HT5463 Will I see the texts/imessages after I turn do not disturb off?

Are texts/imessages blocked completely when DND is on? Or am I just not alerted with sound?
When I turn off the feature will text alerts then show?

Do Not Disturb only stops the Alert sound and vibration. A call or text will still come through, you're simply not disturbed by it. Hence Do Not Disturb
Hope that helps clear things up
Message was edited by: Malignance

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    9:06 PM      Saturday; September 22, 2012
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    Message was edited by: Kevin Monahan
    Reason: More searchable title

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    at org.jdesktop.jdic.browser.WebBrowser.<clinit>(Unkn own Source)
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    import tline to rt_lines
         from database stxl(tx)
              client   rt_client
              id       stxl_id
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    export tline from wt_lines
           to database stxl(tx)
              client   wt_client
              id       stxl_id.
    Finally we are importing that data using import statement into rt_lines which we exported earlier from wt_lines.
    In stxl(tx) the tx value corresponds to RELID field in STXL table

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