collections.
    So the photo you are trying to link to is already in the catalog. Thus, you have to find where in the catalog it is located, and then use it in whatever way you want (edit, add to collection, export, etc.)
    To find the photo, you need to do all of these four things, in order
    In the catalog panel, click on "All Photographs"
    Turn off all filters (Ctrl-L or Cmd-L once or twice)
    Expand all stacks — Photo->Stacking->Expand All Stacks
    Use the Filter Bar in Lightroom to search for a file with the desired name

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