Hyperlink to a list item

Here's the scenario.  I have two lists that pertain this question.  Work Orders and Internal notes.  
Work Orders is shared with some people in the office to make service requests for building maintenance.  Call these people the customer.
Internal Notes is for us to make notes that we don't want the customer to see.
When a new Work Order is created, a workflow runs to create a new Internal Note.  It copies the address of the property and it copies the 'ID' value and plugs that into the 'WorkOrder' field on the internal note.
Now in the work order, I want to create a hyperlink to the Internal Note that is associated with that WorkOrder number.
I've tried something like concat('https://<sharepoint_domain>/site/list/dispifs.aspx?WorkOrder=', me:WorkOrder) in the hyperlink on the Work Order form, but I never see the value show up in the URL, and also I'm not sure I can even search by the WorkOrder
field in the Internal Note.  
I am aware that you can use ...?ID=xxx, that won't work unless someone can tell me how to create a list item and assign the ID value from the Work Order list to the ID value in the Internal Note list.
Hope this all makes sense.  Please help!

According to your post, my understanding is that you wanted to create a hyperlink to the Internal Note that is associated with that WorkOrder number.
Please follow the steps to achive what you want:
Create a custom list named Work Orders, add column: Hyperlink(Hyperlink or Picture).
Create a custom list named Internal notes, add column: WorkOrder(Single line of text).
Create workflow assocaited to Work Orders, start the workflow automatically when an item is created.
Add actions:
Then when you add item to Work Orders, the workflow will be started automaully, and the workflow will create an item in Internal notes and then the Hyperlink will be set the correct value.
Best Regards,
Linda Li
Linda Li
TechNet Community Support

Similar Messages

  • SharePoint: Workflows - Emailing hyperlink of list item.

    I have a custom SharePoint (2013) list to manage tasks assigned to personnel and keep track of their statuses. I've created a workflow using SP Designer to send out an email to whom the task is assigned on the date for which it's due.
    The workflow is working properly and email alerts are being sent, except for one thing. Inside the email body is a hyperlink to the associated record which the recipient clicks on to view (only view, not edit) the task details.
    I got the record's hyperlink by accessing it's display form and copying the URL from the browser, pasting it into the email body. The URL's format looks something like this:
    Then I modified the URL by formulating a lookup to include the ID of the Current Item. In other words, the ID specified in the URL isn't fixed; it's based on the associated list item.
    I've confirmed that when the recipient recieves an email, the ID in the URL matches the record's ID on the site. However, when they click on the link and are redirected to the record's display page, there's no data displayed. The fields are visible but the
    values are not. Then I noticed that the URL in the browser does not match the one in the email; it's missing an ID value.
    So when the URL in the email is ...DispForm.aspx?ID=2&ContentTypeId... it changes to ...DispForm.aspx?ID=&ContentTypeID...
    Why does this happen? This method may seem strange to use, but I've tried looking up the "Encoded Absolute URL" and I get an error stating that the return type of the lookup is invalid. That's why I manually copied the URL format and formulated
    the record ID.
    Am I doing something wrong here? Is there a more straight-forward approach to retrieving the record's URL?

    According to your post, my understanding is that you wanted to send email with hyperlink.
    In order to solve the problem more efficiently I need to clarify some information.
    Did the hyperlink is the current item URL?
    How did you set the hyperlink?
    Per my knowledge, the "Encoded Absolute URL" result is https://sitename/Lists/listname/Id_.000
    To get the current item URL, I recommend to we can use [%Workflow Context:Current Item URL%] with SharePoint Workflow 2010 platform,
    Here is a similar thread for you to take a look at:
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to read list item and display Title and on click hyperlink as value by javascript /jquery

    on newform.aspx just above the top of cancel button I want to put 1 hyperlink "Help"
    but I want to do this by script/jquery by reading my configuration list where 1 column is TITLE and other is- URL
    in TITLE column will write "Help" and in URL column  I will write
    so script should read Title and display Help--->1st part
    Script should read Value column and on click of help-(display link) the respective url should be open in new window.-->second part
    Please let me know reference code for adding anchor tag dynamically by reading from list
    I can see hyperlink near cancel button-
    var HelpLinkhtml ='<a href="#" text="Help">Help</a>';
    var position =$("input[value='Cancel']").parent("td").addClass('ms-separator').append(HelpLinkhtml);
    now for reading from list I am trying below script-
    $(document).ready(function() {
    function GetHelpLinkFromConfigList()
     //The Web Service method we are calling, to read list items we use 'GetListItems'
     var method = "GetListItems";
     //The display name of the list we are reading data from
     var list = "configurationList";
     //We need to identify the fields we want to return. In this instance, we want the Title,Value fields
     //from the Configuration List. You can see here that we are using the internal field names.
     var fieldsToRead = "<ViewFields>"+"<FieldRef Name='Title' />"+"<FieldRef Name='Value' />"+"</ViewFields>";
     var query = "<Query>" +
                            "<Where>" +
                                "<Neq>" +
                                    "<FieldRef Name='Title'/><Value Type='Text'>Help</Value>"
                                "</Neq>" +
                            "</Where>" +
                            "<OrderBy>" +
                                "<FieldRef Name='Title'/>" +
                            "</OrderBy>" +
     operation: method,
        async: false,
        listName: list,
        CAMLViewFields: fieldsToRead,
        CAMLQuery: query,
        completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
        $(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function() {
        var displayname = ($(this).attr("ows_Title"));
        var UrlValue = ($(this).attr("ows_Value")).split(",")[0];
    function AddRowToSharepointTable(displayname,UrlValue)
        $("#NDRTable").append("<tr align='Middle'>" +
                                    "<td><a href='" +UrlValue+ "'>+displayname+</a></td>"
    <table id="NDRTable"></table>
    Thanks :)
    sudhanshu sharma Do good and cast it into river :)

    From your description, you want to add a help link(read data from other list) into new form page.
    The following code for your reference:
    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(AddHelpLink, "sp.js");
    function AddHelpLink() {
    var context = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
    var list= context.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle("configurationList");
    var camlQuery= new SP.CamlQuery();
    camlQuery.set_viewXml("<View><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='Title'/><Value Type='Text'>Help</Value></Eq></Where></Query></View>");
    this.listItems = list.getItems(camlQuery);
    var ListEnumerator = listItems.getEnumerator();
    var currentItem = ListEnumerator.get_current();
    var title=currentItem.get_item("Title");
    var url=currentItem.get_item("URL").get_url();
    var HelpLinkhtml ='<a href="'+url+'">'+title+'</a>';
    Best Regards
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Open a SharePoint List item in Modal Pop up in SP 2013 fails after you filter or sort the list

    Sorry for the long post. This has been killing me. I had this script working perfectly fine in SharePoint 2010 (online) and basically i have a source custom list (list A) with a hyperlink column and a Destination List with say title and my name.
    Source List (list A) looks like this with these 2 columns
    Title    Test Link
    A         Link 1
    B         Link 2 
    C         Link 3
    Each of these links link to the actual list item in the destination list, so for example, link 1 is/sites/2013DevSite/Lists/Destination%20List/EditForm.aspx?ID=1
    So basically i want anytime the Link are clicked that point to another list's item to open in a modal dialog and the script below worked perfectly fine in SharePoint 2010 (online)
    <script language="javascript" src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script language ="javascript" type="text/javascript">   
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    jQuery('a[href*="EditForm.aspx"]').each(function (i, e) {
    // Store the A tag's current href in a variable
    var currentHref = jQuery(e).attr('href');
    'href': 'javascript:void(0);', 
    // Use the stored href as argument for the ShowInModal functions parameter.
    'onclick': 'ShowInModal("' + currentHref + '");'
    function ShowInModal(href) {
    SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog({title: "Edit Item", url: href});    
    All it does is find the href tags for that particular value Editform.aspx and the pop modal works in SP 2010 online. So the site page is designed in such a way there is a content editor web part with the reference to this javascript file and the sharepoint
    list is right beneath it and this worked perfectly opening in modal windows in SP 2010.
    Since migration to 2013, this is what exactly happens
    1.) when you come to the site page, the modal works,
    2.) If you filter or sort on say the Title or Test Link column in Source list (lets say you select the Value A), the script does not fire at all, if i hover over the hyperlink, the who hyperlink is shown and does not open the hyperlink in the modal pop up.
    - This is important because i want to be able to sort on a particular item...
    Could someone please let me know what am i doing wrong and why is this not working when i sort the list. Thanks for all the help.
    Once again i am trying to open a sharepoint list item in Sharepoint 2013 from another list using Jquery

    A ListItem has its own unique row id so in all likelihood, an insert with the same data will result in a new list entry. The Lists Web Service however, has an UpdateListItem method which will take an update request. [refer
    http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/websvclists.lists.updatelistitems(v=office.15).aspx ]
    There is another note in the conference (marked answered) to your List Item Update problem. Probably worth a try too. [refer
    http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/bee8f6c6-3259-4764-bafa-6689f5fd6ec9/how-to-update-an-existing-item-in-a-sharepoint-list-using-the-wss-adapter-for-biztalk?forum=biztalkgeneral ]

  • Create New List Item

    I am getting an error each time I try to run this code and get the error message "There was a problem submitting your answers. Please try again later."I have looked at this for so long now I am not sure if I am missing something or what. I have referenced SPServices and jquery and it is working correctlyI am trying to make a crossword using some code I found online and I followed it andstill get this error. // Create an object to associate each SharePoint column with the class name used for the input and the user's response for that column
    var responses = {
    "oneAcross": {
    "selector": "one-across",
    "column": "OneAcross",
    "answer": ""
    "oneDown": {
    "selector": "one-down",
    "column": "OneDown",
    "answer": ""
    "twoDown": {
    "selector": "two-down",
    "column": "TwoDown",
    "answer": ""
    "threeDown": {
    "selector": "three-down",
    "column": "ThreeDown",
    "answer": ""
    "fourAcross": {
    "selector": "four-across",
    "column": "FourAcross",
    "answer": ""
    // Create the batchCmd variable that will be used to create the new list item
    var batchCmd = '<Batch OnError="Continue"><Method ID="1" Cmd="New">';
    // Concatenate values of each response input by iterating over the object representing the responses
    $.each( responses, function() {
    // Cache the current item in the responses object.
    var $response = this;
    // For each input in the crossword associated with the current response object, get the values and save them in the answer property.
    $( '.' + $response.selector ).each( function() {
    $response.answer += $( this ).val().toLowerCase();
    // Add the response to the batchCmd
    batchCmd += '<Field Name="' + $response.column + '"><![CDATA[' + $response.answer + ']]></Field>';//Create a new list item on the destination list using the batchCmd variable
    operation: "UpdateListItems",
    async: true,
    webURL: "http://operations.home.blah.com/sites/EIS/SEEIS/SSC/Lists/",
    listName: "Crossword",
    updates: batchCmd,
    completefunc: function( xData, Status ) {
    // If the AJAX call could not be completed, alert the user or include your own code to handle errors.
    if ( Status !== "success" ) {
    alert( "There was a problem submitting your answers. Please try again later." );
    else {
    // If there was an error creating the list item, alert the user or include your own code to handle errors.
    if ( $( xData.responseXML ).find( 'ErrorCode' ).text() !== "0x00000000" ) {
    alert( "There was a problem submitting your answers. Please try again later." );
    // if the list item was successfully created, alert the user and navigate to the Source parameter in the URL (or to a URL of your choosing).
    else {
    alert( "Your answers were submitted successfully! Click OK to continue." );
    if ( window.location.href.indexOf( "Source=" ) !== -1 ) {
    var url = window.location.href.split( "Source=" )[1].split( "&" )[0];
    window.location.href = url;
    else {
    window.location.href = "/";

    When I look at the demo on the page it fires the same response as that is part of the error handling because it is a standalone HTML and not on a sharepoint server so I am wondering if something I am missing on the submit.click function or batchcmd. 
    I included the entire code for it to see if maybe you can see something I am not.  My crossword is on a Sharepoint Server
    $( '#crossword-submit' ).click( function( event ) {
    // If you decide to use a hyperlink instead of a button input, this will prevent
    //the hyperlink from actually navigating away from the page or to an anchor.
    // Disable the button so the user can't click it again and submit the answers more than once.
    $( this ).prop( 'disabled', true );
    // Prevent submission if the crossword isn't completed.
    if ( $( '#crossword' ).find( 'input' ).filter( function() { return $( this ).val() === ""; }).length !== 0 ) {
    alert( "You have left some answers blank. Please complete all answers before submitting." );
    $( this ).removeProp( 'disabled' );
    return false;
    // Confirm that the user wants to submit their answers.
    var confirmResponse = confirm( "Are you sure you are ready to submit your answers? Once submitted they cannot be changed.\n\nClick OK to continue or Cancel to review your answers." );
    if ( confirmResponse === false ) {
    $( this ).removeProp( 'disabled' );
    return false;
    // Create an object to associate each SharePoint column with the class name used for the input and the user's response for that column
    var responses = {
    "oneAcross": {
    "selector": "one-across",
    "column": "OneAcross",
    "answer": ""
    "oneDown": {
    "selector": "one-down",
    "column": "OneDown",
    "answer": ""
    "twoDown": {
    "selector": "two-down",
    "column": "TwoDown",
    "answer": ""
    "threeDown": {
    "selector": "three-down",
    "column": "ThreeDown",
    "answer": ""
    "fiveDown": {
    "selector": "five-down",
    "column": "FiveDown",
    "answer": ""
    "sixDown": {
    "selector": "six-down",
    "column": "SixDown",
    "answer": ""
    "sevenDown": {
    "selector": "seven-down",
    "column": "SevenDown",
    "answer": ""
    "eightDown": {
    "selector": "eight-down",
    "column": "EightDown",
    "answer": ""
    "fourAcross": {
    "selector": "four-across",
    "column": "FourAcross",
    "answer": ""
    "nineAcross": {
    "selector": "nine-across",
    "column": "NineAcross",
    "answer": ""
    "tenAcross": {
    "selector": "ten-across",
    "column": "TenAcross",
    "answer": ""
    "elevenAcross": {
    "selector": "eleven-across",
    "column": "ElevenAcross",
    "answer": ""
    "twelveAcross": {
    "selector": "twelve-across",
    "column": "TwelveAcross",
    "answer": ""
    // Create the batchCmd variable that will be used to create the new list item
    var batchCmd = '<Batch OnError="Continue"><Method ID="1" Cmd="New">';
    // Concatenate values of each response input by iterating over the object representing the responses
    $.each( responses, function() {
    // Cache the current item in the responses object.
    var $response = this;
    // For each input in the crossword associated with the current response object
    //, get the values and save them in the answer property.
    $( '.' + $response.selector ).each( function() {
    $response.answer += $( this ).val().toLowerCase();
    // Add the response to the batchCmd
    batchCmd += '<Field Name="' + $response.column + '"><![CDATA[' + $response.answer + ']]></Field>';
    // Close the batchCmd variable
    batchCmd += '</Method></Batch>';
    // Create a new list item on the destination list using the batchCmd variable
    operation: "UpdateListItems",
    async: true,
    webURL: "http://operations.homestead.abc.com/sites/EIS/SEEIS/SSC/Lists/",
    listName: "Crossword",
    updates: batchCmd,
    completefunc: function( xData, Status ) {
    // If the AJAX call could not be completed, alert the user or include your own code to handle errors.
    if ( Status !== "success" ) {
    alert( "There was a problem submitting your answers. Please try again later." );
    else {
    // If there was an error creating the list item, alert the user or include your own code to handle errors.
    if ( $( xData.responseXML ).find( 'ErrorCode' ).text() !== "0x00000000" ) {
    alert( "There was a problem submitting your answers. Please try again later." );
    // if the list item was successfully created, alert the user and navigate
    //to the Source parameter in the URL (or to a URL of your choosing).
    else {
    alert( "Your answers were submitted successfully! Click OK to continue." );
    if ( window.location.href.indexOf( "Source=" ) !== -1 ) {
    var url = window.location.href.split( "Source=" )[1].split( "&" )[0];
    window.location.href = url;
    else {
    window.location.href = "/";

  • How to Create a Dynamic http address that opens the Explorer Window for a List Item When a Button Is Clicked--Currently Trying to Make this Work with Javascript

    I have created a button (via Content Editor) that uses JavaScript to open the Attachments folder of a list item in the Explorer Window in SharePoint 2010. The purpose is to have drag and drop functionality for each list item, having multiple attachments.
    The button works but opens the "Attachments" folder containing all of the other folders for each list item (one folder per item). It seems that when you add an attachment to a list item, SharePoint numbers the folder based on the item's ID. What
    I'm trying to do is take the JavaScript I have and have it run when a button is clicked in a custom form. When it runs, I'm trying to get it to open the "specific" folder for the list item. I have had success creating a hyperlink in the list that
    does this; however, the link WILL NOT work until I use the Content Editor created button that runs JavaScript, that prompts me to click OK to my profile certificate, and then opens the Attachment folder. After that occurs, I can use my hyperlinks without issue
    because I'm no longer prompted to click OK for my cert.
    So I'm trying to take the JavaScript I have and place it in a list item form (custom form) and have it run when a form button is clicked. The problem is I have very little knowledge of JavaScript (did I mention little?) and
    "don't know how to take the "http:" address I have in the script and append to it the list item ID, according to the record I have open."
    So that for any record I open, the script will grab the corresponding record ID (or list item ID) and append it.
    Here's the script I'm working with (which I didn't create but am grateful for):
    .httpFolder {behavior:url(#default#httpFolder);}
    <script text = "javascript">
       function fnOpenFolderView(){
    <div id = "oDAV" class = "httpFolder"/>
    <input type = "button" value = "Open Attachment Folder" onclick = "fnOpenFolderView()"/>
    The above script, in the Content Editor, creates a button that opens the Attachments folder for the corresponding SharePoint list.

    Hello Thriggle,
    Thank you for pointing that out. I appended your "GetUrlKeyValue" to the end and it worked. That said, I noticed it doesn't run as smoothly as when I simply click on the Content Editor button I created that resides on the SharePoint List
    ASPX page (not the form). The Content Editor button has the same code, minus the "GetUrlKeyValue". I click it; I get prompted to choose my cert; it opens right up.
    Now go to the ASPX Display form where I dump the code in a table cell. Button appears in cell; I click it; wait; wait; I get prompted for cert; it opens. Do I need some sort of "throttle" for the JavaScript? For instance, I thought before running
    JavaScript, you reference the library first. This code doesn't do that. I'm wondering if there's something more I need to make this run smoothly. Thank you both for getting me this far. 

  • How to implement tooltip for the list items for the particular column in sharepoint 2013

    I had created a list, How to implement tooltip for the list items for the particular column in SharePoint 2013.
    Any help will be appreciated

    We can use JavaScript or JQuery to show the tooltips. Refer to the following similar thread.

  • Automatically upload documents to list items in Sharepoint Online

    I need to upload pdf documents to a list (not
    a document library, this is not an option) on SharepointOnline (Office365).
    In practice, whenever a document is "sent" or "uploaded" to the list, a new list item would be created automatically and the document would be attached to the list item automatically.
     At the moment, we are doing this manually but this is not practical with 1,000s of documents.
    Any help would be appreciated. The community365 people were unable to help and redirected me here.
    Many thanks,

    For those who may be interested, I found a workaround that does the trick.
    Rather than uploading the actual documents to each list item, I upload the documents to a document library and then include hyperlinks to the locations of the documents in the document library.
    This can be achieved by:
    (i) creating a new workflow in Sharepoint Designer;  the workflow must be attached to the document library where the documents are located AND must be set to launch automatically when a new item is created in the library (see the parameters of the workflow);
    (ii) in the workflow, choose the action "create a new item"; click on "this list" and choose your destination list; choose a list column where the hyperlink will appear and click on "add" to add a field directing towards that column; choose "Current Element/Encoded
    Absolute URL" as the source of data. And bam! it works. A life saver.

  • Error when running workflow form list item - workflow manager SharePoint 2013

    I am getting the following error in the workflow services log when I tried to run a SPD 2013 workflow from as list item. The workflow page comes up with an "An unexpected error has occurred"
    page when opened:
    Error processing management request. Method: GET, RequestUri: http://servername:12291/$Workflows/$Instances?$skip=0&$top=100&monitoringParameter=1f51aa43-2f1c-4fc5-a86d-f638ca57c00d, Error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The procedure "GetInstances" has no parameter named "@OtherWorkflowStatus".
    at Microsoft.Workflow.Common.AsyncResult.End[TAsyncResult](IAsyncResult result)
    at Microsoft.Workflow.Gateway.HttpAsyncResult.End[TAsyncResult](IAsyncResult result)
    at Microsoft.Workflow.Gateway.WorkflowServiceGateway.<>c__DisplayClass9d.<EndGetInstances>b__9c()
    at Microsoft.Workflow.Gateway.WorkflowServiceGateway.ExceptionFilter[T](Func`1 body)
    at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory`1.FromAsyncCoreLogic(IAsyncResult iar, Func`2 endFunction, Action`1 endAction, Task`1 promise, Boolean requiresSynchronization)
    Can't find anything on google.
    Edit: Ok, when I look at the error, it is saying the the "GetInstances" stored procedure in the WFInstanceManagementDB database does not have a parameter named "@OtherWorkflowStatus".
    For laughs, I added the parameter (which wasn't in there). Now I get the error:
    Procedure or function 'GetInstances' expects parameter '@OtherWorkflowStatus', which was not supplied
    It seems like there is something not right about my installation. Previously, I couldn't get the workflow backend service to run because there were config values missing from the workflow manager database. At the time I tried to uninstall/reinstall
    WFM to no avail. I eventually had to manually add the values to get it to work. Something is not right about the WFM install/config process.

    Here is what I had to do to get it working:
    Leave the WFM (Workflow Manager) farm using the WFM config tool
    Uninstall WFM, Service Bus, and the CU's from control panel
    Uninstall Workflow Manager Client if it exists in the control panel, it didn't in mine
    Delete the following databases in SQL Server:
    Delete the workflow proxy service in Central Admin (important)
    Application Management > Manage Service Applications
    Highlight (select) the Workflow Service Application Proxy service (don’t click the hyperlink)
    Select “Delete” from the ribbon.
    Restart the server
    Enable the workflow proxy service in CA for the web app, the 2013 workflow option will not show up in SPD unless you do this.
    Application Management > Manage Web Applications
    Select your web app
    Select “Service Connections” from the ribbon
    Check the Workflow Service Application Proxy item and click “OK”

  • Open Sharepoint Link List items in new tab?

    I have a sharepoint list which is Link List.Actually When I click on item in that link list it should be open in the new tab/window

    According to your description, you might want to open Link list items in a new tab/windows.
    If it is not a must behavior to use the “URL” column to hold the hyperlink, I would suggest you use “Hyperlink with formatting and constraints for publishing” column
    instead which can let users decide to open the hyperlink in a new tab or not.
    It is required to activate the “SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure” in the “site collection features”, create a column of this type in “Site Settings ->
    Web Designer Galleries -> Site Columns”, then you can add it into your list.
    Here is a link about how to add publishing columns to content types, lists, or libraries, you could use it as a reference:
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • How does sharepoint designer create list item work ?.

    I'am using office 365, and sharepoint-designer (not the pro designer).
    There is a workflow rule that allows for creating items in another list.
    What i need to do is that if someone creates an entry in List A
    That List B gets an update too, based upon List A, and also a 4th list entry of list C (ea string containing "life cycle start").
    The workflow with the "rule create item in list", i've set to "start automatically when a new item is created".
    So far i've not been able to make it work, and the workflow Always suspends with vague errors, and since it is hosted i cannt do much with the errors.
    Could therefore anyone point me to a good youtube explaining this  function.
    Or might possible point out what often goes wrong when people use this.
    Maybe give some examples

    Yeeha !!!
    I got the first part working now; recap of howto:
    First of all, before you create lists and columns write it down on paper, so you will be sure about what names you will give them, as renaming these kinds of things later,  will only rename their view but not their old internal name, and as a result you
    will get lost if you want to automate stuff later on.
    So have you design ready (or in my case; delete current wrong site and start over clean).
    Recap :
    Using SharePoint designer:
    Create List A, use titles as the field to enter product names (or whatever item you like to registrate).
    Use the web browser:
    Goto List A you just made and set the title column to contain (required) unique index names.
    You can do this as Admin through list setting in the list top ribbon.
    Create List B using Sharepoint designer (simple list)
    In List B create a Lookup list to List A
    And select it so that you would like to see the title column in it.
    Using the web brouwser, make this column a required field (will become a (*) mark later).
    Using SharePoint designer, select list A.
    Select properties of List A, create a new (basic) workflow for it.
    Here you would assume that you need to get the title in List B, but that's wrong
    What one needs to get in List B a new to the current added Item in List A is the following:
    Note that the workflow will run under the context of new Items who are added to List A
    Create an action rule "Create list item" in the following list, and here select List B
    The pop will show you some fields marked with a (*) as required fields.
    Now the tricky thing is that is a reference to List A, and not a string.
    So you might think its a GUID then or so, but no wrong again.
    To get the link to the current List item A inside B.
    You will have to link it to  "Current Item"   (remember the workflow started from list A )
    And from the Current Item, you have to select the "ID" property.
    Apparently ID is internally used as a reference.
    Now whenever you create an Item in list A, it will be created in List B as well as a linked reference.
    So for example in A you could add more columns, like serial ID or creation time of article A.
    Then you don't have to add these into List B, as when people click on the hyperlink in List B they will be shown the details from list A.

  • Error while editing a list item - SharePoint 2010.

    Hi ,
    i have 2 site collection one is read only site and another one is authoring site. both site collection are inside single web application and referring same content database.
    when i try to edit a list item using authoring site i am getting the below error message. this is for all the lists in the site.
    " the item is no longer available. it may have been deleted by another user. click ok to refresh the page."
    i am able to edit the list items using read only site as an administrator.
    please help me on these.

    This could be a permission issue, refer to the following post for more information

  • List item problem in oracle forms 6i

    I've 10 test filed, in-front of each text field there are 10 list item (separate list item)
    for each list item element list is given below
    Customer name
    Delivery date
    Delivery Time
    Delivery Session
    Expected received
    Actual Received
    Fresh Received
    Rate per liter
    Debit Amount
    On text fields I am fetching records from another file. User will map the list item with text item.
    What i want to check is, list item should not get repeated. i.e suppose I've run time display like this
    text item
    list item
    on text filed B- DELIVERY DATE is assign and at text field D again DELIVERY DATE is assign. I want to avoid this thing and prompt the user regarding the same. How should I go about this? Should I design a button for validation, if yes then what should be the code? or should i go with WHEN-LIST-CHANGE? if so, then what should be the code?
    my design time display is like this
    list item
    please suggest something
    Thank You

    THe most user-friendly way would be to remove elements from all other lists when they are chosen once. You would have to have a WHEN-LIST-CHANGED-trigger on all listitem and populate the the listitems accordingly.

  • List Item problem in oracle forms

    I am using list item in oracle forms 6i and facing one problem. I am populating list using following built-in.
    Create_Group_From_Query( )
    The problem I am facing is when list gets populate it keep the cursor at last element of list with null value. I want cursor to go at first item in the list. Is this thing is possible. The list item I am using is pop-list. In combo its showing list perfectly but I have to use pop-list only. Please help to come out of this problem.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Shweta,
    Please post your query in Oracle Forms discussion forum.

  • Unable to Read Calendar List Items through CAML

    Hi All,
    * I have created two columns in calendar one Year and other Month.When new event is added in calendar through (Item Added) event receiver I am setting the values to this columns as Name of Month to(February) and Year as(2014)  .So that I can fetch the
    data easily based on month and year
    * Through this Columns Secondly when I try to fetch the data to count number of items of particular month and year using caml query I am getting error as below .
    "Error:One or more field types are not installed properly. Go to the list settings page to delete these fields."
    *My below caml code is working fine if i applied to custom list,But not to calendar.Can any one help me for what reason I am unable to fetch data
     string year="2014";
     string month="February";
     SPSite mysite = SPContext.Current.Site;
     SPWeb myweb = mysite.OpenWeb();
    SPList mylist = myweb.Lists["Calendar"];
     SPQuery myquery = new SPQuery();
      myquery.Query = @"<Where>
                                             <FieldRef Name='Year'/>
                                             <Value Type='Text'>" + year + @"</Value>
                                             <FieldRef Name='Month' />
                                             <Value Type='Text'>" + month + @"</Value>
     SPListItemCollection totaltiems = mylist.GetItems(myquery);
      Label1.Text= "Total Number of Items is "+" "+totaltiems.Count.ToString();
    Thanks, Quality Communication Provides Quality Work. http://siddiq-sharepoint2010.blogspot.in/ Siddiqali Mohammad .

    According to your post, my understanding is that you got an error when read calendar list items using CAML.
    I created two single line of text columns in the Calendar( Year and Month), then add items in the Calendar to check with your code. The CAML query worked well as below.
    string year = "2014";
    string month = "February";
    using (SPSite oSiteCollection = new SPSite("Your site URL"))
    using (SPWeb myweb = oSiteCollection.OpenWeb())
    SPList mylist = myweb.Lists["Calendar"];
    SPQuery myquery = new SPQuery();
    myquery.Query = @"<Where> <And> <Eq> <FieldRef Name='Year'/> <Value Type='text'>" + year
    + "</Value></Eq><Eq>+ "
    + " <FieldRef Name='Month' />+ "
    + " <Value Type='text'>" + month + "</Value>+ "
    + " </Eq> </And></Where>";
    SPListItemCollection totaltiems = mylist.GetItems(myquery);
    Console.WriteLine( "Total Number of Items is " + " " + totaltiems.Count.ToString());
    Which type of the two columns in your Calendar? Were they text type?
    Are you sure the field name(<FieldRef Name='Year'/>,
    <FieldRef Name='Month' />) is same as internal name?
    We should only use internal name while refrencing columns in CAML query. If you have space In you column , replace it with "_x0020_", such as
    Thanks & Regards,
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

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