How To Transport Workbooks for IP

I want to transport my workbooks created for layouts of Integrated Palnning but when i go to transport connection i want to select them in the Workbooks list i cant see them...
I select the table RSRWORKBOOK and i can see them there but theres nothong in the selection of workbooks in transport connection....
Does anybody could help me with this?

Maybe it could be a problem of transport transaction?
I checked tha table RSRWORKBOOK and i can find my workbooks but with status A and dont have subnumber....i not sure about this but all others workbooks have subnumber 1

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    Hi Ramesh,
    <b>Not sure, if not look relevant, it will atleast give you a chance to laugh...</b>
    Till the time SAP CM comes up with solution for Transport, if it is necessary, I hope all relevant reports can be generated in Tra&Eve Mgmt by configuring Business Event group as Transport System and Business Event type as "Bus-Route1" "Bus-Route2" "Bus-Route3" etc etc.
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    Please check whether theres is any Tansport request already waiting to be released for that Workflow Template. You will surely find one.Transport. Also try to disable the General task by using Tcode OOCR.

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    For the Standard text created in SO10,
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    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: sankar babu on Jul 29, 2010 12:27 PM

    Moderator message - Cross post locked
    Total Questions:  283 (131 unresolved)
    Please also close your old posts and assign po1nts to helpful answers.
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Jul 29, 2010 9:50 AM

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    Hi Ashish,
    When you go to easy access or use maintain mapping formats CRMD_MKTLIST_MAP, and when you create your mapping format and save it.
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    Ask your basis team to provide you with a "Transport of Copies" request.
    Once you get it, add your object in this request and transport. your object will be transported and the original request will not be released. Do note that the changes will still be saved in the original request but you can still transport your object without releasing the original request.
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