HT1310 How can I eject in boot manager running OS X 10.5

In the article, it says that if you press the eject button on the keyboard the disc drive will eject. I must be running an older version of Mac because it looks different than in the pic of the selector, so that is probably why I can't eject the drive. If you know what button to press please reply to me.

Hi, try holding the F12 key for a couple of seconds.

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    This is what you do to resolve your problem.
    1: Hold the power button down to force a hardware shutdown (emergency use only use the Apple Menu > shutdown all other times)
    2: Press and hold the option/alt key on the keyboard.
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    4: Keep pressing the eject key on the keyboard, the disk will eject.
    5: Select OS X to boot from by clicking on the volume and the little arrow that appears.
    6: Set Startup Disk in System Preferences  to OS X.
    7: Head to BootCamp Utility and use it to remove the BootCamp partition.
    8: If you used Disk Utility, then use that to remove the second partition and absorb the remaining space back into the OS X partition.
    9: Install VirtualBox, if on 10.8 you migh have to control/right click and "Open" to bypass Gatekeeper controls for the installer and/or program at least once.
    10: Read the instructions how to setup and use VirtualBox.

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    Please find the link given below might be helpful for your.
    Let us know how it goes!
    "I work for HP."
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    Shut down the MBP and disconnect all peripherals and the AC adapter from it. hold it up on end with the drive slot toward the floor and gently shake it up and down in hopes that the disc will eventually find its way out through the slot. If this doesn't work out, take the machine to an Apple Store or authorized service provider to have the drive removed and the disc removed from it. This work won't be covered by your warranty; you'll have to pay for it.
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    Deauthorizing the computer will only cause you to have to enter a password to play iTunes Store purchases on that computer. It doesn't have anything to do with media thats synced to the iPod, other than the account user name is synced too.
    Check this Apple document out -> Using iPad or iPod with multiple computers
    If you want to delete the music library on your device and make the new computer its "home" computer, choose Erase and Sync. iTunes will delete all songs and playlists on your device, and then will copy the music library and playlists from the new home computer to your device.
    If you want to move the iTunes Store purchases on your device to the new computer, choose "Transfer Purchases." The new computer must be set up with your iTunes Store account and authorized to play your iTunes Store purchases in order to transfer your iTunes Store purchases.
    Synchronization generally occurs only in one direction, from your computer to your device. However, if you are legally allowed to transfer song files, you can use your iPod as a hard disk3. An exception is the transfer purchases feature, which allows you to restore purchased iTunes content to an authorized computer from your device.

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    Hi simpbarby,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The links below will help you understand what apps are running on your iPhone.  You can quit the ones that you aren't using.
    iOS: Understanding multitasking
    This link will provides tips to conserving battery life:
    Apple - Batteries - iPhone
    Optimize Your Settings
    Depending on how they are set, a few features may decrease your iPhone battery life. The tips below apply to an iPhone running iOS 7.0 or later.
    Enable Wi-Fi: Having Wi-Fi enabled helps consume less power when doing activities that access data. Go to Settings > Wi-Fi and log in to a Wi-Fi network.
    Adjust brightness: Dim the screen or turn on Auto-Brightness to extend battery life. Turning on Auto-Brightness allows the screen to adjust based on lighting conditions.
    Fetch new data less frequently: The more frequently email or other data is fetched, the quicker your battery may drain. To fetch data manually: Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Fetch New Data and tap Manually.
    Turn off push notifications: Apps with Push Notification alert you of new data, which may impact battery life. To disable, go to Settings > Notifications, choose the app you want to disable, and do the following:
    Change Alert Style to None.
    Turn Badge App Icon off.
    Turn Sounds off.
    Note: New data will be received when you open the app.
    Minimize use of location services: Apps that actively use location services, such as Maps, may reduce battery life. You can see which applications have recently used location services by going to Settings > Privacy > Location Services.
    Use Airplane Mode in low- or no-coverage areas: Your iPhone always tries to maintain a connection with the cellular network, which may use more power in low- or no-coverage areas. Turn on Airplane Mode to increase battery life in these situations.
    Viewing Usage StatisticsKnowing and understanding your iPhone usage can help you better manage your battery life. To view your iPhone usage statistics, go to Settings > General > Usage. Under “Time since last full charge”:
    Usage: Amount of time iPhone has been awake and in use since the last full charge. iPhone is awake when you’re on a call, using email, listening to music, browsing the web, or sending and receiving text messages, or during certain background tasks such as auto-checking email.
    Standby: Amount of time iPhone has been powered on since its last full charge, including the time the phone has been asleep.
    I hope this information helps ....
    Have a great day!
    - Judy

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    Check your network for interference (, check router manual in regards to changing channels) and other activities possibly running in the background.

  • How can I get an mp4 video running on iPad Mini?

    How can I get an mp4 video running on iPad Mini, which is already in the iTunes File?

    Pad2, the new iPad Supported Video Formats & Movie Formats
    H.264 video up to 1080p, 30 frames per second, High Profile level 4.1 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats;
    MPEG-4 video up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps per channel, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats;
    Motion JPEG (M-JPEG) up to 35 Mbps, 1280 by 720 pixels, 30 frames per second, audio in ulaw, PCM stereo audio in .avi file format
    You can use a USB flash drive & the camera connection kit.
    Plug the USB flash drive into your computer & create a new folder titled DCIM. Then put your movie/photo files into the folder. The files must have a filename with exactly 8 characters long (no spaces) plus the file extension (i.e.,; DSCN0164.jpg).
    Now plug the flash drive into the iPad using the camera connection kit. Open the Photos app, the movie/photo files should appear & you can import. (You can not export using the camera connection kit.)
     Cheers, Tom

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