"HWNDBasedPanelView UID:1034" Invisible window?

Hi to all
Today When I started InDesign CS4, a strange window appeared with the application named "HWNDBasedPanelView UID:1034". It's like some process related with inDesign. The program works fine, but that invisible window keep appearing along InDesign in the taskbar and It's very annoying.
Everything started when I rolled back my machine to a previous state using System restore to roll back an old video driver (Nvidia Ge force Go 7600).
I'm using Windows Vista Home Premium 32 Bit.
Thanks for your answers...

Dear Sir,
since yesterday (17/06/2010) I am heaving the same problem.
Another window but in mine is written
HWNDBasedPanelView UID:94006
How can I solve it.

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    See Replace Your Preferences

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    Get Firebug and inspect the element. You'll see that it actually is this:
    URL('saw.dll?PortalProperties&_scid=To2OnvCVXpY&PortalPath=/shared/paint/_portal/PoC\x2520FINS&Done=ManagePortals\x2526Done\x253dAdmin');return false" href="javascript:void(null)" FF doesn't even give you the "Open..." options and all IE versions as of 7 show them but actually don't do anything when you invoke them.
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    DJ86 wrote:
    This is the closes thing i have to that file.
    So should i go ahead and delete it ?
    NO. don't touch that. you are looking in the wrong library folder. the one you need is in your home directory, not at the top level of the hard drive. you can get to the home directory by clicking on the house icon in the sidebar.
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    Replacing the prefs has worked for other users reporting this problem, but you must do it correctly. See Replace Your Preferences

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    It looks like a Safari pop-up (or pop-under) to me. Even if you have "Block pop-ups" turned on, some sites serving ads or tracking will launch a new window for various reasons. You can confirm that it belongs to Safari by using the "Application Windows" exposé mode (F10 by default). Post back if that's not the case, though.

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    You may need to reinstall Contribute (ick). Make sure you
    don't have some other dialog box hiding in the background. Can you
    do anything else such as use the Choose... button or the File
    menus? Also, click Edit-->My Connections to make sure the
    connection is up and running (no red line through it).

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    But why I should have the same problem with a new version of InDesign

    Ivan Carlesso wrote:
    But why I should have the same problem with a new version of InDesign
    My guess would be that whatever is corrupting the prefs is external to ID itself.

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    Anyone have any idea what might be preventing iTunes from running?
    I have a Windows 7 PC on the other desk, connected through the same switch and Cable Modem and iTunes is running fine on it, so it's not network / internet related, as far as I can tell.
    Thank you,

    "The feature that you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable. Click OK to try again or enter an alternate path to another folder containing the installation package iTunes.msi in the box below"
    Let's just run through the standard procedures for that one again, just to be sure.
    first, head into your Add/Remove programs and uninstall your QuickTime. if it goes, good. if it doesn't, we'll just attend to it when we attend to itunes.
    next, download and install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. Then use it to clear any existing itunes and/or QuickTime installation configuration information from the PC. (Launch CleanUp, find any iTunes and/or QuickTime entries in the list of programs in CleanUp, and remove those entries.)
    Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility
    next, use the the following document as a guide for manual removal of leftover itunes and quicktime program files:
    Removing iTunes and QuickTime for Windows
    now try another itunes install. does it go through properly this time?
    (If any step of this procedure failed to work, explain to us as best you can what the problem was.)

  • Invisible window

    I did some searches and I couldnt' find anything on this:
    Sometimes while working along in Safari and toggling between windows, you know, hitting  + "~". It toggles to nothing. There is no window in front. So I look in the Window drop down menu and see if there is a blank space like sometime happens and there is nothing there. So when I hit  + W and close the window that doesn't exist, it closes something.
    Has anyone else seen this?
    "You generally don't see this kind of behavior from a major appliance." -B. Murray

    It looks like a Safari pop-up (or pop-under) to me. Even if you have "Block pop-ups" turned on, some sites serving ads or tracking will launch a new window for various reasons. You can confirm that it belongs to Safari by using the "Application Windows" exposé mode (F10 by default). Post back if that's not the case, though.

  • Making an invisible window visible - problems

    How do I make a currently invisable window named "newwin" visable from the page that launched the window?
    Inside "index.html" I open a new window with the following code:
    var options = new air.NativeWindowInitOptions();
    options.systemChrome = "none";
    options.type = "normal";
    options.transparent = true;
    var windowBounds = new air.Rectangle(20,25,900,600);
    newwin = air.HTMLLoader.createRootWindow(true, options, true, windowBounds);
    newwin.load(new air.URLRequest("skin.html"));
    Inside "skin.html" (launched inside "newwin" window):
    window.nativeWindow.visible = false // works as expected - window becomes invisable
    Now inside "index.html" I have a command to make "newwin" visable again (which isn't working):
    I have tried:
    window.nativeWindow.visible = true (opens up the main application window)
    newwin.nativeWindow.visible = true (TypeError: Undefined value)
    newwin.visible = true (does nothing - no error but doesn't make newwin visable)
    newwin.options.visible = true (TypeError: Undefined value)
    newwin.nativeWindow.options.visible = true (TypeError: Undefined value)
    newwin.activate()  (TypeError: Value undefined does not allow function calls.)
    newwin.nativeWindow.activate() (TypeError: Undefined value)
    all come up with "TypeError: Undefined value"
    How do I make a currently invisable window named "newwin" visable?

    newwin is an HTMLLoader object. To get to the NativeWindow object you can use either newwin.window.nativeWindow or newwin.stage.nativeWindow.
    newwin.window.nativeWindow.visible = true;
    should work.

  • File info... window invisible

    Using Illustrator CC 2014 v 18.1.1 on a MacBook Pro.
    When I go to File info..., the window doesn't open. At least I'm not able to see it. The menus are all grayed out, I can't use the document, as if it's frozen. When I hit the return key, everything is fine. It's as if I clicked on the OK button on the invisible window.
    I reduced the size of the document window, moved my dock to another part of the screen, minimized all the pallets, so it doesn't appear that it's hiding in the hinterlands of the screen. It's very odd, I had edited metadata before on that window and would like to continue doing so.

    Before I reinstalled on Friday I tried fiddling with the application frame and the windows, to no avail. I worked today on the MBP without the BenQ monitor and, this evening, the file info panel remained visible when I booted AI after reconnecting the BenQ. I did notice that when I first opened file info on the MBP this morning the panel was minimised and placed towards the top left of the window, even though yesterday on the BenQ it was expanded and in the centre of the window.

  • On startup of Mac Mini running OS Mavericks login windows are invisible. Login is possible but there are no white boxes for username and password. Keyboard inputs also do not display.

    Mac Mini with 2 Ghz Intel Core i7 running OS X 10.9.1. Recent problem with startup screen where I get a gray startup screen that is blank and does not show the login windows for username or password. Mousing over where they should be does provide a cursor change and I can click into the invisible window and login. Also, I can just type the information and hit enter and login without problems but the keystrokes do not appear either. This is not a big problem if I make sure that I type my login information correctly, but if I make a mistake it can be difficult make sure I am in the right place before I retype. Any ideas why the screen is just gray and does not show the windows? Once I type in the login info in the invisible windows and hit enter the computer starts up, loads finder, and runs without any other noticeable problems.

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It’s unlikely to solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    The purpose of the test is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party software that loads automatically at startup or login, by a peripheral device, by a font conflict, or by corruption of the file system or of certain system caches.
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards, if applicable. Start up in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. You must hold down the shift key twice: once when you boot, and again when you log in.
    Note: If FileVault is enabled, or if a firmware password is set, or if the boot volume is a Fusion Drive or a software RAID, you can’t do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, with limited graphics performance, and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and Wi-Fi on certain models. The next normal boot may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually login automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    Test while in safe mode. Same problem?
    After testing, reboot as usual (not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of the test.

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