How to run diagnostics on macbook pro

my mac keeps crashing and I want to run diagnostics but can't remeber how to access this at  start-up

Try option d. This will attempt to load an Internet version of Apple Hardware Test.
Your Mac would have to be one of the following models, and have its firmware updated, if applicable:
Computers that can be upgraded to use OS X Internet Recovery

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    this is from another discussion:
    Re: MacBook doesn't sleep when closing lid with external monitor attached with Lion     Oct 14, 2011 7:01 PM    (in response to admgtz) 
    I would like to offer this solution.  I have a MacBook Pro with an external monitor, and, for a year and a half both displays slept when I closed the MBPS.  This behavior stopped when I installed Lion.  They would sleep when I removed the power cord, but what a pain that would be.  The command "pmset -g assertions" gave no indication of which process ought be preventing sleep.
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    This is the important part:
    Correct AnswerRe: How do I tell Lion to disable the LCD screen even when the lid is open?
    Aug 31, 2011 9:56 AM (in response to Bob_viking)
    Here's the command to make your laptop behave like it did Pre-Lion (courtesy of my friend):
    sudo nvram boot-args="iog=0x0"
    Works perfectly for me. If it screws up your system, just zap the PRAM next boot (cmd-opt-p-r) and you'll be back to the default Lion state. Or if you can still get into terminal, this command will get you back to Lion's default state as well:
    sudo nvram -d boot-args
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    natgray17 wrote:
    I don't know about your first question... I went to finder, preferences, then general but I didn't see anything for the hard drive. 
    Huh, in the Finder menu, Preferences, you will see this:
    Nope, disk utility cannot see it. I've tried unplugging it and plugging it back in but it still won't recognize it.puter that's a Mac...
    If DU cannot see it then the preferences is just an academic exercise.
    If this is a USB drive then as mentioned above you may need a powered USB hub since there may not be enough power from the USB to run the drive.  What else do you have plugged into the USB ports?  If there's some stuff you can unplug it then do it and see if your drive mounts.
    What do you mean from a Windows machine? It's a Toshiba hard drive and I put my music on it from my home computer that's a Mac...
    Which is all I wanted to know, i.e., whether the drive came from a Winows machine.  So it's been formatted and created on a mac.  Therefore it should mount on this other mac machine.  So it most likely is a power problem.

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    msmedia wrote:
    I do not currently own OS X ML.
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    I have not done what you want to do, so can only offer some general thoughts in support. Take value from the following where you can. No guarantees.
    If it was me, I would use a disk clone utility (e.g. Carbon Copy Cloner) to image the existing Snow Leopard disk to an external drive. Then verify that the external drive would boot and run Snow Leopard normally.
    I would then purchase and download the Mountain Lion upgrade installer, but not run it. Use Lion Diskmaker to make a bootable USB stick, and perform a clean install of Mountain Lion, replacing the Snow Leopard on your MBP. This way, you make absolutely certain that no third-party drivers or other SL cruft remains to make Mountain Lion unstable. Update to latest ML point release. Fix permissions. Let TimeMachine make a full backup of your ML installation to a different external drive. Then turn of Time Machine.
    In Disk Utility, use the + sign at the bottom of the ML partition to add another GUID, HFS+ Journaled partition for Snow Leopard. Resize to taste. Name it differently from your ML partition. Exhale.
    Now ideally, you would like to reverse the external clone and put it back into the new SL partition. Then fix permissions. And demonstrate that you can boot into individually stable OS X installations. This would save you alot of work. Resist copying your home directory into ML just yet.
    If you cannot successfully achieve the preceding paragraph, you will be faced with a full SL and application reinstall.
    The ~/Library contents for SL and ML are sufficiently different that you do not want to mix them. You may want to salvage Safari bookmarks.plist. And, ML created folders in the home directory may have different permissions or ACL settings than in SL. So, my rule of thumb would be to copy folders that you created in SL, and only the contents of matching named OS created folders such as Music, Pictures, Downloads, etc.
    For each operating system, you probably want the Time Machine settings to exclude the opposite OS X partition. If you use the same host name in Sharing prefs, then you will mix SL and ML backups on the same Time Machine back up drive. If you use different host names, they will be distinct folders in the Time Machine backups.backupdb and allow discrete restores per host. You may also want to gag Spotlight from indexing the opposite OS X partition.

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    pennbank wrote:
    The macbook has to be in sleep or shutdown mode if using an inverter
    more possible fixes here
    Although that may be true with some inverters it is not for all of them. If the inverter can get enough power to invert you can run a power saw off them, depending on the size of the inverter.
    Problems start because people buy the lowest cost unit they "THINK" will work based on the printed specs when in fact they need a bigger unit.

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    The above assumes you are running current software.
    Mac - OX X 10.9.2, Pages 5.1.
    iPad - iOS 7.0.6, Pages 2.1.

  • How can i get my macbook pro too stay on and not sleep when lid is closed?

    how can i get my macbook pro too stay on and not sleep when lid is closed?

    If the machine is asleep, lid closed, and you plug in to an external monitor and an external USB keyboard, the machine will wake, anbd reconfigure the screen resolution for the external monitor, Once it has made this configuration change, you can open the lid and it will continue to address only the external monitor.  At least that's how my early MacBook Pro unibody 13" works. It seems to run a bit cooler this way. It gets quite toasty with the lid closed while doing anything demanding and you are more likely to hear the fan come on.  I have not seen any temps that would cause alarm, but I do get a high speed (6000 rpm), noisy fan sometimes with the lid closed, .
    If you operate in the open-lid, external monitor only mode, if you deactivate the monitor for any reason, when it reactivates it will be running both screens, with all the navigation hassles this entails, so I generally set it not to deactivate the screen when in this mode.
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    thanks, really sorry for my english

    ticoy wrote:
    sorry I dont understand what try to say me (because my english), I have MacBook Pro a 2,53 GHz, MacBookPro5,4, Intel Core 2 Duo
    (MC118*/A), I buy in september, came with snow disc.
    That is the one I have and it has only one fan. I have had it apart. Here is a picture I took of it inside:
    This is one of the simplest, cleanest laptops I have seen inside since the very first Mac laptops like the PB-145, PB-180.

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    Hello ! my macbook pro(13) stars more slowly then before . i am sure there are many unnecessary files that should be deleted. i want my macbook pro to be lke the fist day. So how can i reset my macbook pro without not deleting the ilife pack. ?

    çağrı şahaplıoğlu wrote:
    Hello ! my macbook pro(13) stars more slowly then before .
    Your issue may not have anything to do with your files, it could be a corrupted cache file, reinstalling your OS and files from backup could be overkill and too much work.
    Run ALL of the free OnyX's checks, cleaning and maintainence aspects (not the log files) and reboot at the end.
    Your machine will act a bit slow until the caches and spotlight are rebuilt, but it should act faster
    Your next step is to use OnyX Verify Preferences and "show only corrupt plist" files
    If you find some, make a note of their location and remove then to your desktop and reboot and start the programs responsible, reset your preferences.

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