How to use bean write in  struts html:text tag

i'm new to struts i'm trying to write a value in html struts tag using <bean:write>
my current tag is
<html:text property="empname" value='<bean:write name="employee" property="empid">' />
but it gives same tag in the text i can solve this.

what am I doing wrong?You will notice above that I mentioned
(was that loud enough for you to notice this time)?
<html:text styleId="instruction" styleClass="text" size="50" name="instruction" property="value"/>
<html:text styleId="instruction" styleClass="text" size="50" property="instruction" value="<%= instruction.getValue() %>"/>
better alternative: populate your formbean with your action and just have:
<html:text styleId="instruction" styleClass="text" size="50" property="instruction"/>
If you set the "instruction" property of your formBean in the action, the value will be automagically reflected here.

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    The name of the form comes from the actionForm you have defined backing it.
    View source on the generated page to see what HTML it constructs.
    You are able to use the onsubmit event with the <html:form> tag just like the standard one, so if all you want to do is that:
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    The include directive <%@include %> is done at page translation/compile time.
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    You copy the corresponding JAR file that contains the Java BEan in your <DEVSUITE_HOME>/forms/java folder, then you add its name to the archive tags of the forsweb.cfg file.
    This done, you add a Bean Area to your canvas, set its Implementation Class property with the full class name, then you can communicate with the bean via the GET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY() and SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY() built-in.
    Google could also give you more information.

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    The html:optionsCollection tag is designed to work with a collection of beans, each with a "label" and "value" attribute.
    If you only have a list of strings, then you probably want to use the html:options tag.
    Note that your ActionForm should have two attributes
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    List userProxyList;  //list of userProxies.
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    hi, i use property attribute of html:text.
    property is declared in UIModel xml file.
    i mean, i don't use something like
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         <logic:iterate id="ts" name="loginForm" property="timesheet">
    <% i+= ; %>
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    When using custom tags, and specifying a dynamic attribute, always put <%= %> for the entire attribute
    Try this:
    <html:text property="worked_Hours" name="ts"
      onchange="<%= "findTotal(" + i + ")" %>" ></html:text>

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              Instead of displaying the value of ${sysvarList[rowCount].dispParamValue} like "abc", it displays the tag itself "${sysvarList[rowCount].dispParamValue}" at the text field at weblogic.
              My Weblogic version details are as follows:-
              Server info = WebLogic Server 9.0 Sun Jul 3 21:15:00 PDT 2005 598247
              Servlet engine version = 2.4
              Java version = 1.5.0_03-b07
              Anyone has encountered the same problem before? any difference in the server settings that i need to take note of?

    Just to clarify, the EL is supported by a J2EE 1.4 server which corresponds to Servlet2.4 / JSP2.0
    What version of Weblogic are you using?
    You can find out the version of the spec your server supports with the following JSP snippet.
    <h2> Server Info </h2>
    Server info = <%= application.getServerInfo() %> <br>
    Servlet engine version = <%=  application.getMajorVersion() %>.<%= application.getMinorVersion() %><br>
    Java version = <%= System.getProperty("java.vm.version") %><br>Also note to activate the EL in your webpages in a JSP2.0 container, your web.xml file must declare itself as being version 2.4 (if you leave it at 2.3 it disables EL for backwards compatibility)

  • Struts.  Using bean:write to access actionForm parameters

    While I am not new to web applications, I am fairly new to Struts.
    What I am trying to accomplish is to have a read only view of a maintenance form.
    Instead of using html:input fields to display the values in a form bean, I want to use the bean:write tag to just display their values.
    However the bean:write tag requires the "name" field, specifying which bean to display a property from.
    I am thinking of grabbing the bean from request scope (org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN) and using that, but are there any better ways to accomplish what I want?
    Or is what I am attempting breaking the rules in some way, and I should desist immediately?

    I am thinking of grabbing the bean from request scope.thats fine. u r not breaking any rules.
    U can set the form bean on the page wtih <c:set> tag. This way u can use the name everywhere in that page.
    but are there any better ways to accomplish what I want?ofcourse there are different ways to achieve ur goal.
    I think of it more as a convenience issue.
    since u r not modifying the form and its attr's u could specify the scope of the form as session in the struct-config.xml and in the jsp provide the form name in the <form> tag. This way ur jsp will automatically get the relevant form bean from the session scope and u will not need the name attribute.

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         <html:options collection="queryReturnType" property="value" labelProperty="label"/>
    </html:select>Thanks in advance....!!

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    *2. do I need to create an attribute for paramTypeId_Label in my form bean ??*
    I just wanna to make my <html:select> readonly..pls see my first post in this thread....!!
         <c:when test="${controlEnabled}">
           <html:select property="paramTypeId" >
                <html:options collection="queryReturnType" property="value" labelProperty="label"/>
           <html:text property="paramTypeId_Label" value="${queryReturnType[paramTypeId].label}" readonly="true"/>
           <html:hidden property="paramTypeId"/>

  • Getting  error in using bean:write   tag

    hi ,
    in my logon.jsp i m putting
    these 2 lines
    <bean:write name="logonForm" property= "username"/>
    i m getting error "cannot find logonForm in scope null"
    then i added scope ="request" in bean tag
    i got error "cannot find logonForm in scope null"
    my motive is to display what ever the the value user has entered as user name in logon.jsp it possible by use of this tag ..
    plz help me in this case.
    thanks in advance.

    after adding scope="request" i got error "cannot find logonForm in scope request"
    <bean:write name="logonForm" property="username" scope="request"/>
    this tag is working fine when i placed it in jsp that is getting fwded by logon page

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