How to resource control an individual inetd service

I want to selectively increase the process.max-file-descriptor resource for the following service:
platypus# svcs -l svc:/network/uconnd/tcp
fmri svc:/network/uconnd/tcp:default
name uconnd
enabled true
state online
next_state none
state_time Thu Oct 19 17:07:03 2006
restarter svc:/network/inetd:default
This process runs as root and is started via inetd. What is best practice for changing resource limitations on this type of process?

From the smf-discuss:
linda kateley wrote:
Is there some way in a manifest or some other way to pin a service to
project or set rctl values in a manifest?See the project and resource_pool values defined in smf_method(5).
You specify that in the service manifest.
You can set this in the repository using svccfg to create the
start/project property for the service. For example if you have a
project called 'web' and you want to put the Apache server into it.
$ svccfg -s apache2 setprop start/project = astring: "web"
Darren J Moffat

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    Hi Terry,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you don’t want the yollow bar notification to display when you open Access documents.
    This issue seems to be about the client application. Please compare the followings with the things that you did:
     1.Open the documents
     2.Click File->Options->Trust Center->Trust Center Settings
     3.Click Protected View, unselect ‘Enable Protected View for originating from the Internet’
     4.Click Message Bar, select ‘Never show information about blocked content’
     5.Click Macro Settings, select ‘Disable all macros without notification’
    In addition, as this issue is about Office, I commend you create a new thread in Office forum, more experts will assist you with this issue.
    Office forum:
    I hope this helps.
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    Edited by: rhugga1 on Jan 21, 2010 7:10 AM

    Yes the oracle documentation is wrong. I know how to set the oracle parameters.. As my OP states I was inquiring about limits set on the user.root and default projects
    Since Solaris 10 update 4, these oracle kernel parameters ARE IGNORED COMPLETELY when set in /etc/system (not to mention some are deprecated) You can easily do an empirical test of this yourself since there is so much conflicting documentation out there, including some of Sun's docs.
    Solaris 10 update 4 and later method:
    projadd -c "Oracle" ''
    projmod -s -K "process.max-file-descriptor=(priv,1024,deny)" ''
    projmod -s -K "project.max-shm-memory=(privileged,25769803770,deny)" ''
    projmod -s -K "project.max-shm-ids=(privileged,1024,deny)" ''
    projmod -s -K "project.max-sem-ids=(privileged,1024,deny)" ''
    projmod -s -K "process.max-sem-nsems=(privileged,1024,deny)" ''
    But back to the OT, I've been told there are root project tweaks that don't really make sense to me and I've yet to find any viable documentation supporting this guys claim.

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    Best regards,
    Edited by: Fan Mou on Jul 22, 2009 11:49 AM

    Hi Fan Hou,
    The individual Purchase order scenario is as:
    Sales order  >Purchase Requisition>Purchase order-->Good receipt --> Delivery and PGI --> Billing(wrt Delivery)
    The  creation of purchase requisition and thereby purchase order is controlled by the schedule line(in std CB). The goods are received with ref. to PO.
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    2)LF-->F2 at header level .( can refer the std, )
    at item level it will have item category TAB.and will be as
    Copying requirements  004
    Data BARK/BURP  001
    Billing quantity  B(Delivery quantity less invoiced quantity)
    Pos./meg. quantity +
    Pricing type G
    For further reading /reference you can go through the:
    Hope this will help you.
    Revert us in case of any issue.

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    Here's my take on the same thing:
    Short answer: the dpi is set when you decide what size you're printing at.
    Long Answer: Dpi means nothing in the digital world of your computer. There are no "inches" to have "dots per..." Size is measured in pixels. That's the same on your camera. It doesn't take 10 x 8 or 6 x 4 shots. It takes shots measured in megapixels. For instance 4,000 x 3,000 is a 12 megapixel camera.
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    So, your photo as a fixed number of pixels. Changing the dimensions of the print will vary the dpi, changing the dpi will vary the dimensions of the print.
    For more see

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    That will work, as will any path underneath
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    Hmm. The defaults get written on the inetd serviceI believe, so exporting that would give you the
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    Which version of LabVIEW do you have?
    There are two ways of controlling your oscilloscope from LabVIEW, one is using the VISA functions (instrument i/o palette in LabVIEW)and another one is using an already built instrument driver, which you can download by going to, and then click on "resource library" at your left... then click in "instrument drivers", and then in "downloads" and then type in the "additional keywords" box type "tds 3052" and click SEEK... you will find a link for your instrument there... you can download that instrument driver and it fully functional with LabVIEW, now... the truth is that I have always used this drivers with a GPIB interface in the computer, in this case is only going to be by TCP/IP... so you can try to adapt the addresses instead of using an instrument type address, use the TCP/IP instrument type address and give it a try to see if it works. The address type for TCP/IP is stated below.
    First you need to have the latest version of NI-VISA installed, 2.5.2, which is shipped with LabVIEW 6i (version 2.5.0 and then download a patch for 2.5.2).
    Our solution for controlling instruments with Ethernet ports is NI-VISA.There are two possible situations:
    1) Instrument supports the VXI-11 protocol.
    The VXI-11 protocol was created to control instruments over Ethernet using the GPIB style. It has nothing to do with VXI, but it was there were it got approved.
    NI-VISA supports VXI-11 instruments, to the point that the only change in the instrument driver written with VISA is the identification string. Instead of using GPIB::1::INSTR, you can use TCPIP::ip address::instrument name::INSTR. (For example, with the Tek TDS 3054, the string would be: TCPIP::,1::INSTR). (Note that 'gpib0,1' has nothing to do GPIB..its just a name given to the could have been just 'tds3054' also if the instrument vendor chose to do so).
    2) Instrument DOES NOT support the VXI-11 protocol.
    In this case, you can still use NI-VISA to talk to the instrument using the NI-VISA Ethernet Sockets functions. However, you would have to take care of the specifics of the protocol used for the instrument. The instrument manufacturer should provide you with the details on how to control the instrument (commands, parsing, etc.).
    *** Tek's Scopes ***
    Tek introduced an ethernet interface for some of their scopes. We have a TDS3054 scope from Tek that is VXI-11 compliant. Since the TDS3054 is VXI-11 compliant, we used it at NIWeek to show how you could control it using the same code written for the instrument with the GPIB interface, by just changing the identification string.
    NI-VISA 2.5.2
    NI-VISA 2.5.0 introduced the support for instruments with Ethernet ports. Notice that LabVIEW 6i ships with the older 2.5.0 version. The patch to upgrade it to 2.5.2 is called NiViEnet.dll and is located in the ftp site at:
    So you can try this Kevin and see if it works for you, contact us back ( if you need further assistance.
    Good luck!...
    Nestor Sanchez
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments
    National Instruments

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    Hi Sudhakar,
    If you are used to working with ant then you can very well use eclipse to deploy your web service.
    You would usually have the ant script in the source root working directory. From eclipse if you select the build file from the navigator view and right click you will see a run ant option in the pop up menu.
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    Hope this helps
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    The above table could be filled with data when we perform any activities in ESS and MSS.
    I wanted to know what are all required configuration to get data in to the table T5SSCXSSSERVICES
    I understand below mentioned configuration are required:
    IMG Node 1: Activate Data Tracking for All Self-Services
    IMG Node2: Set Data Tracking for Individual Self-Services
    Is it required to activate Business FunctionS et - HR Administartive Servcices?
    Guide me with more inputs,

    Hi Ramanathan,
    I am facing the same doubt now, are you able to share your experience on how to populate  T5SSCXSSSERVICES ? Appreciate that, and thank you in advance.
    Kir Chern

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    Whenever I reboot a domain controller that a certificate server is using, the certificate server generates an event 77:
    The "Windows Default" Policy Module logged the following warning .... The active directory connection to .... has been re-established.
    This then puts my server into an unhealthy state.
    However the server has recovered by this time and I want to stop having to manually reset the health.
    System Center Operations Manager 2012 R2.

    Thanks I know how to do that.
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    Event 9: Source: Microsoft-Windows-CertificationAuthority. "Active Directory Certificate Services did not start: Unable to load a policy module."
    Event 43: Microsoft-Windows-CertificationAuthority. "The "%1" policy module "%2" method caused an exception at address %4. The exception code is %3."
    Event 44: Microsoft-Windows-CertificationAuthority. "The "%1" policy module "%2" method returned an error. %5 The returned status code is %3. %4"
    Event 77: Microsoft-Windows-CertificationAuthority. "The "%1" policy module logged the following warning: %2"
    Event 78: Microsoft-Windows-CertificationAuthority. "The "%1" policy module logged the following error: %2"
    I would like to exclude Event 77 from the alert. but not the others..

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    t2000, 32gb ram, 32gb swap and 20 zones
    Applications run only in zones.
    How can I set cpu-shares, max-swap and capped memory just for security purpose?

    I'm of the opinion that the safest strategy for proactive resource management is CPU only. Playing with memory can have some effects that I'm not crazy about. Nothing unmanageable, but it can really confuse end-users unless you spend a lot of time educating them. The other consideration is that behind most resource pulls are increases in CPU use. Not always, but a lot of the time. So, if you must be proactive, go with CPU.
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