Http 404 error exporting query result into Excel.

Hello. I'm getting an Http 404 The webpage cannot be found" error when trying to export any APEX application's query results into Excel (Application Express This was working fine before. Nothing changed with our APEX application. I've been always using I.E. Version 7.0.5730.11 with no problems. I've reset the I.E. defaults and still the problem exists. I've downloaded Mozilla Firefox and the problem does not happen. However, I would like to know why my I.E. still gets this error? Any feedback or suggestions would greatly be appreciated. Thanks for your time.

My EI settings are as follows:
Tools -> Internet Options -> Security
All Three: Internet, Local Intrarnet, and Trusted Sites ... at Custom Level have the following settings:
Automatic prompting for file downloads = Enable
File download = Enable
Font download = Enable
Problem still exists.
Thanks for the help.... any additional feedback or suggestions would greatly be appreciated. Thanks for your time.

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  • Export query results to excel from forms

    Are there any ways to export query results to MS Excel format files from a form.

    Here's my working code out of one of my forms that does this:
    PROCEDURE export_transactions_to_excel IS
    -- Declare the ole objects
    application ole2.obj_type;
    workbooks ole2.obj_type;
    workbook ole2.obj_type;
    worksheets ole2.obj_Type;
    worksheet ole2.obj_type;
    cell ole2.obj_type;
    -- my variables
    rowCounter Number := 1;
    local_cursor_Record number := :System.Cursor_Record;
    old_cursor_Style varchar2(100);
    errors_occurred boolean := false;
    Ole_Error Exception;
    pragma exception_init( Ole_Error, -305500 );
    my_alert_id ALERT;
    alert_response NUMBER;
    procedure place_value_in_cell( rownum_in in number
    , colnum_in in number
    , value_in in varchar2 )
    -- Declare handles to OLE argument lists
    args ole2.list_Type;
    args := ole2.create_arglist;
    ole2.add_arg(args, rownum_in); /* row number */
    ole2.add_arg(args, colnum_in); /* column number */
    -- the next line is for excel97
    -- cell := ole2.invoke_obj( worksheet, 'Cells', args );
    cell := ole2.get_obj_property( worksheet, 'Cells', args );
    ole2.Destroy_arglist( args );
    ole2.set_property( cell, 'Value', value_in );
    ole2.release_obj (cell);
    end place_value_in_cell;
    procedure SaveSpreadsheet
    args ole2.List_Type;
    vDateStamp varchar2(20);
    vDateStamp := to_char(sysdate,'mmddyyyy') | | '_' | | to_char(sysdate,'hh24miss');
    args := OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST;
    OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, 'C:\PAPRETCC_' | | vDateStamp | | '.XLS');
    OLE2.INVOKE(worksheet, 'SaveAs', args);
    --args := Ole2.Create_ARgList;
    ole2.invoke( application, 'Quit' );
    end SaveSpreadSheet;
    procedure Open_EXCEL_Workbook is
    application := ole2.create_obj('Excel.Application');
    --ole2.set_property( application, 'Visible', 'True' );
    -- Return object handle to the Workbooks collection
    workbooks := ole2.get_obj_property( application, 'Workbooks' ); -- invoke_obj w/ excel 97
    -- Add a new Workbook object to the Workbooks collection
    workbook := ole2.invoke_obj( workbooks, 'Add' );
    -- return object handle to the Worksheets collection for the
    -- Workbook
    worksheets := ole2.get_obj_property( workbook, 'Worksheets' ); -- invoke_obj w/ Excel97
    -- Add a new Worksheet to the Worksheets collection
    worksheet := ole2.invoke_obj( worksheets, 'Add');
    end open_EXCEL_workbook;
    PROCEDURE Write_Column_Headers IS
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,1, 'Payer Name');
    place_Value_in_cell(rowCounter,2, 'Payer Address');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,3, 'SSN');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,4, 'Account');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,5, 'Refund Receipt');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,6, 'Pretax Allocation');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,7, 'Tax Allocation');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,8, 'Total Amount');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,9, 'Orig Receipt');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,10,'Orig Date');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,11,'TR Number');
    place_value_in_cell(rowCounter,14,'Vt Number');
    rowCounter := rowCounter + 1;
    END Write_Column_Headers;
    PROCEDURE Export_The_Data IS
    original_receipt number;
    original_date DATE;
    original_transmittal_number number;
    -- Return object handle to cell A1 on the Worksheet
    IF alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON2 or
    (alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON1 and nvl(:transactions.rg_approval,'N') <> 'N' )
    -- :system.record_status = 'CHANGED')
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 1, :TRANSACTIONS.NDB_PAYEE_NAME );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 2, nvl(:TRANSACTIONS.NDB_PAYEE_ADDRESS,'unknown') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 3, nvl(:TRANSACTIONS.NDB_SSN,'unknown') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 4, :transactions.NDB_DESCRIPTION );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 5, to_char(:Transactions.transaction_group_EID) );
    place_Value_in_cell( rowCounter, 6, to_char(:transactions.ndb_pretax_amount) ); -- chg
    place_ value_in_Cell( rowCounter, 7, to_char(:transactions.ndb_tax_amount) );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 8, to_char(:transactions.amount_including_taxes) );
    original_receipt := revenue_pkg.original_receipt_number(
    :transactions.allocation_table );
    original_date := revenue_pkg.original_receipt_date(
    :transactions.allocation_table );
    original_transmittal_number := revenue_pkg.transmittal_number_for_receipt(original_receipt);
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 9, nvl(to_char(original_receipt),'unknown') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 10, nvl(to_char(original_date,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),'unknown') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 11, nvl(to_char(original_transmittal_number),'unknown') );
    IF ( alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON1 and nvl(:transactions.rg_approval,'N') <> 'N' )
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 12, to_Char(sysdate,'mm/dd/yyyy') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 13, nvl(:transactions.rg_approval,'N') );
    place_value_in_cell( rowCounter, 14, nvl(to_char(:location.vt_number),'NULL') );
    END IF;
    End If;
    exit when :SYSTEM.LAST_RECORD = 'TRUE';
    rowCounter := rowCounter + 1;
    END Export_The_Data;
    /* ----------------------------------- main procedure --------------------------------------*/
    my_alert_id := Find_Alert('THREE_BUTTON_ALERT');
    IF NOT ID_NULL( my_alert_id ) then
    alert_Response := SHOW_ALERT( my_alert_id );
    If (alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON1) OR
    (alert_response = ALERT_BUTTON2) then
    old_Cursor_style := get_application_property( CURSOR_STYLE );
    set_application_property( CURSOR_STYLE, 'BUSY' );
    Raise Form_Trigger_Failure;
    End If;
    Raise Form_Trigger_Failure;
    End If;
    when Form_Trigger_Failure then
    when Ole_Error then
    AlertSend( 'There was an error exporting the data to Microsoft Excel (receipt# ' &#0124; &#0124;
    to_Char(:transactions.transaction_Group_eid) &#0124; &#0124; ')', false );
    errors_occurred := TRUE;
    when others then
    AlertSend( SQLERRM, false );
    errors_occurred := TRUE;
    Ideally, I'd like to call SaveSpreadsheet in Export_The_Data, and just ExitExcel here,
    but it prompts for whether to save the changes and I don't know how to get around that
    right now. SO, we just save and exit, regardless.
    -- Release the OLE objects
    ole2.release_obj (worksheet);
    ole2.release_obj (worksheets);
    ole2.release_obj (workbook);
    ole2.release_obj (workbooks);
    ole2.release_obj (application);
    IF NOT errors_occurred then -- stay on the record that caused the error
    Go_Record( local_cursor_Record );
    End If;
    Set_Application_Property ( CURSOR_STYLE, old_cursor_style );
    When Form_Trigger_Failure then
    When Others then
    AlertSend( SQLERRM );
    END export_transactions_to_excel;

  • Error Exporting Table Content into Excel

    Hi there,
    I have code that reads a TableView and exports its content into excel file. The code is running right now in an iView that is stored in a protal role. The code has been developed using PDK. I'm running portal 6.0 SP16.
    Here is what the code does:
    1. Reads the content of the table and stores it in an HSSFSheet inside an HSSFWorkbooK object.
    2. Gets HttpServletResponse from the portal request and updates its content type and headers
    HttpServletResponse response = ((IPortalComponentRequest)getRequest()).getServletResponse(true);
    response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachement;filename="EmployeeEntitlementRpt.xls"");
    3. Writes the excel file to the response output stream.
    ServletOutputStream fileOut = null;
         fileOut = response.getOutputStream();
    } catch(IOException ie){
         throw new PortalRuntimeException("IOException when getting output steam from response, writing to the outputstream or closing it.", ie);
    The code gives me the following error message, if invoked from the iview inside the detailed navigation.
    <b>"Internet Explorer cannot download! from
    Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later."</b>
    However, when I navigate to the same iView and open it in a new window, the code functions as expected.
    This is the URL to the iView when opened inside the detailed navigation:!253aportal!255fcontent!252fevery!255fuser!252fgeneral!252fdefaultDesktop!252fframeworkPages!252fframeworkpage!252fcom!252esap!252eportal!252einnerpage!7b!3b2!!252esap!252eportal!252edynamicNavigationArea!7bHideMode!7d_com!252esap!252eportal!252etargetsiView!7bHideMode!7d_com!252esap!252eportal!252etargetsiView!255f!7bHideMode!7d-/prttarget/com!252enexeninc!252etots!252eiv_entitlement_report.content/prteventname/HtmlbEvent/prtroot/pcd!3aportal_content!2fevery_user!2fgeneral!2fdefaultDesktop!2fframeworkPages!2fframeworkpage!
    This is the URL to the iView when opened in a new window:

    In the iView properties, for the property Entry Point, mark the property as yes instead of the default no. May be this could help u.

  • Export query results into .csv file?

    Hello I have a T-SQL script that gets row counts for a specified date range and then needs to loop (by incrementing +1 day to get the next day's counts) for a large date range.  I'm aiming to output & append each query results day counts
    into a .csv file via a SQL Agent job since this will take quite a while to complete.
    Would using the following as an example template...
    INSERT INTO OPENROWSET('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0','Text;Database=D:\;HDR=YES;FMT=Delimited','SELECT * FROM [FileName.csv]')
    SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3
    FROM DatabaseName the method or something else?
    If this is good to use I've tried running this but get the following error:
    Msg 7357, Level 16, State 2, Line 76
    Cannot process the object "SELECT * FROM [FileName.csv]". The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)" indicates that either the object has no columns or the current user does not have permissions
    on that object.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Techresearch7777777,
    The error in your post says that the file FileName.csv has to be created with the column names in the first row. Like:
    Either you can create a schema.ini file under the same folder:
     Col1=Field1 [DataType]
     Col2=Field2 [DataType]
     Col3=Field3 [DataType]
    For the [DataType],you can reference
    Schema.ini File (Text File Driver)
    If you have any question, feel free to let me know.
    Eric Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Problems exporting query results to Excel

    I hope you can help me
    We have a web template that uses the class ZVIG_ART that we created in the transaction SE24, this class display some label in the query
    results, the problem is when we export this report to excel the label disappear. The numbers indicates the stock of the item and the label N/V indicates that the item is not in the  store's catalog. Another case is that we can have N/V items but with stock, for example the ITEM2 of the STORE3 with the label N/V-1piece.  How can we export this label to EXCEL?
               |  STORE1     |    STORE2   |  STORE3
    ITEM1      |  10 PIECES  |    N/V      |  20 PIECES
    ITEM2      |  11         |    20       | N/V-1PIECE
    Thanks in advanced.
    Veronica B.

    Hi Mari,
    Thanks for the reply.
    I can understand the resason for not being able to change the Posting Date. But what are the reasons for not being able to change the Document Date? What is the fiscal reason for not being able to change the Document Date? Please provide an example. Reversing the document doesn't work in this case as the SQ01 report would still include the incorrect date.

  • Select query results into excel file

    I want to put the results of a select query in an csv file(tab separated columns). I dont want to spool command for this . Is there any other method to do this.

    To get data from oracle to excel to use odbc driver to achive this.

  • About exporting query result to excel

    Hi all,
    I take the report result to an excel file and at this point I am being asked for my user name and password of BW login, repeatedly for many times, based on the amount of data it contains. Its quite irritating, as i need to fill that each time, it asks for that. So kindly suggest me, how to deal with this.

    Hi Naveen,
    Not sure that understood what you exactly meant. But will try to help. When you execute query in BEx you can save a workbook detaching it from a server. In this case all reporting information will be kept without further updating from a server. The client will just open the wb and see all information. Certainly, he will not be able to make drilldowns. But for this you save your wb as a view with all drildowns already done.
    Best regards,

  • Exporting query results into a csv file using arabic and hebrew chars

    iv'e encountered a problem, using plsql to export a query into a csv file.. the arabic turns into question mark. Do you have any idea why?

    Usually this indicates a mismatch between client and database character set.
    How do you export this query?
    What is your database version?
    What is your client OS?

  • How can I export the query result into access(*.mdb) file?

    Dear all:
    I want to export the query result displayed in jsp into excel file
    and access file. And I have exported the result into excel format successfully, only one line should be added in the head of Jsp:
    <%@ page contentType="application/; charset=gb2312" %>
    But how can I export it in access(*.mdb) file? I have replaced "excel"
    with "access". But it can't achive my goal.
    What should I do to achieve my goal?

    The only reason your Excel export works is that Excel knows how to interpret comma separated values as an input file format. Access has no such beast.
    If you absolutely must provide info in an mdb, one solution would be to create an ODBC datasource pointing to an empty mdb, then push data into it using the jdbc:odbc bridge, then make a copy of the file and stream it down to the browser. You may run into some ugly file locking items here - set the ODBC connection so it is not shared, and that might help.
    This one is going to be ugly.
    I suppose another approach would be to write a simple VB applicatin that uses automation to create an MDB, then stream that file down to the browser from your servlet. That would almost certainly be faster than the ODBC approach.
    - K

  • 500 internal server error while Export wedbdynpro content into Excel.

    Hi Experts,
    my requirement is export webdynpro content into excel sheet, so for this what i have did is
    First step:
    ) created an Extneral library DC
    2) imported the JARs to the libraries folder of the External Library DC project
    3) Right-click on each of the JARs imported to the project and added them to the public part.
    Second step:
    1) Createed a new Reuse Web Dynpro DC
    2) Created a new public part, selecting the "Can be packaged into other build results" option
    3) extrcted the full content (folders and class files) to root folder
    4) Imported the folders and files to the src/packages folder
    5)binded the attributes, created 3 methods and writen the code for those methods.
    Third Step:
    1) created one more EXPORT EXCEL DC
    2) ADDED LIB jar dc and Reuse DC IN used dc's
    3) created usedwebdynpo component and binded attributes to Table VIEW and writen the code for exposing table values.
    After this build and deployed i am getting clasnot found error
    so what i have did now is
    Fourth step:
    1)Created "J2EE Library DC"
    2) Refered "External Library DC" into J2EE Library DC.
    3) Deployed "J2EE Library DC"
    4) Refered this one in my Web Dynpro DC by giving Library Reference.
    now when i deploy and run what happend i am getting
    500 Internal Server Error SAP J2EE Engine/7.01 
    Application error occurred during request processing.
    Details: Failed to start deployable object
    Exception id: [00215E78C4C0006D00000AD9000E00F00004887F642A32FE]
    Any one can tell what could be the problem.

    Thanks for sharing the solution.

  • Export result of ssas query result to excel file

    Hi All,
    I have browsed a SSAS cube. I want to export result of SSAS cube into excel file.
    Kindly give your input.
    Vivek singh

    I do not know whether there is a direct solution but there is an indirect way of doing it. I always follow this method if I ever want to get MDX results into Excel.
    1 - Install the DAX Studio (I know you want MDX results, so do not get confused by looking at the word DAX. Continue reading). You can download it from the following location.
    2 - Once you install DAX Studio, Go to the Add-Ins ribbon. Click on DAX Studio. 
    3 - There is an option "Tabular Server" and there is a drop-down list where you can enter the SSAS (MD CUBE Server) server name. Enter the server name manually. If you have multiple SSAS Databases and if you are interested in a specific SSAS database
    enter "Initial Catalog=Your SSAS Database Name" in Additional Options section and Click Connect. You can successfully connect to the SSAS Server now.
    Here are the details described so far in pictorial representation.
    4 - Enter your MDX manually and execute the code via DAX studio and you will get your results right-away in Excel.
    Now, isn't that an elegant way of getting MDX results into Excel :) ? Besides Excel's Pivot Table option, I do not know whether there are any alternate solutions to this but wait for other Pros' comments as well.
     Best regards...
    Chandima Lakmal Fonseka

  • How to Export SSRS report into Excel format using query string

    Hello all,
    I am new to SSRS world.
    Last night i was trying to add a hyperlink  on the SSRS report (.rdl) file, by clicking which we can export the report into "Excel" format, but with no luck.
    Can anybody tell me how to form the hyperlink, so that we can export the report with its current content ( I mean the report content generated by selecting some parameter values)

    Hi Suman85,
    Based on your scenario, you want to add a link on the SSRS report file, and then click it you can export the report into “Excel” format.
    Just as kishan1901 said , you can add a textbox to your report and type in the words “Click here and export the report
    to excel” .Then right-click the textbox and select Properties. Switch to Navigation tab, click the radiobutton of ‘Jump to URL’ and type in the expression ,here is just a example:
    Then preview the report ,you will see
    Click here and export the report to excel 
    when you move the mouse to it ,the mouse will become a hand ,then left-click, it will jump out a dialog box to indicate user whether the excel file should be saved , opened or canceled. 
    I think this is what you want, if you have any further requirement, could you please describe it in more detail? We would give you some resolution or workaround.
    Challen Foo

  • Export Custom List into Excel through custom Ribbon

    Hi i have a requirement, in that i need to export custom list into EXCEL through custom Ribbon. For Example in my list, i have Col1, Col2, Col3. Col3 has multiple values (allow mutiple values) and when export this into excel all values in Col3 should
    come as new rows and rest of the column values should duplicate. please helpout from this requirement.
    List View
    Col1   Col2      Col3
    v1        v2    v31,v32,v33
    Excel View
    Col1  Col2  Col3
    v1      v2      v31
    v1      v2      v32
    v1      v2      v33

    Hello Nihath,
    As per your description, you have to read each and every items in list with column value then only you can generate excel. There is direct way to export datatable to excel but in your case you will also need to iterate Col3 value to create new row in excel.
    I would suggest to use CAML query to get all items then check Col3 value. If there are multiple value then add them as new datatable row and finally export full datatable to excel.
    Here is link for CAML:
    Export datatable to excel:
    Finally add this feature in ribbon:
    Hope it could help
    Hemendra:Yesterday is just a memory,Tomorrow we may never see
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help

  • Error exporting a file to Excel

    I'm using Discoverer 10g version 9.0.4 and after making a query in Discoverer plus I try to export the result to Excel. After doing this appears me an error launched by Excel saying my workbook has a kind of macro (Excel's 4.0 macro) that can't be disabled so it's not possible to open the workbook if it is established high security level.
    I have Excel 2000 and I don't know how to solve this. Anyone knows what happens?

    I am relatively new to this forum but I had the same problem exporting a file.
    The solution I found was that the error was not with Discoverer but Excel. If you go to Excel and chose Tools\Macro\Security the security level will probably be set to High, change this to Medium and it should be OK. It worked for me.

  • How to export query results

    How can I export query results from sqlplus on the command line? Are there ways to specify the format such as CSV, TAB, XML, etc?
    I've seen one approach that involves creating a shell script and piping the output to a file:
    sqlplus user/password <<__EOF__
    set heading off;
    set newpage none;
    select f1, ',', f2, ',', f3 from some_table;
    Then pipe the output to a file. Is there a simpler solution to this?

Maybe you are looking for

  • Firefox takes a long time to start, unless I disconnect from the internet first, in which case it starts instantly.

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