I am trying to import external CSS in Edge Animate, Has anyone got a "simple" example showing this working that I could have a look at?

I am trying to import external CSS in Edge Animate, Has anyone got a "simple" example showing this working that I could have a look at?

Hi Vivek,
Thanks a lot for replying, actually i am creating a short LAMP animation. In which i used Blur filter on the fire flares(SVG images), everything works just fine on google chrome, but for IE10 & Firefox the filter seems not working, so i need to know is it possible to override the fallbacks for the Blur Filter through external StyleSheet.                            
IE10 & firefox rendered Image, blur filter not working             Google Chrome rendered Image, blur filter working perfectly
So, can you please guide me, what shall i do in maintaining quality of my graphics as well while such animation's.

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    I am trying to import external webservice in webdynpro java using adaptive webservice model, but i am getting below error..i tried some other external webservices but those are working fine....I wanted to know if there is any issue with this wsdl?? any suggestions?
    com.sap.tc.webdynpro.model.webservice.exception.WSModelRuntimeException: Exception on creation of service metadata for WSDL URL 'https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_SearchService?wsdl' and service factory configuration '{DynamicProxy.ClassPath=C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.tc.cmi_1.0.0/_cmi_api.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.exception_2.0.0/lib/exception.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.engine.webservices_2.0.0/lib/boot.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.engine.webservices_2.0.0/lib/iq-lib.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.engine.webservices_2.0.0/lib/util.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.engine.webservices_2.0.0/lib/webservices_lib.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.engine.webservices_2.0.0/lib/webservices.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.engine.webservices_2.0.0/lib/webservices_api.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.engine.webservices_2.0.0/lib/tc_sec_wssec_lib.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.dictionary.runtime_2.0.0/lib/SapDictionaryTypesRuntime.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.dictionary.services_2.0.0/lib/SapDictionaryTypeServices.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.tssap.sap.libs.logging_2.0.0/lib/logging.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.tssap.sap.libs.logging_2.0.0/lib/loggingStandard.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.tssap.sap.libs.logging_2.0.0/lib/jARM.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.tssap.sap.libs.xmltoolkit_2.0.0/lib/sapxmltoolkit.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.ext.libs.webservices_2.0.0/lib/activation.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.ext.libs.webservices_2.0.0/lib/jaxm-api.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.ext.libs.webservices_2.0.0/lib/saaj-api.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.ext.libs.webservices_2.0.0/lib/jaxrpc-api.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.ext.libs.webservices_2.0.0/lib/jnet.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.ext.libs.webservices_2.0.0/lib/jsse.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.ext.libs.webservices_2.0.0/lib/mail.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.tc.webdynpro.model.webservice_2.0.0/lib/_webdynpro_model_webservice.jar;, DynamicProxy.Javac.path=C:\j2sdk1.4.2_19, DynamicProxy.TempDir=C:\Users\sakkav01\AppData\Local\Temp\}'
    at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.model.webservice.metadata.WSModelInfo.getOrCreateWsrService(WSModelInfo.java:414)
    at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.model.webservice.metadata.WSModelInfo.readOperationsFromWSDL(WSModelInfo.java:372)
    at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.model.webservice.metadata.WSModelInfo.importMetadataInternal(WSModelInfo.java:342)
    at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.model.webservice.metadata.WSModelInfo.importMetadata(WSModelInfo.java:306)
    at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.model.webservice.metadata.WSModelInfo.importMetadata(WSModelInfo.java:316)
    at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.modeleditor.wizards.model.creation.PageRenameWS.loadNameSpacesAndModelClasses(PageRenameWS.java:435)
    at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.modeleditor.wizards.model.creation.ModelDialog.nextPressed(ModelDialog.java:105)
    at org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog.buttonPressed(WizardDialog.java:316)
    at org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog$1.widgetSelected(Dialog.java:423)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(TypedListener.java:89)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(EventTable.java:81)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Widget.java:840)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Display.java:2022)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java:1729)
    at org.eclipse.jface.window.Window.runEventLoop(Window.java:583)
    at org.eclipse.jface.window.Window.open(Window.java:563)
    at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.modeleditor.ModelEditorCallback.createModel(ModelEditorCallback.java:52)
    at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.service.modeleditor.ModelService.createModelWithUI(ModelService.java:70)
    at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.service.modeleditor.ServiceWithUI.createModel(ServiceWithUI.java:49)
    at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.tsmodel.application.provider.ModelNodeProvider.createUniqueName(ModelNodeProvider.java:55)
    at com.tssap.selena.impl.model.elements.EntityImpl.createChildEntityUin(EntityImpl.java:936)
    at com.tssap.selena.impl.model.elements.EntityImpl.createChildEntity(EntityImpl.java:502)
    at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.tsmodel.application.actions.CreationAction.runInternal(CreationAction.java:76)
    at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.tsmodel.application.actions.CreationAction.access$000(CreationAction.java:24)
    at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.tsmodel.application.actions.CreationAction$1.run(CreationAction.java:51)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace.run(Workspace.java:1595)
    at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.tsmodel.application.actions.CreationAction.run(CreationAction.java:57)
    at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.projectbrowser.actions.PBCreateModelAction.run(PBCreateModelAction.java:95)
    at com.tssap.selena.model.extension.action.SelenaActionCollector$GenericElementActionWrapper.run(SelenaActionCollector.java:224)
    at com.tssap.util.ui.menu.MenuFactory$MuSiAction.saveRunAction(MenuFactory.java:1425)
    at com.tssap.util.ui.menu.MenuFactory$MuSiAction.run(MenuFactory.java:1407)
    at com.tssap.util.ui.menu.MenuFactory$DelegateAction.processInternal(MenuFactory.java:616)
    at com.tssap.util.ui.menu.MenuFactory$DelegateAction.access$100(MenuFactory.java:586)
    at com.tssap.util.ui.menu.MenuFactory$DelegateAction$BusyProcessWorker.run(MenuFactory.java:716)
    at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(BusyIndicator.java:69)
    at com.tssap.util.ui.menu.MenuFactory$DelegateAction.process(MenuFactory.java:610)
    at com.tssap.util.ui.menu.internal.MenuListenerFactory$ProcessAdapter.widgetSelected(MenuListenerFactory.java:172)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(TypedListener.java:89)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(EventTable.java:81)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Widget.java:840)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Display.java:2022)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java:1729)
    at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(Workbench.java:1402)
    at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.run(Workbench.java:1385)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.boot.InternalBootLoader.run(InternalBootLoader.java:858)
    at org.eclipse.core.boot.BootLoader.run(BootLoader.java:461)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
    at com.sap.ide.eclipse.startup.Main.basicRun(Main.java:291)
    at com.sap.ide.eclipse.startup.Main.run(Main.java:789)
    at com.sap.ide.eclipse.startup.Main.main(Main.java:607)
    Caused by: com.sap.engine.services.webservices.jaxrpc.exceptions.WebserviceClientException: GenericServiceFactory initialization problem. Could not load web service model. See nested exception for details.
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.espbase.client.dynamic.impl.DGenericServiceImpl.generateProxyFiles(DGenericServiceImpl.java:157)
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.espbase.client.dynamic.impl.DGenericServiceImpl.<init>(DGenericServiceImpl.java:56)
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.espbase.client.dynamic.GenericServiceFactory.createService(GenericServiceFactory.java:88)
    at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.model.webservice.metadata.WSModelInfo.getOrCreateWsrService(WSModelInfo.java:412)
    ... 52 more
    Caused by: com.sap.engine.services.webservices.jaxrpc.exceptions.ProxyGeneratorException: Proxy Generator Error. Problem with WSDL file parsing. See nested message.
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.jaxrpc.wsdl2java.ProxyGenerator.generateProxy(ProxyGenerator.java:182)
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.espbase.client.dynamic.impl.DGenericServiceImpl.generateProxyFiles(DGenericServiceImpl.java:154)
    ... 55 more
    Caused by: com.sap.engine.lib.xml.util.NestedException: IO Exception occurred while parsing file:Invalid Response Code: (-1) null. The requested URL was:"https//:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_SearchService?wsdl" -> com.sap.engine.services.webservices.jaxrpc.exceptions.InvalidResponseCodeException: Invalid Response Code: (-1) null. The requested URL was:"https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_SearchService?wsdl"
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.wsdl.WSDLDOMLoader.loadDOMDocument(WSDLDOMLoader.java:1039)
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.wsdl.WSDLDOMLoader.loadWSDLDocument(WSDLDOMLoader.java:1126)
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.jaxrpc.wsdl2java.ProxyGenerator.generateProxy(ProxyGenerator.java:178)
    ... 56 more
    Caused by: com.sap.engine.services.webservices.jaxrpc.exceptions.InvalidResponseCodeException: Invalid Response Code: (-1) null. The requested URL was:"https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/HCP_SearchService?wsdl"
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.tools.WSDLDownloadResolver.resolveEntity(WSDLDownloadResolver.java:180)
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.wsdl.WSDLDOMLoader.loadDOMDocument(WSDLDOMLoader.java:1019)
    ... 58 more

    Hi Vijay,
    There was some issues with the wsdl url itselft, now i got the right wsdl url and i tried with wsnavigator , i tested it works fine from there...
    but when i try to import using adaptive web service model it is throwing error..pls find the error log below...i am getting cannot load namespaces and model classes error and also some proxy error..i am giving proxy and 8080 as default...pls let me know what exact proxy settings i have to give here..
    com.sap.tc.webdynpro.model.webservice.exception.WSModelRuntimeException: Exception on creation of service metadata for WSDL URL 'https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxchService?wsdl' and service factory configuration '{DynamicProxy.ClassPath=C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.tc.cmi_1.0.0/_cmi_api.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.exception_2.0.0/lib/exception.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.engine.webservices_2.0.0/lib/boot.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.engine.webservices_2.0.0/lib/iq-lib.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.engine.webservices_2.0.0/lib/util.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.engine.webservices_2.0.0/lib/webservices_lib.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.engine.webservices_2.0.0/lib/webservices.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.engine.webservices_2.0.0/lib/webservices_api.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.engine.webservices_2.0.0/lib/tc_sec_wssec_lib.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.dictionary.runtime_2.0.0/lib/SapDictionaryTypesRuntime.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.dictionary.services_2.0.0/lib/SapDictionaryTypeServices.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.tssap.sap.libs.logging_2.0.0/lib/logging.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.tssap.sap.libs.logging_2.0.0/lib/loggingStandard.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.tssap.sap.libs.logging_2.0.0/lib/jARM.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.tssap.sap.libs.xmltoolkit_2.0.0/lib/sapxmltoolkit.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.ext.libs.webservices_2.0.0/lib/activation.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.ext.libs.webservices_2.0.0/lib/jaxm-api.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.ext.libs.webservices_2.0.0/lib/saaj-api.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.ext.libs.webservices_2.0.0/lib/jaxrpc-api.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.ext.libs.webservices_2.0.0/lib/jnet.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.ext.libs.webservices_2.0.0/lib/jsse.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.ext.libs.webservices_2.0.0/lib/mail.jar;C:/Program Files (x86)/SAP/IDE/IDE70/eclipse/plugins/com.sap.tc.webdynpro.model.webservice_2.0.0/lib/_webdynpro_model_webservice.jar;, DynamicProxy.INetProxy.Bypass="*.sap.corp"|usc1-dpid01|, DynamicProxy.INetProxy.Port=8080, DynamicProxy.Javac.path=C:\j2sdk1.4.2_19, DynamicProxy.TempDir=C:\Users\sakkav01\AppData\Local\Temp\, DynamicProxy.INetProxy.Host=proxy'
    at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.model.webservice.metadata.WSModelInfo.getOrCreateWsrService(WSModelInfo.java:414)
    at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.model.webservice.metadata.WSModelInfo.readOperationsFromWSDL(WSModelInfo.java:372)
    at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.model.webservice.metadata.WSModelInfo.importMetadataInternal(WSModelInfo.java:342)
    at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.model.webservice.metadata.WSModelInfo.importMetadata(WSModelInfo.java:306)
    at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.model.webservice.metadata.WSModelInfo.importMetadata(WSModelInfo.java:316)
    at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.modeleditor.wizards.model.creation.PageRenameWS.loadNameSpacesAndModelClasses(PageRenameWS.java:435)
    at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.modeleditor.wizards.model.creation.ModelDialog.nextPressed(ModelDialog.java:105)
    at org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog.buttonPressed(WizardDialog.java:316)
    at org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog$1.widgetSelected(Dialog.java:423)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(TypedListener.java:89)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(EventTable.java:81)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Widget.java:840)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Display.java:2022)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java:1729)
    at org.eclipse.jface.window.Window.runEventLoop(Window.java:583)
    at org.eclipse.jface.window.Window.open(Window.java:563)
    at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.modeleditor.ModelEditorCallback.createModel(ModelEditorCallback.java:52)
    at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.service.modeleditor.ModelService.createModelWithUI(ModelService.java:70)
    at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.service.modeleditor.ServiceWithUI.createModel(ServiceWithUI.java:49)
    at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.tsmodel.application.provider.ModelNodeProvider.createUniqueName(ModelNodeProvider.java:55)
    at com.tssap.selena.impl.model.elements.EntityImpl.createChildEntityUin(EntityImpl.java:936)
    at com.tssap.selena.impl.model.elements.EntityImpl.createChildEntity(EntityImpl.java:502)
    at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.tsmodel.application.actions.CreationAction.runInternal(CreationAction.java:76)
    at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.tsmodel.application.actions.CreationAction.access$000(CreationAction.java:24)
    at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.tsmodel.application.actions.CreationAction$1.run(CreationAction.java:51)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace.run(Workspace.java:1595)
    at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.tsmodel.application.actions.CreationAction.run(CreationAction.java:57)
    at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.projectbrowser.actions.PBCreateModelAction.run(PBCreateModelAction.java:95)
    at com.tssap.selena.model.extension.action.SelenaActionCollector$GenericElementActionWrapper.run(SelenaActionCollector.java:224)
    at com.tssap.util.ui.menu.MenuFactory$MuSiAction.saveRunAction(MenuFactory.java:1425)
    at com.tssap.util.ui.menu.MenuFactory$MuSiAction.run(MenuFactory.java:1407)
    at com.tssap.util.ui.menu.MenuFactory$DelegateAction.processInternal(MenuFactory.java:616)
    at com.tssap.util.ui.menu.MenuFactory$DelegateAction.access$100(MenuFactory.java:586)
    at com.tssap.util.ui.menu.MenuFactory$DelegateAction$BusyProcessWorker.run(MenuFactory.java:716)
    at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(BusyIndicator.java:69)
    at com.tssap.util.ui.menu.MenuFactory$DelegateAction.process(MenuFactory.java:610)
    at com.tssap.util.ui.menu.internal.MenuListenerFactory$ProcessAdapter.widgetSelected(MenuListenerFactory.java:172)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(TypedListener.java:89)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(EventTable.java:81)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Widget.java:840)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Display.java:2022)
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java:1729)
    at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(Workbench.java:1402)
    at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.run(Workbench.java:1385)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.boot.InternalBootLoader.run(InternalBootLoader.java:858)
    at org.eclipse.core.boot.BootLoader.run(BootLoader.java:461)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
    at com.sap.ide.eclipse.startup.Main.basicRun(Main.java:291)
    at com.sap.ide.eclipse.startup.Main.run(Main.java:789)
    at com.sap.ide.eclipse.startup.Main.main(Main.java:607)
    Caused by: com.sap.engine.services.webservices.jaxrpc.exceptions.WebserviceClientException: GenericServiceFactory initialization problem. Could not load web service model. See nested exception for details.
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.espbase.client.dynamic.impl.DGenericServiceImpl.generateProxyFiles(DGenericServiceImpl.java:158)
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.espbase.client.dynamic.impl.DGenericServiceImpl.<init>(DGenericServiceImpl.java:56)
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.espbase.client.dynamic.GenericServiceFactory.createService(GenericServiceFactory.java:92)
    at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.model.webservice.metadata.WSModelInfo.getOrCreateWsrService(WSModelInfo.java:412)
    ... 52 more
    Caused by: com.sap.engine.services.webservices.jaxrpc.exceptions.ProxyGeneratorException: Proxy Generator Error. Problem with WSDL file parsing. See nested message.
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.jaxrpc.wsdl2java.ProxyGenerator.generateProxy(ProxyGenerator.java:182)
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.espbase.client.dynamic.impl.DGenericServiceImpl.generateProxyFiles(DGenericServiceImpl.java:155)
    ... 55 more
    Caused by: com.sap.engine.lib.xml.util.NestedException: IO Exception occurred while parsing file:Cannot connect to https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_SearchService?wsdl, passing via http proxy: https://usc1-dpid01:21000: Peer sent alert: Alert Fatal: illegal parameter -> java.io.IOException: Cannot connect to https://xxxxxxxxxxxx_SearchService?wsdl, passing via http proxy:proxy: Peer sent alert: Alert Fatal: illegal parameter
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.wsdl.WSDLDOMLoader.loadDOMDocument(WSDLDOMLoader.java:1039)
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.wsdl.WSDLDOMLoader.loadWSDLDocument(WSDLDOMLoader.java:1126)
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.jaxrpc.wsdl2java.ProxyGenerator.generateProxy(ProxyGenerator.java:178)
    ... 56 more
    Caused by: java.io.IOException: Cannot connect to https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_SearchService?wsdl, passing via http proxy:: Peer sent alert: Alert Fatal: illegal parameter
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.tools.WSDLDownloadResolver.resolveEntity(WSDLDownloadResolver.java:175)
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.wsdl.WSDLDOMLoader.loadDOMDocument(WSDLDOMLoader.java:1019)
    ... 58 more

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    If you are having issues using an HDTV via HDMI as an external display to your MacBook Air, you may find the following article helpful:
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    - Brenden

  • I am getting an error message that my network connection has timed out. while trying to update my iPhone on iTunes. Has anyone found a solution? I was given some advice about turning off my firewall and/or virus protection but am nervous about doing that.

    I get a message that my network connection has timed out while trying to update my iPhone on iTunes. Has anyone else had that problem and if so what solutions have you found? I was told to turn off my firewall and/or virus protection while updating but am nervous about doing that for obvious reasons. I'm also disgusted with Apple not providing free tech support.

    See this article about the ports that have to be open during the update process. iTunes has to contact Apple during the download. iTunes for Windows: Troubleshooting security software issues

  • I had this problem: "cannot connect to itunes" while trying to download an app so i went to the settings and i kinda messed it up that now i have not apps or itunes icon on my ipad! :( can anyone help me?

    I had this problem: "cannot connect to itunes" while trying to download an app so i went to the settings and i kinda messed it up that now i have not apps or itunes icon on my ipad! can anyone help me?

    First, try a reset: hold down the home button along with the power button until you see the Apple, then let go.

  • I'm trying to update my apps using the creative cloud desktop app. I can't see any apps in the app tab, the wheel just spins round and round and nothing happens. Has anyone got any ideas? I've tried uninstalling the desktop app and reinstalling but it sti

    I'm trying to update my apps using the creative cloud desktop app. I can't see any apps in the app tab, the wheel just spins round and round and nothing happens. Has anyone got any ideas? I've tried uninstalling the desktop app and reinstalling but it still has the same problem.

    Hi Rachel,
    You can follow the article: App doesn't open | Progress wheel spins continually to get your issue fixed.
    Let us know if the issue still persists or not.
    Ratandeep Arora

  • I am unable to manually add artwork via itunes 12 on windows 7. I've tried all the suggestions to no avail. Has anyone succeeeded on the same platform as me?

    i am unable to manually add artwork via itunes 12 on windows 7. I've tried all the suggestions to no avail. Has anyone succeeded on the same platform as me?

    The new iTunes 12 Get Info dialog lacks right-click context menus (at least for now) but it still accepts most standard keyboard shortcuts and drag & drop actions.
    Delete Artwork
    On the artwork tab of Get Into, tap the image in question, use Backspace or Ctrl+X. Delete doesn't work.
    Or, tap the image at the top left of Get Info, this time use Backspace or Delete, it is Ctrl+X that doesn't work.
    Add Artwork
    Select artwork, press Ctrl+C to copy, tap the centre of the Artwork tab, press Ctrl+V to paste.
    Or, select artwork, press Ctrl+C to copy, tap the small image area at the top left, press Ctrl+V to paste.
    Or, you can drag & drop to, or sometimes from, the same locations.
    You can also copy artwork from the Get Info dialog to Windows Explorer with the keyboard shortcuts.
    If the source image is on a web page right-click and use Copy Image rather than copy. (With Chrome I get a one pixel wraparound so tend to go for a temporary local copy anyway - not sure whose bug this is, but it isn't new.)
    If you have multiple images embedded drag the one you want to be the primary artwork to the leftmost position.
    Replace/Remove All Artwork
    The top left image box can be used to add or delete art from multiple tracks. In either case all existing artwork in all tracks is replaced/removed.
    Old Style Get Info Dialog
    Select some items, right-click, hold down shift, then click Get Info from the context menu. (Use alt/option on a Mac)
    If you still cannot add artwork via any of these methods then I would suspect a permissions problem. See Repair security permissions for iTunes for Windows.

  • I am trying to update my ibook 10.4.11so i tryed leopard but it said i needed  10.5 anyone know where i can get this from or anyother ideas

    i am trying to update my ibook 10.4.11so i tryed leopard but it said i needed  10.5 anyone know where i can get this from or anyother ideas please help

    What is your need to upgrade to Leopard? So you can sync to iPhone, iPad, etc?
    Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard installation system requirements
    Leopard is no longer available at the Apple Store but may be available by calling Apple Phone Sales @ 1-800-MY-APPLE (1-800-692-7753).
    If you can't obtain a retail install DVD from Apple, look on eBay or Google the installer part numbers to possibly find at an on-line store. Here's what to look for:
    MB427Z/A  Leopard 10.5.1 install DVD
    MB576Z/A  Leopard 10.5.4 install DVD
    MB021Z/A  Leopard 10.5.6 install DVD (single user)
    MB022Z/A  Leopard 10.5.6 install DVD (5-user family pack)
    Installing Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
    Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Installation and Setup Guide
    After you install the base 10.5, download & install the 10.5.8 combo update at http://support.apple.com/downloads/Mac_OS_X_10_5_8_Combo_Update
    The DVD should look like this
    Caution - Leopard does not support classic mode. So, if you currently open OS 9 apps in classic mode, you won't be able to do this if you upgrade to Leopard.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Premiere CS6 won't import mov files, the message: "file has no video or audio streams" shows up instead. How can I import the files?

    Premiere CS6 won't import mov files, the message: "file has no video or audio streams" shows up instead. How can I import the files?

    MOV is a wrapper that can contain many different codecs. The message you get is indicative of a distribution codec inside the MOV wrapper. You may need to convert the material to an editable codec before importing.

  • Has anyone got a "runtime error" when trying to search in itunes store?

    has anyone got a "runtime error" when trying to search itunes store?

    I assume since you are posting in the iTunes U for iOS forum that you are having issues with the IOS version of the app. What is the exact error message?
    Can you participate in a course's discussion from iTunes U's Course Manager (https://itunesu.itunes.apple.com/coursemanager/)?

  • I continue to receive "failed to mount" when trying to install .dmg files or updates.  Has anyone found an answer to this problem?  I am operating on Mac OS X 10.4.11

    I continue to receive "failed to mount" when trying to install .dmg files or updates.  Has anyone found an answer to this problem?  I am operating on Mac OS X 10.4.11

    10.4.11 was only available as a PowerPC updater application (both as a Combo and as a Delta) to Macs with 10.4 or later that were PowerPC. If you don't have 10.4 installed on your Mac, see this tip:

  • TS3297 Tried to copy a movie from my iTunes account to my iPhone and keep getting this message--.  iTunes could not copy "L.A." to the iPhone "Michael's iPhone" because of a timeout occurred.

    Tried to copy a movie from my iTunes account to my iPhone and keep getting this message…….  iTunes could not copy "L.A." to the iPhone "Michael's iPhone" because of a timeout occurred.

    I completely understand what is happening. I know that you are connected to the Internet. I made the suggestion because I have seen it work in similar circumstances. The Apple iTunes servers can be a bit fussy about things and sometimes rebooting the router clears up this miscommunication between iTunes and your network.
    Have you tried signing into your account and then try to sync again. Go to Store>View Account. You will have to enter your password. Then try to sync again. Or try signing out completely in Store>Sign out. Quit iTunes, sign in again and then try to sync again.
    Sometimes refreshing settings will help clear up weird problems.

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    dear all,                   can u plase give the small report , which is used a view. thanq jyothi

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