How to use Start Routine for this requirement

I am having data in 2 ods and should load that data into cube, but there isn't any common object in both the ods's. I need to analyze based on these ods objects. so I thought of pulling some objects into 1ods which are used for analysis and added some objects to ods and cube. Now I have to write a start routine in update rules to fetch the data from the info objects which are present in another ods. Can any one help me in this?

Hi Surya,
Extract all info from table BKPF
select * into it_bkpf
from bkpf
where gjahr = p_fisyr.
Select record based on internal table it_BKPF
The reason why FOR ALL ENTRIES syntax is used because of its cluster table.
select * into it_bseg
from bseg
for all entries in it_bkpf
where bukrs = it_bkpf-bukrs
and belnr = it_bkpf-belnr.
Delete duplicate record based on Company Code and GL No.
delete adjacent duplicates from it_bseg
     comparing bukrs belnr.

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    Hi Experts,
    Can anybody tell me how to debug the start routine? Also could you please guide me where to write the custom code in the start routine.
    Thanks in advance.

    Thank you for your help. but the blog link that you send it to me does not mention anything about ABAP debugger screen.
    What should I do once I get in to the ABAP debugger? the link only tells how to get to the ABAP debugger that I know.
    Also it say that I have to use the infinite loop to debugg the start routine.
    Can anybody tell me how to debugg start routine with the scren shots please. I don't know how to use infinite loop in the start routine. Is their any easy process step by step to see my particular record behavior in the start routine?
    I will assing you the points. again thank you.

  • How to form a query for this requirment

    Hi Friends,
    I have a database table in which I store the employee data along with his phone number. Now this row of data can repeat for different phone number depending on if it is office phone or home phone or cell phone.
    But in the output of query, I need name of empoyee and other three columns namely "Home Phone", "Office Phone" and "Cell Phone".
    If employee has three rows for each kind of phone, then in the result of query all three columns for phone numbers should be filled, otherwise as many columns should be filled with data as different phone numbers employee has.
    Can any one please post SQL query for this scenario ?
    Thanks in Adavance

    I cannot imagine, that second and third query are
    under any circumstances faster as first one, but i
    can imagine that they are slower You stated that query without the inline view can only be faster. Did you check on optimizer plans or use tkprof to verify your claim?
    A quick check on those two selects
    SELECT object_id, object_type, object_name
      FROM user_objects;
    SELECT object_id, object_type, object_name
      FROM (SELECT object_id, object_type, object_name
              FROM user_objects)
              ;didn't show any changes in the explain plan unter 10g1.

  • How to use dynamic query for this ??

    hi , i am new to ABAP. i got a requirement to write  dynamic query for the following code.
    kindly address. two set of queries are same.but condition is different.
    .IF p_psd EQ ' '.
    *C--End of change DF 1232137- (Transport # :CIDK980530 )
    *C--FETCH THE Deliverd Quantiity and Material Number
        SELECT aufnr "ORDER number
               wemng "Quantity of goods received for the order item
               matnr "MATERIAL NUMBER
               pwerk "PLANT
               dauat "Order Type
               FROM afpo
               INTO TABLE t_afpo
               WHERE aufnr IN s_order
               AND   wemng IN s_dqt
               AND   matnr IN s_matnr
               AND   pwerk IN s_plant
               AND   dauat = c_ro.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          SORT t_afpo BY aufnr matnr pwerk.
          SELECT aufnr "ORDER number
                 objnr "Object number
                 FROM aufk
                 INTO TABLE t_aufk
                 FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_afpo
                 WHERE aufnr = t_afpo-aufnr.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            SORT t_aufk BY aufnr objnr.
    *C--FETCH THE Target Quantiity
            SELECT aufnr "ORDER number
                   gamng "Total order quantity target quantity
                   FROM afko
                   INTO TABLE t_afko
                   FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_afpo
                   WHERE aufnr = t_afpo-aufnr
                   AND   gamng IN s_tqt.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
              SORT t_afko BY aufnr .
          MESSAGE text-e03 TYPE c_s. " No data for the selection criteria
    *C--Begin of change DF 1232137- (Transport # :CIDK980530 )
      IF p_psd EQ c_x.
        SELECT aufnr "ORDER number
               wemng "Quantity of goods received for the order item
               matnr "MATERIAL NUMBER
               pwerk "PLANT
               dauat "Order Type
               FROM afpo
               INTO TABLE t_afpo
               WHERE aufnr IN s_order
               AND   wemng > 0
               AND   matnr IN s_matnr
               AND   pwerk IN s_plant
               AND   dauat = c_ro.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
        IF  NOT t_afpo[] IS INITIAL.
          SORT t_afpo BY aufnr matnr pwerk.
          SELECT aufnr "ORDER number
                 objnr "Object number
                 FROM aufk
                 INTO TABLE t_aufk
                 FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_afpo
                 WHERE aufnr = t_afpo-aufnr.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            SORT t_afko BY aufnr gamng.
            MESSAGE text-e03 TYPE c_s. " No data for the selection criteria
        IF NOT t_afpo[] IS INITIAL.
    *C--FETCH THE Target Quantiity
          SELECT aufnr "ORDER number
                 gamng "Total order quantity target quantity
                 FROM afko
                 INTO TABLE t_afko
                 FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_afpo
                 WHERE aufnr = t_afpo-aufnr
                 AND   gamng <> t_afpo-wemng .
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            SORT t_afko BY aufnr gamng.
            MESSAGE text-e03 TYPE c_s. " No data for the selection criteria
        MESSAGE text-e03 TYPE c_s. " No data for the selection criteria
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Jan 5, 2011 1:30 PM please use code tags

    Hi friend,
    Try using MACRO and dynamic WHERE condition.
    Group simialr Select statements under a Macro.
    Build a dynamic where by checking conditions
    Call macro passing dynamic where condition.
    TABLES afpo.
    DATA: str TYPE string.
    *Macro definition
    DEFINE operation.
      select single *
           from afpo into afpo
           where (&1).    " Dynamic condition
    *Build dynamic WHERE by checking some conditions
    *If conditon 
    CONCATENATE 'AUFNR = ''000000700008''' 'AND POSNR = ''0001''' INTO str SEPARATED BY space.
    CONCATENATE 'AUFNR = ''000000700008''' 'AND POSNR = ''0002''' INTO str SEPARATED BY space.
    *Call Macro passing dynamic WHERE condition
    operation str.

  • How to use parrallel cursor in this code

    hi can anyone expalin me how to use parallel cursor for this code ... 
    loop at itabkpf.
          read table ibsegpar_fu with key
                     belnr = itabkpf-belnr
                     gjahr = itabkpf-gjahr
                     bschl = '25' .
    Start insert by Pradeep 20082008
          sort: itabkpf by belnr,
                itabsegpar by belnr.
    End insert by Pradeep 20082008
          if sy-subrc = 0. "Deleted by pradeep 20082008
            select bukrs belnr gjahr bschl koart lifnr wrbtr
                   wskto pswbt zfbdt augbl augdt sgtxt rebzg rebzj
                   into corresponding
                   fields of table ibsegpar_fu_1 from bseg
                   where bukrs = itabkpf-bukrs and
                   belnr = itabkpf-belnr and
                   gjahr = itabkpf-gjahr and
                   augbl <> itabkpf-belnr and
                   rebzg <> space and
                   bschl = '25'.
            loop at ibsegpar_fu_1.
    Start insert by Pradeep 20082008
              sort ibsegpar_fu_1 by belnr.
    End insert by Pradeep 20082008
              move-corresponding ibsegpar_fu_1 to itabseg.
              move ibsegpar_fu_1-belnr to itabseg-augbl.
              move ibsegpar_fu_1-rebzg to itabseg-belnr.
              move ibsegpar_fu_1-rebzj to itabseg-gjahr.
    *********to include code to pick the description for partical payment
              select single * from bseg where
                  bukrs = ibsegpar_fu_1-bukrs and
                  belnr = ibsegpar_fu_1-belnr and
                  gjahr = ibsegpar_fu_1-gjahr and
                  augbl <> ibsegpar_fu_1-belnr and
                  rebzg = space and
                  bschl <> '25'.
              move bseg-sgtxt to itabseg-sgtxt.
              clear bseg.
    *********end of code
              itabseg-wrbtr = itabseg-wrbtr * -1.
              itabseg-pswbt = itabseg-pswbt * -1.
              select single budat into lsdat from
                   bkpf where bukrs = ibsegpar_fu_1-bukrs and
                   belnr = ibsegpar_fu_1-rebzg and
                   gjahr = ibsegpar_fu_1-rebzj.
              if sy-subrc = 0.
                move lsdat to itabseg-zfbdt.
              append itabseg.
          endif. "Deleted by Pradeep 20082008
        loop at ibsegpar_fu.
          sort ibsegpar_fu by belnr. " insert by pradeep
          move-corresponding ibsegpar_fu to itabseg.
          select bukrs belnr gjahr bschl koart lifnr wrbtr
                 rebzg rebzj sgtxt into corresponding
                 fields of table ibsegpar_fu_1 from bseg
                 where  bukrs = ibsegpar_fu-bukrs and
                 gjahr = ibsegpar_fu-gjahr and
                 augbl = ibsegpar_fu-belnr and  " Pradeep 20082008 Delete
                augbl <> ibsegpar_fu-belnr and " Pradeep 20082008 Insert
                 rebzg = space and
                 bschl = '25'.
          if sy-subrc = 0.
            loop at ibsegpar_fu_1.
              move ibsegpar_fu_1-rebzg to itabseg-rebzg.
              move ibsegpar_fu_1-rebzj to itabseg-rebzj.
            move ibsegpar_fu-belnr to itabseg-augbl.
            move itabseg-rebzg to itabseg-belnr.
            move itabseg-rebzj to itabseg-gjahr.
            itabseg-wrbtr = itabseg-wrbtr * -1.
            itabseg-pswbt = itabseg-pswbt * -1.
            select single budat into lsdat from
                 bkpf where bukrs = ibsegpar_fu-bukrs and
                 belnr = itabseg-rebzj and
                 gjahr = itabseg-rebzj.
            if sy-subrc = 0.
              move lsdat to itabseg-zfbdt.
            append itabseg.
            read table itabseg with key
                 belnr = itabseg-rebzg
                 gjahr = itabseg-rebzj
                 bschl = '31' .
            if sy-subrc = 0.
             delete itabseg index sy-tabix. "Deleted by Pradeep 20082108
    Start insert by Pradeep 20082008
         loop at itabseg.
          if itabseg-belnr = itabseg-augbl.
            delete itabseg.
          elseif itabseg-belnr = ' '.
            delete itabseg.
    End insert by Pradeep 20082008

    hi can anyone expalin me how to use parallel cursor for this code ... 
    loop at itabkpf.
          read table ibsegpar_fu with key
                     belnr = itabkpf-belnr
                     gjahr = itabkpf-gjahr
                     bschl = '25' .
    Start insert by Pradeep 20082008
          sort: itabkpf by belnr,
                itabsegpar by belnr.
    End insert by Pradeep 20082008
          if sy-subrc = 0. "Deleted by pradeep 20082008
            select bukrs belnr gjahr bschl koart lifnr wrbtr
                   wskto pswbt zfbdt augbl augdt sgtxt rebzg rebzj
                   into corresponding
                   fields of table ibsegpar_fu_1 from bseg
                   where bukrs = itabkpf-bukrs and
                   belnr = itabkpf-belnr and
                   gjahr = itabkpf-gjahr and
                   augbl <> itabkpf-belnr and
                   rebzg <> space and
                   bschl = '25'.
            loop at ibsegpar_fu_1.
    Start insert by Pradeep 20082008
              sort ibsegpar_fu_1 by belnr.
    End insert by Pradeep 20082008
              move-corresponding ibsegpar_fu_1 to itabseg.
              move ibsegpar_fu_1-belnr to itabseg-augbl.
              move ibsegpar_fu_1-rebzg to itabseg-belnr.
              move ibsegpar_fu_1-rebzj to itabseg-gjahr.
    *********to include code to pick the description for partical payment
              select single * from bseg where
                  bukrs = ibsegpar_fu_1-bukrs and
                  belnr = ibsegpar_fu_1-belnr and
                  gjahr = ibsegpar_fu_1-gjahr and
                  augbl <> ibsegpar_fu_1-belnr and
                  rebzg = space and
                  bschl <> '25'.
              move bseg-sgtxt to itabseg-sgtxt.
              clear bseg.
    *********end of code
              itabseg-wrbtr = itabseg-wrbtr * -1.
              itabseg-pswbt = itabseg-pswbt * -1.
              select single budat into lsdat from
                   bkpf where bukrs = ibsegpar_fu_1-bukrs and
                   belnr = ibsegpar_fu_1-rebzg and
                   gjahr = ibsegpar_fu_1-rebzj.
              if sy-subrc = 0.
                move lsdat to itabseg-zfbdt.
              append itabseg.
          endif. "Deleted by Pradeep 20082008
        loop at ibsegpar_fu.
          sort ibsegpar_fu by belnr. " insert by pradeep
          move-corresponding ibsegpar_fu to itabseg.
          select bukrs belnr gjahr bschl koart lifnr wrbtr
                 rebzg rebzj sgtxt into corresponding
                 fields of table ibsegpar_fu_1 from bseg
                 where  bukrs = ibsegpar_fu-bukrs and
                 gjahr = ibsegpar_fu-gjahr and
                 augbl = ibsegpar_fu-belnr and  " Pradeep 20082008 Delete
                augbl <> ibsegpar_fu-belnr and " Pradeep 20082008 Insert
                 rebzg = space and
                 bschl = '25'.
          if sy-subrc = 0.
            loop at ibsegpar_fu_1.
              move ibsegpar_fu_1-rebzg to itabseg-rebzg.
              move ibsegpar_fu_1-rebzj to itabseg-rebzj.
            move ibsegpar_fu-belnr to itabseg-augbl.
            move itabseg-rebzg to itabseg-belnr.
            move itabseg-rebzj to itabseg-gjahr.
            itabseg-wrbtr = itabseg-wrbtr * -1.
            itabseg-pswbt = itabseg-pswbt * -1.
            select single budat into lsdat from
                 bkpf where bukrs = ibsegpar_fu-bukrs and
                 belnr = itabseg-rebzj and
                 gjahr = itabseg-rebzj.
            if sy-subrc = 0.
              move lsdat to itabseg-zfbdt.
            append itabseg.
            read table itabseg with key
                 belnr = itabseg-rebzg
                 gjahr = itabseg-rebzj
                 bschl = '31' .
            if sy-subrc = 0.
             delete itabseg index sy-tabix. "Deleted by Pradeep 20082108
    Start insert by Pradeep 20082008
         loop at itabseg.
          if itabseg-belnr = itabseg-augbl.
            delete itabseg.
          elseif itabseg-belnr = ' '.
            delete itabseg.
    End insert by Pradeep 20082008

  • How to use User exit for MM_MATBEL

    I want to exclude some material documents while archiving a range of material document through archive Object MM_MATBEL.
    Can you please suggest how to use user exit for this to exclude the material document while archiving.
    Please brief me details.

    Hi Debadatta,
    Welcome to SDN.
    Have you looked report program <b>RM07MAAU</b> (Report for Material Document Archiving)?
    Hope this will help.
    Ferry Lianto

  • How to set request number of info package using start routine

    Hi All,
    I have a specific requirement in which I need to upload only selective request nos from PSA to DSO.
    Any one can suggest how to set request number of info package using start routine or any other mode so that only selective request should proceed using DTP?

    You'll probably want to do this in a start routine.  It is probably not advisable to hard-code the technical name of the InfoPak.  They seem to remain the same upon transport, unlike DTP technical names which are locally generated.
    I would do a SQL select like this in a start routine, and then filter based on the results of the SQL.  You'll probably want to sort the results by date and time, both descending.  Or do a MAX in the SQL.
    Please let me know if this isn't clear.
    select q~rnr q~logdpid q~tdatum q~tuzeit
    from rsreqdone as q
      inner join rsldpio as p
        on p~logdpid = q~logdpid
    where p~objvers = 'A'
    and p~logdpid like 'ZPAK%'
    and p~source = 'your data source'

  • How to write conversion routine for key figure?

    Our customer has this requirment:
    we need to know the last time of some TV program in BEx report, If a TV program last 500 seconds, we need show the key figure like this:  00:08:20, If a TV program last 100000 seconds, we need show the key figure like 27:46:40 (27 hours and 46 minitues and 27 seconds), If we define a key figure as time,  BW system will report a error that say it is not acceptable time.  If we want to define a integer, but we need display it like hhmmss format.  We know we can write conversion routine for char.  but I don't how to write conversion routine for key figure.   Please give me any hint if any other solutions?
    Edited by: SY DONG on Dec 2, 2010 3:36 AM

    If you want to do in Transformation Layer :
    You can use routine ...break up the seconds into minute hour and seconds
    you will have to handle few cases in this:
    let say your variable lv_seconds holds the number of seconds you want to convert to hour min and seconds
    DATA: lv_seconds type i,
               lv_hrs  type  i,
              lv_sec type i,
              lv_min type i.
    lv_hrs = lv_seconds / 3600
    if lv_hrs >= 1.
    lv_min = (lv_hrs - trunc(lv_hrs))*60
    here again handle seconds if min >60.
    lv_hrs = '00'.
    lv_min = lv_hrs*60
    It is just hint you can manipulate the seconds to get will have to think about the complete algorithm

  • How to write  complex sql for this

    Hi ALL,
    I have a requirement like this
    I have 5 tables which i have to join to get the result
    but there no join column to 2 other table.
    I want to get all the applications using cobal,running on UNIX.
    How to write the query for this
    APP_i DESC
    1 Accounts
    2 Payments
    3 order transfer
    4 Order processing
    techid techdesc
    1 cobal
    2 Java
    APP_I Techid
    1 1
    2 1
    3 1
    4 2
    pltfmid pltfrmdesc
    1 Windows NT
    2 UNIX
    APP_I pltfrmid
    1 1
    2 1
    3 2
    4 2
    ouput must be
    APP_i Desc techDESC pltfrmdesc
    3 ordertranfer Cobal UNIX
    Thanks in advance

    This ('descr' in place of 'desc')?
    SQL> select a.app_i, a.descr, t.techdesc, p.pltfrmdesc
    from app_techgy atc,
       app a,
       techgy t,
       app_pltfrm ap,
       pltfrm p
    where atc.techid = t.techid
    and atc.app_i = a.app_i
    and atc.app_i = ap.app_i
    and ap.pltfrmid = p.pltfmid
    order by a.app_i
         APP_I DESCR                TECHDESC             PLTFRMDESC         
             1 accounts             cobal                windows nt         
             2 payments             cobal                windows nt         
             3 order transfer       cobal                unix               
             4 order processing     java                 unix               
    4 rows selected.

  • Start Routine for transfer rules

    Hello experts,
    I want to use the SQL DISTINCT keyword to return non-duplicate results from a table in a DataSource (data base) in a the start routine for the transfer rules.
    How do I address that table in the start routine of the TR?
    I thought about something like that.
    TABLES: mytable
    DATA: itab_mytable type table of mytable
    FROM mytable into table i_tab.
    I am new to ABAP so I would be happy to get some suggestions!
    thanx in advance

    Hello Oscar,
    as fa as I understood the entire data package in the transfer structure format is used as parameter (DATAPAK) for the routine.
    so I want to perform a SQL statement on DATAPAK!
    But it sais it can't find DATAPAK in ABAP-Dictionary as a table!
    can I actually perform SQL statements on DATAPAK?

  • Hi Any body Knows How to use CAT Tool for Up Loading?

    If any body knows how to use CAT Tool for up loading transactions, explain the steps.
    Our requirement is, we want to up load transactions like Oppor , Quotation,Order etc...we want to up load these transcations from Local system to CRM Server
    how to do this? Let me know the steps.

    If you have 10,000 or less, CATT is a reasonable method, but I would suspect that you have far more than that if you're needing to load transactions.
    LSMW is probably a better way to go if you have more than 10k, but I am not familiar with LSMW

  • I just bought a new computer, how can I start syncing with this computer without erasing everything already on my iphone?

    I just bought a new computer, how can I start syncing with this computer without erasing everything already on my iphone?
    Everytime I try to use the option sync manual it wants me to erase everything.
    Please help

    The iPhone can be synced to one and only one computer at a time. Before you "marry" it to your new computer, be sure your new computer contains all the old computer's information. When you sync the iPhone to a new computer, it will be erased first. Then, whatever is on your iTunes Library will be synced to the iPhone.
    Read: iTunes: How to move your music to a new computer
    You can also copy its previous backup from the old computer to the new one, then "restore from backup".
    From iTunes: About iOS backups
    Where iTunes backups are stored on your computer
    The folder where your backup data are stored varies depending on the computer's operating system. Make sure the backup folder is included in your periodic data-backup routine.
    iTunes places the backup files in the following places:
    Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/
    Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\(username)\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\
    Note: To quickly access the Application Data folder, click Start, and choose Run. Type %appdata% and click OK.
    Windows Vista and Windows 7: \Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\
    Note: To quickly access the AppData folder, click Start. In the search bar, type %appdata% and press the Return key.

  • Please provide the abap code for this requirement

    note : if the below mentioned user exit is not suitable please find the suitable user exit and provide the code for this requirement.
    •     The User-exit MEFLD004 is only to be used at PO level (ME21N/ME22N).
    •     When PO is create or changed (ekko-ebeln) user exit MEFLD004 is triggered which check for the business requirement of the PO check for PO doc types (ekko-bsart) :z4,z6,z11,z12 from the table ekko and Account Assignment Category (knttp) is either N or K then stock process follows.  
    •     When an PO is cancelled, all entries will have to be reversed
    •     The Buffer table for the PO will have the following fields:
    Purchase order Number                     EKKO-EBELN
    Line item number of the PO               EKPO-EBELP
    Vendor Number                                  EKKO-LIFNR
    PO Quantity                                        EKPO-MENGE
    PO Nett Price                                     EKPO-NETPR
    Base Unit of Measure                  EKPO-LMEIN
    Account Assignment Category          EKPO-KNTTP
    PO Doc type                       EKPO-BSART     
    Plant                            EKPO-WERKS     
    Purchase Org                                  EKKO-EKORG
    Purchase Group                    EKKO-EKGRP     
    Company code                                EKPO-WAERS
    Item category                     EKPO-PSTYP
    PO Doc Date                      EKKO-BEDAT
    •     No duplications are allowed for any created, changed or cancelled purchase orders. If such a case occurs, the record will be updated with the latest update time stamp. This custom table will be keyed by purchase order number.


  • How to use same actions for differ pop-up buttons

    Hi gurus,
    I am using 2 popup in a view.same popup's having same buttons 'Yes', 'No'.when i use 1st one i have to create an action for that Yes button where i put my code for that particular Action.
    But when i used 2nd one the action define for that is not acceptable with differ takes only standard one.
    Now my Query is : How to use same actions for differ pop-up buttons with in a similar view?Where i put my code.
    Plz sugges me.
    <b>Points will be sured.</b>
    Sanket sethi

    Hi ,
    u can use the method SUBSCRIBE_TO_BUTTON_EVENT of the IF_WD_WINDOW interface ... to handle the event fired by the popup .....used this method after creating the popup window ...

  • How to use Value Mappings for simple translations?

    I want to use Value Mappings for simple translations in mappings, e.g. from IDoc to Inhouse structures.
    For example unit of quantity:
    IDOC    -->    INHOUSE
    PCE               P
    ABC               A
    How can I use Value Mapping for this? What should be used as Agency, what should be used for Scheme? What about groups? I tried the following: I created a new Value Mapping in Integration Directory:
    - Source Agency: DELVRY05
    - Source Scheme: MENEE (IDoc field name)
    - Target Acency: INHOUSE_DESADV (Name of structure)
    - Target scheme: UNIT (Name of field)
    Then, in the table, I added several lines for translating PCE to P and ABC to A and so on. But I have to define a group name for each line. I used INHOUSE. But than I get one INHOUSE group for each line.
    This seems very complicated for simple translations from A to B. I don't want to use FixValue in Message mappings.
    Any help appreciated.

    @pavan kumar: Thanks, but I know all Blogs about Value Mappings. That does not help me. And I refer to PI 7.1.
    Lets get it very simple: I want to have exactly the same functionality of "FixValues" as ValueMappings. In 7.1, I need to define a Group for every row / line in the conversion table (e.g. for units of measurement conversion between IDoc and FlatFile). That does not make sense for me, as the Group is always the same, e.g. "Unit of measurement". So I will get dozens of same groups called "Unit of measurement".
    I don't really understand the concept of Groups. Maybe this is just not appropiate for my intenses? Maybe the Group has to be defined as one specific value of Unit of measurement, e.g. "pieces"?

Maybe you are looking for

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