Howto handle persistence API query result list

I need some advice on how to handle a persistence API query result List since the Object variable returned by the "list.get(i)" method cannot be cast to an EntityClass declared by the EntityClassManager.
The piece of code below might help you understand my exact problem.
EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("SporTakipPU");
EntityManager em = (EntityManager) emf.createEntityManager();
Query q1 = em.createQuery( "SELECT,,, c.sirname FROM Log d, Kisi c WHERE = :id AND = :id" );
q1.setParameter( "id", argument );
List logList = q1.getResultList();
Log log = (Log) logList.get(1);
In this code i cannot cast Object to Log in the last line. Apparently this has something to do with the query.
Trying to solve this problem i declared two private string variables name and sirname and their set and get methods but this didn't help.

Entity Class : ReportView
@Table(name = "dummy")
public class ReportView implements Serializable {
@Column(name = "id", nullable = false)
private Integer id;
// getter , setter
SessionBean : ReportSessionBean
public List<ReportView> getReports() {
Query q = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT ID FROM REPORT", ReportView.class);
List<ReportView> r=(List<ReportView>)q.getResultList();
return r;
JSF / Back Bean : ReportBackBean
public class ReportBackBean {
private ReportSessionRemote reportSessionBean;
/** Creates a new instance of ReportBackBean */
public ReportBackBean() {
public List<ReportView> getReports() {
return reportSessionBean.getReports();
<h:dataTable value="#{ReportBackBean.reports}" var="report" border="1">
<h:outputText value="#{}"/>

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    Hi Bryan,
    After a quick test I can see the query results is in a descending order based on the first display column of the query results configuration. In the Request offering wizard I don't see an option for sorting. I don't think it is possible to configure this
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    The XML SQL Utility offers a getXMLSAX() method that streams SAX2 events to report the data being queried. This is the approach we can use to handle data of any size.
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    package test;
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    import java.sql.Driver;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
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    import oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLOutput;
    import oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLSAXPrintDriver;
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      public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable  {
          Connection conn = getConnection();
          OracleXMLQuery q = new OracleXMLQuery(getConnection(),QUERY);
          // Any printwriter will do. Here's we're output to standard out.
          PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out));
          // This is a SAX2 Content Handler used by the Oracle XSLT Engine
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          // By using the XSLSAXPrintDriver content handler, these events
          // get handled by writing them directly to the output stream
      private static XSLOutput outputOptions() throws XSLException {
        XSLOutput x = new XSLOutput();
        Properties props = new Properties();
        props.put(OutputKeys.INDENT,"yes");  // Set to "no" for non-indented
        return x;
      public static Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
        String username = "scott";
        String password = "tiger";
        String thinConn = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ORCL";
        Driver d = new OracleDriver();
        return DriverManager.getConnection(thinConn,username,password);

    Hi Uber,
    This is a known issue that error occurs when running report "Count of instances of specific software registered with Add or Remove Programs" due to non-printable characters for XML. Based on internal research, the hotfix for this issue will be
    included in the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Service Pack 1.
    As a workaround, you can remove the nonprintable character populated into the report parameter by referring to the following KB article:
    Hope this helps.
    Mike Yin
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

  • Confusion over Native Query Result List

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            "policy_holder, l.amount, c.out_principal_bf as outstanding_loan, c.out_interest_bf as interest, " +
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            "ON l.loan_id = c.loan_id JOIN loan_repayment r ON l.loan_id = r.loan_id WHERE " +
            "c.effective_date BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2 GROUP BY l.policy_number, l.last_name, l.first_name, l.amount, " +
            "c.out_principal_bf, c.out_interest_bf, c.effective_date, l.sub_system_code order by l.sub_system_code, l.last_name",
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            query.setParameter(1, reportCriteria.getFromDate());
            query.setParameter(2, reportCriteria.getToDate());
            List<Object[]> resultList = query.getResultList();
            System.out.println("resultList.size() >>>>>>>>>> " + resultList.size());
            for (Object[] obj : resultList){
                data = new AggregateStatementLoanBalanceReportData();
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                System.out.println("(String)obj[2] >>>>>>>>>> " + (String)obj[2]);
                System.out.println("(String)obj[3] >>>>>>>>>> " + (String)obj[3]);
                System.out.println("(String)obj[4] >>>>>>>>>> " + (String)obj[4]);
                System.out.println("(String)obj[5] >>>>>>>>>> " + (String)obj[5]);
                System.out.println("(String)obj[6] >>>>>>>>>> " + (String)obj[6]);
    .......My first shocking surpise is that all the System.out.println() return nulls but
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    so can anyone suggest what the problem may be.

    I came across your post as I experienced the same problem. As I found no answers I tried different let's say stupid solutions.
    The one that solved my problem was to write the name for the @ColumnResult in capitals as I noticed that Oracle transforms the alias column names into capitals. I guess otherwise the mapping doesn't occur correctly.
    My example:
    name = "Customers.searchCustomers",
    entities =
    @EntityResult(entityClass = Customers.class)
    columns =
    @ColumnResult(name = "CONTACTDATE"),
    @ColumnResult(name = "CONTRACTDATE")
    String queryString =
    "to_char(con.CONTACT_DATE, 'yyyy-dd-mm') AS CONTACTDATE, to_char(contr.CONTRACT_DATE, 'yyyy-dd-mm') AS CONTRACTDATE " +
    "WHERE c.CAMPAIGN_ID = ?1 AND upper(c.LAST_NAME) LIKE ?2 AND upper(c.FIRST_NAME) LIKE ?3";
    query = em.createNativeQuery(queryString,

  • Query Result Filtered using User Roles SCSM 2012 R2 RU2

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    Thanks for that link. I had thought of something like that but i found it came to the same thing as just using the filter field that is already available when using a Query Result. I retried using User Roles and figured out that the problem is that my test
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    on what exactly is overriding the results.

  • Object, Query and Java Persistence API

    Hello Java Programmers.
    Question to Object handling with Query results and evaluation.
    one table with 3 Columns
    Tablename = ISO6933
    Column 1 = UID
    Column 2 = language name
    Column 3 = language long name
    data in database:
    C1 = 1
    C2 = "ger"
    C3 = "german"
    read the data from database with EntityManagerFactory and EntityManager
    Query query = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT * FROM ISO6933");Final to - Query (Persistence) to Choice (AWT)
    Search short code for example!
    query.setFirstResult(0); // first element -> possible?
    java.util.List queryList = query.getResultList();
    // warnings -> List is a raw type. References to generic type List<E> should be parameterized
    java.awt.List list = new List();
    list.add(queryList.toString()); // for one element in the result, for more elements for/next loop
    // = [1,ger,german]I do not want to use
    - StringTokenizer
    - String.split
    (Cast from java.util.List to java.awt.List = Type mismatch: cannot convert from List to List)
    for one elements from [1,ger,german]
    final to
    in the AWT List()

    no answer? = is an answer !
    the normal solution would be for example.
         Query query = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT * FROM ISO693_3"); // create query
              query.setFirstResult(0); // first element          
              Object[] objectList = query.getResultList().toArray();          
              // objectList[X] = UID,LANGUAGE_ID,LANGUAGE_NAME
              int intLength = objectList.length; // Length          
              StringTokenizer token; // parser
              String string = new String(); // temp
              for (int i1=0;i1<intLength;i1++)
                   string = objectList[i1].toString();
                   string = string.substring(1, string.length()-1);
                   token = new StringTokenizer(string, ",");
                   while (token.hasMoreElements())
                        list.add(token.nextToken().trim()); // the next element and clean string
              }I look for however a better solution!
    Best greetings

  • List of query result in UDF

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    I make an UDF and put query to that UDF.  I want to make list of value of that query result is always appear when user click that UDF.
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    try this
    SELECT T2.DocTotal as 'SPK Value', T0.DocNum 'Payment No', T0.DocDate 'Payment Date', T1.U_Progress, Sum(T1.U_Prog_Val) 'Progress Value', Sum(T1.U_Ret_Val) 'Retensi Value', T0.DpmAmnt 'Down Payment', T0.DocTotal 'Paid', T0.Comments
    FROM OPCH T0 INNER JOIN PCH1 T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry INNER JOIN OPOR T2 ON T2.DocNum = T1.BaseRef
    WHERE T0.U_SPK = $[$U_SPK.number] and T0.CEECFlag = 'n'
    GROUP BY T2.DocTotal, T0.DocNum, T0.DocDate, T0.Comments, T0.DpmAmnt, T0.DocTotal, T1.U_Progress
    Union All
    SELECT 0,0, 0, '0', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0'
    Edited by: Suraj V on Jul 24, 2009 1:16 PM

  • Is it possible to list out CATALOG ITEMS GROUP in a Query Result of a Request Offering??

    Hi Experts,
    Is it possible to list out  CATALOG ITEMS GROUP as a result of Query Result in Request Offering ?? Because each and every Catalog Items Groups are being created as a SingleTon Child Class of System.CatalogItemGroup. i.e., Each CatalogItemGroup instance
    will have its own singleton class.
    Is it possible to list out all CatalogItemGroup Instances consolidatedly in the QueryResult Window??
    Though the System.CatalogItemGroup class is an Abstract class, I tried to list out the Classinstances via powershell command as below, which lists all catalog group instances, Note: Actually these are instances of SingleTon
    Child Classes
    "Get-SCClassInstance -Class (Get-SCClass -Name System.CatalogItemGroup)"
    But when I configured the QueryResult window with the "System.CatalogItemGroup" class, it doesn't list out any Group instances in the Porta.......
    Am I missing anything, Any suggestions please???
    Thanks and Regards, Narayana Babu

    Thanks Anton, I already tried that too... But it doesn't list out any Group instances in the Portal.
    Since each Catalog Groups are individual Single ton Class instances derived from "System.CatalogItemGroup" class. Therfore If I specify the internal ID of the abstract class "System.CatalogItemGroup" in the tag below, it doesn't list any in the
    Portal.... But if I specify ID of any one of the derived singleton class, it does displays the one instance of that particular class..
    Thanks and Regards, Narayana Babu

  • Howto: Save prediction query results to relational table

    I believe saving prediction query results to relational tables is possible (the BI studio does it!). I am not clear on how to do this w/o the BI studio, which means if I write a DMX query and want to store its output to a relational table, how do I do it?
    Tips, anyone?

    a) You can write some code do this on the client-side. Use ADOMD.NET in your C# app to execute the DMX query and fetch a data reader, open up another connection to your relational database and write rows of data to the second connection as you read them from the first.
    b) You can create a linked server to your Analysis Server instance in your SQL Server relational server instance and then execute a "SELECT * INTO <newtable> FROM OPENQUERY(<linkedserver>, <DMX query>)" T-SQL statement from your relational database connection.

  • EJB 3.0 Persistence API and Stored Procedures

    Does the EJB 3.0 Persistence API in any way prescribe or facilitate the use of Stored Procedure calls? Given the recent popularity of using (database) server APIs consisting of Stored Procedures that are addressed by ORM frameworks for performing the DML operations and of course the general usefulness of stored procedures for specific data related operations, there definitely is a need for clarity on using the straightforward Persistence operations in combination with calls to Stored Procedures. Can we use the Native Query for executing CallableStatements? Can we get to a Connection instance from the EntityManager? Can we easily use the results from a Stored Procedure invocation to refresh our Domain Objects - or is that all application logic in which the EntityManager cannot help us?
    If the spec does not help us at this point, do you know how TopLink will deal with this topic?
    Thanks for any help you can give me!
    Best regards,
    Lucas Jellema

    I'm am also interested in a response to this post. I've just upgraded to JDeveloper and am interested in making calls to stored procedures.
    I've found examples of just creating my own session beans but it seems I would have to hard code the datasource name. Does anyone know if I can get around this using the entity manager supplied by the tool?

  • How to Enhance search help for product groups. Currently no ability to add multiple lines from result list

    Hi All,
    In CRM Web UI,  there is no multi selection option for product group id f4 help for Custmer event creation or edit screen under  “Product” tab=> Product Group ID field.
    Web UI Component Details -
    UI component : TPMOE
    View : TPMOE/ProductEOL 
    Context: PRODUCT  Attribute : -PRODUCT_GRUOP
    Click on Product Group ID field then below F4 Help screen appears.
    In the product group results list, user can select only one row and Then all the product will be queried for selected product group, transferred to product list tab.
    Current technical design for Product Group F4:
    a) SE11 Data Dictionary search help “CRM_MKTPL_PGRP1”  is used and data is fetched displayed based it( Refer method GET_V_PRODUCT_GROUP of context node class CL_TPMOE_PRODUCTEOL_CN00)
    b) In UI, F4 pop up is handled by UI Framework in SAP generic manner so no multi selection is allowed.
    c) A round trip event is triggered after selection of row from results which reload view with queried product result based group selected.
    Requirement :-
    In the product group F4 results list View, user should be able to select multiple row .As SAP GUI has the option of multiple entry selection from search help window with the help of field called MULTISEL.
    System should query for products  with all selected product group, transferred to product list tab.
    Note: - The multi select options works fine for GUI, but for UI standard SAP code ignores this or never is this structure taken into consideration. Standard class to display F4 help on UI is CL_THTMLB_F4HELP.
    Can we enforce same behavior like DDIC search help in Web UI too  Or suggest how we can achieve this requirement?
    Thanks in advance

    Hello All,
    We have achieved this requirement by Custom development and approach followed as  -
    Define UI object model zprgrp & zprgrpquery and object relationship in table ZCRM_OBJTAB
    Query Strcuture : ZCRMST_PRGRP_SEARCH & Result List structure : ZCRMST_PRGRP_RESULT      
    Created Custom component : ZPRGRP with Search /Result view and with GENIL Class, search logic
    Defined custom ComponentUsage “ProductGroup1SearchHelp” for ZPRGRP in Standard Component TPMOE
    e.  Called F4 application for field product _group with help component usage created in step d.

  • Missing large number of results through Bing Search API (web results only)

    When making multiple calls to the Bing Web Search API (with a different $skip parameter), many queries I try seem to be missing many of the result I'd expect.
    For example, searching for the string 'obama' on shows 107,000,000 results available.
    When I search using the web search API using:
    I get 50 results, and the '__next' parameter is given as ''obama'&$skip=50'
    If I repeat this several times, eventually I get a response with less than 50 results, and no '__next' parameter, indicating there are no more results.
    However, I always get far fewer than 1000 results (I'd expect there to be at least 1000). Trying to get 1000 results (by making a request and querying against the '__next' URL), I get different numbers of results each time:
    attempt 1: 355 results
    attempt 2: 441 results
    attempt 3: 358 results
    attempt 4: 692 results
    attempt 5: 692 results
    attempt 6: 694 results
    attempt 7: 659 results
    Querying for this should always return at least 1000 results, since 'obama' has 107,000,000 results listed when searching from
    Any idea what's going on here?

    Sorry to respond to this old thread, but the problem persists. It exists in both the web UI and the API. The initial result page (on the web) or result object (in the API) report millions of search results, however after clicking through a number of result
    pages (on the web) the total number is reduced to a few hundred. Similarly, in the API, setting the '$skip' parameter above this number does not return results. In the Obama case the first page shows 18.2 million results (
    but from page 35 and over only 529 results are reported (e.g., Therefore the above problem
    does not seem to be related to the difference between the API and the web UI, but rather that Bing does not provide any results from a certain point (presumably because nobody is interested in them anyway). However, for data mining/web content analysis it
    is desired to get all results, even uninteresting ones. Is this behaviour documented somewhere, or can it be influenced?

  • Use of Persistence API

              I want to know any business scenario, or any case where the Persistence API are explicitly needed.Whenever we use a smart sync application based on the metaRep.xml file the persistence to the DB2E or filesystem is taken care of by the Framework itself . So where do we need to implement it?
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Veerabhadram,
    Mobile Asset Management application is using both Framework persistence to download/upload data (with SmartSync, via SyncBo) and local persistence.
    When data is local and only serves to run application we persist it locally.
    One example - all lists in application are defined in xml file, which is rendered either when application run first or xml file is changed. We persist rendering results for performance purposes.
    Larissa Limarova

  • Query result filter another query

    Hello Guru
    I want to create a query A (List of PM_ORDER) filter by status.
    and another query B based on the list of query A.
    Query A became "filter" of query B.
    How handle this ?
    Message was edited by:
            laurent plichta

    Hi Laurent,
    You can attempt this using replacememtn path variable for the char you need to filter by. This is called Result Set Query. See here for details:
    Hope this helps...

  • cache-query-results question

    I have another post for general descriptor tag information but I do have a specific question. In a project I am looking at I see:
    <cache-usage> check cache by primary key </cache-usage>
    I'm not sure how to interpret this. Does this mean that a cache is in place or not? cache-query-rests is set to false which implies no caching, yet the other parameters imply a cache is in place. What overrides here?

    The XML maps directly to the API so the JavaDocs and related documentation are the best tools:
    cache-usage: query.setCacheUsage(int)
    This option indicates how the object cache should be used when processing the query. This is how in-memory query is configured as well as support for cache-hits on ReadObjectQuery.
    cache-query-result: query.setShouldCacheQueryResults(boolean)
    This option allows you to indicate that the results returned from the query execution should be held. When the query is executed again these results will be returned without going to the database or searching the object cache. This is just caching the results locally within the query.
    maintain-cache: query.maintainCache() or query.dontMaintainCache()
    This setting determines if the results returned from the query should be cached in the shared object cache. It is on by default and turning this off is very rare. Occasionally done to compare the cache version with the database verision when handling an optimistic locking failure.

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