HT2638 I seem to have lost my photos

I uploaded photos from my phone to my iphoto library with the automatic delete option- only to be told after that iphoto could not upload- and I cannot find my photos- which have been deleted from my phone camera. Any suggestions? They are not in iPhoto

Do you have the exact error message?

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    - Try restoring from a backup that include the photos. See the restore topic of:
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    Have you tried resetting the SMC ?     >  Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)

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    To recover individual photos open iPhoto and use the File ➙ Browse Backups menu option.
    Click to view full size
    That will take you into iPhoto in Time Machine where you can search for the phtoos and restore them.
    To restore the entire library, close iPhoto, go to the Pictures folder, enter Time Machine, go back in time till you get the library you want to restore, select it and use the Restore button.
    Click to view full size

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    Move the incompatible iPhoto version to the Trash, before you try to reinstall from the AppStore, but don't empty the Trash.
    update as described here:
    Get iPhoto 9.6.1 if you didn't update before OS... | Apple Support Communities
    The main idea is to move the iPhoto app to the Trash, so Spotlight does not see it as installed, reload the AppStore Purchases tab with ⌘R, and then to try to download again from the App Store - from your Purchases tab, not from the main page, since you can neither buy iPhoto nor update it, but you can reinstall, if your AppleID is associated with it.

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    If those pictures were taken on that phone, creating or deleting folder will not remove those from camera roll, so check it.
    If those were synced from pc - they are still in your pc's my pictures folder.
    If those were synced from other pc, you need to find that other pc - same folder.
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    Hi - I seem to have a similar problem. I was prompted to update to iPhoto 11 yesterday (don't know why yesterday, I'm in iPhoto all the time). So I followed the instructions, library updated, all existing events and albums are there. I uploaded some more pictures and created a few new albums and did some new year spring cleaning, moving stuff around etc. And I started making a calendar.
    I've opened it up today, my calendar is still there as are all the new events, but the pictures are empty outlines. If I open up a picture I just get the "!" but I can still see the thumbnails showing in the slider in the bottom - I don't know if that means the source files must still be there somewhere, or if it just means it captured thumbnails yesterday.
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    All my old folders are still there, thankfully (although they're of course the ones that are also all safely back up).
    Although I have a timecapsule, my photo library is too big to keep on my hard drive, so I keep it on an external drive - so it only gets backed up when I do it manually (thanks Apple for that, I will never understand why it was designed to work - or not work - that way). So if the pictures have been lost then they are gone for good which is super-frustrating (I just got back from South Korea and was in the middle of sorting out all my shots from that trip).  It seems that this can only have happened because of the update - I should have known better than to have pressed yes.
    If you have any ideas, I'd be most grateful!

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    However, in pictures there seems to be a complete set of my photos(?).
    I'm don't understand what you're saying here.
    In the iphoto window I somehow managed to open a type of "photo library" that includes every photo I've every downloaded on my computer in multiple and entirely random order.
    This can happen if someone inadvertently drags the HD icon or even the home folder icon to iPhoto Window. The best soluion for that is to restore from your back up.

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    This was the scenario:
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    Now I got back everything except for my photos.
    (Yes, I restored from backup several times since the first update.)
    Do you think if I try restoring from back up, my photos that were taken from my ipod will be restored finally?
    Thank you.

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    *Most of the library now has the little !*
    That just means that iTunes can't locate the files. Have you perhaps moved, deleted or renamed a folder that contained the music you had in your library?
    *however some songs are still on one of the iPods*
    There are a number of third party utilities that you can use to retrieve the music files and playlists from your iPod. You'll find that they have varying degrees of functionality and some will transfer movies, videos, photos, podcasts and games as well. Have a look at the web pages and documentation, this is just a small selection of what's available, they are generally quite straightforward. You can read reviews and comparisons of some of them here:
    Wired News - Rescue Your Stranded Tunes
    Comparison of iPod managers
    TuneJack Windows Only (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
    SharePod Windows Only (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
    iPod2PC Windows Only
    iDump Windows Only
    iPodRip Mac & Windows
    YamiPod Mac and Windows
    Music Rescue Mac & Windows
    iPod Music Liberator Mac & Windows
    Floola Mac & Windows
    iGadget Mac & Windows (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
    iRepo Mac & Windows (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
    iPod Access Mac & Windows (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
    TouchCopy Mac & Windows (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
    If you have any iTunes Music Store purchases the transfer of purchased content only from the iPod to authorised computers was introduced with iTunes 7. You'll find details in this article: Copying iTunes Store purchases from your iPod or iPhone to a computer

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    You might want to download something called an undelete utility. These can find files and recover them even after they appear to have been lost. There are some undelete utility programs that are free. Look at
    Also, it appears that you have POSSIBLY overwritten the actual files, which you moved manually, with I don't know what, which you moved in PSE's folder location view.
    Next, in the future ... NEVER (that's: don't even think about it) move your photos in Windows. NEVER. NEVER. Not ever. Not once. This always (that's ALWAYS, as in 100% of the time) causes problems and usually makes things difficult to fix.
    Lastly ... make regular backups! I must say this in the forums about seventy bazillion times a month. Make regular backups! Regular depends on how often you take photographs and edit them. Since my photographic activity usually happens on the weekends, I make backups every Sunday night. You may need a different schedule, depending on your activity level. MAKE REGULAR BACKUPS!

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    Is this the note you are referring to:
    Not sure if this can help you.
    I checked my notes. They are stored here:
    MacintosHD/Users/MYHOME/Library/Containers/ /ExternalRecords/
    If I go tot this window on finder and enter Time Machine I can go back and find old notes...
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    I will address your second question.
    First, make sure your iPhone and iPad have absolutely identical Apple IDs.  If they do, use that Apple ID in Settings > iCloud on your iPhone to select the "Notes" option.  Lo and behold, all your iCloud notes should appear on your iPhone.

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