HT4623 Iphone update cancelled

I unplugged my iphone when it was updating and now my phone is frozen and states I need to restore the phone. How do I cancel the update?

If you see the iTunes Logo and USB cable picture, then you have to connect it to iTunes and restore.  There is no way around it.

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    If you haven't updated to iOS 5 you have to connect your phone to iTunes to get updates.  And I believe that the 3G didn't get the iOS 5 goodness so you will only be able to update to what ever the last version for the 3G was that Apple put out.

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    If your iDevice is using a version of iOS lower than 5, you will need to use iTunes on your syncing computer to perform the upgrade. Use the Apple link below as a guide for the upgrade.
    Also read the instructions from the section entitled "Update your device using iTunes" at the link below.
    Information regarding transferring purchases from your iDevice to iTunes on your syncing computer can be found at the link below.

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    possible causes:
    1. Your antivirus is blocking access to
    2. Your phone is jailbroken.
    3. Your computer has been used at some time in the past to jaibreak some iOS device (not necessarily the phone with the problem), and its network database was corrupted by the hacking software that was used.
    4. Apple's activation servers are down (very rare, and never for more than an hour or so).
    For 1. try disabling your antivirus.
    For 2. & 3. you need to go somewhere other than an apple forum for help. Although you can try deleting lines containing from your "hosts" file on your computer.

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    There is no reason that you should be losing apps and contacts on a software upgrade.  You must have been doing something else at the sametime, possibly syncing with an out of date iTunes set-up or restoring from a very old back-up.
    I just upgraded three devices today and nothing was lost.  I also made new iTunes  back-ups before I did these upgrades.  I did tthe upgrades through the software update found under Settings > General> Software update
    Here are directions for an IOS upgrade.
    Hope this gets you and your mom up and running

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    Upgrade to a iphone 3GS or higher.
    Or use safari for facebook.

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    Connect to iTunes on the computer you usually Sync with and “ Check for Updates “...
    See the Using iTunes Section Here...
    How to update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

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    I'm having the same problem.
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    If your question is how to download it in its entirety first, so that you can update quickly and not have to worry about anything going wrong in the middle of the update, the solution is to download the update file separately, without iTunes, and without having to have your phone tethered to your computer while simply downloading. The download file is an IPSW file; softpedia has a link to it and complete directions for how to install it at .shtml. Make sure to click on the correct download link; you don't need to install their downloader or any extraneous software.
    Do NOT click on the big download button underneath this--
    iPhone and iPod Firmware (iOS) 5.1.1.
    Instead, click on the little bitty download button underneath that.
    Once you get the file downloaded (the one today is 803 MB, so, depending on your internet connection, it may take a while to download), connect your phone and open up iTunes and shift/click on the Update/Restore button and then browse to tell iTunes where you have saved the IPSW file. I am told that, with Macs, you have to Option/click in iTunes to get to where you can tell it where your downloaded file is located.

  • Questions about PO creation / update / cancel interfaces

    Hi there,
    An E-Business Suite customer wants to use the 11i PO creation / update / cancel interfaces in order to manage Purchase Orders created from a 3rd party system.
    I've been through the 'Oracle Purchasing Open Interfaces' guide (115mfgapi.pdf), but it's still unclear to me whether:
    1/ It is possible or not to add a new PO line to an existing PO through the interfaces ? If yes, how do one do that: what interface ? sample code ?
    2/ It is possible or not to change the distribution (= accounting information) of an existing PO line ? If yes, ...
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    Thanks for your help,
    Kind regards - Hugues

    1. Answer is YES. You can add a line to an existing standard purchase order by choosing the UPDATE. This can be done through Purchase Documents Open Interface.
    I can not give an example. It's quite long to write it. But You should use Open interface user guide to find nessesary columns. Just insert new row with status UPDATE and try to import
    2. Think You can NOT.
    3. Answer is YES. You can do it. Use "Cancel PO API". Function name is PO_Document_Control_PUB.control_document ().
    For technical details read Open interface UG.
    You must create exception to be avoid problems if some lines can not be canceled.
    4. Answer is YES. You can do it if there's still expected quantity to recive.
    boldJust from UG:*bold* :)
    bold1. Purchase Order Change APIs. bold
    boldThe APIs enable you to do the following*bold*:
    - Record Acceptance/Rejection in Oracle Purchasing
    - Update quantity, price, and promise date on standard purchase orders or releases in Oracle Purchasing
    boldSo only qty, promissed date, price*bold*
    boldRead next*bold*:
    Line Level Validation and Update: This logic occurs when LINE_NUM is not null
    and SHIPMENT_NUM is null.
    1. No update occurs if the line status is FINALLY CLOSED or CANCELLED.
    2. The new quantity or price value must be positive.
    3. If updating quantity, the new quantity must be greater than or equal to the
    greater of total quantity_received of all shipments and total quantity_billed
    of all shipments for this line. After the update takes place, the new quantity
    will be prorated at the shipment level and for each shipment the quantity is
    prorated at the distribution level if applicable.
    4. If updating price, no update occurs if a receipt has been created against one
    of the line’s shipments and it's been accrued upon receipt. No update
    occurs if an invoice has been created against one of the line’s shipments.
    After a price update takes place, price changes are rolled down to the
    shipment level for standard POs. No price update occurs for a release if the
    Price Override flag on the blanket purchase agreement Line is No.
    boldYou can update qty if still there's a qty to receive (Expected) and if PO still is not canceled*bold*
    Usage Example
    set serveroutput on;
    -- After the API completes, do not forget to commit if the result is 1
    -- and rollback if the result is 0.
    l_result NUMBER;
    l_api_errors PO_API_ERRORS_REC_TYPE;
    -- This needs to be changed according to your environment setup.
    FND_GLOBAL.apps_initialize ( user_id => 1318, resp_id => 50578, resp_appl_id => 201 );
    -- Record an acceptance of Y for PO 1261.
    l_result := PO_CHANGE_API1_S.record_acceptance(
    x_po_number => 1261,
    x_release_number => null,
    x_revision_number => 0,
    x_action => 'NEW',
    x_action_date => null,
    x_employee_id => 588,
    x_accepted_flag => 'Y',
    x_acceptance_lookup_code => 'On Schedule',
    x_note => 'All valid',
    x_interface_type => 'APITEST',
    x_transaction_id => null,
    version => '1.0');
    IF (l_result <> 1) THEN
    -- Handle the errors in the PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS table.
    END IF;
    -- Change the quantity to 5 on line 1, shipment 1 of PO 1263.
    l_result := PO_CHANGE_API1_S.update_po (
    x_po_number => 1263,
    x_release_number => 1,
    x_revision_number => 1,
    x_line_number => 1,
    x_shipment_number => 1,
    new_quantity => 5,
    new_price => NULL,
    new_promised_date => NULL,
    launch_approvals_flag =>'Y',
    update_source => NULL,
    version => '1.0',
    x_override_date => NULL,
    x_api_errors => l_api_errors,
    p_buyer_name => null
    IF (l_result <> 1) THEN
    -- Display the errors
    FOR i IN 1..l_api_errors.message_text.COUNT LOOP
    dbms_output.put_line ( l_api_errors.message_text(i) );
    END IF;

  • My phone wont back up or sync to itunes 10.6. i have a windows 7 32 bit laptop. i have tried updating the ios and receive the message saying it cannot connect to the iphone update server please check network connection. any help

    have a iphone 4. i have downloaded the latest version of itunes to update the ios. I am having problems with the back up and sync and also the update. the update error message is coming up saying it cannot connect to the iphone update server. I am useing a windows 7 32 bit laptop. I have also reset my phone to factory settings. Would taking it to one of the stores and they would do it for me??
    any help will be great thank you

    All I can tell you is that I am having the exact same problem with an iPod Touch and that I was running iTunes at the time it happened. Upgraded to hoping that it might help, but no joy.
    I don't want to do a restore just now since the Touch seems to be working fine. Restore will have to wait until I have plenty of free time in case something goes wrong.

  • Is there a problem with iPhone update server, I can't seem to update my IOS on my wife's 3GS iPhone, keep getting message that the server is not reachable, yet I am connected to internet and had no problem syncing the phone or downloading iTunes software

    What's up with the iPhone update server. I have repeatedly tried in recent days to update the IOS software on my wife's 3GS iPhone but keep getting message that the iPhone update server cannot be contacted. The phone syncs normally and I am sure I am connected to the internet properly. Also I have successfully updated ITunes software during this same time frame.  What gives??

    Try this support document and look at this section.
    Unable to contact the iOS software update server
    Error 1004, 1013, 1638, 3194: These errors may be the result of the connection to being redirected or blocked. Follow these steps to resolve these errors: 
    Install the latest version of iTunes.
    Check security software. Ensure that communication to is allowed. Follow this article for assistance with security software. iTunes for Windows: Troubleshooting security software issues.
    Check the hosts file. The restore will fail if there is an active entry to redirect Follow iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting to edit the hosts file or revert to a default hosts file. See section "Blocked by configuration: (Mac OS X/Windows) > Rebuild network information".
    Try to restore from another known-good computer and network.
    If the errors persist on another computer, the device may need service.

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    I'm not a techie, but I'm guessing at this point, the part of my hard drive that got damaged in the fall was, at the very least, the partition with the recovery data. Couple that with the fact that this cheapo Toshiba laptop didn't even come with recovery disk (or ANY kind of disk, even basic installation software!), I'm screwed: I don't see any way to get a workable computer now without some kind of disk to boot from. So NOW my concern is more about spending the $$ for a new OS and THEN finding out the hard drive has other problems broken in some other way to boot.
    How to check this? As I said, I did run "chkdsk" back when I could get into the recovery menu and run the fix-it programs. It didn't note any problems. Thinking of taking this opportunity to upgrade to Windows 7 from Vista (which I never liked), but I have to know that the computer is otherwise to be sure?

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    please help i cannot update my iphone . i am running itunes 10.5 and this updated and installed fine.
    the iphone update will download all 774 mb but each time the download finishes i recieve the same error message.
    this says that the network settings were incorrect or the network timed out please try again later.
    i have tried using 3 different internet networks and the connection have been fine.

    I've been getting timed out for 2 days now, what finally worked for me was not plugging the phone into the computer and just doing the update through my wifi, worked perfectly, took less than 15 minutes

  • Iphone update server could not be contacted

    I've been trying to update my iPhone to the latest firmware, 3.1 and it is just giving the error message:
    iphone update server could not be contacted
    Please can someone help me.

    I have the same problem, picked up my new 3GS iPhone yesterday, want to upgrade to 3.1 and constantly get this message now for the last 24 hours... What's going on, I can still access iTunes Store...
    Please advise...

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