I'm trying to send a SOAP message from XI via HTTP adapter to an external web services client URL and I get an 'HTTP_TIMEOUT' message.
The trace says 'HTTP-Client: exception during receive: HTTP_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE'.
I can take the message and send it succesfully when I use XMLSPY.
Can anyone suggest what the problem might be in XI?

Hi Ashish
Thanks for continuing with this.Much appreciated.
From SXMB_MONI, I can display the workflow log for my Integration Process. There are 2 mappings: the first sets up the basic payload data, the second uses the output from the first together with my XSLT to create the SOAP message. From the Workflow Log, I go into the Container Instance display for the second mapping and take the message as shown via MESSAGES_OUT. This is the one I can send to XMLSPY and is the one I posted to you.
The XML input to the second mapping is:
          <Document ref="HTMLDoc">
               <DocData format="base64">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</DocData>
          <Document ref="ClickToDoc">
               <DocData format="base64">PGh0bWwPGhlYWQPG1ldGEgaHR0cC1lcXVpdj0icmVmcmVzaCIgY29udGVudD0iMTtVUkw9aHR0cDovL3d3dy5wYW5hc29uaWMuY28udWsiPjwvaGVhZD48Ym9keT5Mb2FkaW5nIHBhZ2UgLi4uIGh0dHA6Ly93d3cucGFuYXNvbmljLmNvLnVrIDwvYm9keT48L2h0bWw+</DocData>
                    <Subject>Thank you for Visiting Panasonic at Security Essen 2006</Subject>
                         <Insert number="1">Ken</Insert>
                    <Email>[email protected]</Email>
                         <Insert number="1">Kenny</Insert>
                    <Email>[email protected]</Email>
                         <Insert number="1">K</Insert>
                    <Email>[email protected]</Email>
and the XSLT is :-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:fo="">
     <xsl:template match="/">
          <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
               <Header xmlns="">
                    <Request xmlns="">
                    <ns1:JobSubmitRequest xmlns:ns1="">
                         <xsl:copy-of select="//DocumentSet"/>
                         <xsl:copy-of select="//Message"/>

Similar Messages

  • OTA-HTTP-SEND-401 Error

    We're getting a 401 error message from a Trading Partner (TP). They say there is no password required to get to their website. From their end, the request doesn't send a certificate with it. The TP certificate has 2048 keysize, while the wallet and our other TPs have 1024 keysize.
    Could the problem be with the transport endpoint or the TP certificate?
    Here is the error from the b2b.log:
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:520: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab Invoking PackMessage
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:520: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:pack:Enter
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:525: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createMimeMessage:Enter
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:535: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createMimeMessage:number of pc components: 1
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:535: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createMimeBodyPart:Enter
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:560: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createMimeBodyPart:header name-value: Content-Type-application/EDI-X12; name=004010
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:560: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createMimeBodyPart:header name-value: Content-Disposition-attachment; filename=004010
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:561: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createMimeBodyPart:header name-value: Content-Transfer-Encoding-binary
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:562: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:applySecurity:Enter
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:562: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:applySecurity:Exit
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:563: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createMimeBodyPart:Exit
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:690: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setDigestAlgorithm using algorithm name Entering...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:691: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setDigestAlgorithm using algorithm name Leaving...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:785: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:applySecurity:Enter
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:786: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createSignedMimeBodyPart:Enter
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:787: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setProtocolVersion Entering...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:788: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setProtocolVersion Leaving...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:788: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setSignatureAlgorithm using algorithm name Entering...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:788: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setSignatureAlgorithm using algorithm name Leaving...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:789: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setDigestAlgorithm using algorithm name Entering...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:789: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setDigestAlgorithm using algorithm name Leaving...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:789: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: sign Entering...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:790: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: sign Sign using the configured certificate
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:790: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: sign wrl: /hub02/app/oracle/product/64bit/OAS101/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.wlt/default
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:03:802: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) Utility:getPrivateKey:Enter
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:928: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) Utility:getPrivateKey:matching private key found
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:931: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) Utility:getPrivateKey:Exit
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:964: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: setEncodingType Entering...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:964: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: setEncodingType Leaving...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:965: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: update Entering...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:965: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: update Leaving...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:965: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: encode Entering...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:966: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: encode Leaving...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:967: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: sign Leaving...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:967: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: printErrorInfo Entering...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:968: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: printErrorInfo Leaving...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:982: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createSignedMimeBodyPart:Exit
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:982: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createEncryptedMimeBodyPart:Enter
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:985: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setProtocolVersion Entering...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:985: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setProtocolVersion Leaving...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:986: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setEncryptionAlgorithm using algorithm name Entering...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:986: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setEncryptionAlgorithm using algorithm name Leaving...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:987: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setEncryptionCertificate Entering...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:988: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: setEncodingType Entering...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:988: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: setEncodingType Leaving...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:989: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: update Entering...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:989: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: update Leaving...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:989: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: decode Entering...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:997: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: decode Entering...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:997: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setEncryptionCertificate Leaving...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:04:997: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: encrypt Entering...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:006: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: encrypt Leaving...
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:007: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createEncryptedMimeBodyPart:Exit
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:007: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:applySecurity:Exit
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:008: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createMimeMessage:Exit
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:013: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:getMimeContent:Enter
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:014: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:getMimeContent:Exit
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:014: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:pack:Exit
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:019: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab Invoking Pre-Transmit
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:019: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Enter
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:020: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Log & Update Database Tables
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:020: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Update the Message Table Row with message state Wait for Incoming Acknowledgment
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:021: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Create a Native Event Table row for outgoing Request Message
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:021: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertNativeEvtTblRow(3 params) Enter
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:023: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:insertNativeEvtTblRow = <1396700:0:221@096997515>
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:023: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:protocl id set A
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:024: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:
    ** DbAccess:insertNativeEvtTblRow protocolCollabId = null
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:357: Thread-15: BusinessLogicLayer - (DEBUG) Authorization disabled. UserBootstrapped:false, useAuthorization:true, configType:Runtime
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:357: Thread-15: BusinessLogicLayer - (DEBUG) Push Stack: createDataStorage
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:366: Thread-15: BusinessLogicLayer - (DEBUG) Pop Stack: createDataStorage
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:387: Thread-15: BusinessLogicLayer - (DEBUG) Authorization disabled. UserBootstrapped:false, useAuthorization:true, configType:Runtime
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:388: Thread-15: BusinessLogicLayer - (DEBUG) Push Stack: createWireMessage
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:408: Thread-15: BusinessLogicLayer - (DEBUG) Pop Stack: createWireMessage
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:408: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertNativeEvtTblRow(3 params) Exit
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:419: Thread-15: BusinessLogicLayer - (DEBUG) Authorization disabled. UserBootstrapped:false, useAuthorization:true, configType:Runtime
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:420: Thread-15: BusinessLogicLayer - (DEBUG) Push Stack: updateBusinessMessage
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:431: Thread-15: BusinessLogicLayer - (DEBUG) Pop Stack: updateBusinessMessage
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:432: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Create Event Table row for Message Retries
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:433: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit timeToAck = Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 PST 1969
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:437: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertEvtTblRow Enter
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:463: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertEvtTblRow Event Type = 2
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:463: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertEvtTblRow EventId = 12
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:463: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertEvtTblRow Id = 1396700:0:221
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:468: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertEvtTblRow Exit
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:472: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Current TimeStamp isTue May 05 15:06:05 PDT 2009
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:473: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Retry shall happen at Tue May 05 17:06:05 PDT 2009
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:473: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit business transaction info name null revision null
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:474: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Exit
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:474: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Enter
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:482: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Transaction.commit()
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:483: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Leave
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:483: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab Calling Send to transmit the message
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:484: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) Protocol Name: HTTPS
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:484: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) Version Name: 1.1
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:484: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) Endpoint:
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:485: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) using SSL
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:486: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.transport.TransportInterface:send URL: HTTPS://TP.COM:88/INVOKE/TP.RECEIVE/AS2
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:487: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.transport.TransportInterface:send TO Endpoint: 502
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:487: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG)
    Protocol = HTTPS
    Version = 1.1
    Transport Header
    Disposition-Notification-To:[email protected]
    User-Agent:AS2 Server
    Date:Tue, 05 May 2009 22:06:01 GMT
    Disposition-Notification-Options:signed-receipt-protocol=required, pkcs7-signature; signed-receipt-micalg=required, sha1
    Content-Type:application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type="enveloped-data"
    -- listing properties --
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:05:847: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) scheme null userName null realm null
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:07:519: Thread-15: B2B - (WARNING)
    Message Transmission Transport Exception
    Transport Error Code is OTA-HTTP-SEND-401
    StackTrace oracle.tip.transport.TransportException: [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :401
    at oracle.tip.transport.TransportException.create(
    at oracle.tip.transport.basic.HTTPSender.createTransportResponse(
    at oracle.tip.transport.basic.HTTPSender.send(
    at oracle.tip.transport.b2b.B2BTransport.send(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.transport.TransportInterface.send(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request.outgoingRequestPostColab(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request.outgoingRequest(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.transport.AppInterfaceListener.onMessage(
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:07:520: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.transport.TransportInterface:send Error in sending message
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:07:520: Thread-15: B2B - (INFORMATION) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab Request Message Transmission failed
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:07:521: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Enter
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:07:521: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Transaction.begin()
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:07:522: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Leave
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:07:523: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :401
    [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :401
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:07:532: Thread-15: BusinessLogicLayer - (DEBUG) Authorization disabled. UserBootstrapped:false, useAuthorization:true, configType:Runtime
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:07:533: Thread-15: BusinessLogicLayer - (DEBUG) Push Stack: updateBusinessMessage
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:07:540: Thread-15: BusinessLogicLayer - (DEBUG) Pop Stack: updateBusinessMessage
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:07:540: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Enter
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:07:543: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Transaction.commit()
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:07:544: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Leave
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:07:544: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequest Exit
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:07:545: Thread-15: B2B - (INFORMATION) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage:
    ***** REQUEST MESSAGE *****
    Exchange Protocol: AS2 Version 1.1
    Transport Protocol: HTTPS
    Unique Message ID: <1396700:0:221@096997515>
    Trading Partner: ZZ043073964T
    Message Signed: RSA
    Payload encrypted: 3DES
    Attachment: None
    ***** REQUEST MESSAGE *****
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:07:546: Thread-15: B2B - (INFORMATION) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage Exit
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:07:546: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Enter
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:07:546: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Leave
    2009.05.05 at 15:06:07:548: Thread-15: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.transport.AppInterfaceListener:onMessage processOutgoingMessage was successful, returning transport ACK to the transport layer

    When I telnet to the host, I get (Connection to closed by foreign host.
    I went to the TP URL and save the certificate as Base 64. I then loaded that into my wallet as a Trusted Certificate.
    I see in the wallet as a Trusted Certificate with an expiration date of July 28, 2010 and Key Size 2048.
    We still get the same 401 error message. The TP is saying that we are not receiving a certificate on their end. I guess that means there is a problem with encoding and encryption.
    I loaded the TP Verisign certificate into my browser as a CA Root.
    Now I get a pop up box, when I go to the website that wants me to choose a digital certificate.
    There are not any digital certificates to choose from, so I can only click OK or Cancel.
    After clicking OK or Cancel, I get prompted for a password.
    There seems to be trust isses between our server and the TP's server. :)
    I asked the trading partner to send me their Root certificate, in case they have a different Verisign certificate.
    Thank you,

  • Passing XML String via HTTP Sender

    Hello everyone,
    currently we try to find a solution on the following requirement - maybe you have useful advice for us:
    8 different business documents can be sent via a web-interface to SAP XI via the http sender adapter. We already have a customized JCo Class that takes only one input parameter (containining the XML string of the business document).
    I think the easiest way would be to receive the XML string from the web-interface and pass it directly on to the JCo-Class in a Java Mapping.
    Is it possible to create a generic message type for all 8 types of XML documents that contains just one element holding the XML as string? By doing so we could use the same URL for all 8 different XML types and pass it directly on as input paramenter to the JCo Class.
    Do you have any idea how to do this?
    Thank you very much.

    Does the HttpURLConnection conn send the string along with the headerYes.

  • How to configure the Http sender adapter

    Now i have look through the sap lib about the http sender adapter
    and i know the url is
    &interface=<...>&service=<...>&cmd=T&loaderXML=< message object >&end=yes
    My questions are:
    1)the path in the URL is "/sap/xi/adapter_plain", if not, what is it?
    2)the message payload is right?
    any reply is appreciated
    Thank you very much

    Hi Leo,
    For a HHTP Scenario:
    1. Create DataTypes for source and Destinations. Create elements for all the text fields of your HTTP Client so that they can all be mapped into the destination file
    2. Create MessageTypes for the two datatypes.
    3. Create Message Interfaces. The One for HTTP is the sender, Asynchronous ( as no response is expected) and one for File is receiver, asynchronous.
    4. Do the mapping. It will be mostly a one to one mapping of the fields.
    5. Create the Interface Mapping.
    1. Import your Business System under your Configuration Scenario.
    2. Create 2 communication channels. One for Http as a sender and one for your receiver say IDoc.
    Check these links for the configuration part.
    3. Do the Receiver Agreement for Idoc. HTTP doesn’t need a sender agreement.
    4. DO the Receiver Determination and Interface Determination.
    Weblog which talk about the same scenario:-
    /people/sriram.vasudevan3/blog/2005/01/11/demonstrating-use-of-synchronous-asynchronous-bridge-to-integrate-synchronous-and-asynchronous-systems-using-ccbpm-in-sap-xi - although this weblog is
    aimed at explaining the sync-async bridge.. Sriram has taken http-to-file scenario as the example
    (use case) and explained it...
    Check this SDN tv demo, it has detail of HTTP adapter setup.
    Refer to this link for adapter settings.
    You should also have a HTTP client to send message to XI. In the connecting parameters to XI u have to use the URL in the pattern mentioned . U have to give all the configuration details in the URL.
    If you give me your mail id or if you can mail me at [email protected], i can send you a HTTP CLIENT.....In which you need to view the source code and change the username and password to send message to XI.

  • How to use the http sender adapter

    I'm trying to use the http sender adapter but not getting the result.
    1)  I've created the commnunication channel in Integration Directory.
    2)  I have my url:
    3)  When i copy that url in a browser i get a login prompt. When i log in i get a message that navigation is cancelled.
    What steps do i need to do to use this url to send my xml message to the adapter engine. Do i need a special system user for this? Any other tools required? (i have httpclient but using that doesnt send messages to the adapter_plain; i think)
    I feel i'm just missing one little thing, but what is it.

    Hello Team,
    I added the user name & pwd to query string & trying to access from IE and still getting blank page.
    Is this what is expected or there is something wrong in URL. I am able to send the XML from HTTP Test tool.
    My URL is :
    Please advice.

  • HTTP Sender and HTTP Receiver adapter. Pls advice urgent

    Hi All,
    There is one Third Party that wants to send XML data and receive XML data with XI.
    Please let me know can I use HTTP for that.
    How to use HTTP Sender part?
    How to use HTTP Receiver Adapter?
    Pls send blogs/doc for that
    Thanks and Regards

    Check this thread for the code for a HTTP Client,
    /message/266750#266750 [original link is broken]
    Also, check these blogs. They use HTTP adapters for their configuration,
    Check these links for the configuration part.
    Weblog :
    /people/sriram.vasudevan3/blog/2005/01/11/demonstrating-use-of-synchronous-asynchronous-bridge-to-integrate-synchronous-and-asynchronous-systems-using-ccbpm-in-sap-xi - although this weblog is
    aimed at explaining the sync-async bridge.. Sriram has taken http-to-file scenario as the example
    note:reward points if solution found helpfull.....

  • URL in HTTP sender adapter

    I have a scenario where I want to configure a HTTP sender adapter.
    I have a HTTP PUT url of a 3rd party application from where the HTTP adapter should poll and pull the files into PI.
    Is this possible? If yes, where and how do I mentioon the URL?
    Please help!

    That means, the sender aplication has to write a http://<hostname:port>/<path>?<query-string> type query?
    Is there no other option?
    Is it not possible with the SOAP sender adapter also?

  • How to Send Idoc Acknowledgements back to Http sender (Http to Idoc)

    I have scenario: Http To Idoc
    first requirment:
    i need to map xml file come from HTTP Sender to Idoc (SAP system), and need to send Idoc acknowledgements/status back to Http sender.
    second requirment:
    while mapping COM Xml file come from Http to COMMAT04 idoc into SAP system i need to to check whether corresponding material already exist in R/3 or not, if material is not exist, process should be cancelled and alert should be raised. ( i mean to say before sending COMMAT04 idoc into SAP, corresponding material should be exist already, if not alert should be send to  http sender)
    please thrown some inputs, if sombody has already done with htis....
    Thanks in Advance, and help would be appreciated..
    Thanks and Regards
    Rajesh Babu

    Just providing the specifics that Suhail has intended.
    How to handle IDOC Acknowledgements in XI.
    RFC Mapping Lookups:
    Edited by: Ravi Kanth Talagana on Jul 7, 2008 3:32 PM

  • [HTTP Sender]How to send different XML using static URL

    Hi all,
    I have a problem, my legacy system send XML messages to SAP XI by HTTP, I know that I need to use HTTP Sender adapter, the problem is that legacy system support only a static URL. I have more than one interface, how could I fix this problem?
    Can I send the XML message to SAP XI without define INTERFACE on URL? How can I handle this?
    Thank in advance,
    Daniel Torres

    Hi Srinivas,
    The legacy system is a java application, that send XML messages to SAP XI server using HTTP protocol. So I just ask to legacy system team to change the application to add <b>server</b>, <b>namespace</b> and <b>interface</b> attributes to the URL querystring.
    So for each XML message you should especify mesage interface that it belongs to. You do it by especifying on URL as message atribute for exemple:
    HTTP://[SAPXISERVER]:80[SYSTEM ID]/sap/xi/adapter_plain?service=[BS SERVICE]&namespace=[MESSAGE INTERFACE NAMESPACE]&interface=[MESSAGE INTERFACE]
    So if you have for example information belows:
    <b>MESSAGE INTERFACE NAMESPACE</b> = urn:teste:mymessageinterface
    <b>SERVICE</b> = MY_LEGACY
    <b>SYSTEM ID</b> = 10
    Your url should looks like: http://MYSAPXI:8010/sap/xi/apadter_plain?service=MY_LEGACY&namespace=urn:teste:mymessageinterface &interface=MI_MYMESSAGEINTERFACE_IB
    You should have a different message interface for each XML that you send to SAP XI.
    Message was edited by:
            Daniel Torres
    Message was edited by:
            Daniel Torres

  • HTTP Sender - how to read URL Parameter USER id into Mapping

    My scenario is HTTP - XI - ABAP Proxy.
    I wanted to capture USER id of the person who posted(HTTP) into XI(Mapping). How to read/evaluate the value of sap-user from querystring of URL ?
    please help.

    Try  URL Parameters in HTTP sender communication channel.
    In the sender communication channel set Adapter Specific Message Attributes. Click on Apply URL Parameters. In Parameter1 put sap-user (U can query any URL parameter by giving its name as in the HTTP URL).
    Now in SXMB_MONI, in inbound payload SOAP Header, under Dynamic configuration u can see the value of the user. Query the same in Mapping using Dynamic Configuration using keyName as UrlParamOne.
    Sudharshan N A
    Message was edited by:
            Sudharshan Aravamudan

  • How to Configure HTTPs sender communication in XI

    I have a request for new interface setup, in which i need to configure HTTPs sender communication from a B2B server to SAP system. Scenario is to receive XML 0rders from HTTPs B2B system and convert to Idoc and post it to SAP.
    Please could some one help on what needs to be done in XI for receiving XML order files from a HTTPs connection and what further needs to be done for processing to Idoc.
    Thanks in advance,

    For testing purpose you can use the HTTP client and paste your payload.
    Refer the below pdf for HTTP client what you do is copy and paste the code in note pade and save as .html file.
    This link gives you a sample HTML code to create HTTP Client:
    Chirag Gohil

  • HTTP sender adapter and receiver adapter

    Hi guys,
    I have a scenario that I have to communicate with an HTTP server with XML over HTTP.
    When the communication is opened by me I will use an HTTP receiver adapter and give the connection parameters.
    a) Do I have to use a different HTTP receiver communication channel for each different type of XML that I want to send??
    b) When the communication is opened from the HTTP server, they have to type the URL in order to invoke the correct scenario on my side, right? I know that I do not have to use an HTTP sender adapter. They have to call the http URL, followed by the sender business system, sender interface name/namespace etc.
    That means that the URL in the format: http://XIhostname:port/ is not enough right?
    Is there a way to figure out from the type of the XML sent which scenario will be executed in XI?
    Because it is difficult for them to use different URL when they are sending me different type of XML's, i.e. different requests.

    >>Do I have to use a different HTTP receiver communication channel for each different type of XML that I want to send??
    Yes,receiver adapter is linked to receiver agreement,if you have different inbound interfaces then it means you need to have diferrent receiver agreement,hence different receiver communication channels.
    >>That means that the URL in the format: http://XIhostname:port/ is not enough right?
    No,its not,there is a test tool on SDN called "HTTP test tool".just search for that and download on your desktop,it will help you generate the correct URL as well as test the scenario by sending sample HTTP request.
    One thing you need to keep in mind is that HTTP scenarios don't require and sender communication channel or sender agreement.they only need configurations on receiver side
    FYI:Here is the test tool
    Edited by: Aamir Suhail on Jul 3, 2008 12:18 PM

  • Http sender adapter: QoS is interpreted as Best Effort by PI 7.11

    I have a scenario, where I receive an xml OrderResponse via an http sender adapter and I then map it to an iDoc which is sent to the backend system.
    BUT: for some reason, PI thinks, that the Quality of Service is BE, and I get the error "Only asynchronous processing supported for IDoc adapter outbound processg".
    I have checked both the http sender adapter, the sender agreement, the interface mapping, the service interface and the operation mapping and nowhere can I see, that best effort is selected.
    The OrderResponse is sent from an external partner and is routed through a load balancer and an SAP web dispatcher before arriving to PI.
    Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
    MIkael Lund

    The external partner is sending the OrderResponse to this URL (external URL):
    this URL is being translated to an internal URL:
    So how should the external and/or internal URL be altered?
    Thanks for a very quick answer by the way

  • How to Call HTTP Sender Adapter of Other Scenar from HTTP Receiver Adapter?

    I have a requirement to call HTTP Sender Adapter of Other Scenario from HTTP Receiver Adapter?
    call SOAP Sender Adapter of Other Scenario from SOAP Receiver Adapter?
    SOME SENDER - > PI - > HTTP Receiver - > calling -> HTTP Sender -> PI -> SOME RECEIVER
    SOME SENDER - > PI - > SOAP Receiver - > calling -> SOAP Sender -> PI -> SOME RECEIVER
    if any one can provide me the screen shot for those SOAP / HTTP Sender or Receiver ADAPTER.
    or Point me to Some article with Screenshots .
    That would be appreciated with Point.

    Solved .  .

  • HTTP Sender Adapter Strange Problem After SP16 Patch!!!

    after upgrading to XI SP 16 I'm no longer able to create HTTP Sender Adapter based Communication Channels. I can create a Receiver Adapter but no Sender since the Sender button is greyed out in the UI. Does anybody have an Idea what could be the problem here?
    Kind regards,

    HI Heiko,
    As stated by bhavesh you cant have a sender http adapter, infact there is no need to have it.
    If you want topost message to the integration engine using http protocol,you can directly send the xml message to the pipeline url of the integration engine.
    http://<host>:<Abap http port>/sap/xi/engine?type=entry

  • HTTP Sender Adapter

    I have tried the HTTP client code that was given in many of the forums to post the messages into XI. It works fine. But this is good for testing. How does a HTTP real time client sending a message gets posted into XI without sender information? Do we have to enforce the HTTP sender pattern in the query string or simply how does it work?
    Thanks for any reply regarding this.

    Hi Harika,
    We have created a scenario in which ASP is communicating  with XI. In that we had written a vbscript function which will create the XML object (which is to be send to the XI server). MSXML2.XMLHTTP object was then created and the above formed XML object was send as a STRING.
    The communication string for opening the connection was the same as given by priyanka.
    Hope this will be helpful.  

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