HT201317 icloud photos not uploading anymore :(

ok i have always seen my iphone photos automatically go onto my pc but suddenly, they don't anymore??? They are in 'photostream' on my phone butnot on 'photostream' folder on my computer Anyone know why? is there a way i can upload the last 2days of pics?

Hey Horstfromab,
Thanks for the question. You can enable photo stream on your PC by following these steps:
PC: Open the iCloud Control Panel for Windows and select the checkbox for Photos (Photo Stream in iCloud Control Panel 2.x). You can click the Options button to verify that My Photo Stream is enabled and adjust the settings. Be sure to click Apply when done.
via iCloud: My Photo Stream FAQ
Matt M.

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    Are you trying to email from inside iPhoto? If so what version of iPhoto are you using and do you have iPhoto set as the email client in the General preference pane?
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    Hi Surya,
    You may have to write a custom report using FM "HR_IMAGE_EXISTS".
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    We aren't allowed to discuss beta software in this forum according to the hosts. Try the Developers forum.

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    which pointed me to a set of folders located here
    /var/folders/n_/jvfrft450wz30sbn8sh6s9qm0000gn/T/ et-Ntk5Aq
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    I found the problem.  AS it turns out, when I created my iCloud account I eneded up creating a NEW ID.  The process is a little bit confusing and it is apparently easy to get one ID on the iCloud on your iMac and another on your iPhone.  This is what I had done.  It was a simple matter of signing out of iCloud on the Mac and then signing back in wiht my original Apple ID (the one on the iPhone) once I signed backin, pictures starte appearing in the Photo Stream.  Easypeasy!

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    Welcome to the Apple Community macrackalackin.
        1.    Photostream only syncs photos over Wi-Fi, make sure you are connected to Wi-Fi to begin with.
        2.    Photostream only syncs when the camera app is closed, ensure it is closed.
        3.    Photostream only syncs when the battery is above 20%, try recharging the device
    Try disabling photo stream on your device (settings > iCloud), restarting your device and then re-enabling photo stream.
    Note: disabling photostream and re-enabling it will result in any photos that are currently in the photostream album on your device, that are older than 30 days old, not being added back.

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    I finally fix the situation by uninstalling ALL Apple related software (iTunes, iCloud, Quicktime, Apple Soft Upd, Apple Mobile Sup, Apple App Sup, Bonjour, etc) and thereafter deleting all "Apple_xxxx" folders in %appdata% and also remove all registry keys from the Windows Registry related to Apple. Reboot then reinstall iTunes first and then run "Apple Soft Upd" to install automatically iCloud + Quicktime... then reboot, sign in and then the photo finally sync this time and no high-CPU process!
    But a days later... High CPU + Fan noise on the tablet... so checked and the god **** "iCloud Photo Downloader" are again stuck at 30-35% and no more photo sync (I saw the old photos, but not the last day's photo are not sync).
    Anybody experience this situation and know how to fix it PERMANENTLY? I checked at my Apple iCloud LOGS and the only thing I saw that can be suspicious is the last line of the log who's :
    [2472 @ Tue Nov 11 19:45:09 2014] [YSLog ApplePhotoStreamsDownloader.exe] defaults key ShouldLog in domain ApplePhotoStreamsDownloader.exe is (null)
    Please help!!

    In fact I discovered later I have this issue on all my Windows computers... both Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, both MACs (BootCamp) or true PC computers. Except only the Surface Pro 3 tablet seem to have the HIGH-CPU process issue, but all my other Windows PCs stopped syncing too after a few weeks or so.
    I just build a BRAND NEW HP Pro Desktop computer running Windows 8.1 Professional and a few days later iCloud Photo stopped syncing too... this is the straw that broke the camel's back! This PC is brand new and no other software are installed except iCloud, iTunes, QuickTime and Microsoft Office 2013 (Office 365). PC is brand new (1 week old) and iCloud Photos sync is already broken!
    I also have a few Windows 7 PCs at home (HTPCs on TVs) where iCloud Control Panel is installed and after looking at them, they stopped syncing too for a while (many months ago) but I didn't noticed it yet because I don't check photos often on them.
    For now I just give up and disabled the iCloud Photo Sync completely on all my Windows PCs. It only sync between my two iPads, my two iPhones and my two Macs computer (MBPr + iMac 27") and that's it... that's sad, but I'm tired loosing my time with that crappy software!

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    How are you importing? Photo Stream or USB?
    Right now, there is no way in the to save a copy the photo with the filter added to the camera roll, so it can be transferred this way by Photo Stream or USB. Mail the photo or share it to Dropbox, and wait for the iCloud Photo Library (Beta) to be released.

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    Please help!

    Have you the iPad User Guide? If not, download it from the link under manuals at the start of this forum an tke time to give it a cursory read at the very least.
    Also, there is no point in awarding yourself the 'This solved my question' (or indeed 'This helped me') tags since, as you can see, the questioner cannot get any points. (Pardon the pun.) You can learn more about this at

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