HT1770 Time machine back up problem.

I have 3 external HDs. One is used exclusively for time machine. Files from one of the others are not being backed up. That drive is not excluded. How can I get time machine to back up that HD?

Hmmm can you try excluding it, turn off TM, turn on TM, & remove the exclusion?

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    How did you restore the computer? If you used migrate it is important you prepared the computer correctly. If you already setup the user name that pre-existed on the old hard disk migrate will not work properly.. you cannot restore to the same username. So you might need to do the restore again.. (migrate but to a different location eg a USB drive and pick up the files from there).. TM should backup all users that previously were on the computer.. but how you restored will affect how it behaves now.

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    Jason Vasquez wrote:
    Library/Preferences/ isn't listed in that folder.
    If Time Machine is set up, yes it is. You won't see it via a Finder search, unless you include System Files. It's usually easiest to just navigate to it.
    Also the only drive that are on my desktop are the Mac HD and the LaCie external I'm trying to back it up to.
    See what's shown for +Estimated size of full backup+ under the +Do not back up+ box in TM Preferences > Options.
    Also, Click here to download the +Time Machine Buddy+ widget. It shows the messages from your logs for one TM backup run at a time, in a small window. Copy and post the messages from one of these problem backups here. There's probably a clue lurking there.

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    Good luck!!

    Please visit Pondini's Time Machine FAQ for help with all things Time Machine.

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    have you done some searches on FCPx and time machine? Is there a known issue with using a TM drive with FCPx? dunno but ...wait...I'll take 60 sec for you cause I'm just that kind of guy....   google...." fcpx time machine problem"  Frist page link drives-and-final-cut-pro-x/
           You cannot have time machine backups on your hard drive if you intend to use it in FCPX.

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    For TM help post in the forum for your OS - and see and and
    Depends on undisclosed information
    With the current OS and iPhoto you switch library using the switch library command - with any version you can switch libraries by holding the option key down while you launch iPhoto which brings up the select library window
    And generally it is not a smart idea to have multiple iPhoto libraries - it generally has no advantages and makes things much more difficult and complicated and often leads to user errors that cause major problems
    If you want to anyway the most convent way to split libraries is to use the paid version of iPhoto Library Manager - - 

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    Booting from the CD or my old drive is not a problem at all but from the newly installed drive (x2) ... Impossible
    Disconnect all peripherals from your computer except for the keyboard and mouse. Double check to make sure that you installed the hard drive correctly -
    Select your imac then select hard drive replacement, and there are the instructions.
    Video instructions - and

  • Will existing Time Machine back ups build after 1 account migration

    I have one i-Mac happily backing up with Time Machine to an external hard drive.
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    Does this all make sense?
    Sorry but I can't see an answer in the forum to what must be a reasonably common issue in this expanding mac world.

    I then tried to move it (TM back up files) off with Restore, whilst preserving the TM back ups but I couldn't seem to do it to the i-Macs hard drive nor to partition that to allow this to happen (assuming the lack of a discrete partition was the problem).
    That's likely correct. This only works if you restore one entire partition to another, and check the +Erase destination+ box.
    The problem was that I could not (maybe for the same contiguous reasons) create a new partition on the old i-Mac just to temporarily move the TM back up to. Without it I could not 'empty' the WDC firewire drive and partition it prior to returning the TM back ups to it albeit contiguously in a dedicated partition.
    Unfortunately for me to retain the TM back ups for the account I moved to the new i-Mac, I will have to leave that account on the old i-Mac as well. I can't see a way around that? If I delete the account on it then surely I will lose the ability to Log onto it and then to click TM and see back in time on that account?
    If I understand you correctly, that will be true eventually, but not immediately, as TM will, eventually, delete it's copies of anything that's no longer on your internal HD. That will depend, of course, on how long TM can keep it's backups. But while they're still there, if you log on with Admin privileges, you should be able to view the old backups.
    Not sure I explained myself clearly. Sorry. Having understood from your earlier help that 'migrate' actually means 'make a copy in another place', I have the migrated account in two places: one now dormant, on the old i-Mac and two, where it is migrated to (the new i-Mac). But TM continues to back up all accounts, indeed everything, on the old i-Mac by dint of its MAC address. So to see the migrated account's past history I assume I have to access the version on the old i-Mac. To put it another way, when logged into one account on the old i-Mac I believe it is not possible to see the TM history and files of another account on that i-Mac despite TM backing the entire HD. You have to be logged in to that account to see it. On the new i-Mac, with its different MAC address, TM is busy creating the first TM back up and I assumed that in the migrate it did not bring TM history as I had read that it is MAC address specific.
    The only issue (apart from having this account's history spread over two machines (pre-today on the old i-Mac's TM and today onwards on the new i-Mac) is that I have all the files on both machines. I am not worried about security only unnecessary usage of disk space. It isn't critical, there's lots of it, but it just seems wasteful and untidy. Unless you guys know otherwise?
    If I understand what you've done, you do have duplicates of the current contents, but only one copy of the old backups (on the old F/W drive).
    On the old i-Mac I have the two accounts I wanted to stay there plus the now dormant account I migrated. TM continues to work away at memorising ALL these although there will be no further changes to the dormant migrated account as I will not be running it on the old i-Mac. On the new i-Mac I have the migrated account of which TM is now creating its first (huge) back up but starting today. There is no history here. So I have copies of everything; its just that the old history of the migrated account remains on the old i-Mac and a new history (does that make sense?) is building from the new one. My point was that if I were to delete the dormant account from the old i-Mac, then I could not access it to use TM with it. I believe TM only shows the history of the account and screen you're in at the time?
    There is an option in TM that will allow you to selectively +Delete all backups of+ selected items. +Enter Time Machine,+ locate and select the item(s), click the "gear" icon in the Finder window's toolbar, and select the +Delete all backups of ..+ option.
    What you can't do is, keep the backups of only previous versions of things that were changed or deleted. It's all or nothing.
    Not sure I understand this. What would have been nice but I do not think is possible is to have moved the account to the new i-Mac together with the TM's back ups of that account and continue to build it up (whilst having access to its history) on the new i-Mac. If that were (is?) possible I could have totally deleted the old account and with it its files from the old i-Mac, freed up some HD space and had a full AND growing TM history all on the new i-Mac.
    Many thanks for staying the course and for your continuing help.

  • How do I change permissions for the documents and files on my Mac Book Pro after I re-instaalled the HD using a Time Machine back-up?

    I had to re-install the HD on my Mac Book Pro. I used a Time Machine back-up for all the apps and files. Most were restored, However, I cannot unlock a number of them. I tried changing the permissions using Get info but it is not working. I am using the latest version of Moutain Lion OSX.

    Very helpful suggestion and response, Thanks for pointing out that it is a permission issue. I am working through the issue and resolving my problem.

  • How do I find the Library folder on time machine back up disk

    I had to rebuild my iMac and wanted to start fresh.  I'm useing mountain lion and had everything backed up with time machine.  The problem that i'm having is that I can't get the aplication support floder to show up in the library folder that you find under user menu.  I know if you hold down the option key while youpull down the go window it will show up on your Mac, but how do I get to the one that is on your time machine backup, useing Moutian Lion?  Thanks for any help.

    Once you have the folder open in the Finder, enter Time Machine and you'll see the snapshots of the folder.

  • How do I recover my Bookmarks from a Time Machine Back Up

    I just upgraded from a 2 year old MacBook running Snow Leopard to a new MacBook Pro running Lion. Because of the problems Apple has between these 2 operating systems, I can not use the automated Migration Assistant to migrate over any of my old files, user info, or settings to the new machine. I'm having to manually pull over document files and applications from my Time Machine back up disk.
    I can't seem to find my Bookmarks from the old computer in my back up files. On the Time Machine drive, I've looked in User, Application Support, Library, amongst many others. Not seeing it anywhere. They don't seem to be in Time Machine at all, or rather they're only there if I do the automated migration for all of my programs and settings. Which of course is not possible, because it leads to massive disk permission errors and a corrupted hard drive on the new machine. One thing I'm realizing i should have done was make a manual back up of my bookmarks in Firefox before I wiped my old machine. If I didn't do this, am I screwed?
    If anyone has ideas I would love some help, I really really don't want to lose years of bookmarks.
    Oh, and whatever you do, don't buy a Mac with OSX Lion unless you want to waste LOTS of time fixing Apple's mistakes. This whole process has been a disaster so far. There are all kinds of issues with the transition to Lion, I'm 40+ hrs in now. Apple now has their very own version of Vista.

    The following has instructions: OS X Mavericks: Restore items backed up with Time Machine
    The following is old but specific to iPhoto and may help: iPhoto '11: Restoring from Time Machine with iPhoto '11 (9.2 or later) and OS X Lion 10.7.2 (or later)
    Also, see

  • Mail 6.2 will no longer open on my macbook pro after migrating my old computer from a time machine back up

    I recently got a new 13" macbook pro to replace my old macbook.
    I did a migration assistant transfer from a time machine back up of my old macbooks data on to my macbook however Mail 6.2 will no lonfer work for me.
    It worked fine before the transfer and no it opens ok but if i click 'new viewer window' it unexpectedly quits
    Any and all help would be greatly appreciated

    Eek, sorry for the multiple posting, I keep trying new things and needing to report back. SO, in those accounts that I thought I'd "fixed," I tried going back in and changing the settings back to the way I like them, i.e. leaving the messages on the server for a week (because sometimes I like to see messags on my iphone too) and as soon as I did that, it started downloading old messages before, i.e. back to the same problem.
    Meaning, there's no workaround for the account I share with my business partner, because the only way I've "fixed" it on my personal accounts is to have mail removed from the server immediately, which is not possible on the accounts I share. (And is kind of a bummer for my personal accounts, too, given that I like to see mail on my iphone too).
    Sorry for info overload, just trying to be helpful and cover all the bases. :-)

  • HT201250 how do i add external hard drive to my time machine back up

    how do i add external hard drive to my time machine back up so that I may view the files independently on apple tv please?

    To elaborate on above.  I am looking to add about 300gig of photos on an external hard drive to TC. 
    Once I do this I believe I can then have itunes source its photos from TC without having them stored directly on my iMac? 
    Then I am assuming once I keep itunes on with home sharing I can stream these photos through Apple TV?
    My inital problem is getting the photos onto TC in an individual folder not just a backup that possible or what would you suggest please?

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