HT1320 ipod classic stuck during Ok to disconnet message

My ipod classic has the message ok to disconnect although the bar doesnt go right to the end, I disconnected from my PC but it has now frozen! any ideas???

Update - the sme happens if I load the music in a different oredr (which would appear to rule out the "corrupt file" possibility). Starting from the other end of the 22,000 tracks, I synched in stages up to 17,000 - all worked fine, I could eject the ipod and play music, all OK. But then when I tried to synch the remaining 5,000, taking it up to the full 22,000, I hit exactly the same problem.
I even left the ipod connected (saying "OK to disconnect" and with the progress bar complete) overnight, to see if it was just a matter of time - it wasn't, it was still the same in the morning.

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    Well I left it charging over night and still the same result
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    I guess back to the store it goes.

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    You can ring them up but be aware that if you haven't got AppleCare and you've had your iPod for more than 90 days you'll be charged for technical support. You only receive one complimentary support incident, which must be used within the first 90 days of product ownership: Contact Apple Support
    If you have an Apple store near to you, you can take it there and have them look at it. You can make an appointment by using this link: Genius Bar Reservations

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    Could be a dud iPod.
    Although in some cases, the iPod might get into a state in which the battery needs to be drained before it can be reset so try these steps.
    1. Disconnect iPod from all power sources and leave it disconnected for about 24 hours.
    2. Reconnect iPod to the Apple iPod Power Adapter or the computer and reset it.
    If not, given what you've already tried, I suggest you return it.

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    [ tye@t: ~ ]$ lsusb -s 001:008 -v | grep -i bcdusb
    bcdUSB 2.00
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    Last edited by HiImTye (2014-04-11 16:41:21)

    HiImTye wrote:
    does anyone know how to make systemd's journal record more events? journalctl is basically empty, save for a few entries related to sshd and pulseaudio
    the systemd wiki page isn't much help
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    You ran journalctl as a regular user and not as root.

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    Hi aprince19,
    If nothing else, you should be able to restore to factory settings as described here:
    Restoring iPod to factory settings
    - Ari

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    Hey there,
    Have you tried putting your iPod into Disk Mode? If you are unsure of how to do this, the webpage below should be able to assist you. If you are able to put it into disk mode and iTunes recognizes it, you should probably restore it. Hope this helps.

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    hold switch is for locking keys. it is there for 2 reasons. One, to prevent you accidentally cranking volume or anything while listening. Second, it cuts off power flowing from battery to touch pad. This saves battery power.

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    If none of the 5 R's are able to resolve the issue, it's likely a hardware issue, meaning you'll need to have the iPod serviced/replaced either by Apple or a third party service.

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    The best way to get out of this situation is to use a well-known tool called TinyUmbrella.
    First of all download TinyUmbrella
    Now, making sure your device is connected to your computer, launch TinyUmbrella
    It will automatically detect that your iPod is stuck in recovery mode
    Select the Exit Recovery button and it should throw your iPod touch out of recovery.
    Alternatively, you can right-click on your iPod name from a list at the side
    of TinyUmbrella and select Kick out of recovery.

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    Hi, butterflyjive. 
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    It sounds like your iPod classic isn't turning on or has a blank black screen. Take a look at the webpage below and try the suggestions provided by the troubleshooting assistant.
    iPod classic Troubleshooting Assistant
    Jason H. 

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    My iPod Classic is also sticking in verify then iTunes freezes. This only happened after iTunes was updated to 9.2. According to CCleaner's registry check, two problems appear - both are missing TypeLib References; the IUserHelper and the IiPodManagerUI. I can only assume that the latest iTunes is causing the trouble because of these missing files. This led to me completely reinstalling iTunes yesterday, but all that achieved was to empty my iPod and leave me library-less. The only way around it I can see is to wait for a new iTunes update. A real pain.

  • 80GB iPod Classic stuck in recovery mode, tried EVERYTHING

    Hello, i'm Michael, and i need some help right now :c
    i just got an iPod Classic with 80GB of HDD, just a gift, but it had some "issues" (the screen showed a dock connector and it reads "Use iTunes to Restore"), i had an iPod Touch 4G, and i had that restored several times, so i knew the trick.
    Okay i came from my grandmother's house and plugged my new fancy iPod! (it came with no USB cable so i bought a cheap one) but when i plugged the iPod had not enough power to remain connected, so i though (maybe the usb cable is not powerfull enough to mantain the charge cicle, it's a 2$ one, so it's big deal) plugged my iPod to my speakers on the Dock station, and leave it there for the entire night
    The next morning i plugged my super charged iPod to my Windows 7 PC, and it got detected YAAY!, iTunes asked me to download the software to restore, so i let it do just that, waited for the 56mb ipsw file to download, and after that the restore process begun. At 57 seconds of the process (i timed it) the PC turned OFF (not big deal, my processor is not the best processor ever, and my PC usually turns off after a small overdrive)
    Well, the iPod restarted and it was at the "Use iTunes to Restore" screen again. So i tought (Well, let's try my sis laptop) connected my iPod to the Windows 8 Laptop from my sister, and the iTunes download (iTunes + iPod ipsw) took a lot of time to me.. But when it comes to the Restore Process, after the same amount of time, i got the "1439" error, and after looking foward throught a lot of web pages, i came out with the "Windows 8 is the one of the problem :L" so i plugged my iPod out and leave it charging in my speakers, at the next day, i was in my Grandmother's house again..
    So i came out with my uncle and told him to lend me his Lap, a Windows 7 64X Core i5 Extreme with VT (super machine i loved it *¬*) and plugged my iPod in, i tried to Restore with his iTunes version (11 one) and guess what? 1439 error! it looked like the USB cable was the problem one, but i didn't gave up, and installed Virtual Box with Widnwos XP (i rode some guy had it working with a restaration with XP, and makes sense, since Windows 7/8 can't format large drives with FAT32, and XP sure can) so i plugged my iPod and installed Guest additions and the Expansion pack (for USB 2.0 support) installed the last iTunes version and tried to restore, and guess what? 1434!
    So, i tried something different, i tried to format the iPod with Windows Explorer, and guess what? it worked! NTSF system was loaded ad working, i dragged some 134mb files to it, and they could be readen every time i wanted. But there's a problem, iPod software is not NTSF but FAT32, so i downloaded EaseUS partition manager and formated it to Fat32, 128kb cluster size, and unplugged it to plug the speakers again (YES, I TOOK THEM TO MY GRANDMOTHER'S) after the battery's top capacity was acomplished, i tried the restore form XP again, and after a few tries, i got a succefull restore!
    The iTunes screen showed "your iPod is going to restart, please leave it connected, and it will be recognized after the reboot" (or something like that Cx) i was really happy i could get my iPod to work, but when the Apple logo appeared with the progress bar, it filled like 84%, and the screen became white, it showed the same "do not disconnect" regular screen, and iTunes told "iTunes has detect and iPod in Recovery Mode, please restore it to be used with iTunes"
    So, i tried a LOT of methods from Apple Discussion, formating in Disk Mode, Restoring in Disk Mode, regular mode, DFU mode (only downloads a 1.4mb file and says "preparing the ipod" after 34 seconds and an uncomplete bar it closes ._.) restoring with XP, 7, 8, rebooting the iPod (select + menu, 6 secs) DFU mode (menu + select 12 secs) disk mode (play + select, 6 secs in apple icon) and a lot of hard work.. nothing worked.
    So i tought.. (maybe the iPod's HDD is broken or something) opened Diagnostics and this are the results:
    Retracts :432
    Reallocs: 319
    Pending sectors: 0
    Poweron Hours: 560
    Start /Stop: 426
    Temp status are not important right now, current 23, max 43c, min 15c
    it's obviously an used iPod.  But the Reallocs count is not THAT big
    Okay so i tried something different and asked my friend's iPad cable, this one connected pretty well with Windows 8 and it did restore with no problems at all. but there's one little small issue.. it didn't work either...
    So, i'm here, out of ideas, i can imagine a restore with OS X will change my point of view in some way, but i can't do that right now...
    i Must add that the HD is completely functional, i can add files to it right now, and use them in another PC, i can format it, partition it, and a lot of crazy things, so the HDD is not the problem one..
    Please help me.. i have EVER SEEN a iPod's menu, other than my DSi iPod themed homebrew music player.. (wich looks fantastic)
    Thank's in advance, i'm sorry for the lenght of my note, i have been thinking on it for a long time hehe c:

    After hours of searching for a fix I may have found one on a Mac Forum. This worked for mine but I had to restore it from the last back up. I also gave me the option of restore to new condition (out of hte box) but Ichoose from the last backup that itunes made. It took about 4 hours to fully restore all my 24gb of material. BUT,Now it's working perfectly. For how long...who knows?
    Here's the link to the page where I found the info.
    Below is the solution that worked for my 2nd gen 32 gig.
    "Originally Posted by vegas-steven
    try and do this:
    1. start itunes.
    2. plug the ipod into your computer
    3. hold the power (on top) and home (on front) buttons for a few seconds.
    the ipod should power up, and if if is screwed up, will be in recovery mode... from there itunes will tell you that it finds your ipod in that mode, and needs to restore it.
    just click restore, sit back and it should work again.
    did you hack it at all?
    if you did not hack it, and that doesnt work, call applecare and see what they say. maybe it is faulty?
    still, from my experience with my friends ipod that i made 100% unusable, there is a way to restore even the most broken ipod as long as it has a battery charge.
    i suspect a small portion of the memory is dedicated to keeping emergency boot files that allowe you to restore, no matter how bad things get."

  • HT1320 ipod classic problem

    I have an Ipod classic, i have restored, reset, restored, reset...... and its still coming up in recovery mode and wont sync my playlist onto my ipod thru i am ready to throw my PC and Ipod out the door.

    A Big Red X is fatal, you need to have the Hardisk replaced.
    To do a hard Reset,
    After charging till full charge, at least 2 hours (preferably 4 hours)
    Toggle the Hold switch, make sure you dont see the red mark when you do the  next step
    Reset the iPod -> Press Menu and Center button simultaneously for about 10 secs or till the Apple Logo comes ON
    Then release the buttons
    Select your preferred language.
    Here is the Apple support Article on the 5Rs

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