How to trigger a BAPI where user session expires

Is there a way to write custom code (server side) when the user -
1. Logs off
2. Session Times out
3. Browser crashes?
Any standard EPCF event/code that I can use?

I would start with javascript and using the "onExit" etc. events. You can use this to trigger an iview, which calls the BAPI.
For browser crashes, the only way (to my knowledge) is to write (very tedious) a "session watch" job, that watches for timed out sessions that are not detected by the browser.

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    Hi Sylvain,
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    "markhu" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    Hi, every one:
    Here's my question of my day - >>>
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    called: deal service, the deal service will take the user deal and bookthe
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    then send the confirmation to another JMS Queue ), then the confirmation
    will be picked up and sent to another web service , called: User Deal
    Confirmation Service, here's the question:
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    2. Now, I have 3 webservices: update, deal and confirm, each of them has a
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    thanks a lot for the input, have a nice day.

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    Thanks in advance.

    hi juan
    so here we are,now i got complete understanding of what u r doing and why
    you know you need not have created that change event because it wont serve your purpose anyway
    the reason is that because the way process in your workflow is flowing ,it wont happen that way using change event
    you just follow these  steps:
    1, use created event in your workflow
    2. that way when your contract ios created in rpocess status the event will be triggered only because you are creating a transaction whatever may be the status,so in all such cases you should use event created.
    3. now coming to the point of change in status or documents in contract
    in this case using loop will put you in deadlock and you will only be haing the error in such case
    you use WAIT step instead ,inside it use wait using conditions out of every option
    there you give your condition as change in whatever status
    like if you are chaning the status from in process to some other status ,put that status inside the condition
    as soon as that conditioon is met ,the WAIT step will be executed,
    that way you will be able to trigger the change in status through thje workflow
    so thats the solution with the approach you are using
    there are many approaches you can follow in workflows ,so depending upon that you can follow the different worlkflow tools u have there.
    also remember when your wait step gets executed there is always the time lag of 20-25 minutes after which changes will be reflected
    hope it will solve ur probs
    best regards

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    thanks in advance,

    For currently connected sessions, you could query V$SESSTAT (joining to V$STATNAME). Thus,
    select s.sid, s.value
    from v$sesstat s, v$statname n
    where s.statistic#=n.statistic#
    and = 'redo size'
    order by 2
    /However, there are a few complications :
    1. Persistent Sessions will show up with very high statistics, simply because they haven't disconnected. Many applications maintain Persistent Sessions for either of
    a. Monitoring and Running User Submitted or ScheduleD Jobs (eg in Oracle EBusiness Suite or Peoplesoft)
    b. Connection Pooling
    2. Sessions that have already disconnected will not appear in your report.
    Therefore, you'd have to "sample" sessions frequently and find the incremental redo size. Then, another complication hits you :
    c. Oracle reuses Session IDs. Once a session disconnects, another connecting session may get the same SID. It wouldn't get the same SERIAL# immediately so you might want to use a combination of SID+SERIAL# from V$SESSION as your key (you'd have to add V$SESSION into your monitoring query) Even then, I wouldn't guarantee that the pair wouldn't repeat after some time, particularly with instance restarts.
    You'd be better of using AUDSID from V$SESSION as that value is incremented (and not reused) by session auditing.

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    in simple current_time-begin_time.
    thanks in advance

    Try using the logon_time of v$session
    test@>desc v$session;
    Name                                                  Null?    Type
      LOGON_TIME DATE All columns of the view have not been displayed.

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    daily report of how many of sessions present in oracle database for each user

    Thanks for link ( I know you always post the oracle document link here)
    But I am expecting scripts( someting like logon trigger and logg off trigger) to genarate the user session report.

  • Cpu used by a user (session wise)

    how will i find how much cpu used by a user(session wise)

    select a.sid, a.username, a.osuser,, b.value
    from v$session a, v$sesstat b, v$statname c
    where a.sid = b.sid
    and b.statistic# = c.statistic#
    and ( like '%CPU%' or like '%sorts (memory)%' or like '%table scan%' or like '%commit%' or like '%cursor%' or like '%read%' or like '%buffer%' or like '%cache%')
    and b.value > 0
    order by a.sid,
    Just revised version of previous query / reply.

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    from the time that we did a database migration from oracle 8i to oracle 9i, and the application to developer 6i we have faced a new problem, ' the user sessions are frequently blocked'
    anybody have any idea? it is a database parameter that must be changed?...

    Since it was a migration from oracle 8i to oracle 9i, your performance is suppose to increase rather than decrease given condition that hardware and oracle configuration does not change.
    How did you figure out that user sessions are frequently blocked?
    You can query v$session_wait and check why it is blocked/waiting?
    You can query v$locked_object to check if it is blocked for lock on some other objects?

  • SJSAS 9 and JSF - session expiration

    I'm developing JSF (1.2) application. I'm using SJSAS 9, EJB 3.0 and toplink. My problem is session expiration. When user session expires and then user click for example on Save button on JSF form, application goes to login page, but after login user receive Internal server Error screen. As I see, session expires but after login, POST request is resend but all related objects don't exist any more (NullPointerException occurs in prerender method). Currently I'm redirecting to main page using following code:
    public static ExternalContext getExternalContext() {
            return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();
    getExternalContext().redirect(MAINPAGESTR); try catch block ,in prerender method (JSF). Does anybody knows what should I do?

    Have you tried to set a servlet filter to catch the error and build a nicer page?
    If you can tell me how to set up a short session expiration time on Tomcat,
    I can do the tests.
    I am interrested in this issue as I will have to solve it for a project in the
    next 2 weeks.

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    Is it posible to reload servlets without session expires ? And how do I do that ?
    Stian Martinsen
    Edited by: StianNorway on Sep 14, 2007 3:59 AM

    I don't know about Sun's server but with Tomcat, if you are careful to make sure that every object bound to session (directly or indirectly) implements, Tomcat will save all your session information to disk when the application restarts so they are all live when it comes back up.
    Read the documentation for your server and see if it has a similar feature.

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