I can not register my implementation via oohap_basic

i have a trouble. I made my badi and gave it a filter.
When i try to register the implementation via oohap_basic, i can not because the system says that my filter is not in the table T77HAP_FLT_EXI.
Infact my badi is HRHAP00_GET_LIST_FLT and its filter is HAP_FLT_VAL_GET_LIST_FLT and when i save my badi ZHR_GET_LIST_FLT that use the same filter the system save data into another table:
T77HAP_FLT_GLF and  in oohap_basic this table is not used.
Could you help me?
thanks in advance.

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Similar Messages

  • Help: can not regist application in HP-UX 11.0

    My application work fine in iAS SP3 for Win2000, but when I deployed it to
    HP-UX 11.0, It can not regist the application in HP-UX.
    can any onr help me, thanks
    Lu yanqiang
    the error message is:
    HotSpot VM warning: Setting of property "java.compiler" is ignored
    creating engine class space...
    loading jx2util...
    loading jx2util...done
    Connected to LDAP server on websvr.sh-catcher.com port 389
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoaderNonVersionable: EngineClassLoader
    constructer called
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoaderNonVersionable: ! NVCL CREATED at:
    ECS initializing engine class loader instance.
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: EngineClassLoader constructer called
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_Base
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_Base
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_Root
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_Root
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_Current
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_Current
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_CurrentEngine
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_CurrentEngine
    context= com.kivasoft.context.Context@6ee36c
    resolve property: GX.path.class GX_CLASSPATH SYSTEM_JAVA null
    resolve value: /opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS
    resolve property: GX.path.class.core GX_CLASSPATH_CORE SYSTEM_JAVA
    resolve value:
    resolve property: GX.versionable GX_VERSIONABLE SYSTEM_JAVA
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: com.kivasoft.engine.IVersionable
    resolve property: GX.all.versionable GX_ALL_VERSIONABLE SYSTEM_JAVA 0
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: 0
    resolve property: GX.taskmanager.period GX_TASKMANAGER_PERIOD SYSTEM_JAVA 10
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: 10
    resolve property: GX.versionable.if.extends GX_VERSIONABLE_IF_EXTENDS
    SYSTEM_JAVA javax.servlet.GenericServlet;javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: javax.servlet.GenericServlet;javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
    resolve property: GX.versionable.if.implements GX_VERSIONABLE_IF_IMPLEMENTS
    SYSTEM_JAVA javax.servlet.Servlet
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: javax.servlet.Servlet
    class_dir 4 AppPath: /opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/compiled_jsp
    loading component...{7ee76a00-a999-11d1-a16f-006097594151}
    getting threadLocal obj
    loading component...{91f29740-16e1-11cf-96c8-0020afed9a65}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.thread.ModuleThread appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.thread.ModuleThread loaded by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IModuleThread
    loading component...{91f29620-16e1-11cf-96c8-0020afed9a65}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.bind.BinderJ
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.bind.BinderJ
    loaded by primordial CL
    loading component...{ed049d80-b936-1548-e481-080020721767}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EJBBinder
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EJBBinder
    loaded by primordial CL
    EJBBinder: binder is GOOD..
    EJBBinder: context set obj for IID_IGXEBBinder
    loading component...{a84f0507-a912-11cf-aa6c-524153480000}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.gds.GDSModule
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.gds.GDSModule
    loaded by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IGDSModule
    loading component...{c70f2c00-abeb-11d0-b4e5-00a024e006be}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase
    loaded by primordial CL
    loading component...{c70f2d00-abeb-11d0-b4e5-00a024e006be}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase from
    PCL cache
    loading component...{c70f1a00-abeb-11d0-b4e5-00a024e006be}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.principal.PrincipalModule appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.principal.PrincipalModule loaded by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IPrincipalModule
    loading component...{35069f7a-0a09-1406-8f1a-0800208055c0}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase from
    PCL cache
    loading component...{e7d37500-23bf-11d1-b6c2-0060082beecf}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase from
    PCL cache
    loading component...{e7d37540-23bf-11d1-b6c2-0060082beecf}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase from
    PCL cache
    loading component...{be5cfde0-cd9e-11d1-94aa-0060083a5082}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EBModule
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EBModule loaded
    by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IEBModule
    The current input file= testdb.xml
    About to start xml -> descriptor conversion process
    xmlToDescriptor- file name=testdb.xml
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.2//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application Client 1.2//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/application-client_1_2.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/ejb-jar_1_1.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS J2EE Application Client
    1.0//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Web Application 1.0//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASWebApp_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Enterprise JavaBeans 1.0//EN
    to uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASEjb_jar_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Persistence Manager 1.0//EN to
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Datasource 1.0//EN to uri=
    servlet name = testdb
    !!! parseWebAppFromDOM() just put in setServlet name = testdb
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.2//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application Client 1.2//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/application-client_1_2.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/ejb-jar_1_1.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS J2EE Application Client
    1.0//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Web Application 1.0//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASWebApp_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Enterprise JavaBeans 1.0//EN
    to uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASEjb_jar_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Persistence Manager 1.0//EN to
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Datasource 1.0//EN to uri=
    !!! handleIASServlet(): Get servlet name= testdb
    AppComponentDescriptor: com.netscape.server.deployment.WebAppDescriptor
    All EnvEntries name:
    All Ejb-refs:
    All Resource-refs:
    WebApp package name = testdb
    Enter setupPluginInfoInGDS()
    creating ServletPatternTrans entry, url= /testdb
    webapp ContextRoot= null
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    [01/Nov/2001 16:00:04:5] info: GDS-007: finished a registry load
    --- now put Web-app component descrptor into GDS
    webAppName = testdb
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    getClassDefGDSKeyByGuid: name to match=
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    getServletGDSKeyByGuid: return key: com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@540408
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    getClassImpGDSKeyByGuid: name to match=
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    Now do some verification step and regenrate the web-app.xml.out file from
    GDS data
    getWebAppGDSKeyByPackageName: name to match= testdb
    got key to webapp= testdb
    enter WebAppCompGDSUtil.getDescriptorFromGDSByKey()
    About to process the <servlet-mapping> element
    GDSvalue name= /System/StaticServlet
    GDSvalue val= StaticServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue name= /System/JSPRunner
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunner
    GDSvalue name= /System/FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue val= SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue name= /fortune/fortune
    GDSvalue val= FortuneServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/StaticServlet
    GDSvalue val= StaticServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue name= /web/JSPRunner
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunner
    GDSvalue name= /web/FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue val= SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue name= /web/AdderAlias
    GDSvalue val= AdderServlet
    GDSvalue name= /testdb/testdb
    GDSvalue val= testdb
    getServletMappingFromGDS: url= /testdb, servlet= testdb
    About to process the context-param
    [01/Nov/2001 16:00:06:7] info: GDS-007: finished a registry load
    About to process the mime-mapping
    About to process the servlets
    GDSvalue name= testdb
    GDSvalue val= {eea893d3-d646-4f8e-8c6d-6f92a8563c46}
    GDSvalue name= testdb.jsp
    GDSvalue val= {eea893d3-d646-4f8e-8c6d-6f92a8563c46}
    The returned hashtable for servlets have: 2 entries
    About to process the servlet name= testdb.jsp
    About to process the servlet name= testdb
    About to process the tld
    The returned vector for taglib have: 0 entries
    Finished getting a wd from gd s!!!
    Now ready to write out WebApp xml file
    descriptorToXml: about to get all servlets
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 2
    DescriptorManager.getServletByGuidStr, ctx=
    Enter getServletFromGDS
    getClassDefGDSKeyByGuid: name to match=
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    getServletGDSKeyByGuid: return key: com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@76c74b
    load-on-startup value from GDS= 0
    number-of-singles value from GDS= 10
    DescriptorManager.getServletByGuidStr, ctx=
    write Xml to output file: web.xml.out
    Finished writing out j2ee xml file
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 2
    write Xml to output file: ias-web.xml.out
    Finished writing out IAS xml file
    Extracting JSPs from testdb.xml to /opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/
    Processing input WAR 1
    Processing input WARi 21 testdb.xml
    Encountered exception java.util.zip.ZipException processing input file testd

    What is the version of app server on HP UX ? How did you deploy on the app
    server in HP UX using command line deployment or GUI tool ? Where are these
    errors shooting from, are these coming at the time of deployment or thrown at
    runtime ? What is the application type that you are trying to deploy ?, if
    possible send me the kxs and kjs log files please.
    lu yanqiang wrote:
    My application work fine in iAS SP3 for Win2000, but when I deployed it to
    HP-UX 11.0, It can not regist the application in HP-UX.
    can any onr help me, thanks
    Lu yanqiang
    the error message is:
    HotSpot VM warning: Setting of property "java.compiler" is ignored
    creating engine class space...
    loading jx2util...
    loading jx2util...done
    Connected to LDAP server on websvr.sh-catcher.com port 389
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoaderNonVersionable: EngineClassLoader
    constructer called
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoaderNonVersionable: ! NVCL CREATED at:
    ECS initializing engine class loader instance.
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: EngineClassLoader constructer called
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_Base
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_Base
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_Root
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_Root
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_Current
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_Current
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_CurrentEngine
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_CurrentEngine
    context= com.kivasoft.context.Context@6ee36c
    resolve property: GX.path.class GX_CLASSPATH SYSTEM_JAVA null
    resolve value: /opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS
    resolve property: GX.path.class.core GX_CLASSPATH_CORE SYSTEM_JAVA
    resolve value:
    resolve property: GX.versionable GX_VERSIONABLE SYSTEM_JAVA
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: com.kivasoft.engine.IVersionable
    resolve property: GX.all.versionable GX_ALL_VERSIONABLE SYSTEM_JAVA 0
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: 0
    resolve property: GX.taskmanager.period GX_TASKMANAGER_PERIOD SYSTEM_JAVA 10
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: 10
    resolve property: GX.versionable.if.extends GX_VERSIONABLE_IF_EXTENDS
    SYSTEM_JAVA javax.servlet.GenericServlet;javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: javax.servlet.GenericServlet;javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
    resolve property: GX.versionable.if.implements GX_VERSIONABLE_IF_IMPLEMENTS
    SYSTEM_JAVA javax.servlet.Servlet
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: javax.servlet.Servlet
    class_dir 4 AppPath: /opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/compiled_jsp
    loading component...{7ee76a00-a999-11d1-a16f-006097594151}
    getting threadLocal obj
    loading component...{91f29740-16e1-11cf-96c8-0020afed9a65}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.thread.ModuleThread appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.thread.ModuleThread loaded by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IModuleThread
    loading component...{91f29620-16e1-11cf-96c8-0020afed9a65}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.bind.BinderJ
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.bind.BinderJ
    loaded by primordial CL
    loading component...{ed049d80-b936-1548-e481-080020721767}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EJBBinder
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EJBBinder
    loaded by primordial CL
    EJBBinder: binder is GOOD..
    EJBBinder: context set obj for IID_IGXEBBinder
    loading component...{a84f0507-a912-11cf-aa6c-524153480000}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.gds.GDSModule
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.gds.GDSModule
    loaded by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IGDSModule
    loading component...{c70f2c00-abeb-11d0-b4e5-00a024e006be}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase
    loaded by primordial CL
    loading component...{c70f2d00-abeb-11d0-b4e5-00a024e006be}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase from
    PCL cache
    loading component...{c70f1a00-abeb-11d0-b4e5-00a024e006be}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.principal.PrincipalModule appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.principal.PrincipalModule loaded by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IPrincipalModule
    loading component...{35069f7a-0a09-1406-8f1a-0800208055c0}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase from
    PCL cache
    loading component...{e7d37500-23bf-11d1-b6c2-0060082beecf}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase from
    PCL cache
    loading component...{e7d37540-23bf-11d1-b6c2-0060082beecf}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase from
    PCL cache
    loading component...{be5cfde0-cd9e-11d1-94aa-0060083a5082}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EBModule
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader to load
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EBModule loaded
    by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IEBModule
    The current input file= testdb.xml
    About to start xml -> descriptor conversion process
    xmlToDescriptor- file name=testdb.xml
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.2//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application Client 1.2//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/application-client_1_2.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/ejb-jar_1_1.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS J2EE Application Client
    1.0//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Web Application 1.0//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASWebApp_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Enterprise JavaBeans 1.0//EN
    to uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASEjb_jar_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Persistence Manager 1.0//EN to
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Datasource 1.0//EN to uri=
    servlet name = testdb
    !!! parseWebAppFromDOM() just put in setServlet name = testdb
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.2//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application Client 1.2//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/application-client_1_2.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/ejb-jar_1_1.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS J2EE Application Client
    1.0//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Web Application 1.0//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASWebApp_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Enterprise JavaBeans 1.0//EN
    to uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASEjb_jar_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Persistence Manager 1.0//EN to
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Datasource 1.0//EN to uri=
    !!! handleIASServlet(): Get servlet name= testdb
    AppComponentDescriptor: com.netscape.server.deployment.WebAppDescriptor
    All EnvEntries name:
    All Ejb-refs:
    All Resource-refs:
    WebApp package name = testdb
    Enter setupPluginInfoInGDS()
    creating ServletPatternTrans entry, url= /testdb
    webapp ContextRoot= null
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    [01/Nov/2001 16:00:04:5] info: GDS-007: finished a registry load
    --- now put Web-app component descrptor into GDS
    webAppName = testdb
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    getClassDefGDSKeyByGuid: name to match=
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    getServletGDSKeyByGuid: return key: com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@540408
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    getClassImpGDSKeyByGuid: name to match=
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    Now do some verification step and regenrate the web-app.xml.out file from
    GDS data
    getWebAppGDSKeyByPackageName: name to match= testdb
    got key to webapp= testdb
    enter WebAppCompGDSUtil.getDescriptorFromGDSByKey()
    About to process the <servlet-mapping> element
    GDSvalue name= /System/StaticServlet
    GDSvalue val= StaticServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue name= /System/JSPRunner
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunner
    GDSvalue name= /System/FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue val= SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue name= /fortune/fortune
    GDSvalue val= FortuneServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/StaticServlet
    GDSvalue val= StaticServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue name= /web/JSPRunner
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunner
    GDSvalue name= /web/FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue val= SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue name= /web/AdderAlias
    GDSvalue val= AdderServlet
    GDSvalue name= /testdb/testdb
    GDSvalue val= testdb
    getServletMappingFromGDS: url= /testdb, servlet= testdb
    About to process the context-param
    [01/Nov/2001 16:00:06:7] info: GDS-007: finished a registry load
    About to process the mime-mapping
    About to process the servlets
    GDSvalue name= testdb
    GDSvalue val= {eea893d3-d646-4f8e-8c6d-6f92a8563c46}
    GDSvalue name= testdb.jsp
    GDSvalue val= {eea893d3-d646-4f8e-8c6d-6f92a8563c46}
    The returned hashtable for servlets have: 2 entries
    About to process the servlet name= testdb.jsp
    About to process the servlet name= testdb
    About to process the tld
    The returned vector for taglib have: 0 entries
    Finished getting a wd from gd s!!!
    Now ready to write out WebApp xml file
    descriptorToXml: about to get all servlets
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 2
    DescriptorManager.getServletByGuidStr, ctx=
    Enter getServletFromGDS
    getClassDefGDSKeyByGuid: name to match=
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    getServletGDSKeyByGuid: return key: com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@76c74b
    load-on-startup value from GDS= 0
    number-of-singles value from GDS= 10
    DescriptorManager.getServletByGuidStr, ctx=
    write Xml to output file: web.xml.out
    Finished writing out j2ee xml file
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 2
    write Xml to output file: ias-web.xml.out
    Finished writing out IAS xml file
    Extracting JSPs from testdb.xml to /opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/
    Processing input WAR 1
    Processing input WARi 21 testdb.xml
    Encountered exception java.util.zip.ZipException processing input file testd

  • I can not register this product with the code supplied? [was:Photoshop]

    I can not register this product with the code supplied?

    Welcome to the forum.
    Along with Trevor's important questions, I have a few more, please:
    Did you buy Ps directly from Adobe (the Adobe Store), or from a certified reseller, such as directly from Amazon?
    Did you buy Ps with physical media, or as a download?
    If the former, did you get the S/N from the envelope that the media came in?
    If the latter, did you get the S/N directly via e-mail from Adobe?
    Do you get any error messages?
    If so, what is the exact text of each one?
    When you say "register," do you mean Activation, or actually registering with Adobe?
    Good luck,

  • Can not register a new machine with Updatemanager

    I just install a new machine with Solaris 10 using a Flash image and Live Upgrade. The original machine from we create the Flash image was registered succesfull using Update Manager.
    Now, when I try to register the new machine, the applications ask me the user and password, but do not makes anything. The dialog freeze. The only way to stop the Update Manager is killing them (at the end is the full java error stack).
    I try with sconadm,
    sconadm register -a -r /var/tmp/registration.profile
    Unsuccessfull too, with the same stack error (Caused by: javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException: ).
    I'm bored with the Solaris patch system: all the weekend was saying error 500 for all my other registered machines, and now I can not register a new machine....
    This system fails all the time.. Is runing under W2K3 server???
    Any Idea?
    Thanks in advance.
    P.S: Error stack output:
    Exception occurred during event dispatching:
            at $Proxy1.getInstanceName(Unknown Source)
            at com.sun.scn.client.SCNClientSession.login(SCNClientSession.java:371)
            at com.sun.cns.basicreg.cacao.ClientLoginCacaoAdapter.loginAccount(ClientLoginCacaoAdapter.java:209)
            at com.sun.cns.basicreg.wizard.cli.CmdLineWizard.outCall(CmdLineWizard.java:1109)
            at com.sun.cns.basicreg.wizard.cli.CmdLineWizard.output(CmdLineWizard.java:773)
            at com.sun.cns.basicreg.wizard.swing.WizardPanel.isNavigationAllowed(WizardPanel.java:1337)
            at com.sun.cns.basicreg.wizard.swing.WizardDialog.okByNavigationListener(WizardDialog.java:583)
            at com.sun.cns.basicreg.wizard.swing.WizardDialog.access$100(WizardDialog.java:64)
            at com.sun.cns.basicreg.wizard.swing.WizardDialog$NextButtonActionListener.actionPerformed(WizardDialog.java:404)
            at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:1849)
            at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:2169)
            at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(DefaultButtonModel.java:420)
            at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(DefaultButtonModel.java:258)
            at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(BasicButtonListener.java:236)
            at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Component.java:5517)
            at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(JComponent.java:3135)
            at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Component.java:5282)
            at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Container.java:1966)
            at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Component.java:3984)
            at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:2024)
            at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:3819)
            at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Container.java:4212)
            at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Container.java:3892)
            at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Container.java:3822)
            at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:2010)
            at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Window.java:1791)
            at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:3819)
            at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:463)
            at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:242)
            at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:163)
            at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:153)
            at java.awt.Dialog$1.run(Dialog.java:535)
            at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(InvocationEvent.java:209)
            at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:461)
            at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:242)
            at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:163)
            at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:157)
            at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:149)
            at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:110)
    Caused by: javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException: com.sun.scn:name=SCNBaseServiceFactory,assetSubProfile=Factory,host=alcaudon.tsc.uc3m.es,assetProfile=Factory,scnType=ServiceFactory,Vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.getMBean(DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.java:1010)
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.getClassLoaderFor(DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.java:1349)
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.getClassLoaderFor(JmxMBeanServer.java:1300)
            at com.sun.jdmk.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.getClassLoaderFor(DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.java:285)
            at com.sun.cacao.agent.DispatchInterceptor.getClassLoaderFor(DispatchInterceptor.java:548)
            at com.sun.cacao.agent.auth.impl.AccessControlInterceptor.getClassLoaderFor(AccessControlInterceptor.java:427)
            at com.sun.jdmk.JdmkMBeanServerImpl.getClassLoaderFor(JdmkMBeanServerImpl.java:1130)
            at com.sun.cacao.common.instrum.impl.InstrumDefaultForwarder.getClassLoaderFor(InstrumDefaultForwarder.java:153)
            at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl$4.run(RMIConnectionImpl.java:1308)
            at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
            at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl.getClassLoaderFor(RMIConnectionImpl.java:1305)
            at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl.invoke(RMIConnectionImpl.java:768)
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
            at sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef.dispatch(UnicastServerRef.java:294)
            at sun.rmi.transport.Transport$1.run(Transport.java:153)
            at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
            at sun.rmi.transport.Transport.serviceCall(Transport.java:149)
            at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport.handleMessages(TCPTransport.java:466)
            at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$ConnectionHandler.run(TCPTransport.java:707)
            at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
            at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.exceptionReceivedFromServer(StreamRemoteCall.java:247)
            at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.executeCall(StreamRemoteCall.java:223)
            at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.invoke(UnicastRef.java:126)
            at com.sun.jmx.remote.internal.PRef.invoke(Unknown Source)
            at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.invoke(Unknown Source)
            at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnector$RemoteMBeanServerConnection.invoke(RMIConnector.java:972)
            at javax.management.MBeanServerInvocationHandler.invoke(MBeanServerInvocationHandler.java:201)
            ... 39 more

    The problem was a Memory problem: The swap file was misconfigured. Once the system reboots with the correct swap configuration I was able to register the machine.
    Anyway, the problem to connect with SunSolve is continous, but it is other point of discussion.
    I hope this solution can help people with similar problems.

  • Re: help: can not regist application in HP-UX 11.0

    this the test.xml and ias-test.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application
    2.2//EN' 'http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-app_2_2.dtd'>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE ias-web-app PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Web
    Application 1.0//EN'
    Lu yanqiang
    "Raj" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    The problem I anticipate is Windows 2000 has app server SP3 and youare
    trying to deploy the same app logic to HP Unix which is having app serverSP1.
    So this could be problem, that's precisely the reason why I would like tolook
    into the coding.
    lu yanqiang wrote:
    Hi, thanks for you help:
    I'm sure that my application and the xml file is right,because I runit
    Windows OK, but when I wang to register it in HP-UX 11.0, I use the
    command "webappreg test.xml" to regist my application, this commandresponse
    me these error messages:
    HotSpot VM warning: Setting of property "java.compiler" is ignored
    creating engine class space...
    loading jx2util...
    loading jx2util...done
    Connected to LDAP server on websvr.sh-catcher.com port 389
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoaderNonVersionable: EngineClassLoader
    constructer called
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoaderNonVersionable: ! NVCL CREATED at:
    ECS initializing engine class loader instance.
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: EngineClassLoader constructercalled
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_Base
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_Base
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_Root
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_Root
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_Current
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_Current
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_CurrentEngine
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_CurrentEngine
    context= com.kivasoft.context.Context@6ee36c
    resolve property: GX.path.class GX_CLASSPATH SYSTEM_JAVA null
    resolve value: /opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS
    resolve property: GX.path.class.core GX_CLASSPATH_CORE SYSTEM_JAVA
    resolve value:
    resolve property: GX.versionable GX_VERSIONABLE SYSTEM_JAVA
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: com.kivasoft.engine.IVersionable
    resolve property: GX.all.versionable GX_ALL_VERSIONABLE SYSTEM_JAVA 0
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: 0
    resolve property: GX.taskmanager.period GX_TASKMANAGER_PERIODSYSTEM_JAVA 10
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: 10
    resolve property: GX.versionable.if.extends GX_VERSIONABLE_IF_EXTENDS
    SYSTEM_JAVA javax.servlet.GenericServlet;javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
    property not in GDS
    resolve value:javax.servlet.GenericServlet;javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
    resolve property: GX.versionable.if.implementsGX_VERSIONABLE_IF_IMPLEMENTS
    SYSTEM_JAVA javax.servlet.Servlet
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: javax.servlet.Servlet
    class_dir 4 AppPath: /opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/compiled_jsp
    loading component...{7ee76a00-a999-11d1-a16f-006097594151}
    getting threadLocal obj
    loading component...{91f29740-16e1-11cf-96c8-0020afed9a65}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.thread.ModuleThread appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader toload
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.thread.ModuleThread loaded by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IModuleThread
    loading component...{91f29620-16e1-11cf-96c8-0020afed9a65}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.bind.BinderJ
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader toload
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.bind.BinderJ
    loaded by primordial CL
    loading component...{ed049d80-b936-1548-e481-080020721767}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EJBBinder
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader toload
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EJBBinder
    loaded by primordial CL
    EJBBinder: binder is GOOD..
    EJBBinder: context set obj for IID_IGXEBBinder
    loading component...{a84f0507-a912-11cf-aa6c-524153480000}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.gds.GDSModule
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader toload
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.gds.GDSModule
    loaded by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IGDSModule
    loading component...{c70f2c00-abeb-11d0-b4e5-00a024e006be}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Classcom.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader toload
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Classcom.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase
    loaded by primordial CL
    loading component...{c70f2d00-abeb-11d0-b4e5-00a024e006be}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBasefrom
    PCL cache
    loading component...{c70f1a00-abeb-11d0-b4e5-00a024e006be}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.principal.PrincipalModule appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader toload
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.principal.PrincipalModule loaded by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IPrincipalModule
    loading component...{35069f7a-0a09-1406-8f1a-0800208055c0}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBasefrom
    PCL cache
    loading component...{e7d37500-23bf-11d1-b6c2-0060082beecf}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBasefrom
    PCL cache
    loading component...{e7d37540-23bf-11d1-b6c2-0060082beecf}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBasefrom
    PCL cache
    loading component...{be5cfde0-cd9e-11d1-94aa-0060083a5082}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EBModule
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader toload
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EBModuleloaded
    by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IEBModule
    The current input file= testdb.xml
    About to start xml -> descriptor conversion process
    xmlToDescriptor- file name=testdb.xml
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.2//EN touri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application Client1.2//EN to
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN touri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN touri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1//ENto
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/ejb-jar_1_1.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS J2EE Application Client
    1.0//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Web Application 1.0//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASWebApp_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Enterprise JavaBeans1.0//EN
    to uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASEjb_jar_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Persistence Manager1.0//EN to
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Datasource 1.0//EN to uri=
    servlet name = testdb
    !!! parseWebAppFromDOM() just put in setServlet name = testdb
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.2//EN touri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application Client1.2//EN to
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN touri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN touri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1//ENto
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/ejb-jar_1_1.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS J2EE Application Client
    1.0//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Web Application 1.0//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASWebApp_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Enterprise JavaBeans1.0//EN
    to uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASEjb_jar_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Persistence Manager1.0//EN to
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Datasource 1.0//EN to uri=
    !!! handleIASServlet(): Get servlet name= testdb
    AppComponentDescriptor: com.netscape.server.deployment.WebAppDescriptor
    All EnvEntries name:
    All Ejb-refs:
    All Resource-refs:
    WebApp package name = testdb
    Enter setupPluginInfoInGDS()
    creating ServletPatternTrans entry, url= /testdb
    webapp ContextRoot= null
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    [01/Nov/2001 16:00:04:5] info: GDS-007: finished a registry load
    --- now put Web-app component descrptor into GDS
    webAppName = testdb
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    getClassDefGDSKeyByGuid: name to match=
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    getServletGDSKeyByGuid: return key: com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@540408
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    getClassImpGDSKeyByGuid: name to match=
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    Now do some verification step and regenrate the web-app.xml.out filefrom
    GDS data
    getWebAppGDSKeyByPackageName: name to match= testdb
    got key to webapp= testdb
    enter WebAppCompGDSUtil.getDescriptorFromGDSByKey()
    About to process the <servlet-mapping> element
    GDSvalue name= /System/StaticServlet
    GDSvalue val= StaticServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue name= /System/JSPRunner
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunner
    GDSvalue name= /System/FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue val= SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue name= /fortune/fortune
    GDSvalue val= FortuneServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/StaticServlet
    GDSvalue val= StaticServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue name= /web/JSPRunner
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunner
    GDSvalue name= /web/FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue val= SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue name= /web/AdderAlias
    GDSvalue val= AdderServlet
    GDSvalue name= /testdb/testdb
    GDSvalue val= testdb
    getServletMappingFromGDS: url= /testdb, servlet= testdb
    About to process the context-param
    [01/Nov/2001 16:00:06:7] info: GDS-007: finished a registry load
    About to process the mime-mapping
    About to process the servlets
    GDSvalue name= testdb
    GDSvalue val= {eea893d3-d646-4f8e-8c6d-6f92a8563c46}
    GDSvalue name= testdb.jsp
    GDSvalue val= {eea893d3-d646-4f8e-8c6d-6f92a8563c46}
    The returned hashtable for servlets have: 2 entries
    About to process the servlet name= testdb.jsp
    About to process the servlet name= testdb
    About to process the tld
    The returned vector for taglib have: 0 entries
    Finished getting a wd from gd s!!!
    Now ready to write out WebApp xml file
    descriptorToXml: about to get all servlets
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 2
    DescriptorManager.getServletByGuidStr, ctx=
    Enter getServletFromGDS
    getClassDefGDSKeyByGuid: name to match=
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    getServletGDSKeyByGuid: return key: com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@76c74b
    load-on-startup value from GDS= 0
    number-of-singles value from GDS= 10
    DescriptorManager.getServletByGuidStr, ctx=
    write Xml to output file: web.xml.out
    Finished writing out j2ee xml file
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 2
    write Xml to output file: ias-web.xml.out
    Finished writing out IAS xml file
    Extracting JSPs from testdb.xml to /opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/
    Processing input WAR 1
    Processing input WARi 21 testdb.xml
    Encountered exception java.util.zip.ZipException processing input file
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    At what stage did this error shoot up ? Is it possible for you to
    application for me to check ?
    lu yanqiang wrote:
    I use the iAS 6.0SP1 in HP-UX and I use command to regist
    this error message is response by "webappreg", i use webappreg to
    application,and i registed it success in windows.
    Lu yanqiang
    "Raj" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    What is the version of app server on HP UX ? How did you
    deploy on
    server in HP UX using command line deployment or GUI tool ? Where
    errors shooting from, are these coming at the time of deployment
    runtime ? What is the application type that you are trying to
    ?, if
    possible send me the kxs and kjs log files please.
    lu yanqiang wrote:
    My application work fine in iAS SP3 for Win2000, but when I
    HP-UX 11.0, It can not regist the application in HP-UX.
    can any onr help me, thanks
    Lu yanqiang

    this the test.xml and ias-test.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application
    2.2//EN' 'http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-app_2_2.dtd'>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE ias-web-app PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Web
    Application 1.0//EN'
    Lu yanqiang
    "Raj" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    The problem I anticipate is Windows 2000 has app server SP3 and youare
    trying to deploy the same app logic to HP Unix which is having app serverSP1.
    So this could be problem, that's precisely the reason why I would like tolook
    into the coding.
    lu yanqiang wrote:
    Hi, thanks for you help:
    I'm sure that my application and the xml file is right,because I runit
    Windows OK, but when I wang to register it in HP-UX 11.0, I use the
    command "webappreg test.xml" to regist my application, this commandresponse
    me these error messages:
    HotSpot VM warning: Setting of property "java.compiler" is ignored
    creating engine class space...
    loading jx2util...
    loading jx2util...done
    Connected to LDAP server on websvr.sh-catcher.com port 389
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoaderNonVersionable: EngineClassLoader
    constructer called
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoaderNonVersionable: ! NVCL CREATED at:
    ECS initializing engine class loader instance.
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: EngineClassLoader constructercalled
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_Base
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_Base
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_Root
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_Root
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_Current
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_Current
    initGDSKey: GDSKey_CurrentEngine
    initGDSKey- just put : com.kivasoft.IGDSKey_CurrentEngine
    context= com.kivasoft.context.Context@6ee36c
    resolve property: GX.path.class GX_CLASSPATH SYSTEM_JAVA null
    resolve value: /opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS
    resolve property: GX.path.class.core GX_CLASSPATH_CORE SYSTEM_JAVA
    resolve value:
    resolve property: GX.versionable GX_VERSIONABLE SYSTEM_JAVA
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: com.kivasoft.engine.IVersionable
    resolve property: GX.all.versionable GX_ALL_VERSIONABLE SYSTEM_JAVA 0
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: 0
    resolve property: GX.taskmanager.period GX_TASKMANAGER_PERIODSYSTEM_JAVA 10
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: 10
    resolve property: GX.versionable.if.extends GX_VERSIONABLE_IF_EXTENDS
    SYSTEM_JAVA javax.servlet.GenericServlet;javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
    property not in GDS
    resolve value:javax.servlet.GenericServlet;javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
    resolve property: GX.versionable.if.implementsGX_VERSIONABLE_IF_IMPLEMENTS
    SYSTEM_JAVA javax.servlet.Servlet
    property not in GDS
    resolve value: javax.servlet.Servlet
    class_dir 4 AppPath: /opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/compiled_jsp
    loading component...{7ee76a00-a999-11d1-a16f-006097594151}
    getting threadLocal obj
    loading component...{91f29740-16e1-11cf-96c8-0020afed9a65}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.thread.ModuleThread appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader toload
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.thread.ModuleThread loaded by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IModuleThread
    loading component...{91f29620-16e1-11cf-96c8-0020afed9a65}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.bind.BinderJ
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader toload
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.bind.BinderJ
    loaded by primordial CL
    loading component...{ed049d80-b936-1548-e481-080020721767}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EJBBinder
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader toload
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EJBBinder
    loaded by primordial CL
    EJBBinder: binder is GOOD..
    EJBBinder: context set obj for IID_IGXEBBinder
    loading component...{a84f0507-a912-11cf-aa6c-524153480000}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.gds.GDSModule
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader toload
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.gds.GDSModule
    loaded by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IGDSModule
    loading component...{c70f2c00-abeb-11d0-b4e5-00a024e006be}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Classcom.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader toload
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Classcom.kivasoft.bind.BinderBase
    loaded by primordial CL
    loading component...{c70f2d00-abeb-11d0-b4e5-00a024e006be}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBasefrom
    PCL cache
    loading component...{c70f1a00-abeb-11d0-b4e5-00a024e006be}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.principal.PrincipalModule appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader toload
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class
    com.kivasoft.principal.PrincipalModule loaded by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IPrincipalModule
    loading component...{35069f7a-0a09-1406-8f1a-0800208055c0}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBasefrom
    PCL cache
    loading component...{e7d37500-23bf-11d1-b6c2-0060082beecf}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBasefrom
    PCL cache
    loading component...{e7d37540-23bf-11d1-b6c2-0060082beecf}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Got com.kivasoft.bind.BinderBasefrom
    PCL cache
    loading component...{be5cfde0-cd9e-11d1-94aa-0060083a5082}
    getting threadLocal obj
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Enter ECL loadClass:
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EBModule
    appears to be a core class
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Using primordial classloader toload
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Entering
    com.kivasoft.engine.EngineClassLoader: Class com.kivasoft.eb.EBModuleloaded
    by primordial CL
    registered module... com.kivasoft.IEBModule
    The current input file= testdb.xml
    About to start xml -> descriptor conversion process
    xmlToDescriptor- file name=testdb.xml
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.2//EN touri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application Client1.2//EN to
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN touri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN touri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1//ENto
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/ejb-jar_1_1.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS J2EE Application Client
    1.0//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Web Application 1.0//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASWebApp_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Enterprise JavaBeans1.0//EN
    to uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASEjb_jar_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Persistence Manager1.0//EN to
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Datasource 1.0//EN to uri=
    servlet name = testdb
    !!! parseWebAppFromDOM() just put in setServlet name = testdb
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.2//EN touri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application Client1.2//EN to
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN touri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN touri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1//ENto
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/ejb-jar_1_1.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS J2EE Application Client
    1.0//EN to uri=
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Web Application 1.0//EN to
    uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASWebApp_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Enterprise JavaBeans1.0//EN
    to uri= file://localhost/opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/IASEjb_jar_1_0.dtd
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Persistence Manager1.0//EN to
    Set PubId= -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS Datasource 1.0//EN to uri=
    !!! handleIASServlet(): Get servlet name= testdb
    AppComponentDescriptor: com.netscape.server.deployment.WebAppDescriptor
    All EnvEntries name:
    All Ejb-refs:
    All Resource-refs:
    WebApp package name = testdb
    Enter setupPluginInfoInGDS()
    creating ServletPatternTrans entry, url= /testdb
    webapp ContextRoot= null
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    [01/Nov/2001 16:00:04:5] info: GDS-007: finished a registry load
    --- now put Web-app component descrptor into GDS
    webAppName = testdb
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 0
    getClassDefGDSKeyByGuid: name to match=
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    getServletGDSKeyByGuid: return key: com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@540408
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    getClassImpGDSKeyByGuid: name to match=
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    Now do some verification step and regenrate the web-app.xml.out filefrom
    GDS data
    getWebAppGDSKeyByPackageName: name to match= testdb
    got key to webapp= testdb
    enter WebAppCompGDSUtil.getDescriptorFromGDSByKey()
    About to process the <servlet-mapping> element
    GDSvalue name= /System/StaticServlet
    GDSvalue val= StaticServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue name= /System/JSPRunner
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunner
    GDSvalue name= /System/FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /System/SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue val= SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue name= /fortune/fortune
    GDSvalue val= FortuneServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/StaticServlet
    GDSvalue val= StaticServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunnerSticky
    GDSvalue name= /web/JSPRunner
    GDSvalue val= JSPRunner
    GDSvalue name= /web/FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= FormAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= BasicAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue val= CertAuthServlet
    GDSvalue name= /web/SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue val= SessionInvalidator
    GDSvalue name= /web/AdderAlias
    GDSvalue val= AdderServlet
    GDSvalue name= /testdb/testdb
    GDSvalue val= testdb
    getServletMappingFromGDS: url= /testdb, servlet= testdb
    About to process the context-param
    [01/Nov/2001 16:00:06:7] info: GDS-007: finished a registry load
    About to process the mime-mapping
    About to process the servlets
    GDSvalue name= testdb
    GDSvalue val= {eea893d3-d646-4f8e-8c6d-6f92a8563c46}
    GDSvalue name= testdb.jsp
    GDSvalue val= {eea893d3-d646-4f8e-8c6d-6f92a8563c46}
    The returned hashtable for servlets have: 2 entries
    About to process the servlet name= testdb.jsp
    About to process the servlet name= testdb
    About to process the tld
    The returned vector for taglib have: 0 entries
    Finished getting a wd from gd s!!!
    Now ready to write out WebApp xml file
    descriptorToXml: about to get all servlets
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 2
    DescriptorManager.getServletByGuidStr, ctx=
    Enter getServletFromGDS
    getClassDefGDSKeyByGuid: name to match=
    BaseKey= com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@41cd1f
    getServletGDSKeyByGuid: return key: com.kivasoft.gds.GDSKey@76c74b
    load-on-startup value from GDS= 0
    number-of-singles value from GDS= 10
    DescriptorManager.getServletByGuidStr, ctx=
    write Xml to output file: web.xml.out
    Finished writing out j2ee xml file
    Enter getAllServlets,registeredServletNames.size= 2
    write Xml to output file: ias-web.xml.out
    Finished writing out IAS xml file
    Extracting JSPs from testdb.xml to /opt/iplanet/ias6/ias/APPS/
    Processing input WAR 1
    Processing input WARi 21 testdb.xml
    Encountered exception java.util.zip.ZipException processing input file
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    At what stage did this error shoot up ? Is it possible for you to
    application for me to check ?
    lu yanqiang wrote:
    I use the iAS 6.0SP1 in HP-UX and I use command to regist
    this error message is response by "webappreg", i use webappreg to
    application,and i registed it success in windows.
    Lu yanqiang
    "Raj" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    What is the version of app server on HP UX ? How did you
    deploy on
    server in HP UX using command line deployment or GUI tool ? Where
    errors shooting from, are these coming at the time of deployment
    runtime ? What is the application type that you are trying to
    ?, if
    possible send me the kxs and kjs log files please.
    lu yanqiang wrote:
    My application work fine in iAS SP3 for Win2000, but when I
    HP-UX 11.0, It can not regist the application in HP-UX.
    can any onr help me, thanks
    Lu yanqiang

  • Can not register my iPhone 4S under my APPLE ID

    Can not register my iPhone 4S under my APPLE ID
    ccording to our records, this serial number is registered to another Apple ID. If you have" more than one Apple ID, log in to My Support Profile with that Apple ID to see your other registered products. Not sure if you have another Apple ID? Find out."

    Contact iTunes support & ask:

  • I can not register my Photoshop CS6 license

    I can not register my Photoshop CS6 license , formatted my computer and now is giving error to register the license saying that is not valid , does anyone know how can I check this issue?

    Find your serial number quickly

  • I've forgotten my questions confidentiality,but I can not be rest or via email due tomi sin the run way email has noticed that heen dsb hotmil and not hotmail

    I've forgotten my questions confidentiality,but I can not be rest or via email due tomi sin the run way email has noticed that heen dsb hotmil and not hotmail

    I've forgotten my questions confidentiality,but I can not be rest or via email due tomi sin the run way email has noticed that heen dsb hotmil and not hotmail

  • I have adobe id and a trail version of lightroom. my trail is finished. i can not use it anymore but i also can not download again lightroom via my creative cloud because i did already. so now i can not download and i can not use it

    have adobe id and a trail version of lightroom. my trail is finished. i can not use it anymore but i also can not download again lightroom via my creative cloud because i did already. so now i can not download and i can not use it

    Try: Convert Creative Suite 6 applications to Creative Cloud membership

  • Redirect to ISE self-provisionging portal can not register

    May I have know , does any body have exeprience , likes device can not register ?

    Please refer to the below similiar discussion

  • Can not access home network via ipod touch, password entered  not accepted

    Can not access home network via ipod touch, password entered not accepted
    Trying to help my son set up his ipod touch to connect to the network and the password I entered is not accepted.
    1. Which password is required? I entered the password I use for logging into my router
    2. The home network is recognized, when selected it requires a password to be entered, but I am just not sure what password it is looking for to connect.
    I have not been able to find any information on this subject

    jersey0904, Welcome to the discussion area!
    You need to enter the wireless encryption password... not the administrative password for the router.

  • Nokia 6650 can not send and recieve via infrared/b...

    hello to all members here in nokia and also faculty and staff in nokia.
    I'm dennis bendicio from the philippines, I have my nokia 6650 and my brother gave this to me and this unit he brought this in dubhai and i want to download a file and also upload file to my pc but i can not do the thing. is there any idea why my phone can not reacieve a file via bluetooth or even using infrared also? thanks for helping me for this.. have a nice day..

    the Nokia 6650 has no Infrared, but Bluetooth. You need to switch this feature on (off by default as it consumes some extra power) and then you can move files if you have a BT enabled PC. You need to pair first.
    If you want to have it easier, try the Nokia data suite (free on Nokia web) via BT or USB cable, that supports the recognition and file transport as well.
    That should work.

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    The wifi is on both 2.4G and 5G with the same SSID.
    iMac A is working on 2.4GHz, iMac B is working on 5GHz.
    So they can not see each other via airdrop, meanwhile they can see each other  in the left panel of Finder.app
    Is it a known issue of AirDrop?

    Hi Kirby Zhou,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    It sounds like you would like to utilize file sharing between computers, not necessarily AirDrop. Please refer to the attached article for information on the file sharing process. If this is not what you are looking for, please let me know. 
    Share your files with other Mac users - Mac Help
    Best regards,

  • I can not register my iPad in my support profile! Can any one help?

    I can not register my iPad in my support profile! Can any one help?

    it says the ipad is registered to another Apple ID!

  • Can  not register with verizon

    I have a new verizon wireless internet service. I can not register to view my bill because I need a cell phone number and I do not have a verizon cell phone. How can I pay my bill? I have emailed verizon about this problem and never received a reply, so don't know what to do now, I sure don't want my bill to be late. Thanks for any help you can give me.

    Hi my name is Leslie. Broadband cards come with a 10 digit mobile number it is located on bill or on receipt when account opened. To complete registration will need to have device plugged in and your VZ Access Manager up. If you are using windows there is a "TXT" option to click on to receive temporary password. When you have 10 digit mobile number click on Forgot password on sign in page on www.vzw.com . Next page will ask for 10 digit mobile number, then will request for you to send temporary password.

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