Huh? MEncoder -  GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 2..

This is surely a legal question, but I don't know the best location to ask it...
If I were to use a program (mencoder) that is under the GNU public licence v.2 within my application, what would I have to do to be able to SELL my newly created application (that uses the original gnu licenced program) in order to appease the contract defined in the gnu?
would I have to do anything specific? Include the source code for the gnu app? Install it seperately? or can I just not use it?

jwenting wrote:
rufus1 wrote:
Does that mean that if I include it within my application (as a seperate entity), and call it over the comman line, that my application will not have to fall under the gnu licence?most likely.
At the very least it leaves you open for lawsuits which you may or may not win (it's still somewhat uncharted territory).
Listing it as a system requirement without actually distributing it yourself may be a bit safer, but the best solution is to find something else that meets your requirements and isn't tainted by the GPL.GPL-"tainted" software (i.e. the Linux kernel) is distributed by TiVo with every DVR. The repercussions of that include that they have to distribute the source code to their distributed versions as well, and you can [download the source code|] for their modified versions of that as well as numerous commands and libraries that they also distribute.

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    HI tom jons,
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    There is no difference whether you download from OTN or get so called licensed copy of oracle software. It's free to download and free to use you are using for personal eduction purpose, but if you are using for commercial purpose then you should contact oracle sales for pricing but you can continue with the same software. See following link for certification on different platform

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    A simple cmdlet to verify this: Get-CsServerVersion
    1. When run it will attempt to
    2. Read the registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Real-Time Communications\{A593FD00-64F1-4288-A6F4-E699ED9DCA35}\Type
    3. Based on that registry value, the cmdlet will then report back the version number of the software and the Lync Server licensing information the local computer and report back one of the following:
    o That the Lync Server volume license key has been installed on the computer, meaning that no updating is necessary.
    o That the Lync Server evaluation license key has been installed, meaning that the computer must be updated.
    o That no volume license key is required on the computer. Updating from the evaluation version to the licensed version is only required on Front End Servers, Directors, and Edge Servers.
    What if Evaluation Version is installed and you have to upgrade to Licensed Version?
    1. Log on to the computer as a local administrator
    2. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Lync Server 2013, and then click Lync Server Management Shell.
    3. In the Lync Server Management Shell, type the following command and then press ENTER:
    o msiexec.exe /fvomus server.msi EVALTOFULL=1 /qb
    o Note that you might need to specify the full path to the file server.msi. This file can be found in the Setup folder of the Lync Server Volume media installation files.
    4. After Setup finishes running, type the following from the command prompt and then press ENTER:
    o Enable-CsComputer
    o Repeat this procedure on any other Front End Server, Director, or Edge Server running an evaluation copy of Lync Server
    o This procedure should also be performed on any Branch Office Servers that were deployed by using the Lync Server media installation files
    Using Get-CsServerVersion will also show you
    1. What Version Number you are running
    2. What patches has been installed

    I couldn't find direct way of saying whether node manager is running or not but here is the work around. Using WLST when you say "startNodeManager", if the node manager is running this command throw an output saying "node manager is already running". Let me know if this solution works for you, if it works then I can give you java program for this if required or you can use "WLST JAVA Mode".
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    please provide me with the reference.

    Workflow Manager will work with either SharePoint Enterprise or Standard.  It doesn't work well with Foundations since it depends on User Profiles to pass user identity to the workflow.  And yes you can install it on Windows Server datacenter edition.
     Here are the supported platforms for installation
    This article talks about integration with SharePoint and states that Foundation is not supported, but it doesn't differentiate between the Server editions, so any edition will do.
    Paul Stork SharePoint Server MVP
    Principal Architect: Blue Chip Consulting Group
    Twitter: Follow @pstork
    Please remember to mark your question as "answered" if this solves your problem.

  • Trail version will not allow licensed version to run

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    Now that the trial version is over, I can't access the licensed version at all.
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    If I try to use the licensed version, this happens all over again.

    Check your plugins are upidated!

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