How-what to use to inport??

I don't know if this is the right place here to ask that question, but I don't know another place with so many pros using Aperture. We use 32 GB UDMA6 CF cards. Some times when we decide to shoot in JPEG there are 6000 pictures on them( card is than 2/3 full). We use now Lexar FW 400 readers to import directly into Aperture 2. But On the road that is frustrating, because it takes sometimes almost 3 hours to import a single card. Any idea how to speed things up?

i would also like to add that the Cards them selves make a huge difference.
For example to marked "pro" "HD" or " high speed" from makes such as SanDisc, have a VERY much faster read/write time to the cards.
The higher price id definatly worth the extra!
**also PLEASE be careful not to buy Fake Cards **
these are freely sold on 'you know where'
The innards are variable, often not the GBsize printed, and will have cheaper chip sets that are; Unreliable (will loose all your data) and often a BIG Clue is that they are VERY S-L-O-W...
Always use a 'quality' branded card reader too; such as SandDisc/ Sony etc.
these WILL be faster, and again cheaper /fake card readers are slow, and often can not cope with the higher storage capacity of modern storage cards (ie they wont work at all on cards over say 32GB for example)

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    iTunes and iCloud and different accounts, you will need to delete both accounts from your device before adding the new details in their place.
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  • SmartSound - What Is It & How Do I Use It?

    For some time, there has been discussion on the use of SmartSound® with various versions of Adobe Premiere®. Often, there is a bit of confusion, as to what SmartSound is and how best to use it. I hope to provide some information on both the programs as well as the "Series," that make up SmartSound music.
    First, here is some background. SmartSound’s programs come in basically three "flavors" now. First, there is QuickTracks for Premiere®. This is a plug-in for PrPro/PrE. It works from within the NLE program itself. Then, there are two versions of Sonicfire Pro®, which is a stand-alone program that is similar to QuickTracks, but offers so very much more in the way of power with the Strata Series® (and other Multi-track music) Series. One of these is the ExpressTracks® version, which is free with the purchase of any Strata Series disc., and the other is the full Scoring Edition®, which can be purchased separately, or upgraded free, if one has a registered copy of Sonicfire Pro 4 with S/N. While the basic function of the programs is similar, the mechanics can differ, as well as the final output.
    Second, there is the music. It is grouped into several Series. All can only be used in the SmartSound software. The SmartSound® Music library is a very creative and flexible collection of royalty-free* music. It's the only music that gives video editors access to perfectly edited music from any SmartSound software or embedded technology.
    Looking at it from one side, the Series are grouped by style, theme and mood. On the other side, they are grouped by the type of discs. At a basic level, there are three types of these discs:
    Single Layer tracks: no Mood Mapping capability, however there are 22KHz, 44KHz and 48KHz single layer tracks (the Classical Suite albums are single layer 48KHz. Note that single-layer music cannot be used with Mood Mapping.
    Multilayer tracks: all multilayer tracks have Mood Mapping, and there are only 44KHz and 48KHz multilayer tracks.
    Some of the recent releases of the Strata Series discs, only contain the 48KHz versions Remember, only the 48KHz can contain Mood Mapping, and can only be used with Sonicfire Pro. For the QuickTracks plug-in, one would use the 44KHz version, and of course there is no Mood Mapping in QuickTracks.
    All of the various Series also contain several variations on each "cut." The vast majority are original creations and the few that are "public domain" are original performances.
    Generally, the price of the music Series goes up with both the quality (sample-rate) and with the multi-layer aspect. Still, "sales" do happen from time to time.
    Ignoring the Mood Mapping feature for a moment, I’d like to talk about what SmartSound and Sonicfire Pro do, when used with the SmartSound music Series. These programs and this music will allow one to exactly tailor their soundtrack, and far beyond what one can do using loopology. The intros and outros can be specified. If you know the exact Duration of your Video, you can tailor your resulting score to that Duration.
    With Sonicfire Pro, and a Strata Series multi-layer disc, one can tailor much more, than just the Duration of the music. This is where Mood Mapping comes in. With Mood Mapping there is almost unlimited control on what the same piece of music can sound like. Within the Mood Mapping control panel, one can use many Presets, but can also control virtually every aspect of the music. Imagine being able to take a full orchestral version of a piece of music, and then separating out just the violins, or just the brass section. Both versions of Sonicfire Pro can utilize Mood Mapping, but there are limitations on the ExpressTracks version, and even more power in the Scoring Edition, including Timing Control.
    Now remember that I mentioned that QuickTracks for Premiere was a plug-in and that both versions of Sonicfire Pro are stand-alone applications. How does this affect how one uses them? Because of the plug-in nature, QuickTracks is launched from within Premiere via the New icon and SmartSound from the drop-down menu. This brings up the QuickTracks interface, where one can tailor the Duration, and the variation, of the piece, but also contains a link to a browser. In this browser, one can sort by various criteria, plus are also allowed a text Search function to use the notes with each music cut. There are also filters to limit ones view to criteria, such as Music on My Computer, Music Owned by Me, Music On SmartSound’s Web site and All.
    As Sonicfire Pro is a stand-alone, one would first Export a "reference" AV file, to use when scoring. One day, I would love to see Sonicfire Pro as a plug-in for Premiere, so that this one step would not be necessary. The next best thing would be for Adobe to do a Dynamic Link to Sonicfire Pro. There is no need for any reference file with QuickTracks, as one is working in the Sequence’s Timeline.
    When the purchased Series have been installed on one’s computer, it will contain a preview, regardless of whether the actual sound files are copied to that computer. One can work from the copied music files, or from the DVD discs. [Note: because of the limitation on QuickTracks to just the 22KHz and 44KHz music, installations usually do not have to be done separately, unless the user wants both the multilayer version installed and the single layer versions installed. Any single layer albums will only need to be installed once (with the exception of Classical Suites, since they have 48KHz and 44KHz, but if installed in Quicktracks first, the 44KHz versions will be available in Sonicfire Pro.)] Personally, I copy the DVD’s to my HDD’s, for quick and easy access. However, that is not necessary, if one does not mind placing the DVD into a drive.
    If one does not wish to purchase one of the discs, the full library, they can still listen to the cuts, via the preview, and can purchase much of the music, by the cut, directly from SmartSound for download. This can allow one to use just the right cut, without having to invest in the full Library.
    One of the real advantages to registering one’s SmartSound, besides notification of updates, is the notifications of the "sales." These usually offer select Series at greatly reduced rates. I find the "regular" prices to be in line with what one gets, but a sale makes it even better. My biggest problem has been that I now own most of the Series, and the ones that I do not own are ones that I will likely not use. It’s getting more difficult to take advantage of these sales, no matter how low the price has dropped - I already own it.
    Last, SmartSound also has several Series of SFX too.
    * Excludes public performance as part of a film released through major theatrical distribution or broadcast on national television. See our Professional Music End User License for details regarding these uses.
    SmartSound, QuickTracks, Sonicfire Pro, ExpressTracks, Mood Mapping and Scoring Edition are all registered property of SmartSound Software, Inc.
    Adobe Premiere is a registered property of Adobe Software, Inc.
    SmartSound's Web site

    Addendum: later versions of Premiere Elements now have the SmartSound Sonicfire Pro Express Tracks version (not the Scoring Edition) included, rather than the older QuickTracks module. This allows one to use the newer SmartSound Multi-Track discs, where the older QuickTracks module will only work with some of the older Multi-Track discs. The version of SmartSound Sonicfire Pro Express Tracks included is limited, vs the Scoring Edition (available for purchase), but allows for a lot of editing of SmartSound material. The installation is separate from the installation of the Premiere Elements installation, and involves a download of the Sonicfire Pro Express Tracks installer. It is also necessary to then apply the update to the Sonicfire Pro Express Tracks program.
    I feel, however, that the Sonicfire Pro Scoring Edition, when used with the Multi-Track discs, is so very useful, that I recommend anyone, who is serious about creating custom soundtracks for their Videos, look closely at it, and also that they see the SmartSound tutorials (on the SmartSound Web site), to discover the power that it provides - it is like having a million variations for each Multi-Track song.

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    What aspect of Microsoft Office? Office is a suite of programs... Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.
    You've got several potential options. Libre Office and Open Office (both googleable) are 'open source,' free, downloadable programmes that will open most MS Office programmes and perform many of the functions of MS Office. Might be an idea to have a look round for reviews (etc) first, to see if they sound like they'll match your needs.
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    But if you're heavily reliant on MS, want ALL the bells and whistles of MS, or need to regularly transfer files between MS programmes on other computers and your laptop / desktop computer, then they might not be the best of ideas. Keynote - IME - can have some difficulties in transferring formatting to Powerpoint.
    Finally, there's MS Office Mac 2011. You can't download MS Office from the App Store, but can order the CDs from most online stores (including Apple's own store). It might be worth price hunting - if you're a student, you can usually find the programmes relatively cheap (£38 at the moment on Software4Students, though you'll need to belong to an academic institution / have a UK .ac email address). Apple's own prices on MS software are unlikely to be the best prices out there (though the product will be identical).
    MS Office includes Word, Excel and Powerpoint in the basic version. The slightly more expensive version (which, I think, is the £38 one on S4S) includes Outlook. Which - IME - is far more of a nuisance than Apple's native Mail programme.
    (I should probably add - I'm an academic. I own both Apple's own programmes, and MS Office 2011. I tend to use the MS programmes more, if only because they're the ones that other people tend to use, and transferring between Apple and MS programmes is a minor inconvenience. Pages also lacks Garamond, my favourite work font. The Apple progs are, however, far more beautifully integrated, and would be MORE than good enough for most users...)

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    I guess I'll show you what I am trying to do rather and then explain it
    public class arraycalc
    int[] dog;
    public void arraycalc()
    dog = new int[2];
    public void setSize(int size)
    dog[1] = size;
    public int getSize()
    return dog[1];
    This gives me a null pointer exception...
    How can I use my array from other methods?

    You have to make the array static. :)
    Although I must admit, this is rather bad usage. What you want to do is use an object constructor to make this class an object type, and then create the array in your main class using this type, and then call the methods from this class to modify your array. Creating the array inside the other method leads to a whole bunch of other stuff that's ... well, bad. :)
    Another thing: Because you're creating your array inside this class and you want to call your array from another class, you need to make the array static; to make it static, you must make your methods static. And according to my most ingenious computer science teacher, STATIC METHODS SUCK. :D
    So, if you want to stick with your layout, it would look like:
    public class arraycalc
         static int[] dog;
         public static void arraycalc()
              dog = new int[2];
         public static void setSize(int size)
              dog[1] = size;
         public static int getSize()
              return dog[1];
    }But I must warn you, that is absolutely horrible code, and you shouldn't use it. In fact, I don't even know why I posted it.
    You should definitely read up on OOP, as this problem would be better solved by creating a new object type.

  • How do I use the following code in such a way that it will display what is indicated by the word "echo"?

    if(exist chrome.exe $true) 
    echo internet is ready 
    echo get chrome!!
    I want to use the above script to cause the shell to display either "internet is ready" or "get chrome!!" depending on whether or not a user has Chrome but the shell keeps giving the following error message.
    Missing statement block after if ( condition ).
    At line:2 char:1
    What is a statement block, and how do I use it to display the text?

    This might work okay in .BAT but I don't think so much in Powershell. You are trying to do an IF ( ) statement, but you have no parameters after that.
    A pancake of how an IF statement works in Powershell:
    If (statement -like "True") { Script info if condition is true } else { script info if condition is false }
    In your case, you need to test the path of Chrome to see if it exsists. I don't have Chrome installed, but I do have IE. You just need to change the path to where the Chrome.exe is installed.
    ps - the Echo equiv in Powershell is Write-Host
    $TestBrowser = Test-Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
        if ($TestBrowser -like "True")
            Write-Host the internets is ready!
            Write-Host the internets is not ready
    Similiarly, you don't need to use $TestBrowser in your If ( ) statement, you can just use the operational param $?, which should return true or false depending on the last error message.

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