Hunting down a Illustration Technique?

I've seen this type of Illustration before, some of which I've seen looked as if the Illustration was square. Either way does anyone know how to create a look like the one seen in the image, or a secondary look that I described ?

For my part you are welcome, StrongBeaver.
Jacob, how  in the world do you expect to be helpful to StrongBeaver with an  outlook like that?! He WANTS to know "what is in them"! How else will he  be able to emulate the illustration style?! He's expressly asking us to  deconstruct the artwork... identify its component parts so he can  reconstruct  them himself.
And  besides, why are you so certain her reputation will be compromised  because of a seed? In some parts of the world, she would be aggrandized  for that seed!
I assumed that StrongBeaver knew her well enough to know, and that others did not have to.
In addition, I sense a certain shyness and innocence, judging from her posture, the bare knees and flat shoes, and the way she has chosen to (almost) cover her hair; which, by the way reminds me of chi mijikash, and makes me wonder where Harron is, and what he is doing that is more urgent than this.
But all this is just another challenging and pleasant case with different interpretations of the OP.
I apologize to both of you for the late answer: the night before yesterday the router took a direct hit of lightning, and I had to wait for shops to open before I could start repairing the wired network; with many hours wasted, and the inability to post in the forums round midnight (here, 3PM PST), I decided I had to catch up with other duties.

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    That's not an issue, that's just how things work.
    The gaussian blur has been redesigned form the ground up and is not downwards compatible any more.
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    The baseline file exists, but could not be read: <PFUbiquityBaseline: 0x1f885ef0>(0)
    permanentLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f8877e0>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/
    safeLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f887810>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/mobile.9FA2CEF5-C36C-5B9F-B1D6-85CAE175D592
    currentLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f8877e0>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/
    storeName: UserDictionary
    modelVersionHash: SAlQVUhF7208e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=
    baselineArchiveLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f8877e0>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/
    Error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134307 "<PFUbiquityBaseline: 0x1f885ef0>(0)
    permanentLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f8877e0>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/
    safeLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f887810>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/mobile.9FA2CEF5-C36C-5B9F-B1D6-85CAE175D592
    currentLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f8877e0>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/
    storeName: UserDictionary
    modelVersionHash: SAlQVUhF7208e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=
    baselineArchiveLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f8877e0>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/
    Coordinated read of baseline archive file succeeded, but the file could not be read: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f8877e0>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/
    Error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 256.)" UserInfo=0x1f87b670 {NSFilePath=/private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/, NSUnderlyingError=0x1f8899c0 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Bad file descriptor"}
    " UserInfo=0x1f889a00 {NSLocalizedDescription=<PFUbiquityBaseline: 0x1f885ef0>(0)
    permanentLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f8877e0>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/
    safeLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f887810>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/mobile.9FA2CEF5-C36C-5B9F-B1D6-85CAE175D592
    currentLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f8877e0>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/
    storeName: UserDictionary
    modelVersionHash: SAlQVUhF7208e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=
    baselineArchiveLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f8877e0>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/
    Coordinated read of baseline archive file succeeded, but the file could not be read: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f8877e0>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/
    Error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 256.)" UserInfo=0x1f87b670 {NSFilePath=/private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/, NSUnderlyingError=0x1f8899c0 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Bad file descriptor"}
    userInfo: {
        NSLocalizedDescription = "<PFUbiquityBaseline: 0x1f885ef0>(0)\n\tpermanentLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f8877e0>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/\n\tsafeLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f887810>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/mobile.9FA2CEF5-C36C-5B9F-B1D6-85CAE175D592\n\ tcurrentLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f8877e0>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/\n\n\tstoreName: UserDictionary\n\tmodelVersionHash: SAlQVUhF7208e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=\n\tbaselineArchiveLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f8877e0>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/\n\nCoordinated read of baseline archive file succeeded, but the file could not be read: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f8877e0>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/\nError: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 \"The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. (Cocoa error 256.)\" UserInfo=0x1f87b670 {NSFilePath=/private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/, NSUnderlyingError=0x1f8899c0 \"The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. Bad file descriptor\"}\n";
    17.04.2013 22:11:32 - kbd [50] (Warning): +[TIUserDictionaryServer addPersistentStoreAtURL:ubiquitousContentURL:toCoordinator:]  Unable to load persistent store at URL 'file://localhost/var/mobile/Library/Keyboard/CloudUserDictionary.sqlite' ({
        NSLocalizedDescription = "<PFUbiquityBaseline: 0x1f885ef0>(0)\n\tpermanentLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f8877e0>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/\n\tsafeLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f887810>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/mobile.9FA2CEF5-C36C-5B9F-B1D6-85CAE175D592\n\ tcurrentLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f8877e0>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/\n\n\tstoreName: UserDictionary\n\tmodelVersionHash: SAlQVUhF7208e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=\n\tbaselineArchiveLocation: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f8877e0>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/\n\nCoordinated read of baseline archive file succeeded, but the file could not be read: <PFUbiquityLocation: 0x1f8877e0>: /private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/\nError: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 \"The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. (Cocoa error 256.)\" UserInfo=0x1f87b670 {NSFilePath=/private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput/Dictionaries/.baseline/UserDictionary/SAlQVUhF720 8e6_gvZx_zdKx1U1AzKGem3HO2pLKjgY=/, NSUnderlyingError=0x1f8899c0 \"The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. Bad file descriptor\"}\n";

    Restore iPhone with current iTunes on your computer. See if better. If still problem, make Genius reservation or set up Service and take or send to Apple for resolution.

  • Is anyone else having problems with Illustrator CS5 character drop down menu?

    I recently upgraded my 07 macbook pro to a 2012 macbook pro with retina display running 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7 with 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 memory. I had no issues with my old mac the entire adobe ran perfect now I am having issues with Illustrator CS5. Each time I navigate the character drop down menu Illustrator crashes on me. I get this page:
    Process:         Adobe Illustrator [797]
    Path:            /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe Illustrator
    Identifier:      com.adobe.illustrator
    Version:         39 (15.1.0)
    Code Type:       X86 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [126]
    User ID:         501
    Date/Time:       2012-12-14 12:17:36.218 -0700
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.8.2 (12C2034)
    Report Version:  10
    Interval Since Last Report:          71621 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           7
    Per-App Interval Since Last Report:  52693 sec
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   7
    Anonymous UUID:                      F6A6FD93-F75A-394C-B86B-49FE750BF130
    Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue:
    Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
    Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x000000001a9d2000
    VM Regions Near 0x1a9d2000:
        MALLOC_LARGE           000000001a8c5000-000000001a9d2000 [ 1076K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV 
        mapped file            000000001a9fd000-000000001aa28000 [  172K] r--/rwx SM=COW  /Library/Fonts/Lao MN.ttc
    Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
    0                     0x956edbf8 HIStandardMenuView::DrawItem(unsigned char, CGContext*, unsigned char) + 2616
    1                     0x956ecf06 HIStandardMenuView::DrawSelf(short, __HIShape const*, CGContext*) + 492
    2                     0x95723eac HIView::DrawCacheOrSelf(short, __HIShape const*, CGContext*) + 364
    3                     0x95723ba9 HIView::SendDraw(short, OpaqueGrafPtr*, __HIShape const*, CGContext*) + 125
    4                     0x957b09d5 HIView::RecursiveDrawComposited(__HIShape const*, __HIShape const*, unsigned long, HIView*, CGContext*, unsigned char, float) + 759
    5                     0x957b0d5c HIView::RecursiveDrawComposited(__HIShape const*, __HIShape const*, unsigned long, HIView*, CGContext*, unsigned char, float) + 1662
    6                     0x957b0d5c HIView::RecursiveDrawComposited(__HIShape const*, __HIShape const*, unsigned long, HIView*, CGContext*, unsigned char, float) + 1662
    7                     0x957afdf0 HIView::DrawComposited(short, OpaqueGrafPtr*, __HIShape const*, unsigned long, HIView*, CGContext*) + 802
    8                     0x957afa82 HIView::Draw(short, OpaqueGrafPtr*, unsigned long) + 82
    9                     0x957afa29 HIView::Render(unsigned long, CGContext*) + 45
    10                     0x9572c460 FlushWindowObject(WindowData*, void**, unsigned char) + 812
    11                     0x95734fb1 FlushAllBuffers(__CFRunLoopObserver*, unsigned long, void*) + 245
    12                0x929aadfe __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 30
    13                0x929aad3d __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 381
    14                0x92984623 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 355
    15                0x929844ab CFRunLoopRunInMode + 123
    16                     0x9572e15a RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 242
    17                     0x9572ddf5 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 162
    18                     0x956f29e6 AcquireNextEventInMode + 68
    19                     0x956eff7d IsUserStillTracking(MenuSelectData*, unsigned char*) + 372
    20                     0x956dd6ae TrackMenuCommon(MenuSelectData&, unsigned char*) + 1724
    21                     0x958cfabd PopUpMenuSelectCore(MenuData*, Point, double, Point, unsigned short, unsigned int, Rect const*, unsigned short, unsigned long, Rect const*, Rect const*, __CFString const*, OpaqueMenuRef**, unsigned short*) + 1733
    22                     0x958d029c PopUpMenuSelect + 252
    23  com.adobe.illustrator                   0x005e4e7d AWS_CUI_RevertAlert(OpaqueWindowPtr*, adobe::aws::gen::String<unsigned short>&, adobe::aws::gen::String<unsigned short>&) + 2707053
    24  com.adobe.illustrator                   0x0041a471 AWS_CUI_RevertAlert(OpaqueWindowPtr*, adobe::aws::gen::String<unsigned short>&, adobe::aws::gen::String<unsigned short>&) + 828513
    25  com.adobe.coretech.adm                  0x1090b74d 0x10900000 + 46925
    26  com.adobe.coretech.adm                  0x1093a8f1 0x10900000 + 239857
    27  com.adobe.coretech.adm                  0x1095e0f9 0x10900000 + 385273
    28  com.adobe.coretech.adm                  0x10985139 0x10900000 + 545081
    29  com.adobe.coretech.adm                  0x109857f3 0x10900000 + 546803
    30  com.adobe.coretech.adm                  0x1096cf75 0x10900000 + 446325
    31  com.adobe.coretech.adm                  0x1096d48f 0x10900000 + 447631
    32                     0x95882b6b _InvokeEventHandlerUPP(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*, long (*)(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*)) + 36
    33                     0x9570a594 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 1343
    34                     0x95709980 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 430
    35                     0x9571d855 SendEventToEventTarget + 88
    36                     0x9588dad2 SendEventFromMouseDown(OpaqueWindowPtr*, unsigned long, OpaqueEventRef*) + 167
    37                     0x9588de74 HandleWindowClick(OpaqueWindowPtr*, Point, short, unsigned long, OpaqueEventRef*) + 540
    38                     0x9588d4a3 HandleMouseEvent(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*) + 826
    39                     0x956f5a38 StandardWindowEventHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 85
    40                     0x95882b6b _InvokeEventHandlerUPP(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*, long (*)(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*)) + 36
    41                     0x9570a594 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 1343
    42                     0x95709980 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 430
    43                     0x956f4fda CallNextEventHandler + 84
    44  com.adobe.owl                           0x06fe211d OWLControlBarCreateNonComposite + 1763
    45  com.adobe.owl                           0x06f4b2f4 OWLThemeAddBrush + 1428
    46                     0x95882b6b _InvokeEventHandlerUPP(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*, long (*)(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*)) + 36
    47                     0x9570a594 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 1343
    48                     0x95709980 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 430
    49                     0x956f4fda CallNextEventHandler + 84
    50  com.adobe.coretech.adm                  0x1096daf1 0x10900000 + 449265
    51                     0x95882b6b _InvokeEventHandlerUPP(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*, long (*)(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*)) + 36
    52                     0x9570a594 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 1343
    53                     0x95709980 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 430
    54                     0x9571d855 SendEventToEventTarget + 88
    55                     0x9573d7b7 ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 2141
    56                     0x9570aa3f DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 2538
    57                     0x95709980 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 430
    58                     0x9571d855 SendEventToEventTarget + 88
    59  com.adobe.illustrator                   0x000aaca0 AWS_CUI_GetVersionComments(OpaqueWindowPtr*, adobe::q::QDocument&, adobe::q::QString&, adobe::q::QAttributeList&, adobe::q::QDocument*, adobe::q::QProject*, long) + 580772
    60                     0x95882b6b _InvokeEventHandlerUPP(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*, long (*)(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*)) + 36
    61                     0x9570a594 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 1343
    62                     0x95709980 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 430
    63                     0x957097ca SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions + 94
    64                     0x9573db7e ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 3108
    65                     0x9570aa3f DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 2538
    66                     0x95709980 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 430
    67                     0x9571d855 SendEventToEventTarget + 88
    68                     0x95882267 ToolboxEventDispatcher + 82
    69                     0x95882129 RunApplicationEventLoop + 240
    70  com.adobe.illustrator                   0x000aafa1 AWS_CUI_GetVersionComments(OpaqueWindowPtr*, adobe::q::QDocument&, adobe::q::QString&, adobe::q::QAttributeList&, adobe::q::QDocument*, adobe::q::QProject*, long) + 581541
    71  com.adobe.illustrator                   0x00112f9c AWS_CUI_GetVersionComments(OpaqueWindowPtr*, adobe::q::QDocument&, adobe::q::QString&, adobe::q::QAttributeList&, adobe::q::QDocument*, adobe::q::QProject*, long) + 1007520
    72  com.adobe.illustrator                   0x000d412a AWS_CUI_GetVersionComments(OpaqueWindowPtr*, adobe::q::QDocument&, adobe::q::QString&, adobe::q::QAttributeList&, adobe::q::QDocument*, adobe::q::QProject*, long) + 749870
    73  com.adobe.illustrator                   0x00003316 0x1000 + 8982
    Thread 1:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935820ee __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966da04c _pthread_workq_return + 45
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d9e19 _pthread_wqthread + 448
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cca start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 2:: Dispatch queue:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935829ae kevent + 10
    1   libdispatch.dylib                       0x96c8ac71 _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 993
    2   libdispatch.dylib                       0x96c8a7a9 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 53
    Thread 3:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935820ee __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966da04c _pthread_workq_return + 45
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d9e19 _pthread_wqthread + 448
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cca start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 4:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935820ee __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966da04c _pthread_workq_return + 45
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d9e19 _pthread_wqthread + 448
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cca start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 5:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935818e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966dc289 _pthread_cond_wait + 938
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x96769afc pthread_cond_wait + 48
    3                  0x046ea274 C_AMTUISwitchSuppressUpdates + 16864
    4                  0x046e3074 C_EULA_SetState + 2166
    5                  0x046ea2da C_AMTUISwitchSuppressUpdates + 16966
    6   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d7557 _pthread_start + 344
    7   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 6:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935818e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966dc289 _pthread_cond_wait + 938
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966dc512 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3          0x92d6b6ad TSWaitOnConditionTimedRelative + 177
    4          0x92d6b184 TSWaitOnSemaphoreCommon + 272
    5          0x92d6b40d TSWaitOnSemaphoreRelative + 24
    6          0x92d511a3 TimerThread + 324
    7   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d7557 _pthread_start + 344
    8   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 7:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935818e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966dc220 _pthread_cond_wait + 833
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x967620a1 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 71
    3          0x92d6b492 TSWaitOnCondition + 128
    4          0x92d6b68e TSWaitOnConditionTimedRelative + 146
    5          0x92cb7b9b MPWaitOnQueue + 261
    6   AdobeACE                                0x01681579 0x1647000 + 238969
    7   AdobeACE                                0x01680f71 0x1647000 + 237425
    8          0x92d3ea7b PrivateMPEntryPoint + 68
    9   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d7557 _pthread_start + 344
    10  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 8:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935818e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966dc220 _pthread_cond_wait + 833
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x967620a1 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 71
    3          0x92d6b492 TSWaitOnCondition + 128
    4          0x92d6b68e TSWaitOnConditionTimedRelative + 146
    5          0x92cb7b9b MPWaitOnQueue + 261
    6   AdobeACE                                0x01681579 0x1647000 + 238969
    7   AdobeACE                                0x01680f71 0x1647000 + 237425
    8          0x92d3ea7b PrivateMPEntryPoint + 68
    9   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d7557 _pthread_start + 344
    10  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 9:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935818e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966dc220 _pthread_cond_wait + 833
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x967620a1 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 71
    3          0x92d6b492 TSWaitOnCondition + 128
    4          0x92d6b68e TSWaitOnConditionTimedRelative + 146
    5          0x92cb7b9b MPWaitOnQueue + 261
    6   AdobeACE                                0x01681579 0x1647000 + 238969
    7   AdobeACE                                0x01680f71 0x1647000 + 237425
    8          0x92d3ea7b PrivateMPEntryPoint + 68
    9   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d7557 _pthread_start + 344
    10  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 10:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935818e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966dc220 _pthread_cond_wait + 833
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x967620a1 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 71
    3          0x92d6b492 TSWaitOnCondition + 128
    4          0x92d6b68e TSWaitOnConditionTimedRelative + 146
    5          0x92cb7b9b MPWaitOnQueue + 261
    6   AdobeACE                                0x01681579 0x1647000 + 238969
    7   AdobeACE                                0x01680f71 0x1647000 + 237425
    8          0x92d3ea7b PrivateMPEntryPoint + 68
    9   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d7557 _pthread_start + 344
    10  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 11:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935818e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966dc220 _pthread_cond_wait + 833
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x967620a1 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 71
    3          0x92d6b492 TSWaitOnCondition + 128
    4          0x92d6b68e TSWaitOnConditionTimedRelative + 146
    5          0x92cb7b9b MPWaitOnQueue + 261
    6   AdobeACE                                0x01681579 0x1647000 + 238969
    7   AdobeACE                                0x01680f71 0x1647000 + 237425
    8          0x92d3ea7b PrivateMPEntryPoint + 68
    9   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d7557 _pthread_start + 344
    10  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 12:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935818e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966dc220 _pthread_cond_wait + 833
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x967620a1 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 71
    3          0x92d6b492 TSWaitOnCondition + 128
    4          0x92d6b68e TSWaitOnConditionTimedRelative + 146
    5          0x92cb7b9b MPWaitOnQueue + 261
    6   AdobeACE                                0x01681579 0x1647000 + 238969
    7   AdobeACE                                0x01680f71 0x1647000 + 237425
    8          0x92d3ea7b PrivateMPEntryPoint + 68
    9   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d7557 _pthread_start + 344
    10  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 13:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935818e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966dc220 _pthread_cond_wait + 833
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x967620a1 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 71
    3          0x92d6b492 TSWaitOnCondition + 128
    4          0x92d6b68e TSWaitOnConditionTimedRelative + 146
    5          0x92cb7b9b MPWaitOnQueue + 261
    6   AdobeACE                                0x01681579 0x1647000 + 238969
    7   AdobeACE                                0x01680f71 0x1647000 + 237425
    8          0x92d3ea7b PrivateMPEntryPoint + 68
    9   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d7557 _pthread_start + 344
    10  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 14:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935818e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966dc289 _pthread_cond_wait + 938
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x96769afc pthread_cond_wait + 48
    3   AdobeAGM                                0x01abe59d AGMInitialize + 3243373
    4   AdobeAGM                                0x01abf1ed AGMInitialize + 3246525
    5   AdobeAGM                                0x01ac4de0 AGMInitialize + 3270064
    6   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d7557 _pthread_start + 344
    7   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 15:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935818e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966dc289 _pthread_cond_wait + 938
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x96769afc pthread_cond_wait + 48
    3   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab42f APXGetHostAPI + 2599903
    4   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17b4453f APXGetHostAPI + 81135
    5   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab51c APXGetHostAPI + 2600140
    6   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab587 APXGetHostAPI + 2600247
    7   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab6a6 APXGetHostAPI + 2600534
    8   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d7557 _pthread_start + 344
    9   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 16:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935818e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966dc289 _pthread_cond_wait + 938
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x96769afc pthread_cond_wait + 48
    3   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab42f APXGetHostAPI + 2599903
    4   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17b4453f APXGetHostAPI + 81135
    5   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab51c APXGetHostAPI + 2600140
    6   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab587 APXGetHostAPI + 2600247
    7   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab6a6 APXGetHostAPI + 2600534
    8   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d7557 _pthread_start + 344
    9   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 17:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935818e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966dc289 _pthread_cond_wait + 938
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x96769afc pthread_cond_wait + 48
    3   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab42f APXGetHostAPI + 2599903
    4   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17b4453f APXGetHostAPI + 81135
    5   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab51c APXGetHostAPI + 2600140
    6   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab587 APXGetHostAPI + 2600247
    7   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab6a6 APXGetHostAPI + 2600534
    8   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d7557 _pthread_start + 344
    9   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 18:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935818e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966dc289 _pthread_cond_wait + 938
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x96769afc pthread_cond_wait + 48
    3   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab42f APXGetHostAPI + 2599903
    4   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17b4453f APXGetHostAPI + 81135
    5   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab51c APXGetHostAPI + 2600140
    6   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab587 APXGetHostAPI + 2600247
    7   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab6a6 APXGetHostAPI + 2600534
    8   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d7557 _pthread_start + 344
    9   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 19:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x93581c72 __semwait_signal + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x96761a61 nanosleep$UNIX2003 + 189
    2   com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Scripting Support          0x1222994b PluginMain + 447467
    3   com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Scripting Support          0x1220bb23 PluginMain + 325059
    4   com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Scripting Support          0x12229a58 PluginMain + 447736
    5   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d7557 _pthread_start + 344
    6   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 20:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x9357f80e semaphore_wait_trap + 10
    1   com.adobe.illustrator                   0x00677ef4 AWS_CUI_RevertAlert(OpaqueWindowPtr*, adobe::aws::gen::String<unsigned short>&, adobe::aws::gen::String<unsigned short>&) + 3309284
    2   com.adobe.illustrator                   0x006790d9 AWS_CUI_RevertAlert(OpaqueWindowPtr*, adobe::aws::gen::String<unsigned short>&, adobe::aws::gen::String<unsigned short>&) + 3313865
    3   com.adobe.illustrator                   0x006792a9 AWS_CUI_RevertAlert(OpaqueWindowPtr*, adobe::aws::gen::String<unsigned short>&, adobe::aws::gen::String<unsigned short>&) + 3314329
    4          0x92d3ea7b PrivateMPEntryPoint + 68
    5   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d7557 _pthread_start + 344
    6   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 21:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x9357f80e semaphore_wait_trap + 10
    1   com.adobe.illustrator                   0x00677ef4 AWS_CUI_RevertAlert(OpaqueWindowPtr*, adobe::aws::gen::String<unsigned short>&, adobe::aws::gen::String<unsigned short>&) + 3309284
    2   com.adobe.illustrator                   0x006790d9 AWS_CUI_RevertAlert(OpaqueWindowPtr*, adobe::aws::gen::String<unsigned short>&, adobe::aws::gen::String<unsigned short>&) + 3313865
    3   com.adobe.illustrator                   0x006792a9 AWS_CUI_RevertAlert(OpaqueWindowPtr*, adobe::aws::gen::String<unsigned short>&, adobe::aws::gen::String<unsigned short>&) + 3314329
    4          0x92d3ea7b PrivateMPEntryPoint + 68
    5   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d7557 _pthread_start + 344
    6   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 22:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x93581b3e __recvfrom + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x96761bcb recv$UNIX2003 + 54
    2   ServiceManager-Launcher.dylib           0x1b59c2d7 Invoke + 54887
    3   ServiceManager-Launcher.dylib           0x1b59b376 Invoke + 50950
    4   ServiceManager-Launcher.dylib           0x1b59a227 Invoke + 46519
    5   ServiceManager-Launcher.dylib           0x1b59a279 Invoke + 46601
    6   ServiceManager-Launcher.dylib           0x1b59a303 Invoke + 46739
    7   ServiceManager-Launcher.dylib           0x1b594706 Invoke + 23190
    8   ServiceManager-Launcher.dylib           0x1b5948ef Invoke + 23679
    9   ServiceManager-Launcher.dylib           0x1b5954cf Invoke + 26719
    10  ServiceManager-Launcher.dylib           0x1b5955cd Invoke + 26973
    11  ServiceManager-Launcher.dylib           0x1b5989b8 Invoke + 40264
    12  ServiceManager-Launcher.dylib           0x1b598c61 Invoke + 40945
    13  ServiceManager-Launcher.dylib           0x1b59928f Invoke + 42527
    14  ServiceManager-Launcher.dylib           0x1b59948c Invoke + 43036
    15  ServiceManager-Launcher.dylib           0x1b58b11a Login + 1654
    16  ServiceManager-Launcher.dylib           0x1b58c6f7 Login + 7251
    17  ServiceManager-Launcher.dylib           0x1b5999fb Invoke + 44427
    18  ServiceManager-Launcher.dylib           0x1b59bf49 Invoke + 53977
    19  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d7557 _pthread_start + 344
    20  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 23:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935818e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966dc289 _pthread_cond_wait + 938
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966dc512 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab3f7 APXGetHostAPI + 2599847
    4   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dc5e4e APXGetHostAPI + 2708990
    5   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab51c APXGetHostAPI + 2600140
    6   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab587 APXGetHostAPI + 2600247
    7   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab6a6 APXGetHostAPI + 2600534
    8   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d7557 _pthread_start + 344
    9   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 24:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935818e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966dc289 _pthread_cond_wait + 938
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966dc512 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab3f7 APXGetHostAPI + 2599847
    4   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17f22348 APXGetHostAPI + 4135672
    5   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab51c APXGetHostAPI + 2600140
    6   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab587 APXGetHostAPI + 2600247
    7   com.adobe.adobeswfl                     0x17dab6a6 APXGetHostAPI + 2600534
    8   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d7557 _pthread_start + 344
    9   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 25:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935820ee __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966da04c _pthread_workq_return + 45
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d9e19 _pthread_wqthread + 448
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cca start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 26:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935820ee __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966da04c _pthread_workq_return + 45
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d9e19 _pthread_wqthread + 448
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cca start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 27:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935820ee __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966da04c _pthread_workq_return + 45
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d9e19 _pthread_wqthread + 448
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cca start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 28:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935820ee __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966da04c _pthread_workq_return + 45
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d9e19 _pthread_wqthread + 448
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cca start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 29:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935820ee __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966da04c _pthread_workq_return + 45
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d9e19 _pthread_wqthread + 448
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cca start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 30:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x935820ee __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966da04c _pthread_workq_return + 45
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966d9e19 _pthread_wqthread + 448
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x966c1cca start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
      eax: 0x000024ec  ebx: 0x00103c50  ecx: 0x8010c5ff  edx: 0x000000ff
      edi: 0x1a9c8c50  esi: 0x000025f8  ebp: 0xbfffc4d8  esp: 0xbfffc3b0
       ss: 0x00000023  efl: 0x00010283  eip: 0x956edbf8   cs: 0x0000001b
       ds: 0x00000023   es: 0x00000023   fs: 0x00000000   gs: 0x0000000f
      cr2: 0x1a9d2000
    Logical CPU: 0
    Binary Images:
        0x1000 -  0x10ddfe7 +com.adobe.illustrator (39 - 15.1.0) <A59087EC-3C72-CC25-4C18-47FAB3D91DFE> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe Illustrator
    0x13fe000 -  0x14cbfe7 +AdobeAXEDOMCore (0) <F76D74DC-FD5A-9783-C447-2E58773DA7E1> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x153d000 -  0x154dfff (1.0 - 1.0) <02AB017F-BF6A-B96F-9D39-5F23B36EF2E5> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x1554000 -  0x156fff9 +AdobePDFSettings (1) /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe s
    0x158a000 -  0x15cefff +com.adobe.illustrator.aiport (AIPort version 1.0 - 1.0) <65C09343-06AC-9256-3260-70AFDEA99C82> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x1633000 -  0x1633fff +SPBasic (0) <00D26E34-33A4-31BF-3516-87513A07D019> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x1638000 -  0x163effb +com.adobe.coretech.adobesplashkit (AdobeSplashKit version 1.0 - 1.0) <5B4C881B-6885-96F2-BD05-BE9C44A7546C> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x1647000 -  0x175cfff +AdobeACE (1) <BFF50B9A-8BCA-08D1-0260-FF251DA05EC7> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x1782000 -  0x1ca8fff +AdobeAGM (1) <72363979-F9A0-0EA2-3E16-AB8D6EA0F12E> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x1df2000 -  0x1e2efff +AdobeARE (1) <B2DBDCF9-944F-7C5A-43CF-A5E207BEE94B> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x1e38000 -  0x1e5eff6 +AdobeAXE8SharedExpat (0) <5848BBCE-3A3E-66EE-5527-97A96F0CA4CC> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe aredExpat
    0x1e71000 -  0x1e8cfff +AdobeBIB (1) <5AA925B7-D30E-B230-1B81-7CB6E3B4F2DB> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x1e97000 -  0x1eb8ff7 +AdobeBIBUtils (1) <1B33B3A5-2460-EDE8-C54F-16C0335C613D> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x1ec5000 -  0x21b7ff7 +AdobeCoolType (1) <90757246-5467-2606-4095-19B63B255F2F> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x2244000 -  0x22dcfff +com.adobe.AdobeExtendScript (ExtendScript 4.1.28 - <A9394CC7-8E48-FE0F-FDB5-37D0FE77435B> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe ipt
    0x233d000 -  0x2420fef +AdobePDFPort (1) <26DE29E1-7799-DBE8-47AE-A95FEA7DE1EB> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x2458000 -  0x2a8dfeb +AdobePDFL (1) <B295BDBD-65E8-CE6D-865B-79276D0507B2> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x2bc3000 -  0x2c50ff7 +com.adobe.AdobeScCore (ScCore 4.1.28 - <68FB7168-645E-BD55-5EAA-007315B53997> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x2c97000 -  0x2d37fef +AdobeSVGExport (0) <9B8AE7D4-C7C8-B594-9E31-BEDC07A98A56> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x2d63000 -  0x3001ff2 +AdobeSVGRE (0) <95F2CE86-4B2D-C3DE-A783-8E0A0B24F74C> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x30df000 -  0x3137ff7 +AdobeXMP (0) <73329999-C364-2451-6574-4D0277057D19> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x3147000 -  0x31d3fef +AdobeXMPFiles (0) <A72BD678-CAD0-0C2A-0989-11E87B154AB5> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x320c000 -  0x32d9ff3 +libicui18n.dylib.36.0 (36) <08F15219-7F35-574E-7725-1ACAA1B18A00> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe i18n.dylib.36.0
    0x333c000 -  0x3416fef +libicuuc.dylib.36.0 (36) <5EE72009-40B3-7FB7-3A49-576AEDE0D400> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x3456000 -  0x3e06fff +libicudata.dylib.36.0 (36) <02108DEA-3DD2-14BE-DAEB-BE522B619C1D> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x3e09000 -  0x41e1ff7 +AdobeMPS (1) <272DAEDE-FC7E-B412-7C97-CF47FF6BF242> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x4318000 -  0x4386ffb +com.adobe.amtlib (amtlib - <3090D254-587A-A820-DBCD-729C27532FC8> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x439d000 -  0x442eff7 +libicucnv.dylib.36.0 (36) <581475CC-C039-1B42-49BA-71811D8B4E15> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe 6.0
    0x444d000 -  0x4633ff7 +com.adobe.linguistic.LinguisticManager (5.0.0 - 11696) <AF804353-8B13-7180-F2C8-832361EB2D5A> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x46c5000 -  0x4730fe7 (AMTServices [BuildVersion: 4.0; BuildDate: Mon Jan 24 2011 21:49:00] - <018F21DE-7E2E-C850-4C32-D4A2131ABF74> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x474c000 -  0x47c9fff +AdobeOwlCanvas (1) <6718BCAA-AAF5-07C2-B2F5-D7CD3BF5B924> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x47e7000 -  0x491ffe7 +WRServices (0) <87183F9D-17F4-6BDC-66A9-8FD34F320118> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x4964000 -  0x4968ffc +com.adobe.AdobeCrashReporter (3.0 - 5.5.20101001) <EA9B7B55-7FE5-14D2-FBAE-817121F94086> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe orter
    0x496f000 -  0x49c5ffb +com.adobe.headlights.LogSessionFramework ( <5B594BC9-5222-651B-6B70-7AD067035B1A> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x4a0e000 -  0x4a43fef +com.adobe.pip ( <4AD1ED99-8BB9-B49E-16E5-B7E7A97AAA99> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x4a4e000 -  0x57a0feb +com.adobe.psl (AdobePSL - <ED38DE4D-2205-917F-EACE-6421DDE56A5B> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x5af7000 -  0x5c74fef +com.adobe.dvacore.framework (dvacore version 5.0.0 - <49B04BBB-7249-AF03-A7B2-770443BA4AFB> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x5df1000 -  0x60e1fef +com.adobe.dvaui.framework (dvaui version 5.0.0 - <DDA3FFE0-C30C-9863-BD85-114636A448CE> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x640e000 -  0x6754ff3 +com.adobe.dvaadameve.framework (dvaadameve version 5.0.0 - <B7CF0778-96A1-0864-1BBA-63622803E3A3> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x6c68000 -  0x6c7afef +com.adobe.dvaai.framework (dvaai version 5.0.0 - <A25DFA28-3208-0C10-BDC4-F164755BCDC6> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x6c9e000 -  0x6ca4fef +com.adobe.boost_date_time.framework (boost_date_time version 5.0.0 - <2CFE7AA3-09A8-EB42-AFEA-F7FB4D7DBC6F> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x6cb6000 -  0x6cc1ff3 +com.adobe.boost_filesystem.framework (boost_filesystem version 5.0.0 - <90073BD0-99ED-2715-64B8-2BB79D6F619F> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe m
    0x6cd6000 -  0x6d54fe2 +com.adobe.boost_regex.framework (boost_regex version 5.0.0 - <BCC13CF6-F0A5-1C84-422B-7B11E5BB061A> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x6dba000 -  0x6dc4fff +com.adobe.boost_signals.framework (boost_signals version 5.0.0 - <88FE6D06-B15C-787D-C69C-F522CD8D3F3E> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x6dd8000 -  0x6ddaffb +com.adobe.boost_system.framework (boost_system version 5.0.0 - <4E80B05E-DF55-2776-C886-02DFE2F104CD> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x6de3000 -  0x6deaff2 +com.adobe.boost_threads.framework (boost_threads version 5.0.0 - <79C1A64C-42C7-26D1-E005-D6CB753F9B2B> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x6dfb000 -  0x6e59fe2 +com.adobe.boost_serialization.framework (boost_serialization version 5.0.0 - <8CAB6FC6-5F13-A5C5-DF9C-41EE813A0833> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe ization
    0x6f31000 -  0x70d0fe7 +com.adobe.owl (AdobeOwl version 3.0.89 - 3.0.89) <04CA525C-D4E0-DE62-BF07-D9EF6386AA58> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x713d000 -  0x71aafef +FileInfo (0) <4A4C74F9-CA83-B174-F56D-F7671DC61389> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x71c7000 -  0x7272fff  libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib (106) <B96063DD-DBFC-320E-97C7-9ED5099051AC> /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib
    0x72b6000 -  0x72f2ff7 (4.2.1 - 108) <7BAEDD02-19EB-33A3-85C0-9D5F8EA2F9B4> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/vmutils.framework/Versions/A/vmutils
    0x730c000 -  0x730fffc +com.adobe.ape.shim (adbeape version - <FE2ABE8A-1D3F-7AF5-297C-D22FC3E0FBDA> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x73ba000 -  0x73bbffd (2.5 - 2.5) <4E2ABBEB-1F0D-3C06-BA0C-C3CEDDF17BD2> /System/Library/TextEncodings/Unicode Encodings.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Unicode Encodings
    0x77ea000 -  0x77f2fff +com.adobe.asneu.framework (asneu version - <80195B5C-2C67-D841-232C-74FCAB79D304> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x871c000 -  0x878cfeb +com.adobe.adobe_caps (adobe_caps - <55D7D2EA-D21E-98B1-77C6-58C0A0E07051> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x87bb000 -  0x87c8ff3 (1.1 - 1) <88A55A5E-40FF-3234-8394-2317120B79AB> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Librarian.framework/Versions/A/Librarian
    0xb2df000 -  0xb2e0ffd (1.1.1 - 1.1.1) <098CE576-3239-3B41-9141-A5BE6E476C84> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SpeechObjects.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Dictation ServicesCore.framework/DictationServicesCore
    0xb400000 -  0xb4beff3  ColorSyncDeprecated.dylib (400) <A959DD25-E448-3563-B74E-E58C69961C76> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ColorSync. framework/Versions/A/Resources/ColorSyncDeprecated.dylib
    0xb506000 -  0xb506fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.PlugInRes (Localizer version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <F9296CCC-1877-5C99-BD0D-98FF353B385B> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0xb7f3000 -  0xb7faffe +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Action (Action version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <6B497277-940C-153D-D16C-A903B81D811A> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/*/Action
    0xf7c8000 -  0xf7d1fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.FrameworkServer (Framework Server version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <DD79D8B9-BF28-BAFC-422F-320B82CCDEBE> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0xf7d6000 -  0xf7dcff7 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ArtConverters ( ArtConverters version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <B5D9F227-8EE9-5776-7473-A89363657087> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0xf7e1000 -  0xf7f1fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Flatten Transparency ( Flatten Transparency version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <4ACF5555-4B25-ED68-8AA4-30C73D06ABD2> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe Transparency.aip/Contents/MacOS/Flatten Transparency
    0xf7f9000 -  0xf7fafff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ASLib (ASLib version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <C3CCAF66-C271-E38C-E728-8D0C3B130B64> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/*/ASLib
    0x101f8000 - 0x101fbfff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.GeometryS ( Geometry Suite version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <446F7740-8D38-8FFB-5C46-3D81EC06A7AA> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/*/GeometryS
    0x1030e000 - 0x10310fff  libCoreFSCache.dylib (24.4) <A089ED2E-0156-3937-BE32-5BED76DF4066> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libCoreFSCache.dylib
    0x10331000 - 0x10339ffc  libcldcpuengine.dylib (2.1.19) <17C33F7F-C359-313B-8044-F0E9CAC750FB> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Libraries/libcldcpuengine.dylib
    0x10356000 - 0x103b6ff6 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.CharParaStyles (CharParaStyles version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <1F6B5D01-3C30-25EF-1983-F886C4525C72> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/*/CharParaStyles
    0x103cc000 - 0x103d8ffb +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Navigator (Adobe Navigator Plugin version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <B72460C1-5CDB-0C66-9081-338F77FDFB51> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/*/Navigator
    0x103e2000 - 0x103f7fef +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.AssetMgmt (Asset Management version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <55369131-910C-3CB2-854C-51DA390475B7> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/*/AssetMgmt
    0x10400000 - 0x1044dfff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.PDF Suite (PDF Suite version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <913AD40A-14F4-52E7-2255-45F3A676AB40> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe Suite.aip/Contents/MacOS/PDF Suite
    0x10474000 - 0x10474ffd +cl_kernels (???) <0C9BDF67-97CD-48C6-8A11-95C10907B887> cl_kernels
    0x10735000 - 0x1078aff0 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Photoshop Adapter (Photoshop Adapter version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <1D5AF9B6-DC0A-B806-97F9-44990D2F8623> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/*/Photoshop Adapter
    0x1079c000 - 0x107c5fef +com.adobe.ape (adbeapecore version - <21548488-E9C3-4638-D7FC-895EE0F8EE30> /Library/Application Support/Adobe/*/adbeapecore.framework/adbeapecore
    0x107d7000 - 0x107ecfef +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.FOConversionSuite (FOConversionSuite version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <3D465C24-5F12-ACCC-147B-5E26E38EE191> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x107f7000 - 0x107fbffb +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ToolSelector (Tool Selector version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <0465CDD6-6A03-97E4-34F5-D0438FF07B74> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/*/ToolSelector
    0x10900000 - 0x109d8fff +com.adobe.coretech.adm (3.10x04 - 3.1) <E520855A-838A-D4F1-D01F-8B606649C4A2> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x10a32000 - 0x10a5cfff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.BRSPencilTool ( Pencil Tool version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <32526909-0C5A-CC37-F770-6C1E522FCA81> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x10a65000 - 0x10a85fe2 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Rasterize (Rasterize version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <C8CDF1D0-7A90-7B0D-7D7F-12AEC5D0E7B6> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x10a8c000 - 0x10ac4fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.BrushManager (Brush Manager version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <88C037AF-3B5A-73B3-70AE-B40F44DA92CA> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/*/BrushManager
    0x10ace000 - 0x10b7afea +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ColorHarmony (ColorHarmony version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <92A8DDDA-69D1-FEF2-6B8A-EBA76536B1D5> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/*/ColorHarmony
    0x10b98000 - 0x10baeffb +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ControlPalette (ControlPalette version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <DF11A043-A25B-3DC3-725C-FB308BB20F9A> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/*/ControlPalette
    0x10bb5000 - 0x10bcffe2 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.KinsokuDlg ( KinsokuDlg version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <B2A3F75F-6594-D7D7-100C-76F71926535B> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/*/KinsokuDlg
    0x10bdb000 - 0x10c6bfeb +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.PaintStyle (Paint Style Palettes version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <4BAAEDDF-AE49-3E27-028D-2B817EDA4CC1> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/*/PaintStyle
    0x10f27000 - 0x10fa5fe2 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.SwatchLibraries (Swatch Libraries version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <4109E4C1-17DD-905D-7EDE-7A8C702230A7> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/*/SwatchLibraries
    0x10fb8000 - 0x10fe8ffc +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.SymbolPalette (Symbol Palette version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <27FF4833-28D4-5E93-E861-18DBB0B7C436> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/*/SymbolPalette
    0x10ff3000 - 0x10ff7fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ShapeS (Shape Construction Suite version 15.1.0 - 15.1.0) <537CBBB0-D112-12E3-7213-09DB911E667A> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Adobe
    0x120f2000 - 0x12373fef +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Scr

    HI! I'm having the same problem! Only its happing both when I use the charater pallet and when I try to print! I tried to remove the font under "Library/Fonts/AmericanTypewriter.ttc, because I think its saying that that is the problem, however, when I drag it to the trash it says its still in use and wont let me delete it! Any suggestions?
    here is what it keeps giving me:
    Process:         Adobe Illustrator [15814]
    Path:            /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe Illustrator
    Identifier:      com.adobe.illustrator
    Version:         13.0.0 (13.0.0)
    Code Type:       X86 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [142]
    User ID:         502
    Date/Time:       2013-01-09 14:32:48.544 -0800
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.8.2 (12C3012)
    Report Version:  10
    Interval Since Last Report:          129934 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           5
    Per-App Interval Since Last Report:  115455 sec
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   5
    Anonymous UUID:                      2DED6BCA-7994-CA68-85AE-239BF3A79E52
    Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue:
    Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
    Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x000000002cf1e000
    VM Regions Near 0x2cf1e000:
        MALLOC_LARGE           000000002cd90000-000000002cf1e000 [ 1592K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV 
        mapped file            000000002cf95000-000000002d08a000 [  980K] rw-/rwx SM=COW  /Library/Fonts/AmericanTypewriter.ttc
    Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
    0                     0x94335bf8 HIStandardMenuView::DrawItem(unsigned char, CGContext*, unsigned char) + 2616
    1                     0x94334f06 HIStandardMenuView::DrawSelf(short, __HIShape const*, CGContext*) + 492
    2                     0x9436beac HIView::DrawCacheOrSelf(short, __HIShape const*, CGContext*) + 364
    3                     0x9436bba9 HIView::SendDraw(short, OpaqueGrafPtr*, __HIShape const*, CGContext*) + 125
    4                     0x943f89d5 HIView::RecursiveDrawComposited(__HIShape const*, __HIShape const*, unsigned long, HIView*, CGContext*, unsigned char, float) + 759
    5                     0x943f8d5c HIView::RecursiveDrawComposited(__HIShape const*, __HIShape const*, unsigned long, HIView*, CGContext*, unsigned char, float) + 1662
    6                     0x943f8d5c HIView::RecursiveDrawComposited(__HIShape const*, __HIShape const*, unsigned long, HIView*, CGContext*, unsigned char, float) + 1662
    7                     0x943f7df0 HIView::DrawComposited(short, OpaqueGrafPtr*, __HIShape const*, unsigned long, HIView*, CGContext*) + 802
    8                     0x943f7a82 HIView::Draw(short, OpaqueGrafPtr*, unsigned long) + 82
    9                     0x943f7a29 HIView::Render(unsigned long, CGContext*) + 45
    10                     0x94374460 FlushWindowObject(WindowData*, void**, unsigned char) + 812
    11                     0x9437cfb1 FlushAllBuffers(__CFRunLoopObserver*, unsigned long, void*) + 245
    12                0x95a68dfe __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 30
    13                0x95a68d3d __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 381
    14                0x95a42623 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 355
    15                0x95a424ab CFRunLoopRunInMode + 123
    16                     0x9437615a RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 242
    17                     0x94375df5 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 162
    18                     0x9433a9e6 AcquireNextEventInMode + 68
    19                     0x94337f7d IsUserStillTracking(MenuSelectData*, unsigned char*) + 372
    20                     0x943256ae TrackMenuCommon(MenuSelectData&, unsigned char*) + 1724
    21                     0x94517abd PopUpMenuSelectCore(MenuData*, Point, double, Point, unsigned short, unsigned int, Rect const*, unsigned short, unsigned long, Rect const*, Rect const*, __CFString const*, OpaqueMenuRef**, unsigned short*) + 1733
    22                     0x9451829c PopUpMenuSelect + 252
    23  com.adobe.illustrator                   0x0049af6b 0x1000 + 4824939
    24  com.adobe.illustrator                   0x003246e8 0x1000 + 3290856
    25  com.adobe.coretech.adm                  0x2032212f 0x20319000 + 37167
    26  com.adobe.coretech.adm                  0x20347642 0x20319000 + 190018
    27  com.adobe.coretech.adm                  0x2036706b 0x20319000 + 319595
    28  com.adobe.coretech.adm                  0x2038d0ba 0x20319000 + 475322
    29  com.adobe.coretech.adm                  0x2038d77b 0x20319000 + 477051
    30  com.adobe.coretech.adm                  0x203737de 0x20319000 + 370654
    31  com.adobe.coretech.adm                  0x203741e6 0x20319000 + 373222
    32                     0x944cab6b _InvokeEventHandlerUPP(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*, long (*)(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*)) + 36
    33                     0x94352594 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 1343
    34                     0x94351980 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 430
    35                     0x94365855 SendEventToEventTarget + 88
    36                     0x944d5ad2 SendEventFromMouseDown(OpaqueWindowPtr*, unsigned long, OpaqueEventRef*) + 167
    37                     0x944d5e74 HandleWindowClick(OpaqueWindowPtr*, Point, short, unsigned long, OpaqueEventRef*) + 540
    38                     0x944d54a3 HandleMouseEvent(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*) + 826
    39                     0x9433da38 StandardWindowEventHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 85
    40                     0x944cab6b _InvokeEventHandlerUPP(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*, long (*)(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*)) + 36
    41                     0x94352594 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 1343
    42                     0x94351980 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 430
    43                     0x9433cfda CallNextEventHandler + 84
    44  com.adobe.coretech.adm                  0x203741bb 0x20319000 + 373179
    45                     0x944cab6b _InvokeEventHandlerUPP(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*, long (*)(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*)) + 36
    46                     0x94352594 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 1343
    47                     0x94351980 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 430
    48                     0x94365855 SendEventToEventTarget + 88
    49                     0x943857b7 ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 2141
    50                     0x94352a3f DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 2538
    51                     0x94351980 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 430
    52                     0x94365855 SendEventToEventTarget + 88
    53  com.adobe.illustrator                   0x0007c742 0x1000 + 505666
    54                     0x944cab6b _InvokeEventHandlerUPP(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*, long (*)(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*)) + 36
    55                     0x94352594 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 1343
    56                     0x94351980 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 430
    57                     0x943517ca SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions + 94
    58                     0x94385b7e ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 3108
    59                     0x94352a3f DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 2538
    60                     0x94351980 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 430
    61                     0x94365855 SendEventToEventTarget + 88
    62                     0x944ca267 ToolboxEventDispatcher + 82
    63                     0x944ca129 RunApplicationEventLoop + 240
    64  com.adobe.illustrator                   0x0007c987 0x1000 + 506247
    65  com.adobe.illustrator                   0x000d2537 0x1000 + 857399
    66  com.adobe.illustrator                   0x0009dfb2 0x1000 + 642994
    67  com.adobe.illustrator                   0x00003902 0x1000 + 10498
    68  com.adobe.illustrator                   0x00003829 0x1000 + 10281
    Thread 1:: Dispatch queue:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x983a79ae kevent + 10
    1   libdispatch.dylib                       0x96652c71 _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 993
    2   libdispatch.dylib                       0x966527a9 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 53
    Thread 2:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x983a47d2 mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x983a3cb0 mach_msg + 68
    2          0x92e4535b TS_exception_listener_thread + 89
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949c7557 _pthread_start + 344
    4   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949b1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 3:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x983a68e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949cc289 _pthread_cond_wait + 938
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949cc512 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3                    0x922163c6 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 404
    4                    0x922161ed -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 282
    5                    0x9221b740 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:] + 69
    6   com.adobe.illustrator                   0x00906805 0x1000 + 9459717
    7   com.adobe.illustrator                   0x008b6409 0x1000 + 9131017
    8   com.adobe.illustrator                   0x00906260 0x1000 + 9458272
    9                    0x921e81d8 -[NSThread main] + 45
    10                    0x921e815b __NSThread__main__ + 1396
    11  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949c7557 _pthread_start + 344
    12  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949b1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 4:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x983a68e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949cc220 _pthread_cond_wait + 833
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x94a520a1 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 71
    3          0x92e48492 TSWaitOnCondition + 128
    4          0x92e4868e TSWaitOnConditionTimedRelative + 146
    5          0x92d94b9b MPWaitOnQueue + 261
    6   AdobeACE                                0x0134c8e3 0x131c000 + 198883
    7   AdobeACE                                0x0134c111 0x131c000 + 196881
    8          0x92e1ba7b PrivateMPEntryPoint + 68
    9   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949c7557 _pthread_start + 344
    10  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949b1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 5:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x983a68e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949cc220 _pthread_cond_wait + 833
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x94a520a1 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 71
    3          0x92e48492 TSWaitOnCondition + 128
    4          0x92e4868e TSWaitOnConditionTimedRelative + 146
    5          0x92d94b9b MPWaitOnQueue + 261
    6   AdobeACE                                0x0134c8e3 0x131c000 + 198883
    7   AdobeACE                                0x0134c111 0x131c000 + 196881
    8          0x92e1ba7b PrivateMPEntryPoint + 68
    9   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949c7557 _pthread_start + 344
    10  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949b1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 6:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x983a68e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949cc220 _pthread_cond_wait + 833
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x94a520a1 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 71
    3          0x92e48492 TSWaitOnCondition + 128
    4          0x92e4868e TSWaitOnConditionTimedRelative + 146
    5          0x92d94b9b MPWaitOnQueue + 261
    6   AdobeACE                                0x0134c8e3 0x131c000 + 198883
    7   AdobeACE                                0x0134c111 0x131c000 + 196881
    8          0x92e1ba7b PrivateMPEntryPoint + 68
    9   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949c7557 _pthread_start + 344
    10  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949b1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 7:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x983a48e6 mach_wait_until + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x94a58c1c nanosleep + 375
    2   com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Save For Web(AI)          0x22e452a3 PowerPlug::Initializer::ReloadInitializers() + 141067
    3   com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Save For Web(AI)          0x22e356b5 PowerPlug::Initializer::ReloadInitializers() + 76573
    4   com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Save For Web(AI)          0x22e4538d PowerPlug::Initializer::ReloadInitializers() + 141301
    5   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949c7557 _pthread_start + 344
    6   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949b1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 8:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x983a47d2 mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x983a3cb0 mach_msg + 68
    2   com.macromedia.Flash Player.authplaylib          0x2610be83 ExternalPlayer_Initialize + 292947
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949c7557 _pthread_start + 344
    4   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949b1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 9:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x983a48e6 mach_wait_until + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x94a58c1c nanosleep + 375
    2   com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Scripting Support          0x20a99db7 PluginMain + 377533
    3   com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Scripting Support          0x20a9cb81 PluginMain + 389255
    4   com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Scripting Support          0x20a99ea1 PluginMain + 377767
    5   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949c7557 _pthread_start + 344
    6   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949b1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 10:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x983a480e semaphore_wait_trap + 10
    1   com.adobe.illustrator                   0x00b2ba4e AWS_CUI_RevertAlert(OpaqueWindowPtr*, adobe::aws::gen::String<unsigned short>&, adobe::aws::gen::String<unsigned short>&) + 432762
    2   com.adobe.illustrator                   0x004f83f9 0x1000 + 5207033
    3   com.adobe.illustrator                   0x004f8673 0x1000 + 5207667
    4          0x92e1ba7b PrivateMPEntryPoint + 68
    5   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949c7557 _pthread_start + 344
    6   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949b1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 11:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x983a480e semaphore_wait_trap + 10
    1   com.adobe.illustrator                   0x00b2ba4e AWS_CUI_RevertAlert(OpaqueWindowPtr*, adobe::aws::gen::String<unsigned short>&, adobe::aws::gen::String<unsigned short>&) + 432762
    2   com.adobe.illustrator                   0x004f83f9 0x1000 + 5207033
    3   com.adobe.illustrator                   0x004f8673 0x1000 + 5207667
    4          0x92e1ba7b PrivateMPEntryPoint + 68
    5   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949c7557 _pthread_start + 344
    6   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949b1cee thread_start + 34
    Thread 12:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x983a70ee __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949ca04c _pthread_workq_return + 45
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949c9e19 _pthread_wqthread + 448
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949b1cca start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 13:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x983a70ee __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949ca04c _pthread_workq_return + 45
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949c9e19 _pthread_wqthread + 448
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949b1cca start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 14:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x983a70ee __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949ca04c _pthread_workq_return + 45
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949c9e19 _pthread_wqthread + 448
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x949b1cca start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
      eax: 0x00002f00  ebx: 0x00182400  ecx: 0x8018d8ff  edx: 0x00000000
      edi: 0x2cf12400  esi: 0x00003a20  ebp: 0xbfffcb88  esp: 0xbfffca60
       ss: 0x00000023  efl: 0x00010283  eip: 0x94335bf8   cs: 0x0000001b
       ds: 0x00000023   es: 0x00000023   fs: 0x00000000   gs: 0x0000000f
      cr2: 0x2cf1e000
    Logical CPU: 2
    Binary Images:
        0x1000 -   0xeadffa +com.adobe.illustrator (13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <C84D4611-B74B-452A-BA0C-E186A7070438> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe Illustrator
    0x1198000 -  0x11dffc7 +com.adobe.adobe_caps (adobe_caps - /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x11ef000 -  0x120aff9 +AdobePDFSettings (1) /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe s
    0x1223000 -  0x1272fff +com.adobe.illustrator.aiport (AIPort version 1.0 - 1.0) <2FC98FF8-FF21-4169-B712-073D05875AE0> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x1308000 -  0x1309027 +SPBasic (0) <96841877-B752-4649-AFB7-B22A39526A19> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
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    0x131c000 -  0x141cff7 +AdobeACE (1) /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x143b000 -  0x18cdfff +AdobeAGM (1) /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x1a32000 -  0x1a71fef +AdobeARE (1) /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x1a7b000 -  0x1a9eff6 +AdobeAXE8SharedExpat (0) /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe aredExpat
    0x1ab0000 -  0x1acafff +AdobeBIB (1) /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x1ad5000 -  0x1af6ff7 +AdobeBIBUtils (1) /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
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    0x1df2000 -  0x1e77fff +AdobeExtendScript (3.7) <EF6B3A34-C43A-45D3-BCD3-D7D450B5C6CD> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe ipt
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    0x226d000 -  0x234efdf +AdobePDFPort (1) <1BD25A6B-E2A1-4EC1-8292-B9A378590EF7> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x2392000 -  0x287b053 +AdobePDFL (1) <E38E0313-B32B-4E1B-8698-73B902B95CDF> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x298b000 -  0x2a07fef +AdobeScCore (3.7) <17A0DA14-E4D4-42B0-81B4-B75E4CB2DD8C> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
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    0x2ed1000 -  0x2f26ffd +AdobeXMP (0) /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x2f34000 -  0x36fc067 +libagldata.dylib.28.0 (28) /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x3710000 -  0x37c4feb +libagli18n.dylib.28.0 (28) /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe i18n.dylib.28.0
    0x384e000 -  0x38d7fef +libagluc.dylib.28.0 (28) /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x392d000 -  0x39e3fcc +FileInfo (0) /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x3d8c000 -  0x3dd6fef +AdobeXMPFiles (0) /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x3de6000 -  0x3decfff +com.adobe.AdobeCrashReporter (2.5 - 2.5.03072007) /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe orter
    0x3df3000 -  0x3e0ffd7 +com.adobe.LogTransport (1.0 - 1.0) /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x3e1a000 -  0x416ffc7 +com.adobe.linguistic.LinguisticManager (3.1.0 - 3.1RC) <8111F571-D718-411E-9624-6FB83187D84A> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x4308000 -  0x436bfff +AdobeAXEParser (0) /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x43d7000 -  0x4413ff7 (4.2.1 - 108) <6918860D-B24F-356C-9374-025BFFEA66A3> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/vmutils.framework/Versions/A/vmutils
    0x44b5000 -  0x44b5ffd +cl_kernels (???) <7751748D-A7D8-43F3-BC83-56779CB55F61> cl_kernels
    0x44bb000 -  0x44bcffd (2.5 - 2.5) <4E2ABBEB-1F0D-3C06-BA0C-C3CEDDF17BD2> /System/Library/TextEncodings/Unicode Encodings.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Unicode Encodings
    0x44c4000 -  0x44d2fff  libSimplifiedChineseConverter.dylib (61) <60899F9C-A79F-3BC2-855E-DC5C78B98FEB> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libSimplifiedChineseConverter.dylib
    0x57f6000 -  0x57f7ffd (1.1.1 - 1.1.1) <098CE576-3239-3B41-9141-A5BE6E476C84> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SpeechObjects.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Dictation ServicesCore.framework/DictationServicesCore
    0x9b00000 -  0x9bbeff3  ColorSyncDeprecated.dylib (400) <35E3054C-5DF1-30D4-A368-C4FDB0992373> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ColorSync. framework/Versions/A/Resources/ColorSyncDeprecated.dylib
    0x9f67000 -  0x9f6dfc3 +CSLinguist.dylib (1) /Library/Application Support/Adobe/*/WRLiloPlugin1.0.bundle/Contents/SharedSupport/CSLinguist.dylib
    0x9f72000 -  0x9f81fe7 +PACLib.dylib (1) <282B0EF8-6943-426B-BC69-0153E0E7E13D> /Library/Application Support/Adobe/*/WRLiloPlugin1.0.bundle/Contents/SharedSupport/PACLib.dylib
    0x9f85000 -  0x9f8cfff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Action (Action version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <311929C0-D530-4C36-8F55-3B185EEF4183> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Action
    0x9f90000 -  0x9f98ffc +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.FrameworkServer (Framework Server version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <63866FAA-4F0C-4E2D-BAEF-E88787FAF95E> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x9f9c000 -  0x9fa2fef +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ArtConverters ( ArtConverters version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <9D1F1116-3277-4307-9A45-F42520E07D75> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x9fdb000 -  0x9fedffd  libTraditionalChineseConverter.dylib (61) <519CAA3F-715E-3CAE-B158-57EC95D916B1> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libTraditionalChineseConverter.dylib
    0x9ff1000 -  0x9ff2fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ASLib (ASLib version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <8CFB81A2-F098-4F73-9E77-D091C27A6B0E> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/ASLib
    0x9ff6000 -  0x9ffafef +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ToolSelector (Tool Selector version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <940B0DFC-7F3D-4213-8E07-641E82F7BCC7> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/ToolSelector
    0xdf9d000 -  0xdfa5ffc  libcldcpuengine.dylib (2.1.19) <E5429AB3-FE28-3C0C-8942-686BB4191A9E> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Libraries/libcldcpuengine.dylib
    0xdfc8000 -  0xdfcafff  libCoreFSCache.dylib (24.4) <A089ED2E-0156-3937-BE32-5BED76DF4066> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libCoreFSCache.dylib
    0xdfd7000 -  0xdfe6fd3 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Flatten Transparency ( Flatten Transparency version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <CAA23368-A524-40C6-8B4A-0A1454B45925> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe Transparency.aip/Contents/MacOS/Flatten Transparency
    0xdfec000 -  0xdff2ffc +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.TextWrapDlg (TextWrapDlg version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <04CB69E2-4F10-4C5A-B4D8-CE972A7D21E5> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/TextWrapDlg
    0xdff6000 -  0xdff9fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.GeometryS ( Geometry Suite version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <E1925377-7FF2-47C4-827D-7F2BB9E95DE4> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/GeometryS
    0x1e87c000 - 0x1e888fe3 +com.adobe.epic (adobe_eula - /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x1e93e000 - 0x1e94cfc5 +com.adobe.epic (adobe_personalization - /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x1e955000 - 0x1e962ff7 +com.adobe.asneu.framework (asneu version 1.6.2f01 - 1.6.2) /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x1e973000 - 0x1e982ffe +CNSLib.dylib (1) /Library/Application Support/Adobe/*/WRLiloPlugin1.0.bundle/Contents/SharedSupport/CNSLib.dylib
    0x1e9bc000 - 0x1e9dffd3 +MORPHLibs.dylib (1) <98B00167-ADA9-4864-B80E-1F48A0519C68> /Library/Application Support/Adobe/*/WRLiloPlugin1.0.bundle/Contents/SharedSupport/MORPHLibs.dylib
    0x1e9e7000 - 0x1e9fbfef +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Rasterize (Rasterize version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <5480C033-5198-446C-88F1-900A9B397C8F> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x1f3f2000 - 0x1f41fffa +com.winsoft.wrliloplugin (1.0rc7 - 1.0rc7) <396F5FC6-A698-4EC8-9581-F41119129A5B> /Library/Application Support/Adobe/*/WRLiloPlugin1.0.bundle/Contents/MacOS/WRLiloPlugin1.0
    0x1f56e000 - 0x1f595fc3 +HSNFT.dylib (1) <8C6B1963-5120-4802-88B5-446461BAD6A3> /Library/Application Support/Adobe/*/WRLiloPlugin1.0.bundle/Contents/SharedSupport/HSNFT.dylib
    0x1fb5d000 - 0x1fbabff8 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Photoshop Adapter (Photoshop Adapter version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <BC03C9ED-EEC2-4BD4-93E9-608C2A1A92FF> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Photoshop Adapter
    0x1fbbb000 - 0x1fbddffe  libssl.0.9.7.dylib (106) <FC1F6C04-EAD3-39D1-8E25-B1192E89D98B> /usr/lib/libssl.0.9.7.dylib
    0x1fbeb000 - 0x1fbf3fef +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.DiffusionRaster (DiffusionRaster version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <AEAE0310-CA8D-49BB-AEB7-B489759E7DFD> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/DiffusionRaster
    0x1fbf7000 - 0x1fbfcfff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ShapeS (Shape Construction Suite version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <BFF9EA6B-237C-4466-99A0-A233D13E230C> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x1fd00000 - 0x20139ff7 +com.adobe.versioncue ( - /Library/Application Support/Adobe/*/VersionCue.framework/VersionCue
    0x2022a000 - 0x202d5fff  libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib (106) <041B3399-5033-3395-9A71-6693F3A33D94> /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib
    0x20319000 - 0x203e1fef +com.adobe.coretech.adm (3.10x04 - 3.1) <60FE4C91-19AF-4EA5-A497-CE4D23EBD639> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x20438000 - 0x205a3ff7 +AdobeOwl (1) <C917D2C5-55F5-4B51-ABCA-5AC6BBE781D8> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x205fc000 - 0x20624fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.BRSPencilTool ( Pencil Tool version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <78D07C4D-D0E1-4BC2-9FB7-D8AFD44B5FE3> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x2062a000 - 0x20651ffc +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.FOConversionSuite (FOConversionSuite version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <BB120316-6B28-4CB7-B10A-0445CC1585B2> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x20661000 - 0x206b7fef +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.PDF Suite (PDF Suite version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <89C93D81-8635-46C7-A23D-9412501ADF00> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe Suite.aip/Contents/MacOS/PDF Suite
    0x206d3000 - 0x20721053 +FilterPort (0) <DC409E7E-F41E-43E8-AB82-B262818F750B> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x207be000 - 0x207f0fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.BrushManager (Brush Manager version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <8DF92ECB-A263-48AE-B646-B95F6839022E> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/BrushManager
    0x207f9000 - 0x2080bfff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ControlPalette (ControlPalette version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <D44C98A1-1763-4805-8B3C-02E8FF634C91> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/ControlPalette
    0x20811000 - 0x2083bffc +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.KinsokuDlg ( KinsokuDlg version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <9FCEDFB4-0E1D-41A4-A6B8-FAD2C0802065> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/KinsokuDlg
    0x2084a000 - 0x20924fce +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.PlanetX (Live Paint version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <8CC60325-34AD-44A6-90E7-DD59D4987B70> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/PlanetX
    0x20940000 - 0x2099cfc5 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.PaintStyle (Paint Style Palettes version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <1FE42DDE-1094-4B3E-A954-23BE2E0F0A52> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/PaintStyle
    0x209a6000 - 0x20bb9fe7 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Scripting Support (Scripting Support version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <06BE5318-3778-42F3-930E-139B31CC1356> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Scripting Support
    0x20d47000 - 0x20d74ff3 (1.6.4 - 1.6.4) <5F0E55AF-BDA6-36B3-86F2-8A84A8F5D089> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudioKit.framework/Versions/A/CoreAudioKit
    0x20f59000 - 0x20fd0ffe +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.SwatchLibraries (Swatch Libraries version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <9898DD56-4D02-4D11-AB55-7F859607EE79> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/SwatchLibraries
    0x20fe1000 - 0x20ff3ff2 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Mojikumi ( MojiKumiUI version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <12478E76-78BA-45D9-B40B-37B90B4E0940> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Mojikumi
    0x20ffa000 - 0x20ffbfff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.MPSCommon (MPSCommon version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <937C6C99-8543-410B-B227-F85BC263D731> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/MPSCommon
    0x21100000 - 0x2112dff8 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.SymbolPalette (Symbol Palette version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <EC374655-5A06-4916-9D74-E8BD7506B19A> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/SymbolPalette
    0x21136000 - 0x211bffe4 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.TracingSuite (TracingSuite version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <08B8133D-4AA8-4842-85FD-12FFF1673982> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/TracingSuite
    0x212aa000 - 0x212dbfc3 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.VariablesPalette (Variables Palette version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <CBEA146C-66B0-41C0-9A4F-CCC9FFC138C2> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/VariablesPalette
    0x212e7000 - 0x213c5ff7 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.SVG Format ( SVG Format version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <B6BD30EA-2734-4228-B649-151E71ED4ED3> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/SVG Format
    0x21402000 - 0x21453fcc +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Deform (Envelope and Warp version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <CBC9D52F-4C4F-40E0-9D7A-736B76E859DD> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Deform
    0x21464000 - 0x2148afe8 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.slicingAttributes (Slicing version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <154871A4-4551-4C1E-8CF8-577F19A305D2> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x21491000 - 0x214bcfff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.PathfinderS (Pathfinder Suite version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <CE94DF1C-00DD-4ABC-BC1A-3CB141A26179> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x214c5000 - 0x214cbff7 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ExpandS (Expand Suite version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <A48266FF-5E48-45FA-9435-00433002689A> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x214cf000 - 0x214e5fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.AssetMgmt (Asset Management version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <6A939CE3-A62D-4B9A-99DC-3943815E1667> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/AssetMgmt
    0x214ed000 - 0x214fefff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.DocInfo (Document Info version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <EF7AE7A1-958A-4E8C-A4A8-0923F9E401BA> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/DocInfo
    0x21505000 - 0x21518ffe +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Penguin (Eureka version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <46FB1816-0FFD-4AFF-A654-CDEC10AB5C2B> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Penguin
    0x21521000 - 0x2154ffdd +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.kuler (kuler version 13 . 0 . 0 . 0 - 13 . 0 . 0 . 0) <B8C0EA2A-8DF5-4DD7-9388-CE3F51B56B08> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/kuler
    0x21564000 - 0x2158bfff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.LinkPalette (Links Palette version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <127D9B3C-5A55-4351-9FC5-1A44537ACFF4> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/LinkPalette
    0x21596000 - 0x215bdfef +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Snap (Snap version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <21028162-40AF-4D00-95A2-C711C1AF2B94> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Snap
    0x215ca000 - 0x215d1ff7 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Colors (Colors version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <C560CC12-07E7-4C85-86B0-7566811F4759> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Colors
    0x215d5000 - 0x215d8ffb +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Crop Marks (Crop Marks version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <80714EF4-9C08-4966-BA24-1E4CA8269701> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Crop Marks
    0x215dc000 - 0x215e1fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Distort (Free Distort version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <5276554B-B603-43C5-B6F7-05D139C993CD> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Distort
    0x215e5000 - 0x215f5ffa +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.DropShadow (Drop Shadow version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <0616F9A1-F445-4B9E-8600-18EB542D45A0> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/DropShadow
    0x215fb000 - 0x21624feb +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.EraserTool (EraserTool version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <6FA7620F-AEFB-40BE-B05C-9BFAE2BC9FC1> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/EraserTool
    0x2162b000 - 0x2163ffe7 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.EyeBucketTool (Eye Bucket Tool version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <91A97121-ACD1-4503-90AC-052DA456075E> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/EyeBucketTool
    0x21647000 - 0x2164afff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.TwirlTool (Twist Tool version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <1142FF3F-1B5F-4365-B140-07ACFCB41FCA> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/TwirlTool
    0x2164e000 - 0x21656fc0 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ADMTP (Tool Palette version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <D4152480-9AA9-4FE6-BCB0-3E2814ED7AE9> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/ADMTP
    0x2165a000 - 0x2165dfff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Simplify (Simplify version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <4773F767-EC85-4815-B543-CD7341206FA2> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Simplify
    0x21661000 - 0x2166afff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ShapeTool (ShapeTool version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <E55749A8-A857-403B-A725-92FDB8D37FD5> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/ShapeTool
    0x2166e000 - 0x2167b08f +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Segment Tools (Segment Tools version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <C621DF1B-8FB4-431F-9646-0D0EBEEECA19> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Segment Tools
    0x2167f000 - 0x2169afea +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ScatterBrushTool (Adobe Scatter Brush Tool version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <723FEA11-2F3D-4CA3-BF0B-7728CCEFB9FE> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/ScatterBrushTool
    0x216a1000 - 0x216a5fef +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.GlobalAdjust (Reshape Tool version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <ECA91AE1-1922-4AE6-A920-BDA78A717F83> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/GlobalAdjust
    0x216a9000 - 0x216c7fdf +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ParticlePaint (Symbolism version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <80E795AC-82BC-4BEE-BA37-B2CF10D763AF> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/ParticlePaint
    0x216d0000 - 0x216d8ff7 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Magic Wand (Magic Wand version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <9FAB53E3-00DD-4DC9-8009-7E1AAF67DD9E> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Magic Wand
    0x216dc000 - 0x216f3ff3 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Liquify (Liquify version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <14FE5C88-4BEC-4FFF-B724-123565CDB88D> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Liquify
    0x216f7000 - 0x216fafff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.KnifeTool (Knife Tool version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <9EB86F09-260C-4126-BE82-5E29E52898DB> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/KnifeTool
    0x21800000 - 0x21807fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Lasso (Lasso version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <C566E81E-6C1A-4EAE-AFE9-51784FD97413> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Lasso
    0x2180b000 - 0x2181ffe3 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Flare (Flare version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <7A0DBF51-EF40-4340-BBC1-2121C0E6283B> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Flare
    0x21824000 - 0x2184efec +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.CropAreaTool (CropAreaTool version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <E6D65156-8E6A-4014-9DC3-BEE29566BBD4> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/CropAreaTool
    0x2185c000 - 0x21878fea +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.CalligBrushTool (Calligraphic Brush Tool version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <245149CC-6DA5-4087-909B-FDF688E54A65> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/CalligBrushTool
    0x2187e000 - 0x2188efe7 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.BoundingBox (BoundingBox version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <9317ECE9-EAE9-4DE4-8A13-BCA992490D17> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/BoundingBox
    0x21892000 - 0x218bbfc6 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ArtBrushTool (Art Brush Tool version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <D3748C4A-4B38-4545-94F6-11094FC7CE27> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/ArtBrushTool
    0x218c2000 - 0x218d0fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Advanced Select (Advanced Select version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <5C185B8A-6D3F-40E2-A7A1-3C244108DF80> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Advanced Select
    0x218e4000 - 0x218e7fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.TypeCase (Change Case version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <7683DD9D-76E7-4DC3-9DB7-B38C466CEE9E> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/TypeCase
    0x218eb000 - 0x218f2fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.TextSmart (Text Smart Punctuation version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <24F99A94-EC3F-4E39-A1BF-782881BC208D> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/TextSmart
    0x218f7000 - 0x218feff7 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.TextColumns (Split Into Grid version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <F23407A0-E728-4023-8F4C-C6A3EA4AEA06> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/TextColumns
    0x21902000 - 0x21917fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.SpellcheckUI (SpellCheckUI version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <FE59FD19-ED91-4163-A08B-A3729D71C3AF> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/SpellcheckUI
    0x2191e000 - 0x21927fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.SpellCheckDictionary (SpellCheckDictionary version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <F37F4ADF-300A-4E9A-86B6-A4AA77AF647E> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/SpellCheckDictionary
    0x2192d000 - 0x21945fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.FindReplaceUI ( FindReplaceUI version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <E2FFED8B-6B02-4BC9-9390-73FB5CDFD120> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/FindReplaceUI
    0x2194c000 - 0x2196dffc +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.FindFont (Find Font version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <E600F98C-EE39-4011-A79A-9E68BA762B4A> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/FindFont
    0x2197a000 - 0x219ceff7 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.PhotoshopImport (Photoshop Import version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <1B31BBB6-81D0-4949-8DB1-8D4ABDB9412A> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/PhotoshopImport
    0x219e4000 - 0x2268bfeb +com.adobe.psl (10.312765.46.313722 - 10.312765.46.313722) <C0C4D40C-B84D-4740-BF61-35D5FBFC00FF> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x229aa000 - 0x229f0ff7 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.PhotoshopExport (Photoshop Import version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <2573EC3E-03D1-4943-9C33-54682E8A3593> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/PhotoshopExport
    0x22a04000 - 0x22a30fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ExpressView Support (OS Express Views version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <586248DB-8F5F-4661-87B1-A8236FCA6D2B> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/ExpressView Support
    0x22a3b000 - 0x22a87ffa +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.TIFF (TIFF Format version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <5CDC182D-D2D2-4992-94EE-905AFD8D8EC7> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/TIFF
    0x22a98000 - 0x22a9dfff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.TextExport (TextExport version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <56A283C9-899D-4AAF-807C-58B53DECBC6F> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/TextExport
    0x22aa4000 - 0x22b75fc8 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.SWFExport (FlashFileFormat version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <08C603AF-64AC-431D-B5F9-02E4ACC47717> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/SWFExport
    0x22b97000 - 0x231dffff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Save For Web(AI) (SaveForWebEN version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <3A09B960-25E7-4286-877A-4D338FFD7ABD> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Save For Web(AI)
    0x236ac000 - 0x23707fd0 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Sangam2AIMapper Plugin (Sangam2AIMapper Plugin version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <7782B248-6ED6-49F8-BAD4-984216622024> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Sangam2AIMapper Plugin
    0x2371e000 - 0x23782fe4 +com.adobe.AdobeSangam (AdobeSangam 4.2 - <55225CBC-4D30-4785-A4F9-9F18B67F6AD1> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x237f4000 - 0x237fcfff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.PNGFileFormat (PNGFileFormat version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <09DF3683-BDCD-46E6-B918-BAFFD3AD4690> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/PNGFileFormat
    0x23800000 - 0x2383fff4 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.MPSParser (MPSParser version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <C483D26A-5184-4271-AF28-92DCDEE4AAAD> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/MPSParser
    0x23853000 - 0x23882fcc +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.MPSExport (MPSExport version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <FD707AC2-D721-41D8-A80D-BB776F076126> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/MPSExport
    0x23891000 - 0x238affc8 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Jpeg2000 ( Jpeg2000 version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <083BE56D-EF5B-4B4F-BFE8-7ED8CC4D3371> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Jpeg2000
    0x238b8000 - 0x238f9060 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.JPEG (JPEGFormat version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <DD08B53F-B781-4BE7-82AD-9B00849A19AF> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/JPEG
    0x23904000 - 0x23908feb +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.GIF89 (GIF89a Format version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <5438BC32-8866-48FD-803D-132DB88C0A34> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/GIF89
    0x2390c000 - 0x2393fffe +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.FHImport (FHImport version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <64A1AAA7-962C-4244-93CD-812892F92918> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/FHImport
    0x23950000 - 0x24580fd7 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.DxfDwg (DxfDwg version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <E9B63DB1-03E5-4623-BE59-E6068FA30C1F> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/DxfDwg
    0x2481e000 - 0x24823ff7 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ZigZag (Zig Zag version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <FADE1DDF-516D-42AB-AC35-4DF29ED031B6> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/ZigZag
    0x24827000 - 0x2482cfff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Tweak (Tweak version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <4DCF5BD9-2073-4D9D-909B-7762BEE80CD6> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Tweak
    0x24830000 - 0x24836ff7 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ShapeEffects (Shape Effects version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <43B01685-0021-4708-A96E-6AF8B22C323B> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/ShapeEffects
    0x2483a000 - 0x24856ffc +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Scribble (Scribble version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <5D13AAC0-7D78-4D9F-AFFE-BBD7596D7B61> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Scribble
    0x2485d000 - 0x24861fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Saturate (Saturate version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <370EB08D-51ED-4DAB-8E16-250D05836A22> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Saturate
    0x24865000 - 0x24868fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Round (Round Corners version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <14FD80D5-D6CB-42A5-8A0D-0DF9E59B9A53> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Round
    0x2486c000 - 0x24871ff7 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Roughen (Roughen version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <1B976EA3-6118-49B6-BA19-0680AAB3F823> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Roughen
    0x24875000 - 0x24877fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Punk (Punk version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <B294E686-8B90-4DD9-81B5-93D196B3FA68> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Punk
    0x2487b000 - 0x24886ff3 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Pathfinder (Pathfinder Plugin version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <733F9980-CDD0-4089-9CAB-B51B247CB633> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Pathfinder
    0x2488a000 - 0x2488dffc +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Overprint (Overprint version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <29DAC3F6-32E9-4914-9D2E-C1BC1EC17B57> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Overprint
    0x24891000 - 0x24894fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.OffsetPath (Offset Path version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <CD28F1F3-53D1-4992-BE6C-1ABEB934E388> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/OffsetPath
    0x24898000 - 0x2489cfef +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ObjectMosaic (AI Object Mosaic Plug-in version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <92F33171-413F-4AD5-AD42-D0739BB1AE1B> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/ObjectMosaic
    0x248a0000 - 0x248a1fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.MaskHelper (MaskHelper version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <8E6E313E-F8EB-48CE-9957-CA1FE2771780> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/MaskHelper
    0x248a5000 - 0x248a6fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Inverse (Inverse version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <684C9A86-2E3B-47F8-9744-EB46D4B0DD24> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Inverse
    0x248aa000 - 0x248c0ff2 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.FuzzyEffect (FuzzyEffect version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <916BCE56-EACB-4E4B-9CC1-D348FEE1D5C6> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/FuzzyEffect
    0x248c7000 - 0x248ceff7 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Find (Find version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <252CE2ED-7198-4F7F-95D4-8DA1DA6C3D7A> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Find
    0x248d2000 - 0x248d4fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Expand (Expand version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <07D375EB-081F-402E-9A00-7BC928E1748B> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Expand
    0x248d8000 - 0x248dbffc +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Cleanup (Cleanup version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <D10CF1E9-0ABF-4A4F-B820-8CEB538EA81B> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Cleanup
    0x248df000 - 0x248e5fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Adjust (Adjust version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <08451097-D2A9-48F3-884C-DD5A5BEF30B0> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Adjust
    0x248e9000 - 0x248edff3 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.AddArrow (AddArrow version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <F8CAE8A1-1EC4-49B8-B9A2-A4AA8B1A6FC4> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/AddArrow
    0x248f1000 - 0x248f2fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.AddAnchor (AddAnchor version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <819DCDF7-FC8E-4010-A2E8-9F832E1AD801> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/AddAnchor
    0x248f6000 - 0x24909fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Workspaces (Workspaces version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <671AEA7C-8402-4CF1-87C3-1F3FDE2C5975> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Workspaces
    0x24910000 - 0x24924fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.WelcomeScreen (WelcomeScreenn version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <9220C436-E4BB-41F1-9F67-91B094260B1E> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/WelcomeScreen
    0x2492a000 - 0x2493afff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.TransparencyPalette (Transparency Palette version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <A1528B1E-2054-4A31-ABBE-34338C44F617> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/TransparencyPalette
    0x2493e000 - 0x24946fef +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Transform (Transform Each version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <4DA1234F-50B2-416B-A655-88C084A938E1> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Transform
    0x2494a000 - 0x24952fef +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.TransformPalette (Transform Palette version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <25D3DA1E-DD1F-4A15-BB85-464B483B18A2> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/TransformPalette
    0x24956000 - 0x24978fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.TracingUI (TracingUI version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <230085B2-D0B3-415C-B611-D3260EC0FE3B> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/TracingUI
    0x24980000 - 0x249c1ff0 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.SVGFilterEffect (SVG Filter Effect version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <C1E5531F-1211-4EB4-BAD3-1AC98C7A6AFF> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/SVGFilterEffect
    0x249d8000 - 0x249f9024 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.StrokeOffset (StrokeOffset version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <6CB78495-D979-4351-9F92-8349283D996B> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/StrokeOffset
    0x24a06000 - 0x24a33ffa +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.SmoothShade (Gradient Mesh version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <023D23AA-BB5F-47BF-8D5A-8104602E5285> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/SmoothShade
    0x24a3f000 - 0x24a45ffd +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Scripts Menu (Scripts Menu version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <905A1F05-394A-43FD-AFFD-1BD59B67EF44> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Scripts Menu
    0x24a49000 - 0x24a81fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Print (Print version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <6FC8ADA9-3CE3-425F-AFB8-6B2FA793BFA5> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Print
    0x24a89000 - 0x24a8efff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.PathSuite (PathConstruction Suite version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <F4D0C1D9-068C-4FCE-B453-99EE63C08D72> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/PathSuite
    0x24a92000 - 0x24a9efeb +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Navigator (Adobe Navigator Plugin version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <E0C36A9A-A0A4-41A6-8A21-6A379E54AA06> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Navigator
    0x24aa2000 - 0x24ac7fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.LiveBlends (Live Blends version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <C261F9D5-60C1-4137-BB4E-63BC4BE289E9> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/LiveBlends
    0x24acb000 - 0x24af8fdf +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Layers (Layers Palette version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <5A03CAAF-7002-4908-A4F5-30B172C18876> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Layers
    0x24c00000 - 0x24c15fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.KBSCPlugin (Keyboard Shortcuts version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <EEC61802-AB4D-42AE-915F-FCD01663AF12> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/KBSCPlugin
    0x24c1c000 - 0x24c1dfff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.FlattenS (Flatten Suite version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <0821A5EC-94EE-402A-B33F-73A4F54E80A2> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/FlattenS
    0x24c21000 - 0x24c4afff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.FlatteningPreview (Flattening Preview version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <EAE38B73-FFC8-4E29-84B6-662B09C73587> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/FlatteningPreview
    0x24c58000 - 0x24c5dfff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.FileClipboardPref (FileClipboardPref version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <5DA73755-8966-40AD-ACE3-211861D563B6> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/FileClipboardPref
    0x24c61000 - 0x24d05fec +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ColorHarmony (ColorHarmony version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <AA38822E-C338-4E8C-99A7-243FD59EC16A> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/ColorHarmony
    0x24d22000 - 0x24d81fca +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.CharParaStyles (CharParaStyles version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <AE72754D-59F1-45AF-92EF-171AAB7E8D63> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/CharParaStyles
    0x24d96000 - 0x24dd3ff8 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ArtStyle (Art Style version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <B6FD2BA5-CCAD-40D1-B65F-F63E5D996FA2> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/ArtStyle
    0x24dde000 - 0x24e0dff6 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.AltGlyphPal (AdobeAltGlyphPalette version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <E74D41AB-7CE6-4E2C-818C-E7A7F815A549> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/AltGlyphPal
    0x24e1d000 - 0x24e2cffe +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.Align (AdobeAlignObjects version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <C4A0E30D-BEED-4993-95FA-12CD9CEDCACC> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/Align
    0x24e30000 - 0x24e67fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.ActionPalette ( Action Palette version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <B97CA0B0-0B30-4B1F-ABB5-8438D8FA135E> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/ActionPalette
    0x24e71000 - 0x24fb8fff +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.3D (3D version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <3071CC58-02C0-40FD-8CD4-C1CF509840DC> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/*/3D
    0x25011000 - 0x2509ffe1 +com.adobe.illustrator.plugins.PDF Format (PDF Format version 13.0.0 - 13.0.0) <B4DC5098-F452-4E76-8198-2CB5BC942FD7> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe Format.aip/Contents/MacOS/PDF Format
    0x250bc000 - 0x25100fef +ADMEveParserCarbon (???) <C973477C-919A-4593-AB7E-C6DDF3866961> /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe
    0x25d00000 - 0x262a7fd7 +com.macromedia.Flash Player.authplaylib ( - 1.0.4f43) /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Adobe nts/MacOS/AuthPlayLib

  • How do I track down a missing account?

    I purchased an iTunes music store gift card for my son for Xmas. I thought we'd installed everything correctly and created an account for him, then entered the number on the gift certificate. I distinctly recall seeing him open up the store using his account, and that he had 15 songs credit. He bought 2 songs during that session, then logged off.
    Now for the life of us, we can't seem to find his account. Anyone got any tricks to hunting down lost accounts?

    Perhaps this will help:
    iTunes Account and Email Address FAQ
    The first two items will probably be the most applicable.
    Good luck.

  • Can I have different bleed settings on separate artboards in Illustrator?

    I'd like to layout a book format where the bleed extends on only the top, bottom and outside pages when two artboards are placed together.

    Thanks.  I meant artboards (not pages - sorry about that), but you just answered my question.  I'd like to use InDesign, but when I pull my illustrations into that program the quality seems to dip down from Illustrator. Is there a trick to doing your illustration work in Illustrator then successfully pulling them into InDesign without losing the amazing vector quality?

  • Querry Optimization Techniques....

    Dear All,
    kindly list down how a querry can be optimized in tems of using indexes, joins , predicates , cursors , inline views, scalar function etc ....
    inshort i would like people to list down Querry Optimization Techniques.

    The metalink note 398838.1: FAQ: Query Tuning Frequently Asked Questions is a very good resource for the same.

  • Illustrator CC won't download

    Ive been trying to download Illustrator CC for over 15 hours, I downloaded the java for OX X 2013 - Ive tried to download in safe mode...I am on a tight deadlin and need this installed ASAP - HELP!

    Im STILL having a problem down loading illustrator CC - Ive been trying to download for 3 days solid, left my computer on over night and nothing has changed...its stopped at 42% - I've lost 4 jobs because I cant do the work because my software wont update - I'm a professional and look like a kook to my clients with this nonsence!
    I have
    Turned off all firewalls
    Updated Creative Cloud App
    Updated Adobe Application Mgr
    Safe Mode
    direct Web links from
    turned off all Ant-Viruses
    Frontline Registry Cleaner, CCleaner, Adobe Creative Suite Cleaner...
    You name it, I've done it!

  • Illustrator CC Compound Path backward compatibility issues

    I have a file created in CS6, it contains compound paths, it will not open correctly in CC.  I have saved it as .eps, and down to illustrator 10 with no success on CC.  CC drops many of the paths, and creates bizarre transparencies that do not exist in the original file.  I need to share this file (and many others like it) with colleagues who are on CC... but cannot figure out what is going on.  Any suggestions are welcome as I've hit a wall here... I've never seen anything like it. 
    Links to the files in question:
    Saved to v10: Dropbox -
    Saved to EPS from CS6 Dropbox - badconversion.eps

    When opening your CS6 file in CC it looks like this:
    The EPS looks like this:
    The Ai 10 looks like this:
    Since I don't know how it should look, I can't know what went wrong.
    Usually if you just hand them the CS6 file it should cause the least problems. Converting it to EPS or Ai10 makes no sense at all when all the other people use Illustrator CC.

  • Scaling and sharpening photos in Illustrator

    What actually happens to a photo when it's scaled in Illustrator? Does it get resampled?
    I'm asking because in Photoshop you need to have an image which will be printed to be the actual size it will print before applying an Unsharp Mask.
    Scaling it afterwards will affect the sharpening.
    So, what happens when a larger photo is scaled down in Illustrator? Does that photo get resampled? Does it remember its original size?
    Is it safe to apply Unsharp Mask to a photo in Illustrator after it's been scaled down? Would the sharpening be applied to the photo at its new, smaller size or would the calculations be applied as if the photo were still larger?

    I'm asking because in Photoshop you need to have an image which will be printed to be the actual size it will print before applying an Unsharp Mask.
    Scaling it afterwards will affect the sharpening.
    Not exactly.
    Scaling a raster image that has been sharpened does not affect the sharpening. Resampling the image, of course, will.
    The distinction is important. The printing process itself effectively "resamples" a raster image to create a new one (actually several new ones; one for each color separation plate) that matches the printer-spot grid of the output device. (That's what's meant when you hear people say that eventually, everything gets rasterized.)
    That's why oversampled images tend to somewhat negate carefully-applied sharpening. The "resampling" that is inherent in the printing process imposes a certain amount of "blurring" as the too-many pixels are averaged together to make a single tone dot and those in turn are resampled into individual printer spots. For an over-simplified conceptual example, consider:
    An image has a light pink pixel, next to another light pink pixel, next to a bright red pixel.
    Sharpening the image results in a pink pixel next to a white pixel, next to a bright red pixel.
    The image is scaled to too-high a ppi for the printing method being used.
    The printing method effectively results in a light pink halftone dot next to a darker pink halftone dot. The white sharpened edge is lost, as is the brilliant solid red--you've effectively averaged-away your carefully-applied sharpening.
    So the bottom line is, whether you do the sharpening in Photoshop (as I would) or elsewhere, there is no "quick and easy" avoidance of performing the sampling on an image that has a pixel count appropriate to the intended reproduction method. This is one of the reasons why I maintain that the conventional-wisdom "one-size-fits-all" admonition to make all printed images 300ppi is a corruption and misunderstanding of the original and legitimate rule-of-thumb, which is "one-to-two times the halftone ruling."
    After doing all your color correction and converting the image to CMYK:
    Resample to a PPI appropriate for the intended printing process.
    Then sharpen. When sharpening, do so while VIEWING the image at at least a 1:1 monitor-pixel-to-image-pixel zoom. That way, you are at least viewing your monitor's rendition of all the pixels in the image, not just a temporary on-screen downsampled image (therefore, pixels averaged together).
    Thereafter, merely scaling the image does not resample the sharpening--unless, of course, you scale the image such that its ppi exceeds the rule-of-thumb of "one-to-two-times the halftone ruling."
    (That's why, for the typical 150lpi sheetfed halftone ruling, I use 225ppi as my default "ideal"; not the oft-cited 300ppi-fits-all. But I size/rotate/sample/sharpen images before placing on the page, and don't do on-page transformations thereafter.)

  • Image montated to illustrator is HUGE!

    I edited a photo in Photoshop to be 14x14cm.
    I opened AI and opened a worksheet the size 14x14cm (image to cover the whole worksheet).
    However the image gets HUGE al over the screen, a lot outside the worksheet even if its just 14x14cm.
    I have been told touching the image in any kind (even dragging it down to suit the worksheet) will affect the quality of the image, is this true?
    I tried .eps and .tif format but both ended up huge in AI:(
    Someone please help.
    What format should I use to get it to only cover the worksheet when imported to AI?

    Jacob Bugge wrote:
    Just set the size in the Transform panel.
    I have been told touching the image in any kind (even dragging it down to suit the worksheet) will affect the quality of the image, is this true?
    I don't know about the "No" scling in Illustrator is not a good idea. If you scale down in Illustrator your ppi will increase per cm if you scale up you it will as well and the image will not reproduce to well if you scale up and loose too much of the ppi.
    So what you have been told is correct do not do it.
    first of all I just save 14x14cm image and placed it in a 14x14cm ai document and it is perfectly the same size as the placed image.
    So that brings us to what is going wrong on your end
    Can we see a screen shot of the image with the image size window opened in Photoshop and the screen shot of the new document window in AI?
    That should tell us some.
    By the way what kind of document are you creating in Illustrator?

Maybe you are looking for