HTML snippet to refresh

Hi All I have searched this forum and google to try and find a way to refresh a page with a html snippet. The reason is that i update regularly items on a page and they are only seen if i hit the refresh button in the browser. So far i have tried putting Meta tags And this method
<form><input type="button" value="refresh"></form>
Both do not work... Is there a way to have some code as an HTML snippet to do the same as clicking the refresh button? Many Thanks Dave

<input type=button name=Button value="Refresh" onclick='location="javascript:parent.location.reload()"' />
then increase widget size

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    The answer to Firefox not opening iTunes URLs is here:

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    Enclose the JavaScript with a <span> and use a style
    <script type="text/javascript"

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    Photog Dog wrote:
    How do you copy a website html to paste into an iWeb 09 html snippet?
    Drag your pointer over the embed code so that it is all highlighted in blue. Then do ⌘C to copy it and then paste it into iWeb's HTML Snippet window by doing ⌘V.
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    That method can be done using iFrame code in an HTML snippet. You need to upload the Family Matters - Computer.m4v file to your server and link to it there via an HTML snippet and iFrame code. An example is in this demo page along with the code: QT movies via iFrame.
    There are other ways to add the movie (the full one Family Matters - Computer.m4v.
    One is to upload the file to your server and linking to it as shown in this demo page: Opening Item in a New, Precisely Sized Window.
    The method you posted is explained in this tutorial: Old Toad's Tutorial #18 - Adding Movie/Video File to iWeb Page via Export for Web in Quicktime Player. To see the edits click on the buttons in steps 5a and 5b.

  • HTML Snippet does not exist as a Widget option in iWeb 09

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    Google AdSense
    iSight Photo
    iSight Movie
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    Many thanks for any suggestions!

    Can you post the code you are using so that we can see what the problem is?

  • IWeb, HTML Snippet, and MySQL via GoDaddy (db already built)

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    Yeah, the code you suggested isn't live now because I always remove changes to my code that affect no change. It makes for a cleaner build later. Here are some variations of your sugestion that I tried:
    <div align="center"><form name="newcodes" action="newcode.php" method="post">
    <input type="text" name="newcode"/>
    <br />
    <input type="submit" value="Add it!" />
    <input type="hidden" name="good_url" value="" />
    <div align="center"><form name="newcodes" action="newcode.php" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="good_url" value="" />
    <input type="text" name="newcode"/>
    <br />
    <input type="submit" value="Add it!" />
    <div align="center"><form name="newcodes" action="newcode.php" method="post">
    <input type="text" name="newcode"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="good_url" value="" />
    <br />
    <input type="submit" value="Add it!" />
    I even tried this because I saw other people suggesting it in similar forums:
    <div align="center"><form name="newcodes" action="newcode.php" method="post">
    <input type="text" name="newcode"/>
    <br />
    <input type="submit" value="Add it!" />
    <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="" />
    All of the above produce the exact same, unwanted result: a blank white screen with the URL of my .php file (the one that handles the form post).

  • HTML Snippet widget bug report.

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    I didn't know where to send this bug report and so I have resorted to this forum. I hope it gets to you somehow.
    When creating a simple HTML Snippet in a page it seems that the piece of code that refers to the newly created widget in the .html for the page has a bug in it. For example, I have a page on my website called "Animation"; it has a simple HTML Snippet the code for which has been tested (by viewing the file widget0_markup.html in a browser). In Animation.html the following line appears
    <iframe id="widget0-frame" src=".//Animationfiles/widget0markup.html" frameborder="0" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
    Surely the pathname in the "src" option is in error (what the **** is .//?). If I change it to ./ by hand then everything works. Please change this asap, because at the moment I have to go into every page and change it by hand after publishing.
    Many thanks, Marvin.

    Thanks for the reply, but I'm afraid that I'm not convinced.
    In all the flavours of unix that I've ever used ./ is the current directory, ../ is the parent directory and ../../ is the grandparent directory (not .// as you suggest). In any case, the path name of source file in question is ./Animationfiles/widget0markup.html (assuming the code in question is in the file Animation.html) and so going up the tree into the grandparent directory is not what you want to do anyway; the directory Animation_files is always in the same directory as Animation.html and the file widget0_markup.html is saved, by iWeb upon publication, in the directory ./Animation_files.
    In short, I still think it's a bug, but thanks for the advice; I apologise if I am wrong.

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  • HTML Snippet was working on iWeb 08 but not now on iWeb 09

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    Link to unembedded slideshow (which works fine)...
    Link to website without slideshow showing up...
    Code used to embed slideshow in HTML Snippet inside of iWeb 09 (which previsouly worked in iWeb 08)
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    The Slideshow also shows up here fine...
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    I've tried loading the page on a different server with the same issue, the Slideshow Pro gallery just does not show.
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated,

    Thank you Roddy, I have done my homework but it isn't wokring yet.
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    But not on the normal website domain...
    As a check I did find out that the Slideshow still doesn't work with the subfolder "/Site" scenario...
    How bizarre!
    Any ideas?

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    any ideas????? I am trying to add the google friends connect button to my blog

    me again!!!! it worked once published...thank you
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    here is the webpage address in case you feel like taking a look at it for me...

  • How do I change the style of text in an HTML Snippet?

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    I'm using an HTML snippet with an iFrame tag in it. What formatting code do I include in the snippet so that the style of the text is the same as that of the default text object for the particular iWeb theme I'm using?
    Much obliged,

    Use CSS to format fonts. Look here for info.

  • Html snippets don't work in iWeb 09.

    I've not added an html snippet to my site for a while, but they've worked in the past. Now they look fine when I'm working in iWeb, but when I go to the site after uploading, there's nothing visible. If I select all, I can see the box that should be holding the stuff of the snippet. I've tried reinstalling the preferences file and that didn't do anything.
    Here's one page:
    And another (this one you need to scroll down):
    The formatting at the top doesn't match what I did either -- I made a cross through of the May 10 deadline and the updated information in red. So, there's more quirky than the snippets.
    I recently upgraded to a brand new MacBook Pro and transfered everything via Firewire from my old MacBook Pro. The same problem was going on on the old computer.

    The application page ( has this:
    <iframe src=" weFE6MA.." width="760" height="4400" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading...</iframe>
    The ReaLBlog page ( has this:
    <iframe src=
    style="width:1000px; height:1500px;
    scrolling="auto" >
    There are also Facebook and Stumble Upon buttons that aren't working/appearing.
    After perusing the related posts, I was hoping Old Toad would reply.

  • HTML snippet works on Firefox but not in IE or Safari

    First off, I'm a newbie.
    I just created a webcam site in iWeb at I used the following HTML snippet to show the webcam image; />
    It is supposed to go get a constantly updated webcam image from the server and display it on the web site.
    The entire page works fine using Firefox but the webcam image does not show up using Safari and the HTML snippet itself shows up when accessing the page from IE.
    Any suggestions?
    Gatto Nero

    Yikes. Now I'm even more confused. I am using Safari Version 4.0.3. I can see the links on the right and the ads on the left just fine, but still no webcam image. Would you mind clicking on the link for the Live View and let me know if that works for you? I found out that the gadget I used for that won't work with IE but it works fine for me with Safari and Firefox.

Maybe you are looking for

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