HT3939 What does it mean by #Carrier

I've asked to feed some numbers so that to unlock my new iphone one of them is #carrier, so idon't know what is it.

Are they referenced images? Referenced images are not stored in the vault; you have to back them up separately.

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    It means that an update to your carrier settings is available!
    Yes,  you should allow it.

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    I agree- I apologize if I sounded skeptical and attacking. In no way did I mean it to sound that way.
    I completely agree on the software-hardware combo issue- this is why apple killed off 1G and 2G devices- because newer software revisions would never ever run well if at all on such ancient devices. can you imagine running iOS 6 on an iPhone/iPod touch 1G? That would be terrible. Let alone iOS 3 runs terrible on them and now are generally rendered useless due to newer App Store requirements (most require 4.3+ now to allow apple to kill off the older devices). forcing newer software on older hardware (apple, dell, HP,... Anything electronic this definitely applies to) will almost always yield less-than-par results. The other part is apple forcing you to upgrade by means of intentially making things obsolete. all companies do that.
    All of this factual info aside, the issue at hand with the 5 is not a software-hardware combo problem- those are most widely seen with the major revisions. then again, this isn't the first time apple has gotten caught up in battery drain snafus (even iOS 5 was plagued with this as well- and now there are some people desperate to roll back but can't). it basically waters it down to the point where keeping the stock software will always yield the best results even though newer versions provide better features- it all depends on whether or not the person deems the added features are worth a performance hit.
    PS. I'm still at 100%- and I've been using it periodically throughout the day. your combo worked for you, but didn't for me. And may or may not work for others- As the tech world would say, mileage may vary.
    PSS. What model/carrier do you have? Just wondering.

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    Is the phone stolen?  If so contact the police and see if they can help.  You can also contact your carrier and see if they can freeze your account so that phone can't be used anymore and run up your bill.

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    You can NOT unlock it. Only the carrier it is locked to can legally authorize unlocking it and the Japanese carriers will not do so.
    In order to be using it previously with a non Japanese carrier, the phone had to be hacked to illegally unlock it.  You can not get help here.
    Buy a new phone you can use.

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    Hi all,
    Under transaction SPRO select:  SAP Solution Manager -> Configuration -> Scenario-Specific Settings -> Service Desk -> Service Desk -> Status Profile -> Change Status Profile for User Status
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    Edited by: Brodo Di Pollo on Oct 24, 2008 12:17 PM
    Edited by: Brodo Di Pollo on Oct 27, 2008 11:28 AM
    Edited by: Brodo Di Pollo on Oct 28, 2008 10:42 AM

    Hello Brodo,
    Refer to this thread:
    Re: Service Desk Message Status 'Further Statuses'
    Here you get to know what and why is the concept of distribution present in the solman system..
    Now, setting the status to forbidden means that the relevant service desk message cannot never be distributed to other systems like ( An R3 or SRM or any other SAP system )....
    Inspire ppl by rewarding !!

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    Radio is a type of phone service offered by certain carriers.  Sprint for instance offers their Sprint Direct Connect Phones (a.k.a Nextel) which have built in Radios.  Short Wave or CB radio type features. Also referred to as Push to Talk services. dc&catName=Sprint%20Direct%20Connect
    Think a walkie talkie in your Phone.
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    If you are using a service such as Hotmail/ for your contacts the radio option may be present.
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    It means that your iphone can only be used with a sim card provided by the carrier your phone is locked to. Only way to unlock your phone and be able to use any sim you like, is to contact the carrier your phone is locked to, and ask them if they can unlock the phone for you. They usually do this for free if your contract with them has expired. Hope I helped

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    It does not mean anything because it is not possible.
    Either your phone is fully and officially unlocked and you can use it with any sim card or it is locked to your phone company/carrier, in which case you need to contract your carrier to get it unlocked.  There is no in between.

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    What carrier did you buy it from? Are they on this list?
    If they are on that list and you have the original receipt from them showing the serial number, they may be able to correct the error in the Apple database.
    If they're not on that list, you were sold a black market phone.

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    That's a country code. Are you sending it to someone outside of the US or who is using a foreign carrier? Their carrier is prefixing the phone number with the country code for your phone number.

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    Hi and Welcome to the Forums!
    Uncaught Exceptions are basically the equivalent of a random error in Windows -- oh wait, you are on a MAC... 
    In essence, something has happened on the device for which there is nothing in the program code to handle. So the "last out" is what these are. There is nothing really you can directly do to correct (or diagnose, for that matter) them. But there are some things to try:
    1) Hard Reboot:
    Anytime random strange behavior or sluggishness creeps in, the first thing to do is a battery pop reboot. With power ON, remove the back cover and pull out the battery. Wait about a minute then replace the battery and cover. Power up and wait patiently through the long reboot -- ~5 minutes. See if things have returned to good operation. Like all computing devices, BB's suffer from memory leaks and such...with a hard reboot being the best cure.
    These are good as they reload the device OS fresh, just like rebooting a computer -- a healthy thing that clears up any corruption that has been introduced during operation.
    2) Device OS update. If there is some known (not to us, but to RIM) bug, it may have been fixed in a later device OS level. Check your carriers download page via this portal to see if there is an update:
    Beyond that, there's not much to do except for perhaps figuring out if perhaps it's one of your add-on apps that is causal...and a slow and systematic process is recommended of removing an app, waiting a while (I always recommend a week), then removing another (if the first try failed), and repeating until the errors stop -- at which point you may have found the culprit.
    Good luck and let us know!
    Message Edited by sdgardne on 10-13-2009 05:21 PM
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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    If you have more than one user account, these instructions must be carried out as an administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Select "/var/log/install.log" from the file list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar. Then select the messages from the last installation or update attempt, starting from the time when you initiated it. If you're not sure when that was, start over and note the time. Copy them to the Clipboard (command-C). Paste into a reply to this message (command-V).
    If there are runs of repeated messages, post only one example of each. Don’t post many repetitions of the same message.
    When posting a log extract, be selective. Don't post more than is requested.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Edit it out by search-and-replace in a text editor before posting.

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    To expand on deggie's post. The counter on the phone is probably not the best thing to go on. Even if your plan only gives you 2 gigs, unless it is some sort of restricted plan, you can continue to use data past the limit. You'll have to pay overage charges. Your carrier may have a short code you can dial to get your data usage for the month or may have an app you can download to track your usage.

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