How to retrieve my firefox sync account name and password ?

Comment retrouver le compte et le mot de passe de connexion a firefox sync ?

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    Delete all apps that were purchased with the former ID and renown load or purchase them with your ID.

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    Why have 5 accounts if you need to access all of them.. just have one account?
    Sorry I cannot follow why you would even use the PC to control the Time Capsule. Apple have not kept the Windows version of the utility up to date.. so they keep making it harder and harder to run windows with apple routers.

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    Hunter of Sock Monsters thanks...I did follow your advise.  I went to the iforgot site and tried answering the secret questions twice.  I got the "wrong answer", so the next time I asked for an email authentication.  I am still waiting. I don't know what the usual time for waiting normally is. I am still waiting for an email reply from three days ago.  I'm not going to hold my breath.  My ipad is out of warranty but I may have to beg for help from support? I'll wait awhile longer.  Maybe there is another thing someone could come up with.  I appreciate your fast reply Hunter.

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    Thank you so much! I was afraid I was going to have to contact a dozen server administrators and recharge a dozen different passwords and then make sure that everyone up and down the line had the new ones, etc.
    I'm going to look into finding the article you mentioned.
    Thanks, again!

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    Delete your Gmail account from the Mail/Contacts/Calendars settings page, and then add it back in using the new Gmail password.

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    You need to reset the password for the "old" account, and then use that to turn off iCloud.  Then you will be able to sign in with your new ID.
    You can reset your password at
    If you don't know the answers to the security questions, you will need to start there.
    -If you established a rescue email address, there will be a link on the "Passwords & Security" page of  Clicking the link will send the reset to your rescue email address (NOTE:  This is not the same address as your Apple ID email)
    -If there is no link on the page, then you didn't establish a rescue email address.  Contact AppleCare at 800.694.7466 (If you are in the US), and ask for account security.  You will need to answer some questions to verify your identity, AND you will need access to a computer to generate a temporary support pin.
    -If you are not in the US, click - Apple ID: Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security

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    Select the network from the Airport icon drop down in the menu. Then put in the password.

  • Unable to verify account name and password

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    Help Please???
    Thank You.

    Try this, it worked for me:
    System Preferences --> Mail, Contacts, & Calendars --> Remove your Twitter account by clicking on the at the bottom of the left hand pane in the window.
    Go to your Twitter account and under your Settings --> Apps, revoke access to OS X Integration and click 'Save'.
    Return to your System Preferences where you removed your account and attempt to add the account again. After you enter your @username and password, attempt to use the app in the notification window.
    It fixed the problem for me and even gave access to the OS X Integration back to my apps on my Twitter account.
    Prior to this, the Mail, Contacts, & Calendars would tell me that it was 'Unable to verify account username and password'. Very frustrating.
    I hope this helps you!

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    Hi carolweiwei,
    Thank you for your post and welcome to the forums!
    If you cannot remember the user name and password you've used on Nokia Music, please visit this page, where you can use your mobile number to get a text message with your username and a password reset link. 
    Let us know if this helps,
    If you find this post helpful, a click upon the white star at bottom would always be appreciated.
    If it also solves your problem, clicking ACCEPT AS SOLUTION below it will benefit other users!

  • Had my XP o/s replaced and now unable to sync with Firefox Favorites on the web - does not recognize my account name and password.

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    '''''"... But I have my laptop next to me, signed in to sync ..."'''''
    Which version of Firefox?
    Firefox 29 brought a new version of Sync ''[a year ago]'', so if you are using an older version of Firefox on that laptop, see this KB article - [[How to update to the new Firefox Sync]]
    You'll need to update Firefox on that Laptop to continue using Sync on it after updating your Sync account.

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    If you clicked "Not now" then Firefox will ask again on the next visit to that log in page.<br />
    If you clicked "Never" then you create an exception and you need to remove that exception.
    You can remove exceptions here: Tools > Options > Security: Passwords: Exceptions
    See also [[Remembering passwords]]

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    Am using a Mac Mini.

    I had been using an earlier version of Contribute, but when I upgraded to a Mac Mini, it no longer worked.   Then I got a new version on a trial basis.   When I tried to load to go full time with it a couple of days ago, I was asked for the SFTP number, user name and password.   I am trying to download and use on my Mac Mini in my home office.
    I just don't know what the SFTP number is or where I'd find it.   I'm an uninformed, non-technical computer user.
    Bob Vereen

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    Restoring an iPad from an iTunes-generated backup should not require an Apple ID password.
    Did you encrypt the iPad backup? If so, then trying to restore will require entering the encryption password.

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