How to setup an IPSec VPN Tunnel Cisco 2320 Vs RVS4000

Hello all.
This forum has always helped me in all my investigations about VPN and now I'm gonna help everyone with this post.
I have succesfully config an IPSec VPN Tunnel by using a Router Scientific Atlanta Cisco 2320 and a RVS4000 4-Port Gigabit Security Router with  VPN.
On the site of Router Scientific Atlanta Cisco 2320 this is some info:
Router Local IP:
Subnet: 192.168.5.X
Subnet Mask:
On the site of RVS4000 4-Port Gigabit Security Router with  VPN this is some info:
Router Local IP:
Subnet: 192.168.0.X
Subnet Mask:
Remember that you can not be on the same range of IP, I mean, you can not have 192.168.0.X if the remote network is on 192.168.0.X, you have to change some of the Routers.
I show the configuration on Router Scientific Atlanta Cisco 2320:
I show the configuration on RVS4000 4-Port Gigabit Security Router with  VPN:
If all is correctly configured, you should see on Router Scientific Atlanta Cisco 2320 the Status Connected:
If all is correctly configured, you should see on RVS4000 4-Port Gigabit Security Router with  VPN the Status Up:
As you can see, I'm connected to the remote Router (RVS4000 4-Port Gigabit Security Router with  VPN) by my own web browser accesing by the local IP
I have used Authentication MD5, maybe is not the best one but I had no time to test SHA1, I will when I will have time.
I wish that this help to anyone that need to do this.
Best regards!

Thanks a ton for posting this out here. I am sure it will be helpful for people trying this out.

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  • Cisco 881 ISR IPSec VPN Tunnel does not pass traffic from the vlan.

    I have a cisco 881 ISR Router with a site-to-site IPsec vpn tunnel to a mikrotik device on the other end (I inherited this from my client). The tunnel is constructed properly and is up, however traffic does not pass or get routed to the FA4 interface. I see in my packet captures that it hits the vlan1 interface (vlans are required on the L2 ports) and does not pass to the tunnel.
    This is my configuration:
    141Kerioth#sh config
    Using 3763 out of 262136 bytes
    ! Last configuration change at 01:02:41 UTC Mon May 26 2014 by admin
    version 15.2
    no service pad
    service timestamps debug datetime msec
    service timestamps log datetime msec
    no service password-encryption
    hostname 141Kerioth
    logging buffered 51200 warnings
    aaa new-model
    141Kerioth#do wr mem
    % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
    141Kerioth#wr mem
    Building configuration...
    141Kerioth#sh run
    Building configuration...
    Current configuration : 5053 bytes
    ! Last configuration change at 01:38:06 UTC Mon May 26 2014 by admin
    version 15.2
    no service pad
    service timestamps debug datetime msec
    service timestamps log datetime msec
    no service password-encryption
    hostname 141Kerioth
    logging buffered 51200 warnings
    aaa new-model
    aaa authentication login default local
    aaa authentication ppp default local
    aaa session-id common
    memory-size iomem 10
    crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-580381394
     enrollment selfsigned
     subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-580381394
     revocation-check none
     rsakeypair TP-self-signed-580381394
    crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-580381394
     certificate self-signed 01
      30820229 30820192 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 05050030
      30312E30 2C060355 04031325 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274
      69666963 6174652D 35383033 38313339 34301E17 0D313430 35323231 38323333
      365A170D 32303031 30313030 30303030 5A303031 2E302C06 03550403 1325494F
      532D5365 6C662D53 69676E65 642D4365 72746966 69636174 652D3538 30333831
      33393430 819F300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010105 0003818D 00308189 02818100
      B001A012 2CA6970C 0648798B 2A786704 84F2D989 83974B19 9B4287F2 4503D2C9
      173F23C4 FF34D160 202A7565 4A1CE08B 60B3ADAE 6E19EE6E 9CD39E72 71F9650E
      930F22FE C4441F9C 2D7DD420 71F75DFC 3CCAC94E BA304685 E0E62658 A3E8D01C
      D01D7D6A 5AF0B0E6 3CF6AF3A B7E51F83 9BF6D38E 65254E1F 71369718 ADADD691
      02030100 01A35330 51300F06 03551D13 0101FF04 05300301 01FF301F 0603551D
      23041830 168014D6 24878F12 1FFADF2F 537A438E 6DD7FB6B D79E4130 1D060355
      1D0E0416 0414D624 878F121F FADF2F53 7A438E6D D7FB6BD7 9E41300D 06092A86
      4886F70D 01010505 00038181 00771667 FCA66002 8AB9E5FB F210012F C50B586F
      9A9640BB 45B4CEFD 030A38C0 E610AAC8 B41EF3C4 E55810F9 B2C727CF C1DEFCF1
      0846E7BC 1D95420E 5DADB5F8 EFE7EB37 B5433B80 4FF787D4 B1F2A527 06F065A4
      00522E97 A9D2335C E83C4AE1 E68D7A41 9D0046A7 ADCC282B 7527F84D E71CC567
      14EF37EA 15E57AD0 3C5D01F3 EF
    ip dhcp excluded-address
    ip dhcp pool ccp-pool
     import all
     lease 0 2
    ip domain name
    ip host hostname.domain z.z.z.z
    ip name-server
    ip name-server
    ip cef
    no ipv6 cef
    license udi pid CISCO881-K9 sn FTX180483DD
    username admin privilege 15 secret 4 CmmfIy.RPySmo4Q2gEIZ2jlr3J.bTBAszoe5Bry0z4c
    username meadowbrook privilege 0 password 0 $8UBr#Ux
    username meadowbrook autocommand exit
    policy-map type inspect outbound-policy
    crypto isakmp policy 1
     encr 3des
     authentication pre-share
     group 5
    crypto isakmp key 141Township address z.z.z.z
    crypto isakmp keepalive 10
    crypto ipsec transform-set TS esp-3des esp-sha-hmac
     mode tunnel
    crypto map mymap 10 ipsec-isakmp
     set peer z.z.z.z
     set transform-set TS
     match address 115
    interface Loopback0
     no ip address
    interface Tunnel1
     no ip address
    interface FastEthernet0
     no ip address
    interface FastEthernet1
     no ip address
    interface FastEthernet2
     no ip address
    interface FastEthernet3
     no ip address
    interface FastEthernet4
     description $FW_OUTSIDE_WAN$
     ip address 50.y.y.y
     ip nat outside
     ip virtual-reassembly in
     duplex auto
     speed auto
     crypto map mymap
    interface Vlan1
     description $ETH_LAN$
     ip address
     ip nat inside
     ip virtual-reassembly in
     ip tcp adjust-mss 1452
    ip forward-protocol nd
    ip http server
    ip http access-class 23
    ip http authentication local
    ip http secure-server
    ip http timeout-policy idle 60 life 86400 requests 10000
    ip nat inside source list 115 interface Vlan1 overload
    ip nat inside source list 199 interface FastEthernet4 overload
    ip nat inside source route-map nonat interface FastEthernet4 overload
    ip route 50.x.x.x
    access-list 110 deny   ip
    access-list 110 permit ip any
    access-list 115 permit ip
    access-list 144 permit icmp host c.c.c.c host
    access-list 144 permit icmp host p.p.p.p host
    access-list 199 permit ip a.a.a.a any
    no cdp run
    route-map nonat permit 10
     match ip address 100
    line con 0
     no modem enable
    line aux 0
    line vty 0 4
     access-class 1 in
     exec-timeout 30 0
     privilege level 15
     transport preferred ssh
     transport input ssh
    line vty 5 15
     access-class 23 in
     privilege level 15
     transport input telnet ssh
    cns trusted-server all-agents x.x.x.x
    cns trusted-server all-agents hostname
    cns trusted-server all-agents hostname.domain
    cns id hardware-serial
    cns id hardware-serial event
    cns id hardware-serial image
    cns event hostname.domain 11011
    cns config initial hostname.domain 80
    cns config partial hostname.domain 80
    cns exec 80

    Why do you have following command on the PIX?
    crypto map outside_map 40 set transform-set 165.228.x.x
    Also you have this transform set on the PIX:
    crypto ipsec transform-set esp-aes-256 esp-sha-hmac
    This does not match the transfor set on the router:
    crypto ipsec transform-set tritest esp-3des esp-md5-hmac
    Where are you using the access-list/route-map
    101 ?

  • Site-2-Site IPSEC VPN tunnel will not come up.

    Hello Experts,
    Just wondering if I can get some help on setting up a IPSEC VPN tunnel between a Cisco 2921 and ASA 550x. Below is the config
    show run | s crypto
    crypto pki token default removal timeout 0
    crypto isakmp policy 1
    encr aes
    authentication pre-share
    group 2
    lifetime 28800
    crypto isakmp key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx address A.A.A.A
    crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-AES128-SHA esp-aes esp-sha-hmac
    mode transport
    crypto map ICQ-2-ILAND 1 ipsec-isakmp
    set peer A.A.A.A
    set transform-set ESP-AES128-SHA
    match address iland_london_s2s_vpn
    crypto map ICQ-2-ILAND
    The config on the remote end has not been shared with me, so I don't know if I am doing something wrong locally or if the remote end is wrongly configured.
    The command Sh crypto isakmp sa displays the following
    show crypto isakmp sa
    IPv4 Crypto ISAKMP SA
    dst             src             state          conn-id status
    A.A.A.A    B.B.B.B   MM_NO_STATE       1231 ACTIVE (deleted)
    IPv6 Crypto ISAKMP SA
    show crypto session
    Crypto session current status
    Interface: GigabitEthernet0/0
    Session status: DOWN-NEGOTIATING
    Peer: A.A.A.A port 500
      IKEv1 SA: local B.B.B.B/500 remote A.A.A.A/500 Inactive
      IKEv1 SA: local B.B.B.B/500 remote A.A.A.A/500 Inactive
      IPSEC FLOW: permit ip
            Active SAs: 0, origin: crypto map
      IPSEC FLOW: permit ip
            Active SAs: 0, origin: crypto map
    The debug logs from the debug crypto isakmp command are listed below.
    ISAKMP:(0): local preshared key found
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP : Scanning profiles for xauth ...
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:(0):Checking ISAKMP transform 1 against priority 1 policy
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:      encryption AES-CBC
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:      keylength of 128
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:      hash SHA
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:      default group 2
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:      auth pre-share
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:      life type in seconds
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:      life duration (basic) of 28800
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:(0):atts are acceptable. Next payload is 0
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:(0):Acceptable atts:actual life: 0
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:(0):Acceptable atts:life: 0
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:(0):Basic life_in_seconds:28800
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:(0):Returning Actual lifetime: 28800
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:(0)::Started lifetime timer: 28800.
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:(0): processing vendor id payload
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:(0): vendor ID seems Unity/DPD but major 123 mismatch
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:(0): vendor ID is NAT-T v2
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:(0): processing vendor id payload
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:(0): processing IKE frag vendor id payload
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:(0):Support for IKE Fragmentation not enabled
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:(0):Input = IKE_MESG_INTERNAL, IKE_PROCESS_MAIN_MODE
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:(0):Old State = IKE_I_MM2  New State = IKE_I_MM2
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:(0): sending packet to A.A.A.A my_port 500 peer_port 500 (I) MM_SA_SETUP
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:(0):Sending an IKE IPv4 Packet.
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:(0):Input = IKE_MESG_INTERNAL, IKE_PROCESS_COMPLETE
    Dec  6 08:51:52.019: ISAKMP:(0):Old State = IKE_I_MM2  New State = IKE_I_MM3
    Dec  6 08:51:52.155: ISAKMP (0): received packet from A.A.A.A dport 500 sport 500 Global (I) MM_SA_SETUP
    Dec  6 08:51:52.155: ISAKMP:(0):Input = IKE_MESG_FROM_PEER, IKE_MM_EXCH
    Dec  6 08:51:52.155: ISAKMP:(0):Old State = IKE_I_MM3  New State = IKE_I_MM4
    Dec  6 08:51:52.155: ISAKMP:(0): processing KE payload. message ID = 0
    Dec  6 08:51:52.175: ISAKMP:(0): processing NONCE payload. message ID = 0
    Dec  6 08:51:52.175: ISAKMP:(0):found peer pre-shared key matching A.A.A.A
    Dec  6 08:51:52.175: ISAKMP:(1227): processing vendor id payload
    Dec  6 08:51:52.175: ISAKMP:(1227): vendor ID is Unity
    Dec  6 08:51:52.175: ISAKMP:(1227): processing vendor id payload
    Dec  6 08:51:52.175: ISAKMP:(1227): vendor ID seems Unity/DPD but major 92 mismatch
    Dec  6 08:51:52.175: ISAKMP:(1227): vendor ID is XAUTH
    Dec  6 08:51:52.175: ISAKMP:(1227): processing vendor id payload
    Dec  6 08:51:52.175: ISAKMP:(1227): speaking to another IOS box!
    Dec  6 08:51:52.175: ISAKMP:(1227): processing vendor id payload
    Dec  6 08:51:52.175: ISAKMP:(1227):vendor ID seems Unity/DPD but hash mismatch
    Dec  6 08:51:52.175: ISAKMP:received payload type 20
    Dec  6 08:51:52.175: ISAKMP (1227): His hash no match - this node outside NAT
    Dec  6 08:51:52.175: ISAKMP:received payload type 20
    Dec  6 08:51:52.175: ISAKMP (1227): No NAT Found for self or peer
    Dec  6 08:51:52.175: ISAKMP:(1227):Input = IKE_MESG_INTERNAL, IKE_PROCESS_MAIN_MODE
    Dec  6 08:51:52.179: ISAKMP:(1227):Old State = IKE_I_MM4  New State = IKE_I_MM4
    Dec  6 08:51:52.179: ISAKMP:(1227):Send initial contact
    Dec  6 08:51:52.179: ISAKMP:(1227):SA is doing pre-shared key authentication using id type ID_IPV4_ADDR
    Dec  6 08:51:52.179: ISAKMP (1227): ID payload
            next-payload : 8
            type         : 1
            address      : B.B.B.B
            protocol     : 17
            port         : 500
            length       : 12
    Dec  6 08:51:52.179: ISAKMP:(1227):Total payload length: 12
    Dec  6 08:51:52.179: ISAKMP:(1227): sending packet to A.A.A.A my_port 500 peer_port 500 (I) MM_KEY_EXCH
    Dec  6 08:51:52.179: ISAKMP:(1227):Sending an IKE IPv4 Packet.
    Dec  6 08:51:52.179: ISAKMP:(1227):Input = IKE_MESG_INTERNAL, IKE_PROCESS_COMPLETE
    Dec  6 08:51:52.179: ISAKMP:(1227):Old State = IKE_I_MM4  New State = IKE_I_MM5
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP (1227): received packet from A.A.A.A dport 500 sport 500 Global (I) MM_KEY_EXCH
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP:(1227): processing ID payload. message ID = 0
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP (1227): ID payload
            next-payload : 8
            type         : 1
            address      : A.A.A.A
            protocol     : 17
            port         : 0
            length       : 12
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP:(0):: peer matches *none* of the profiles
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP:(1227): processing HASH payload. message ID = 0
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP:received payload type 17
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP:(1227): processing vendor id payload
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP:(1227): vendor ID is DPD
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP:(1227):SA authentication status:
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP:(1227):SA has been authenticated with A.A.A.A
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP: Trying to insert a peer B.B.B.B/A.A.A.A/500/,  and inserted successfully 2B79E8BC.
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP:(1227):Input = IKE_MESG_FROM_PEER, IKE_MM_EXCH
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP:(1227):Old State = IKE_I_MM5  New State = IKE_I_MM6
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP:(1227):Input = IKE_MESG_INTERNAL, IKE_PROCESS_MAIN_MODE
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP:(1227):Old State = IKE_I_MM6  New State = IKE_I_MM6
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP:(1227):Input = IKE_MESG_INTERNAL, IKE_PROCESS_COMPLETE
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP:(1227):Old State = IKE_I_MM6  New State = IKE_P1_COMPLETE
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP:(1227):beginning Quick Mode exchange, M-ID of 1511581970
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP:(1227):QM Initiator gets spi
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP:(1227): sending packet to A.A.A.A my_port 500 peer_port 500 (I) QM_IDLE
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP:(1227):Sending an IKE IPv4 Packet.
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP:(1227):Node 1511581970, Input = IKE_MESG_INTERNAL, IKE_INIT_QM
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP:(1227):Old State = IKE_QM_READY  New State = IKE_QM_I_QM1
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP:(1227):Input = IKE_MESG_INTERNAL, IKE_PHASE1_COMPLETE
    Dec  6 08:51:52.315: ISAKMP:(1227):Old State = IKE_P1_COMPLETE  New State = IKE_P1_COMPLETE
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP (1227): received packet from A.A.A.A dport 500 sport 500 Global (I) QM_IDLE
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP: set new node -1740216573 to QM_IDLE
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP:(1227): processing HASH payload. message ID = 2554750723
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP:(1227): processing NOTIFY PROPOSAL_NOT_CHOSEN protocol 3
            spi 0, message ID = 2554750723, sa = 0x2B78D574
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP:(1227):deleting node -1740216573 error FALSE reason "Informational (in) state 1"
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP:(1227):Input = IKE_MESG_FROM_PEER, IKE_INFO_NOTIFY
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP:(1227):Old State = IKE_P1_COMPLETE  New State = IKE_P1_COMPLETE
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP (1227): received packet from A.A.A.A dport 500 sport 500 Global (I) QM_IDLE
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP: set new node 1297146574 to QM_IDLE
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP:(1227): processing HASH payload. message ID = 1297146574
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP:(1227): processing DELETE payload. message ID = 1297146574
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP:(1227):peer does not do paranoid keepalives.
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP:(1227):deleting SA reason "No reason" state (I) QM_IDLE       (peer A.A.A.A)
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP:(1227):deleting node 1297146574 error FALSE reason "Informational (in) state 1"
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP: set new node -1178304129 to QM_IDLE
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP:(1227): sending packet to A.A.A.A my_port 500 peer_port 500 (I) QM_IDLE
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP:(1227):Sending an IKE IPv4 Packet.
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP:(1227):purging node -1178304129
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP:(1227):Input = IKE_MESG_INTERNAL, IKE_PHASE1_DEL
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP:(1227):Old State = IKE_P1_COMPLETE  New State = IKE_DEST_SA
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP:(1227):deleting SA reason "No reason" state (I) QM_IDLE       (peer A.A.A.A)
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP: Unlocking peer struct 0x2B79E8BC for isadb_mark_sa_deleted(), count 0
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP: Deleting peer node by peer_reap for A.A.A.A: 2B79E8BC
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP:(1227):deleting node 1511581970 error FALSE reason "IKE deleted"
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP:(1227):Input = IKE_MESG_FROM_PEER, IKE_MM_EXCH
    Dec  6 08:51:52.455: ISAKMP:(1227):Old State = IKE_DEST_SA  New State = IKE_DEST_SA
    would appreciate any help you can provide.
    Sidney Dsouza

    Hi Anuj,
    thanks for responding. Here are the logs from the debug crypto ipsec
    Dec 10 15:54:38.099 UTC: IPSEC(sa_request): ,
      (key eng. msg.) OUTBOUND local= B.B.B.B:500, remote= A.A.A.A:500,
        local_proxy= (type=4),
        remote_proxy= (type=4),
        protocol= ESP, transform= esp-aes esp-sha-hmac  (Tunnel),
        lifedur= 3600s and 4608000kb,
        spi= 0x0(0), conn_id= 0, keysize= 128, flags= 0x0
    Dec 10 15:54:38.671 UTC: IPSEC(key_engine): got a queue event with 1 KMI message(s)
    thats all that appeared after pinging the remote subnet.

  • How to nat subnets before establishing site to site ipsec vpn tunnel?

    Coming across requirement which is new to me as I have not done this setup. Details as follows. Hope some1 can help.
    Requirement: nat existing subnets to subnet which is allowed at another firewall.
    Existing device: Cisco 5510 where I need to do this NAT.
    Existing scenario in short: I have created vlans on asa by creating sub interfaces.
    Changes done: added new sub int for Added new object as . Now done with creation of acl where traffic from to remote subnets allowed. In NAT object sections done nating 1 to 1 I.e. existing subnet to
    Done ipsec vpn setup inc phase 1 & 2.
    Now tried to ping remote hosts but not reachable.
    Pls advice how to make it work.
    I dont any router next to asa 5510. Asa is in routed mode. Next hop to asa is isp's mux.

    Hello. Pls find my answers inline
    I first got the picture that the NAT network is and some other networks should be NATed to this.
    Answer: Thats correct.
    Later on it seems that you have configured this to some interface on the ASA?
    Answer: Yes as I have defined vlan's on ASA itself. i.e. other subnets too i.e. 10.x series & 192.168.222.x series. I used Ethernet 0/0 as main interface for all LAN networks and have created sub interfaces i.e. vlan's on it. Using 3COM switch down to ASA to terminate those vlan's & distribute to unmanaged switches. Due to port limitations on ASA I have configured vlans on ASA itself. Ethernet 0/2 is my WAN interfacei.e. ISP link terminates on Eth 0/2 port.
    So  are you attempting to NAT some other LAN networks to this single NAT  network before the traffic heads to the L2L VPN connection on your ASA?
    Answer: Yes thats right. Attempting to NAT multiple networks to single NAT before traffic head to L2L VPN connecting from my ASA 5510 to remote Citrix firewall.
    Can  you then mention what are the source networks and source interfaces for  these networks? What is the destination network at the remote end of  the L2L VPN connection?
    Answer:    Source networks =  10.100.x series & 192.168.222.x series / Destination networks are from 192.168.228.x , 192.168.229.x series.  Remote admin wants us to NAT our multiple subnets to single subnet i.e. and then traffic from this subnet is allowed at remote end.
    Do  you want to just do a NAT Pool of the network for all  your Internet users OR does the remote end also have to be able to  connect to some of your sites hosts/servers?
    Answer:  Yes just want to NAT LAN subnets to for all LAN users. 1 way access. I am going to access remote servers.
    The new thing for me is how to NAT multiple subnets. I have existing ipsec vpn's where I have added multiple subnets which is traditional set up for me. This requirement is new to me.

  • How can I improve performance over a Branch Office IPsec vpn tunnel between and SA540 and an SA520

    I just deployed one Cisco SA540 and three SA520s.
    The SA540 is at the Main Site.
    The three SA520s are the the spoke sites.
    Main Site:
    Downstream Speed: 32 Mbps
    Upstream Speed: 9.4 Mbps
    Spoke Site#1:
    Downstream Speed: 3.6 Mbps
    Upstream Speed: 7.2 Mbps (yes, the US is faster than the DS at the time the speed test was taken).
    The SA tunnels are "Established"
    I see packets being tranmsitted and received.
    Pinging across the tunnel has an average speed of 32 ms (which is good).
    DNS resolves names to ip addresses flawlessly and quickly across the Inter-network.
    But it takes from 10 to 15 minutes to log on to the domain from the Spoke Site#1 to the Main Site across the vpn tunnel.
    It takes about 15 minutes to print across the vpn tunnel.
    The remedy this, we have implemented Terminal Services across the Internet.
    Printing takes about 1 minute over the Terminal Service Connection, while it takes about 15 minutes over the VPN.
    Logging on to the network takes about 10 minutes over the vpn tunnel.
    Using an LOB application takes about 2 minutes per transaction across the vpn tunnel; it takes seconds using Terminal Services.
    I have used ASAs before in other implementation without any issues at all.
    I am wondering if I replaced the SAs with ASAs, that they may fix my problem.
    I wanted to go Small Business Pro, to take advantage of the promotions and because I am a Select Certified Partner, but from my experience, these SA vpn tunnels are unuseable.
    I opened a case with Small Business Support on Friday evening, but they couldnt even figure out how to rename an IKE Policy Name (I figured out that you had to delete the IKE Policy; you cannot rename them once they are created).
    Maybe the night weekend shift has a skeleton crew, and the best engineers are available at that time or something....i dont know.
    I just know that my experience with the Cisco TAC has been great for the last 10 years.
    My short experience with the Cisco Small Business Support Center has not been as great at all.
    Bottom Line:
    I am going to open another case with the Day Shift tomorrow and see if they can find a way to speed things up.
    Now this is not just happening between the Main Site and Spoke Site #1 above. It is also happeninng between the Main Site and Spoke #2 (I think Spoke#2 has a Download Speed of about 3Mbps and and Upload Speed of about 0.5 Mbps.
    Please help.
    I would hate to dismiss SA5xx series without making sure it is not just a simple configuration setting.

    Hi Anthony,
    I agree!.  My partner wants to just replace the SA5xxs with ASAs, as we have never had problems with ASA vpn performance.
    But I want to know WHY this is happening too.
    I will definitely run a sniffer trace to see what is happening.
    Here are some other things I have learned from the Cisco Small Business Support Center (except for Item 1 which I learned from you!)
    1.  Upgrade the SA540 at the Main Site to 2.1.45.
    2a. For cable connections, use the standard MTU of 1500 bytes.
    2.b For DSL, use the following command to determine the largets MTU that will be sent without packet fragmentation:
    ping -f -l packetsize
    Perform the items below to see if this increases performance:
    I was told by the Cisco Small Business Support Center that setting up a Manual Policy is not recommended; I am not sure why they stated this.
    3a. Lower the IKE encryption algorithm from "AES-128" to DES.
    3b. Lower the IKE authentication algorithm to MD5
    3c. Also do the above for the VPN Policy
    Any input is welcome!

  • How to setup VoIP/Ipsec on SRP527W using web gateway

    I'm trying to setup a IPSec tunnel and VoIP for the Cisco SRP527W-K9-G5 but all I find are examples using the cisco ios which this model doesn't support. I'm using the web interface to the router and there is no examples to follow.
    There is no manual, the online help is not very helpful either.
    I've tried going to the "Voice" tab but could not figure out where to put the SIP or the phone number.
    And is there any examples, manual or anything that shows how to create a ipsec tunnel using the srp527w's web interface?

    Thanks a ton for posting this out here. I am sure it will be helpful for people trying this out.

  • How to reduce the IPSec VPN connection establishment time

    I set up an IPSec VPN with NAT-T between two cisco router 871. In particular one router acts as a SERVER and the other one as  a CLIENT. All the traffic coming from the hosts connected to the CLIENT-router is sent over the VPN (no split tunnel). Everything works perfectly.
    The only problem is the amount of time the VPN takes to establish the first connection between the two routers. In particular it takes about two minutes.
    Could anybody tell me if this amount of time can be reduced (with a partcular configuration instruction)?
    Or this is the minimum amount of time required for the first connection establishment?
    Thank you for your help.

    Two minutes sound like a lot of time even with a super slow Internet connection. Could you share your configs to see if there is anything on the VPN config that is adding such a huge delay? The connection stablishment shouldnt take more than a few seconds.

  • How to build 2 L2L vpn tunnels pointing to the same peer.

    I have a Cisco ASA 5505 on one side and a VMware device on the remote.  I have a vpn tunnel currently.  I need to establish a second tunnel to the same peer.  Because VMware is used on the remote side they can't have the more than one subnet on the tunnel.  I need two internal subnets to communicate to the remote peer.  Please help.

    Hi Tzy,
    Two tunnels for same traffic on a same device is not possible but you can configure a redundancy for the 2 cellular links for the same traffic.
    But if the traffic are different for both the ACLs, the the tunnels should come up but you need to define routes as to which traffic would use what interface.
    if there is a def route pointing to interface cell0/0/1 then all traffic will be taken using that interface, and you would then need to define either a static route for access-list 102 or a route-map to direct the traffic to the cell0/0/2 interface.
    On the ASA, you just need to configure the settings for a dynamic VPN tunnel.
    Hope that helps.

  • How to setup Guest Network Name in Cisco Router

    Hello everyone!
    The first. Sorry my english =)
    I want tald you how to change guest network name in cisco (what have different name)
    What we need.
    1. Cisco Connect for Mac OSX (i use snow leopard and Cisco Connect for E3000)
    2. Terminal
    Okay. Let's go.
    1. Install Cisco Connect for OSX
    2. After setup - slighty setup your cisco router (give something name and password), then, when cisco connect say you "You now connected the internet" and going to main screen - exit from cisco connect
    3. Open Terminal (Or you can use Finder (go to Application, show package content Cisco Connect))
    4. Go to /Application/Cisco<your setup language, for english - go 1033>/
    5. Edit resource_strings.pus (vi resource_strings.pus)
    6. Change "-guest" in string <LocalizableString RcFileId='10019' BaseTextHash='0xA65E286D' BaseText='-guest'/> for something what you want. For example, i changed for ' Guest Network'
    7. Save
    8. Open Cisco Setup
    9. Go to router configuration and change desired name. I changed to 'Grizlly Bear'
    10. After setup name - go to Guest Setting and Enable. As you can si, your guest network name set as 'Grizlly Bear Guest Network'
    11.Exit Cisco Setup
    12. Go to web interface setup
    13. Setup Wifi manual and change SSID for diferent names. I change 5Gh to 'Grizlly Bear Hi-Speed Network' and 2.4GHz to 'Grizlly Bear Main Network'
    14. Setup your hostname for all services (fileserver, media server, etc)
    We have three diferent names network!

    In order to enable Guest networking, the AirPort Extreme must be configured as your "main" Internet router. In this configuration, Connection Sharing = Share a Public IP address. The Extreme would be connected directly to the Internet modem and NOT downstream of another router with NAT enabled.
    In this configuration, the Guest network would provide access ONLY to the Internet and NOT to your LAN.

  • How to setup an ikev2 VPN with public key authentica​tion with your BB10 device

    This setup will allow you to run a VPN between your BB10.2 (and probably BB10.1) device and a debian linux computer (I am running the testing stream).  You will need to tweak this config (and possibly install strongswan server on your LAN's gateway) to get access to network resources, or access the internet via the VPN.  I have created this setup with the intention of accessing files/services on the debian computer only.
    1.  Install strongswan on your debian machine(I have v4.6.4 installed, I think the current testing version is v5.1.  If you install v5+, some lines in the config may be obsolete), and install any other extra packages you are prompted to install: 
    apt-get install strongswan strongswan-ikev1 strongswan-ikev2 strongswan-starter openssl ipsec-tools
    2.  Generate certificates on your debian server in any, starting with a certificate authority.  Edit the C= O= CN= fields to whatever you want:
    ipsec pki --gen --outform pem > caKey.pem
    ipsec pki --self --in caKey.pem --dn "C=CA, O=none, CN=Certificate-Auth" --san="Certificate-Auth" --ca --outform pem > caCert.pem
    Generate a server keypair (again, editing the same fields as I indicated above.  The CN= field should be lan ip address of your strongswan server.  I would also put this as the address in --san=, or you can specify your hostname(if you have one, i.e.
    ipsec pki --gen --outform pem > serverKey.pem
    ipsec pki --pub --in serverKey.pem | ipsec pki --issue --cacert caCert.pem --cakey caKey.pem --dn "C=CA, O=none, CN=" --san="" --flag serverAuth --outform pem > serverCert.pem
    Generate a keypair for your BB10 device (choose a CN=, and use it in the --san field @your server lan ip or hostname:
    ipsec pki --gen --outform pem > userKey.pem
    ipsec pki --pub --in userKey.pem | ipsec pki --issue --cacert caCert.pem --cakey caKey.pem --dn "C=CA, O=none, CN=bb10" --san "[email protected]"  --flag serverAuth --outform pem > userCert.pem
    3.  After generating your keys, package the client keys for your BB10 device(you will be asked to create a password): openssl pkcs12 -export -in userCert.pem -inkey userKey.pem -out bb10.pfx
    Copy the bb10.pfx file, and serverCert.pem to your BB10 device and import the certificates into the certificate store(Open Settings --> Security and Privacy --> Certificates --> Import)
    4. Move the certificates into the appropriate folders on your debian server: 
    mv caKey.pem /etc/ipsec.d/private
    mv caCert.pem /etc/ipsec.d/cacerts
    mv serverKey.pem /etc/ipsec.d/private
    mv serverCert.pem /etc/ipsec.d/certs
    5. Enable ip forwarding on your debian machine:
    edit /etc/sysctl.conf - change the following value as follows:
    Close the file and save changes.  To enable changes, type:  sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf
    6.  Edit config files:
    : RSA serverKey.pem
    config setup
    conn %default
    conn bb10
            leftid="C=CA, O=none, CN="
            rightid="C=CA, O=none, CN=bb10"
    7. Start the ipsec service on your debian machine: service ipsec stop; service ipsec start
    8. Set up the VPN connection on your blackberry: Settings -->Network Connections --> VPN --> Add.
    a) Profile Name:  Give your VPN a name
    b) Server Address:  Enter your server's address
    c) Gateway Type: Generic IKEv2 VPN Server
    d) Authentication Type: PKI
    e) Authentication ID Type:  Identity Certificate Distinguished Name
    f) Client Certificate: The client certificate you imported should show up in the dropdown
    g) Gateway Auth Type: PKI
    h) Gateway Auth ID Type: Identity Certificate Distinguished Name
    i) Gateway CA Certificate:  Find the certificate authority you imported.  If you used the same name as I did above when creating the certificate, if will be called "Certificate-Auth".
    j) Perfect forward secrecy : ON
    k) Change IKE Lifetime to 3600
    l) Change IPSEC lifetime to 1200
    You can leave everything else on default settings.  Save your VPN profile.
    9. Connect to your VPN.  You should now be able to ping both ways between your blackberry and debian host.  Using the above configuration, your blackberry device will have the ip address of

    There have been numerous bb10 updates (now since I first posted this mini how-to-I am not sure if it was the bb10 updates, or updates to strongswan (now v5.2.0) or my linux kernel (v3.15.3), though I am now able to use stronger hash and elliptic curve key exchange.  I am using sha384 in my example, though have also got it working with sha512.  Give it a try:
    Simply use the same process I detailed before, though change the following lines in ipsec.conf:
    Be sure to restart strongswan after you change these lines in the config.
    After this is done, change 'Automatically determine algorithm' to off in the VPN profile settings of your VPN connection profile on your blackberry.  I'm not sure why it doesn't work automatically.  State the following in this section:
    IKE DH Group:  21
    IKE CIpher: AES (256-bit key)
    IKE Hash: SHA384
    IPSec DH Group: 21
    IPSec Cipher: AES (256-bit key)
    IPSec Hash: SHA384

  • How to setup a basic VPN

    I just bought a Linksys BEFSX41 VPN router, I wanted to make a basic VPN.  I tried more than a week, I followed the guide.  But it never work and really made me headache. 
    I hope any body can help me to make it work.
    I setup the router as the guide, the local IP is, I disabled the firewall, I set a statci IP, for the router's WAN IP.  I also enable a tunnel. give name to it. setup the local secure group, remote secure group. 
    The VPN client is a XP computer, I also give a static IP to it, it's  I also create a IP Security Policy on the Local Computer.  The VPN connection is a L2TP coonection, the pre-shared key is same as that in the IP Security policy and the tunnel.
    The client can ping the router, but never can login the the VPN.
    Here is the router log, any body find any thing wrong there:
    12:22:12 IKE[1] **Check your PFS setting !
    12:22:12 IKE[1] Tx >> Notify : PAYLOAD-MALFORMED
    12:23:14 IKE[1] Rx << Delete ISAKMP_SA : cookie 113dfda3 8f0c2714 | 8dfe132b b0eb4152
    12:23:14 IKE[1] Tx >> Delete ISAKMP_SA : cookie 113dfda3 8f0c2714 | 8dfe132b b0eb4152
    12:23:14 IKE[1] Rx << MM_I1 : SA, VID, VID, VID
    12:23:14 IKE[1] Tx >> MM_R1 : SA
    12:23:14 IKE[1] ISAKMP SA CKI=[28996738 20e85b24] CKR=[1f879b2d 26c7485]
    12:23:14 IKE[1] ISAKMP SA 3DES / SHA / PreShared / MODP_1024 / 28800 sec (*3600 sec)
    12:23:15 IKE[1] Rx << MM_I2 : KE, NONCE
    12:23:15 IKE[1] Tx >> MM_R2 : KE, NONCE
    12:23:16 IKE[1] Rx << MM_I3 : ID, HASH
    12:23:16 IKE[1] Tx >> MM_R3 : ID, HASH
    12:23:16 IKE[1] **Check your PFS setting !
    12:23:16 IKE[1] Tx >> Notify : PAYLOAD-MALFORMED
    12:23:24 IKE[1] **Check your PFS setting !
    12:23:24 IKE[1] Tx >> Notify : PAYLOAD-MALFORMED
    12:23:31 IKE[1] **Check your PFS setting !
    12:23:31 IKE[1] Tx >> Notify : PAYLOAD-MALFORMED
    12:23:38 IKE[1] **Check your PFS setting !
    12:23:38 IKE[1] Tx >> Notify : PAYLOAD-MALFORMED
    12:23:47 IKE[1] **Check your PFS setting !
    12:23:47 IKE[1] Tx >> Notify : PAYLOAD-MALFORMED
    12:23:54 IKE[1] **Check your PFS setting !
    12:23:54 IKE[1] Tx >> Notify : PAYLOAD-MALFORMED
    12:24:26 IKE[1] Rx << Delete ISAKMP_SA : cookie 28996738 20e85b24 | 1f879b2d 26c7485
    12:24:26 IKE[1] Tx >> Delete ISAKMP_SA : cookie 28996738 20e85b24 | 1f879b2d 26c7485
    12:24:26 IKE[1] Rx << MM_I1 : SA, VID, VID, VID
    12:24:26 IKE[1] Tx >> MM_R1 : SA
    12:24:26 IKE[1] ISAKMP SA CKI=[e41e0bac f6514198] CKR=[49b5d338 43497875]
    12:24:26 IKE[1] ISAKMP SA 3DES / SHA / PreShared / MODP_1024 / 28800 sec (*3600 sec)
    12:24:27 IKE[1] Rx << MM_I2 : KE, NONCE
    12:24:27 IKE[1] Tx >> MM_R2 : KE, NONCE
    12:24:28 IKE[1] Rx << MM_I3 : ID, HASH
    12:24:28 IKE[1] Tx >> MM_R3 : ID, HASH
    12:24:35 IKE[1] **Check your ISAKMP Pre-share Key setting !
    12:24:35 IKE[1] Tx >> Notify : INVALID-PAYLOAD-TYPE
    Wei Luo

    Hi Yu Yu,
    If I have understood you requirement correctly then please have a loom of the below URL. It may help you.
    Login Modules - User Authentication and Single Sign-On - SAP Library

  • How to setup built-in VPN server on Mountain Lion

    Anyone have information on configuring the built-in VPN server in OS X Mountain Lion ?

    Update - it works ! At least I can connect to Mountain Lion (not server) from my iPhone using the VPN Server Configurator app.
    Here's what I did :
    1) download the app and install
    2) setup using the help files on the web page :
    3) at the last stage you need to setup port forwardin on your router
    4) under Airport Utility 6.0 you cannot setup ports 500 or 4500 due to BTTM conflicts but setup the other 2 ports (1723 TCP and 1701 UDP), update airport extreme
    5) download Airport Utility 5.6 from here : download already extracted utility  it is in it's extracted form as is necessary under Mtn Lion (thanks to NetUse Monitor for the download - great app by the way)
    6) run 5.6 and setup port forwarding (Advanced-Port Mapping) for the other 2 ports (500 and 4500 UDP), update airport extreme
    7) that's it, I was able to connect to the VPN from my iPhone !

  • How to setup a VLAN on a Cisco Stack

    I have 3 3750's in a stack config. I can see Gi1/0/1 - Gi3/0/48 in the console and through the web interface. If I do show vlan it shows VLAN1 and shows included ports on all three switches 1/0/1 - 3/0/48. I  try to setup a vlan331 on Switch 1 port 17 - Switch 3 port 48
    config t
    int vlan331
    interface range Gi1/0/17-3/0/48  OR interface range Gi1/0/17-Gi3/0/48 --barks at the 3/0/48. It does let me do a test like interface range Gi1/0/17-18. That works..
    How can I include the other ports on the other two switches which are stacked into this one VLAN331?

    The Author of this posting offers the information contained within this posting without consideration and with the reader's understanding that there's no implied or expressed suitability or fitness for any purpose. Information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as rendering professional advice of any kind. Usage of this posting's information is solely at reader's own risk.
    Liability Disclaimer
    In no event shall Author be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of use, data or profit) arising out of the use or inability to use the posting's information even if Author has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
    int range g1/0/17 - 48 , g2/0/1 - 48 , g3/0/1 - 48

  • IPSEC VPN tunnel

    Their network model like this: your company line rental FTTH ISP PPPoE dial with 6 children static ip ip ranges from 106 110 ........ I want to get the static ip ip to the VPN 108 makes the 2811, but his son router configured as the only forum but could not. Expect him to help. Thank you very much

    Their network model like this: your company line rental FTTH ISP PPPoE dial with 6 children static ip ip ranges from 106 110 ........ I want to get the static ip ip to the VPN 108 makes the 2811, but his son router configured as the only forum but could not. Expect him to help. Thank you very much

  • Inbuilt cisco IPSEC vpn client and KeyLife Timeout setting...

    Hi Guys
    I am having issues with the in built cisco vpn client on the mac, I am currrently using Mac OSx 10.7.4
    I have a Fortigate 200B device and have setup the IPSec VPN settings to have a keylife of 86400 seconds.
    However the expereince I am having with the mac clients is that after about 50 minutes the users are being asked to re-authencate to the VPN...
    When checkin the debug logs I can see that the peer (mac client) is setting the phase 2 tunnel key lifetime to 3600 seconds which is 1 Hour...
    Usually in IPSec a re-negeotiation process takes place about 10 minutes or so before the key expires..
    My question is where are the VPN settings kept in the Mac... I know it uses Racoon for the IPSec exchange of key and so I would like to tweak the VPN profiles so that the mac sets the lifetime of the key to 86400 instead of 3600 by default...
    Also want to be able to set logging to debug mode for the Racoon application on mac clients.
    Your help is much appreciated
    Kind Regards

    Hi Tony,
    to the best of my knowledge this is currently not possible, but will be once this enhancement is implemented:
    CSCsw31922    Radius upstream VSAs (Tunnel Group,Client type) for VPN policy decisions
    You may want to try and ask in the AAA forum if there is anything you can do on ACS...

Maybe you are looking for

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