HT201317 what is my photostream account name

what is my photostream account name?  I try to see the photos from my mini mac on my tv using apple tv.  Icloud on tv asks my Account name and password for the photostream...what is it?

Thought you said you couldn't find the password.  If you mean Apple TV won't take your password I don't know what would cause that.  You might want to post the question over in the Apple TV forums:

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    So I obviously choose the second option last time since it's the closest available option for my problem, but then it gives me options: Get back into your accountWe can help you reset your password and security info. First, enter your Microsoft account and the characters shown. So again it asked for my address and captcha, and after that I could choose to "verify my identity" by choosing the alt email, but since that is slight garbled and cannot be differented from the primary address, and I was already so pissed off from typing the same address over and over, so at that point I mistakenly wrote the main address again where it wanted to verify it by asking the whole alternative address and thus it never sent the account reset email for the Microsoft/Live account. But since I originally had no problems with that Microsoft account, all I wanted was the "Skype Name", and since the only way to try to find it jumps into the restore Microsoft account thing,  I'm assuming I don't have one which I could use to login to Skype, so all I can use is the Microsoft/Live account.

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    If you did not put it in bridge then it is not in bridge..
    Connect a computer directly to the modem.. open the browser to either or (if neither of those work you will have to check the IP address your ISP has set).
    BTW who is your ISP and do they allow PPPoE.. for instance most ISP in UK do not use pppoe so you have no choice but to run the 585 as a router. In which case bridge the TC
    Anyway.. open the setup configuration in the Thomson and select a template that says bridge.. run through the wizard and it will then bridge the modem.
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    By reading the site link I just gave you.. downloading the utility and running it on your computer. Or simply google to 5.6 lion airport utility... that is the way I find things when I don't have the link memorised.
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    Firstly download the useful utility.. but the dots tell you something is wrong and preventing the TC from working.. if you open the utility it should tell you what the errors mean.. I cannot tell you what they are, but it is likely to be no internet connection and pppoe has failed.

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    You would have to delete the existing iCloud account and create a wholly new one - you cannot change the email address of the one you already have.  To make a new one, you will also need an new AppleID as any AppleID can only have one iCloud account associated with it.
    Deleting the account will not delete anything off your device (if prompted for things like contacts, choose to keep them).  You will have to sync everything anew with the new account as you cannot move your sync'd content, your old backups or anything else from one iCloud account to another.  You will have to set up sync again and let it sync to the new account, and then make new backups to the new account as well.

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    Your computer name by default would be "John David Appleseed's Macbook Pro"
    But you can always change that in System Preferences->Sharing
    And yes, the first account you set up will be an administrator.

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    You need to reset the password for the "old" account, and then use that to turn off iCloud.  Then you will be able to sign in with your new ID.
    You can reset your password at
    If you don't know the answers to the security questions, you will need to start there.
    -If you established a rescue email address, there will be a link on the "Passwords & Security" page of  Clicking the link will send the reset to your rescue email address (NOTE:  This is not the same address as your Apple ID email)
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    -If you are not in the US, click - Apple ID: Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security

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    The best thing to do would be to start over. Use Setup Assistant this time.
    Boot into Recovery, launch Disk Utility, and erase the startup volume. This operation will destroy all data on the volume. Quit Disk Utility and install OS X. If your Mac was upgraded from an older version of OS X, you’ll need the Apple ID and password you used to upgrade, so make a note of those before you begin.
    When you reboot, you'll be prompted to go through the initial setup process. That’s when you transfer the data from one of your backups. For a walkthrough, see here:
    Using Setup Assistant
    Don't transfer the Guest account, if it was enabled on the old system.
    Note: You need an always-on Ethernet or Wi-Fi connection to the Internet to use Recovery. It won’t work with USB or PPPoE modems, or with proxy servers, or with networks that require a certificate for authentication.

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    I'm using the sync option for when I'm not near my desktop and no matter what it won't work its telling me my account name or password is not correct and it is!

    This is from my personal experience:
    It almost happens every time I tried to connect with Sync from my Android phone, the window asking me to enter my account name and password always shows up. And if I enter the information, it'll say I have the wrong password, etc. My workaround is to click the "cancel" button. But it does not cancel immediately. The window will stay on for a while (usually a few minutes), then it'll disappear and start connecting to Sync. And it'll connect and sync successfully.
    You can try this workaround but you have to be patient to wait for the window to disappear.
    I don't know what is the cause of this, but it has happened ever since FF4 for Mobile came out. I have searched around and couldn't find any solutions.

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    Hi there,
    The article below has some more information for troubleshooting Home Sharing that you may find helpful.
    Understanding Home Sharing
    -Griff W.

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    Hello there, Nana2054.
    The following Knowledge Base article provides some great recommendations for resolving your issue:
    iOS 7: If you're asked for the password to your previous Apple ID when signing out of iCloud
    This additional article can provide some assistance as well, if you are still getting an error message concering your password for that account:
    iCloud: "Incorrect Apple ID or Password" alert when setting up iCloud after upgrading to iOS 7
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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    How do I get messages to go back to an AIM account? It's only seeing the iPad's Facetime email address and not seeing the old AIM account name that is on my desktop. I am using my iMac using iChat to talk to a newer iMac that doesn't have iChat. We had this working using Messages and Facetime (on the new machine) talking to my existing iChat account. One day last week, when Facetime rang, my kids answered on the iPad. Dang! Now it's all fouled up! The new iMac won't see my AIM account name and shows that I'm offline, because the iPad is off. We were able to call using "most recent call" in Facetime, but now I can't go and control that new iMac remotely to help with some email concerns the user is having. I'm trying to not personalize this too much, but it's grandkids talking to Grandma and Mom and Dad trying to solve new machine hiccups. Normally, I could just go in via iChat and control the other machine and troubleshoot, but I can't do it with Facetime only. My buddy list doesn't see  the other computer even though we are connected on Facetime right now. My name is not highlighted for the other computer. What could have gone so wrong?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    How do I get messages to go back to an AIM account? It's only seeing the iPad's Facetime email address and not seeing the old AIM account name that is on my desktop. I am using my iMac using iChat to talk to a newer iMac that doesn't have iChat. We had this working using Messages and Facetime (on the new machine) talking to my existing iChat account. One day last week, when Facetime rang, my kids answered on the iPad. Dang! Now it's all fouled up! The new iMac won't see my AIM account name and shows that I'm offline, because the iPad is off. We were able to call using "most recent call" in Facetime, but now I can't go and control that new iMac remotely to help with some email concerns the user is having. I'm trying to not personalize this too much, but it's grandkids talking to Grandma and Mom and Dad trying to solve new machine hiccups. Normally, I could just go in via iChat and control the other machine and troubleshoot, but I can't do it with Facetime only. My buddy list doesn't see  the other computer even though we are connected on Facetime right now. My name is not highlighted for the other computer. What could have gone so wrong?
    Any help would be appreciated.

  • I can no longer see my account name, but get a Guest user account, I can no longer see my account name, but get a Guest user account

    I can no longer see my account name so I can gain access to my information, but now all I get is a Guest user account and it won't let me log into that account. All it lests me do is re-start the computer and use it in restricted mode. Can someone please help me!

    Recommendation for your consideration
    Hopefully your original user account was an "administrator". I have two admin accts in case one admin. acct gets "trashed.
    Lets see what other forum members offer: my solution requires use of terminal and works. CLI (Command Line Interface) might be intimidating for you but we'll see what others possibly offer.
    As I say the solution I have works well and will allow you to create new user(s) replacing your former users whatever type they were. I promise to check back today if no solution to you is offered...
    Let 'er rip and...

  • Can not receive Mac mail -error Outlook cannot find the server. Verify the server information is entered correctly in the Account Settings, and that your DNS settings in the Network pane of System Preferences are correct.  Account name: "MacMail"

    Can not receive Mac mail -error Outlook cannot find the server. Verify the server information is entered correctly in the Account Settings, and that your DNS settings in the Network pane of System Preferences are correct.  Account name: "MacMail"
    What are the correct mail account settings and more importantly the correct DNS settings
    Thank you for any help you may be able to provide
    Chris (iMac i7)

    Do not delete the old account yet. sign up for an iCloud account if you haven't.
    I understand .mac mail will still come through. Do not delete the old account yet.
    You cannot use .mac or MobileMe as type of Account, you have to choose IMAP when setting up, otherwise Mail is hard coded to change to & to, no matter what you try to enter.
    iCloud Mail setup, do not choose .mac or MobileMe as type, but choose IMAP...
    On second step where it asks "Description", it has to be a unique name, but you can still use your email address.
    IMAP (Incoming Mail Server) information:
              •          Server name:
              •          SSL Required: Yes
              •          Port: 993
              •          Username: [email protected] (use your address from your iCloud account)
              •          Password: Your iCloud password
    SMTP (outgoing mail server) information:
              •          Server name:
              •          SSL Required: Yes
              •          Port: 587
              •          SMTP Authentication Required: Yes
              •          Username: [email protected] (use your address from your iCloud account)
              •          Password: Your iCloud password
    Also, you must upgrade your password to meet the new criteria:  8 characters, including upper and lower case and numbers.  If you have an older password that does not meet these criteria, when you try to setup mail on your mac, using all of the IMAP criteria listed above, it will still give a server error message.  Go to         then follow directions to change your password, then go back to setting up your mail using the IMAP instructions above.
    Thanks to dpepper...

  • Unable to log in to the user account (name) at this time

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    Any thoughts?

    I'm also getting the dreaded "You are unable to log in to the user account __ at this time" but believe this happened when I inadvertently tuned off an external hard drive without ejecting it first. At first, I thought it was a File Vault problem, but my user.sparseimage file is still there and accessible once I changed the permissions to those of another user account.
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    I have yet to decide whether the netinfo problem is easily fixable or if I would better employ my time moving my iTunes and iPhoto files off that sparse image and into another user account. I'm open to suggestions.
    iBook G-4   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   1.33 GHz, 768 MB memory, 60 GB HD, iPod Shuffle

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