How to split huge partition

hi !
i have partitioned table:
create table t1 (d date)
partition by range (d)
partition p_min values less than (TO_DATE(' 2006-01-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN')),
partition p_01 values less than (TO_DATE(' 2007-01-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN')),
partition p_02 values less than (TO_DATE(' 2008-01-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN')),
partition p_max values less than (maxvalue)
);the problem is: my p_max partition grow to >500GB and split it into several P_% partitions takes ages. how can i do it in the most efficienf and fast way ?
my database is 11.23, 4cpu
thank you for help.

How much data I mean volumewise you got in P_MAX partition and when you split up how much time it took?
Another approach will be wholesome just create another partitioned table with all the old partitions as compressed (so they save you storage and give some boost to query), offcourse if you are not perfoming heavy DML on old partitions.
1. Create a new empty partitioned table with old partition as compressed.
2. insert into new_part_table select * from old_part_table; Use APPEND hint to speed up and compression benefit.
3. Drop old indexes and recreate in new partitions.
Another approach you already mentioned making use of exchange partitions.

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    The subpartitions aren't being split. Oracle is creating new subpartitions for the new partition. The subpartitions need to exist since that is where the data is stored.
    You can avoid the SYS prefix on the name though by using a different naming convention.
    See the 'Splitting a *-List Partition' section of the VLDB and Partitioning Guide
    The ALTER TABLE ... SPLIT PARTITION statement provides no means of specifically naming subpartitions resulting from the split of a partition in a composite partitioned table. However, for those subpartitions in the parent partition with names of the form partition name_subpartition name, the database generates corresponding names in the newly created subpartitions using the new partition names. All other subpartitions are assigned system generated names of the form SYS_SUBPn. System generated names are also assigned for the subpartitions of any partition resulting from the split for which a name is not specified. Unnamed partitions are assigned a system generated partition name of the form SYS_Pn.

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    Use the Expert tab in Editor (I think that is what it is called in PSEv.13)
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    I'd be inclined to split off that partition as a stand-alone table. Create new partitions and then reload the data. But that "inclined" would depend on the available maintenance window and the amount of data and the Oracle version number none of which you mention.

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    x int,
    y int,
    z date
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         vTable IN VARCHAR2,
         vDate IN VARCHAR2
    ) IS
    V varchar2(300);
    execute immediate v ;
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    1. SQL> CREATE_PARTITION_X('table2000','20090102');
    2. SQL> CREATE_PARTITION_X('table2000','20090104');
    3. SQL> CREATE_PARTITION_X('table2000','20090105');
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    In fact, more precisely than just splitting, one must split the existing partition that is chronologically greater than the one I want to insert.
    So originally I had this:
    SQL> select table_name,partition_name from user_tab_partitions WHERE table_name='TABLE2000';
    TABLE2000 ** PART_20090102
    TABLE2000 ** PART_20090104
    TABLE2000 ** PART_20090105
    Then I split the partition PART_20090104 into PART_20090104 and PART_20090103 thusly:
    SQL> ALTER TABLE table2000 SPLIT PARTITION PART_20090104 AT (to_date('20090103','YYYYMMDD')) INTO (PARTITION PART_20090104, PARTITION PART_20090103);
    Table modified.
    Now I have what I want:
    SQL> select table_name,partition_name from user_tab_partitions WHERE table_name='TABLE2000';
    TABLE2000 ** PART_20090102
    TABLE2000 ** PART_20090103
    TABLE2000 ** PART_20090104
    TABLE2000 ** PART_20090105
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    Thanks in advanced.

    You can try the following method:
    1.   Install UltraISO and Windows AIK.
    Windows AIK:
    2.   Use UltraISO to open the Windows Vista DVD and extract install.wim under the Sources folder to the local hard drive, for example: D:\Vista\sources\install.wim.
    3.   Run Windows PE Tools Command Prompt in elevated mode and type the following command:
    imagex /split D:\vista\sources\install.wim D:\temp\install.swm 380
    Note: D:\vista\sources\install.wim is the name and location of the file which will be split from. D:\temp\install.swm is the name and location of the target file. 380 is each target file size.
    Note: Before doing this, make sure partition D has at least 5GB of free disk space.
    After that, you will get 6 target files named install.swm, install2.swm, install3.swm, install4.swm, install5.swm and install6.swm in D:\temp.
    4.   Use UltraISO to open the Windows Vista DVD. Delete install.wim under the Sources folder and drag install.swm to this folder. Save the whole disk to the local hard drive and we will get CD1.
    5.   Open UltraISO and create a new folder named Sources. Drag install2.swm, install3.swm, install4.swm, install5.swm and install6.swm to the Sources folder. Save install2.swm to the local hard drive and we will get CD2. Use the same method to create CD3, CD4, CD5 and CD6.
    6.   Burn the iso files to CDs.
    The steps above can be a little complex. I recommend obtaining a DVD drive to install Windows Vista.
    Hope it helps.
    Tim Quan - MSFT

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    0: GUIDpartitionscheme *149.1 Gi disk0
    1: EFI 200.0 Mi disk0s1
    2: Apple_HFS MacOSX 148.6 Gi disk0s2
    and the command I've run is:
    sudo diskutil resizeVolume disk0s2 60G "Ext2" "Linux" 20G "NTFS" "Windows" 68G
    and I've installed plugins to handle the Ext2 and NTFS formats, so I have no freaking clue what's going on, please help! Thank you very much in advance!

    You have to specify the numberOfPartitions you are adding:
    sudo diskutil resizeVolume disk0s2 60G 2 "Ext2" "Linux" 20G "NTFS" "Windows" 68G

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    Hi all !
    I have a request, help me please !
    In system I have a invoice with 1 line item value 1000 USD.
    Customer payment 600$. a incoming payment with value 600$ will post to system.
    I want incoming payment and invoice will auto clear 600$ but system can't auto clearing because value is not Identical.
    I want line item of invoice will split to 2 line item. Line item 1 value 600$ and line item 2 value 400$.
    Line item 1 of invoice will auto clear with incoming payment and system will exist a invoice with 1 line item value 400$.
    How to split a line item to 2 line item ? Have FM for split a line item to 2 line item in SAP ?
    If you have other solution for this request, help me please !
    Thanks !

    Have a look at Split line item - Sales Order

  • How to use Oracle partitioning with JPA @OneToOne reference?

    A little bit late in the project we have realized that we need to use Oracle partitioning both for performance and admin of the data. (Partitioning by range (month) and after a year we will move the oldest month of data to an archive db)
    We have an object model with an main/root entity "Trans" with @OneToMany and @OneToOne relationships.
    How do we use Oracle partitioning on the @OneToOne relationships?
    (We'd rather not change the model as we already have millions of rows in the db.)
    On the main entity "Trans" we use: partition by range (month) on a date column.
    And on all @OneToMany we use: partition by reference (as they have a primary-foreign key relationship).
    But for the @OneToOne key for the referenced object, the key is placed in the main/source object as the example below:
    public class Employee {
    private long id;
    private Address address;
    EMPLOYEE (table)
    1 Bob Way 50000 6
    2 Sarah Smith 60000 7
    ADDRESS (table)
    6 17 Bank St Ottawa ON Canada K2H7Z5
    7 22 Main St Toronto ON Canada     L5H2D5
    From the Oracle documentation: "Reference partitioning allows the partitioning of two tables related to one another by referential constraints. The partitioning key is resolved through an existing parent-child relationship, enforced by enabled and active primary key and foreign key constraints."
    How can we use "partition by reference" on @OneToOne relationsships or are there other solutions?
    Thanks for any advice.

    Crospost! How to use Oracle partitioning with JPA @OneToOne reference?

  • How to accelerate by partitioning drives & how to distribute data among 'em

    Dear forum,
    I have read guide to storage acceleration and guides to phototoshop acceleration, but they always warn that the best solution depends on the work i do, the hardware i have, and the hardware i think i can afford to buy. I'm hoping that if i tell you what photoshop work i do, what hardware i have, and what hardware i'm intending to buy, you can tell me how to accelerate by partitioning my drives and how to distribute data among them. My biggest questions are about how big the volumes should be, and what should go on each volume. It sounds vague here, but I get more specific below:
    *wet-mount raw scans of 6x7 cm film using silverfast software on microtek artixscan 120tf 4000dpi scanner: resulting 16-bit TIFF file is typically 550 MB in size.
    *working in Photoshop CS2 on same file, adding multiple layers makes file 1 GB to 1.4 GB in size
    *my system's limitations show up most painfully when I OPEN a file (this can take five minutes) SAVE a file (this can take more than ten minutes!), when i FLATTEN the image's layers for printing (this can take 5 minutes), and when i CONVERT the file from 16-bit to 8-bit (this can take 5 minutes). most other operations in Ps CS2 are fast enough (not snappy, but fast enough) for me to stay with my current processor for the time being.
    *Power Mac G5 dual 1.8GHz, made in 2004, with only 4 slots for RAM (not 8 slots).
    (I'm told this has quite limited bus speed, as compared with other dual-processor G5s, and that this hardware will not benefit much at all from adding a RAID array.)
    *one internal seagate 80GB 7200rpm SATA drive. this is half-full (it has 39 GB on it): it holds my OS and my Users folder, but NOT my photoshop image files.
    *one internal Western DIgital 400 GB 7200rpm SATA drive. this holds my photoshop image files, but not my user folder.(This WD drive turns out to cause the G5 to hang up occasionally, requiring a re-boot; to avoid this, i recently learned, i can connect it with a host card adapter [see below].)
    *two 500 GB external firewire drives
    *two 300GB external USB drives
    *I have 2.25 GB of RAM, but I'm about to buy 2 more GB to max out at 4GB.
    *2GB of RAM, of course.
    *two Hitachi T7K500 500 GB SATAII HD 16MB Cache 7200rpm drives to occupy both internal drive slots in the G5
    *a 2-drive external enclosure to hold my old seagate 80GB drive and my old WD400GB drive.
    *a seritek host card adaptor for connecting the external enclosure to the G5.
    What follows is a combination of suggestions I have received about what I could do and my speculation about how I could do it. Please see my Questions, embedded in the lines below: I'd be very grateful for any amendments or directions you can offer on this topic.
    Drive A: first newly internal Hitachi 500GB drive:
    partition into 2 volumes:
    first (faster) volume, "volume A1," of 100GB to hold OS and Users folder but NOT photoshop image files.
    (Question: how much space should I leave free on volume A1 for optimum performance? is 50% free of 100GB optimal? is 60% free of 100GB better? Is 50% free of 150GB better still? or does that cut into the other volume's space too much (indirectly cutting into the space of "volume B1" on Drive B, which is to be the WorkDisk/ScratchDisk)?
    second (slower) volume, "volume A2" of remainder GB (almost 400GB) as backup for 400GB "volume B1" of the OTHER internal Hitachi Drive, a.k.a. Drive B.
    Drive B: second newly internal Hitachi 500GB drive:
    partition into 2 volumes:
    first (faster) volume, "volume B1" of almost 400GB as designated WorkDisk/ScratchDisk for large photoshop image files;
    second (slower) partition "volume B2" (exactly 100GB) as backup for 100GB volume 1 (OS volume) of the OTHER internal Hitachi Drive, a.k.a. Drive A.
    (Question: how much space should I leave free on this WorkDisk/ScratchDisk for optimum performance? is 50% free of almost 400GB optimal? is 60% free of almost 400GB better? Is 50% free of 300GB just as good, with the additional advantage of indirectly allowing "volume A1" on Drive A to be 150+GB?
    Drive C: old Seagate 80GB drive, in external enclosure: disk designated for running the Photoshop Application? How would I set this up? any pitfalls to watch out for? should i partition this drive, or leave the whole thing for Photoshop? or is it better to run photoshop off Drive D?
    Drive D: old WD 400 GB Drive: second scratch disk? Storage disk? Both storage and scratch disk? how large should an empty volume on this disk be in order to be useful as a scratch disk? volume 1 or volume 2? if i run the Photoshop Application off of this drive, how large should the volume for that be? should it be volume 1, the faster, outside volume, leaving volume 2 for scratch disk space? or vice versa?
    External Firewire and USB drives: i guess i'll just use them for storage/archiving and extra backup? or am i much safer buying more SATAs and Enclosures? or are the external firewire and USB drives plenty safe (so long as i double-back up), since i'll only power them up for the data transfer, and then power them back down?
    Given that the large Photoshop files are not in my User folder, does it matter whether i keep the User folder (with its MS Word docs and a bunch of PDFs and so on) on my OS volume, "volume A1"? would it speed things up when I'm using photoshop if i moved the Users folder to another drive? what if i'd like to play iTunes while also working on photoshop? my iTunes music folder (with all the song data) is already on an external firewire drive. but the iTunes Library and iTunes application are, of course, in my User folder, which is on the OS drive. would moving the Users folder to another drive make much difference when i use photoshop and iTunes simultaneously?
    But I wonder whether it makes sense to be using volume A2 on Drive A as a backup drive: wouldn't it make more sense to back up my working files to two external drives that can be traded out, one on-site and one off-site, back and forth (not so convenient when one of the backup drives is internal!)? and after all, why would i devote a 400GB volume to the task of backing up another 400GB volume that will never be more than half full? I need to leave a WorkDisk/ScratchDisk half empty for efficient use, but i can back up that 200GB of working files on a 200GB volume, right? so for a backup drive, I might as well use a slow, inexpensive external USB drive that will only be tuned on for backup and will then stay powered off, a drive that's easily transportable on and off site, right? or am i misunderstanding something?
    by the way, what backup software do you recommend for backing up back and forth between Drive A and Drive B? I've been using Carbon Cpy Cloner. do you recommend that? or something that does more archiving of progressive states of data?
    Thank you for any help you can offer!
    Mark Woods
    Dual 1.8 GHz PowerPC G5 (2.2), 512 KB L2 Cache per CPU, w/ 4 RAM slots   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   2.25 GB DDR SDRAM (2x128MB plus 2x1GB)

    Crossposted: Re: How to use Oracle partitioning with JPA @OneToOne reference?

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    I think the delimiter will be space. For date alone (Apr 29) you need to concatenate after the string has been split.
    Thanks and regards,
    S. Chandramouli

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