Hyperion vanilla Functional Requirements Matrix

Hi everyone,
i'm doing some documents, and i need this matrix - hyperion vanilla Functional Requirements, someone can help me with this?
thanks in advance.

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    hi friends when I am executing this query I am getting this error please help me I will grateful to you .
    ERROR: The right function requires 2 argument(s).

    you may be better off making date filter as below
    @startdate datetime,
    @enddate datetime
    SET @STARTDATE ='01-MAR-2014'
    SET @enddate = '02-MAR-2014'
    AND (row_date >= @StartDate AND row_date <@EndDate)
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ---------------------------- http://visakhm.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/VmBlogs

  • The sum function requires 1 argument(s).

    ---Hi i am trying get all of
    (sum(Q.SCTOTAL,0)) as SC,
    (sum(Q.SRTOTAL,0)) as SRTOTAL,
    (sum(Q.CminusREF,0))as CminusREF,
    (sum(Q.SFAT,0))as SFAT,
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    and for each emp_name?
    but it is not wotking for me. the error says: The sum function requires 1 argument(s).
    what shoould i change on the code below so mY Query can Run?
    thank you
    select distinct
    upper(G.EMP_case_number) as MIS_EMP_case_NO,
    G.Emp_name as Emp,
    G.DC as Emp_DC,
    (sum(Q.SCTOTAL,0)) as SC,
    (sum(Q.SRTOTAL,0)) as SRTOTAL,
    (sum(Q.CminusREF,0))as CminusREF,
    (sum(Q.SFAT,0))as SFAT,
    (sum(Q.SPAT,0))as SPAT,
    (sum(Q.SNOTATPT,0))as SNOTATPT,
    (sum(Q.SET,0))as SET,
    (sum(Q.TOTAV,0))as TOTAV
    FROM tbl_MIS_QC G
    LEFT JOIN QCPFA Q ----View
    ON upper(Q.EMP_case_number) = upper(G.EMP_case_number)
    where DC = '55'
    gorup by G.Emp_name
    order by G.Emp_name, upper(G.EMP_case_number)

    It's true: the SUM function only takes one argument. What are you trying to do with the second argument, 0?
    When you use aggregate functions (like SUM), everything in the SELECT clause must be an aggregate function, a constant, or one of the GROUP BY columns. Without knowing your tables, your data, or what results you want, I can't tell you exactly what to do. You might want to compute the SUMs in a sub-query before joining them to the other table, something like this:
    select  G.Emp_name,
            upper(G.EMP_case_number) as MIS_EMP_case_NO,
            G.Emp_name as Emp,
            G.DC as Emp_DC,
    FROM    tbl_MIS_QC G
            (   -- Begin in-line view q
            SELECT  year,
                    UPPER (emp_case_number) AS upper_emp_case_number,
                    sum(SCTOTAL) as SC,
                    sum(SRTOTAL) as SRTOTAL,
            FROM    QCPFA
            GROUP BY  year,
                      UPPER (emp_case_number)
            )   -- End in-line view q
    ON Q.upper_EMP_case_number = upper(G.EMP_case_number)
    where DC = '55'
    order by G.Emp_name, upper(G.EMP_case_number) Repeat: this is just a wild guess, the best I can do without seeing some test data and the results you want from that data.

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            Please send me any sample functional requirement specifications regarding MODELING,REPORTING,EXTRACTION.
       points will be added
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    [email protected]

    check these links...
    a forum discussion on specs..
    bex sample project/specs
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    Hi John,
                   As you have offered a new role of SAP PM/CS the customizing configuration related to your module ,you will have to do in that developers are concerned .
    List of information you should provide to developers .
    1 .What's the Requirement you should want or client wants
    2 .Explain the Document Flow and tell them few specific tables and in case document flow related issues tell them to find thorugh SAP available transactions like SARA .
    3 .In case of userexits explain them what is the requirement and ask them about their approach .
    4 .Test Data ,testing and flow testing will varried by you and customize related issues link to your module you will take care .rest all customize the developers have to take care .
    5 .Guide them on the Formatting stuff what does client wants.
    Please reward if useful.

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    Currencies and Exchange Rate Requirement Matrix               
    Value        Currency Type
         Document        Local       Group
    Actual                  X
    I meaan the Actual has value of group currency. I have no idea how to set in the report or query desginer? How do i set the value in the query desginer.
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    Hello SRM Experts,
    May I know any answers or pointers to our issue/question.
    Thanks for your help.

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    Can I use MDBs in this scenario?

    You should use a MDB if your process needs to invoke other Bean operations or if you require concurrent processing of messages. If you only want to achieve concurrent processing of messages, I would recommend the use of a lightweight MDB container like. Fore example, ArjunaMS is shipped with such a container called Message Driven Services container.
    Hope it helps

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    Hi Experts,
    I have a requirement from the client to develop a hyperion workspace portal wherein we can provide alerts about the regular data loads and can broadcast important communications about downtime etc..to the user community and moreover by some visuals (like traffic lights)we want to showcase that which month of data against particular POV resides in the cube.
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    We are using EPM 11.1.2
    Thanks !!
    Edited by: Harsh on Oct 6, 2011 12:25 AM

    A suggestion, with the help of OBIEE together with workspace this requirement can be achieved.
    Below links will be helpful for the same:-
    Mentions use of Oracle BI Delivers for business activity monitoring and alerting.
    For integrating OBIEE with workspace:-

  • SSRS 2008R2 : Not able to use Previous aggregrate function in matrix columns cell

    Hi Expert,
    I have used a matrix tablix in my report. It is working fine. But when I am trying to use Previous aggregrate in one matrix column cell I get the below error:
    The use of previous aggregrate function ia a tablix cell with in 'Tablix1' is not supported.
    Please help me regarding that.
    Thanks Rana

    Hi Rana,
    In your scenario, you use previous function in the “Data” cell, right? Previous function cannot be used in the overlapping parts of row group and column group. One workaround of this issue is use custom code to get the previous value.
    Public Shared previous as Integer
    Public Shared current as Integer
      Public Shared Function GetCurrent(Item as Integer) as Integer
         return current
      End Function
      Public Shared Function GetPrevious()
         return previous
      End Function
    Then you can use the expression below in the “Data” cell to get the previous value:
    =Code.GetCurrent(fields!Score.Value) & "-Previous-" & iif(Code.GetPrevious()=0,"",Code.GetPrevious())
    If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

  • User defined Function Required for EDI 850 file fields.

    Hi Guys,
    I have an requirement where i need to check two fields in incoming EDI 850 file, based on those fields data should be populated to target side fields IDOC(ORDERS05).
    here is the requirement
    If Field.01 = "001" and field.02 exist then
       Set TDID = "31"
    If  Field.01 = "001" and  field.02 exist then
       Set TSSPRAS = "A"
    If  field.01  = "001" and  field.02 exist then
       Set TDLINE = Concat("XXXXXXX" +  field.02 (mm/dd/yy))
    If  field.01 = "002" and  field.02 exist then
       Set TDLINE = Concat("XXXXXXX: " +   field.02 (mm/dd/yy))
    If  field.01  = "010" and  field.02 exist then
       Set TDLINE = Concat("XXXXXXX: " +   field.02 (mm/dd/yy))
    If  field.01 = "015" and  field.02 exist then
       Set TDLINE = Concat("XXXXXXX: " +   field.02 (mm/dd/yy))
    If  field.01 = "037" and  field.02 exist then
       Set TDLINE = Concat("XXXXXXX: " +   field.02 (mm/dd/yy))
    If  field.01 = "038" and  field.02 exist then
       Set TDLINE = Concat("XXXXXXX: " +  field.02 (mm/dd/yy))
    If  field.01 = "063" and field.02 exist then
       Set TDLINE = Concat("XXXXXXX: " +   field.02 (mm/dd/yy))
    If  field.01 = "064" and  field.02 exist then
       Set TDLINE = Concat("XXXXXXX: " +   field.02 (mm/dd/yy))
    Here Field01 and Field 02 are sender side fields.we need to check this two fields . I Know this can be created with graphical mapping but as per requirement i need to write UDF bcoz with graphical mapping this would be more complex.
    so can any one please provide me UDF for this.

    you can do it with standard functions.
    If_1 source -> length -> greater -> constant 2
    then_1 if_2 substring source 0, 2 -> equals TN
    then_2 -> constant ""
    else_2 -> source
    else_1 source

  • Can Mac OS X Server can do the same as MobileMe but without a MobileMe account ? (It seems to me that it is not clearly mentioned which function require a MobileMe account.

    My interest for this server it would be to have the same function as MobileMe but without it.
    Best regards.

    Which features of MobileMe are you looking for specifically?
    OS X server does allow you to host e-mail, contacts and calendars (including syncing between devices). You can also do web hosting, as well as file storage. How well all of these services work will depend on the type and speed of your internet connection. Most "home" ISPs do not allow you to run a mail server, and will block the ports required to do so.
    You will not be able to use the "Find My iPhone" service through OS X server, although Apple has already made that free to use without a MobileMe account.

  • Approval functionality required

    I have been asked to post a missing functionality request to this forum.  Please see below:
    Version: 2007 PL45
    Description of requirements:  You set up an
    approval procedure whereby if a purchase order's document total is
    above £100 it gets sent for approval. You create a purchase order for
    £10, add the document...no approval needed. You go back into the same
    purchase order and change the amount to £200 and click 'Update'. The
    document is added and not sent for approval. This seems wrong as
    the purchase order has been added now with a value higher than the
    approval limit of £100.
    Business needs: documents can be added without having to be sent for approval when they should have been which defies the point of having an approval setup.
    Examples: The document, after an alteration should be then sent for approval again as the value has changed since it was added.
    Current Workaround: An alert was set up but this is not practical.
    Proposed solution: The document, after an alteration should be sent through the approval process again after the value has changed.

    For the first step,I want to create a group called "*manager*".To this group I will assign a custom menu called "*Your Reportee's*" where I will try to build a logic to show User's under a manager.
    To achieve this,
    a)I will run flatfileGTC( EMPGTC ) and users in the flatfile( Employee Data ) will get created in oim.
    Sample Employee Data Flatfile
    empno,userid,firstname,lastname,manager,EmployeeType,Org,Role,department,location,position,Start Date,End Date,Provisioning Date,Provisioned Date,Deprovisioning Date,Deprovisioned Date
    00009,anine,A,Nine,AONE,Full-Time,Xellerate Users,End-User,Engineering,BEND,Engg Assistant,2011/05/31 12:22:33
    b)Then, I will write a custom java class outside IDM which will read manager column of the flatfile( Employee Data ) and create a new flatfile ( Manager Data ) which contains manager information.
    Sample Manager Data Flatfile
    empno,userid,firstname,lastname,manager,EmployeeType,Org,Role,department,location,position,Start Date,End Date,Provisioning Date,Provisioned Date,Deprovisioning Date,Deprovisioned Date
    00001,aone,A,One,xelsysadm,Full-Time,Xellerate Users,End-User,Engineering,BEND,Engineer,2011/05/23 11:25:43
    c)I will create another flatfileGTC( managerGTC ) to assign managers with group called Manager.
    I want to know, is it possible to assign a group(manager) to the "manager user" by running flatfile and plz provide to guide lines for the same.

  • SCOM 2012 R2 Domain Functional Requirement

    We are planning to deploy SCOM 2012 R2 in our environment. We are running Windows 2012 AD and have Domain and Forest functional levels of
    Windows Server 2012 R2. The Environmental prerequisites stated on Technet article
    http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh487285.aspx under section "Domain Functional Level", following description is provided:
    Windows Server Active Directory can operate at different functional levels. These levels are distinguished by the version of the Windows Server operating system that is permitted on the domain controllers present in the domain. System Center 2012 – Operations
    Manager requires that the domain functional level be Windows 2000 native, Windows Server 2003 interim, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Server 2008. The domain functional level of Windows Server 2008 R2 is also supported (for the SP1 version of System Center
    2012 – Operations Manager, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and Windows Server 2012 are supported). For System Center 2012 – Operations Manager to function properly, you must check the domain functional level and raise it to the appropriate version.
    This description does not includes Domain Functional Level of Windows Server 2012 R2.
    Does SCOM 2012 R2 supports domain and forest functional levels of Windows Server 2012 R2?
    Taranjeet Singh

    I has a SCOM 2012 R2 deploy in domain with forest and domain functional levels of Windows Server 2012 R2 and it work fine. Moreover, SCOM monitoring is more depend on kerberos encrpytion of data transfer rather than functional level.

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