How we see Users transaction Deatails by daily wise.

I want to knw each users how many transactions he added in
each documents wise. through Drag and relate we can get but
there is no option for  incoming and outgoing documents. how
we will see daily how many transactions he updated. we have
saw in  OUSR  Table in this there is no data regarding entries.
daily wise.

Dear Sampathdevunuri,
You can get the Users transaction Details daily wise, by creating a small query and create a alert based on that query.
I have written a sample query for you, which will give the total no. A/R invoices created by each user on daily basis.
You can creat an alert based on this query and set the alert to fire at the end of the day, so that you have the complete details about the total A/R invoice transactions per user.
Also you can modify this query to get the details information about other transactions per user as per your requirement.
Rakesh Pati
SAP Business One Forum Team

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         I dont see this process is as complicated as mentioned above.  You dont even need to go to the ABAP world to see the list of users using a particular application.  The  MI Web Console or the NetWeaver Administrator will help you in achieving your requirements.  If you are using MI Web Console, go to Administration tab and here you have the possibility to view the all the users who are using MI, the application being used and so on.  For your scenarion, just provide the Mobile Component name in the query tab and click Execute. Work done!! All users using the MAM application will be listed. 
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    Hi Priya,
    Pl check this you will get log files for EP users,
    1> login via j2ee visual admin -> for tht run go.jar file in cmd  (usr\sap\EPP\JC00\j2ee\admi\go.jar)
    2> login as administrator
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    Sendmail doesn't truly have a "mail store", only mailbox files. You can edit those, true.
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    Messaging Server does, however, provide the "proxyauth" extension to IMAP and HTTP mail access. Easiest for an admin to use is the HTTP version.
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    Hi Muddana,
    You can also use the transaction STAD for this.
    Alternative goto transaction ST03. and Choose expert mode.
    Under performance history choose one recent period. Next choose the period of your choice.
    In the next screen from menu bar select GOTO then Profiles then User Profiles. Now from the list choose the user for which analysis has to be done and double click on it. Now you will get to transaction executed by the user.
    Please award points if the info was helpful.
    Message was edited by:
            Ruchit Khushu
    Message was edited by:
            Ruchit Khushu

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    There is no simple answser. This depends mainly on the way you can retrieve some application data in GV$SESSION.
    This data needs to be set up explicity with DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO or maybe implicitely by the application code/database driver.

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    Check with your BASIS guy if authorization object is available for the field SEGMENT... There are some issues yet with this because it is not available in some T codes
    If the same is not available, you can ask your ABAPer to create a Z authorization object for this field and write a small ABAP code in the exit RGGBR000 (FI validation)
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    CHECK i_aufk-werks  IS NOT INITIAL.
             ID 'BUKRS' FIELD i_aufk-bukrs
             ID 'WERKS' FIELD i_aufk-werks
             ID 'ACTVT' DUMMY.
    IF sy-subrc = 4.
      MESSAGE e398(00) WITH 'You do not have sufficent Authorization'.
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    I was thinking about it, but the possibility of of
    refreshing data without users beinig involved and
    only when it is needed Something of a contradiction. If the user is not involved then you don't know if the information is needed or surplus to requirements.
    seems more elegant to meOn the contrary - it's an architectural kludge. Solutions of this type are fragile. This may be acceptable in return for an improved user experience, but you need to weigh this particular improvement against possible degradation elsewhere as a result of it.
    Databases are designed to be queried. You're trying to have the database notify you. Given this you will have to trade some quality in return for the feature you're after.
    Note also that transactionality is pretty much about avoiding the scenario (views on incomplete or conflicting transactions) that you're seeking. Given how much effort goes into avoiding this are you absolutely sure you've thought through the possible consequences of it? What about transactions that get rolled back and thus (effectively) never occur, for example - should your users be able to see these?
    So, your trade-offs are:
    Polling - Pro: gives you the behaviour you ask for. Con: Fragile, may cause performance problems, possibly unwise for business reasons. Have you performed usability testing ( to ensure your users actually need this?
    Manual updates - Pro: reliable, performant, ACID. Con: Not the dynamic behaviour you ask for.
    There are two other possibilities which have not been discussed. I mention them for the sake of completeness, but I don't recommend them.
    Database Notification - Pro: as manual. Con: not a portable solution; if possible at all you will need to take advantage of database specific features such as triggers and Java stored procedures. Adds considerable complexity to the database layer and thus requires alert and informed DBAs (worth their weight in gold).
    Application Notification - Pro: portable to some extent. Con: agnostic about updates occurring outside your application. Requires a solid architectural base to be robust.
    (edit: after re-reading the OP, I'm not sure if he does or does not want to see incomplete transactions; disregard those points if he doesn't.)

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    how to find what transaction a particular user was running for a given period
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    U need to findout the list of Tcode excuted by SAP user
    1) Tcode: ST03N
    2) Select Expert Mode option
               (there u find  Server Host name & Today)
       If u select Host name u find DAY/WEEK/Month (same thing will in Today option)
    3)Now u need to select the option of DAY,WEEK etc.
    Now u can find in two ways
    1) Transaction profile (Standard / EarlyWatch)
    2) User (user profile)
    If u select the Transaction profile
    Under these u find the option of Aggregation----application/package/tranasation etc.
    I hope these will help u to findout.

  • HT1918 How can I see ALL transaction history in my account.  Specifically, I would like to see the gift cards I have redeemed for my account.  I know I have over $200 in my account but it is not showing the balance anywhere.  Any ideas?!?!?

    How can I see ALL transaction history in my account.  Specifically, I want to review the gift cards I have redeemed but the amounts are not showing up in my account.  I know I have over $200 in my account and I am unable to access it.  The site wants me to pay by credit card and I don't want to do that.  Any ideas how I can recover the money in my account?

    You can only view your account's purchase history, you can't view a history of card redemptions.
    My account's balance shows at the top left of the store's page on my computer's iTunes, and by logging in to view my account via the Store > View Account menu option. On my iOS devices it shows at the bottom of, for example, the Featured tab in the App Store app under my account id (or you can view your account via Settings > iTunes & App Stores and it should show on the screen that you are taken to).
    To view your purchase history : log into your account on your computer's iTunes via the Store > View Account menu option, you should then see a Purchase History section with a 'see all' link to the right of it. Click on that and you should then see a list of your purchases.
    You've tried logging out and back into your account to see if your balance then shows ? If not, and you can't see where it might have been spent, then you could try contacting iTunes Support and see if they can help : - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Purchases, Billing & Redemption

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