How to sync for download

Does anyone have an idea how to set up appropriate "sync setting" for downloading CC on Mac with OSX10.7.5?

Copy any files you want to the thumbdrive using Windows Explorer.

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    Hi Christine ...
    Bookmark this user guide >  Pages User Guide
    Also, with the Pages app open, click Help from the menu bar top of your screen.
    If you need more help, you can post your questions here >  Pages: iWork: Apple Support Communities

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            FROM   master2
            WHERE  SECONDCONN  >= <cfqueryparam value="#form.startdate#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
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    <cfformgroup type="horizontal">
      <cfinput type="dateField" name="startdate" label="Start Date" width="100" value="#form.startdate#">
      <cfinput type="dateField" name="enddate" label="End Date" width="100" value="#form.enddate#">
      <cfinput name="submitApply" type="submit" value = "Apply">
      <cfinput name="cancel" type="submit" value="Download CSV">
    Desired Output:
    I have attached the image for the output below. Please find it attached.
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    Please let me know how should I go about this problem and let me know if I can answer more questions.

    It's not built into the language. Your best bet is probably to put the CSV-Reading logic into its own class.
    Or find one of the thousands of classes that already implement such a thing.

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    Saludos Cordiales,

    See for the answer to your first question. For the second question a full download is charged after any single section is downloaded.

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    - iTunes purchases by maybe
    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer
    - For other music you need a third-party program like one of those discussed here:
    newer copy
    BTW, this is the iPod touch forum.

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    Hard to know what the cause is  because it's like this
    I know what I did to cause this. I upgraded my one of my hard drives, renamed the drive and moved the folder. The missing pictures it can't find were added with the option in the advance menu "copy photo to library" turned off.
    and this
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    seem to be written by two different people.
    This thread
    has details on how one user hacked the SQL database to fix the issue. Not for the faint hearted. Back up first.

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    Engadget has a guide for this. pod-iphone/

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    What version of iTunes are you currently running? To check, in iTunes go "Help > About iTunes" and wait for the version number to scroll up from the bottom of the screen. For example, I see:

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    Thanks for replying cor-el but I'd really prefer to leave the syncing of the other history items enabled, there's actually at least somewhat of a valid reason to have them still enabled and available when accessing firefox on a secondary device, not necessarily true of the Download history though really for the very reason I already stated regarding the file path validity issue. This is one item where I think we really should have at the very least an about:config entry to toggle syncing for the particular item. If not actually a sub-section under the checkbox that lets us choose to enable history syncing that would give us the option to enable/disable syncing of specific types of history data.

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    Can you please do small sample ,
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    Hi Anoo,
    Create a report using the following SQL statement:
    ORDER BY CREATED_ON DESCThere are other fields available from the table, but the above gives you a start.
    Then edit the report's Report Attributes.
    Edit the CREATED_ON column and pick a Number/Date Format to use for the display and Apply Changes
    Edit the ID column. In the Column Link section, enter:
    Link Text: &lt;img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#download.gif" alt="Download"&gt;
    Target: URL
    URL: p?n=#ID#
    Apply Changes and run your report

  • I am trying to re-download some songs I deleted by mistake.  I go to purchases and it only shows me options for Apps and Books, no list for Music.  How can I get the music list to show up or alternatively how can I re-download the songs?

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    Thanks for any help!  I am using the most recent version of iTunes.

    I have been having the same problem.. and yes, I am in the US.  I have tried reinsatllin gitunes several time and that doesn't work either

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