I can't save emails using "Save As" in Microsoft Office 2011

I just installed Office 2011 and I'm trying to save emails in my docs.  in Entourage, I would open the email, click FILE / SAVE AS and the email would save as a doc under the file / folder I noted.  I'm unable to use "Save As" in Office 2011 for saving an emial becasue it is shadowed and not an option.  Any thoughts?

Great.  As a note, if you really need CMYK work in RGB and convert as last step.  Be aware there is no exact color transfer process.  Very few print shops require CMYK now.

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    Complete guide to using iOS 6
    Guide to Built-In Apps on iOS
    https://sites.google.com/site/appleclubfhs/support/advice-and-articles/guide-to- built-in-apps-ios
    You can download a complete iOS 5 iPad User Guide and iOS 6 iPad User Guide here: http://support.apple.com/manuals/ipad/
    Also, Good Instructions http://www.tcgeeks.com/how-to-use-ipad-2/
    Apple - iPad - Guided Tours
    Apple iPad Guided Tours - Watch the videos see all the amazing iPad apps in action. Learn how to use FaceTime, Mail, Safari, Videos, Maps, iBooks, App Store, and more.
    How to - Articles & User Guides & Tutorials
    iPad How-Tos  http://ipod.about.com/lr/ipad_how-tos/903396/1/
    You can download this guide to your iPad.
    iPad User Guide for iOS 5
     Cheers, Tom

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    I can't even begin to guess what your needs are. I'm sure my needs are significantly different. Look at the features, read the reviews, and decide.
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    You have two choices if you want to use Office:
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    Just an FYI here Allan, and clinton.
    Version 4.0 or newer of Libre Office can open and edit Publisher files, this is fairly new, you may not have noticed it yet,
    I tested it last week for another OP, it works very well, so finally there is a Mac application that can replace Publisher.
    Here's a link to the post.
    VikingOSX deserves the credit for finding it.

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    Unless you install Windows on another partition using Bootcamp, or else install it in a virtual program like VMware Fusion or Parallels,  you will need to purchase Office For Mac 2011.

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    Pages is available for MAC OSX and iOS, it doesn't run on windows at all. You can, however, use the iCloud version from within your browser (www.icloud.com, assuming you have set up an iCloud account).
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    As per the information and details provided by you, to get Outlook email indexed by spotlight after reinstalling Office 2011, please follow these steps: -
    Outlook provides a custom importer to Spotlight to index email. It is typically found in:
    "/Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Outlook.app/Contents/Library/Spotlight/Microsoft Outlook.mdimporter",
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    tab of Spotlight System Settings, and then removing it again. After spotlight reported the indexing was complete (via the Spotlight dropdown in the upper right) the email was all indexed again.
    I hope this information will be helpful for you.
    Thanks and regards

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    Microsoft Word [1380]
    /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Word.app/Contents/MacOS/Microsoft Word
    14.3.9 (14.3.9)
    Build Info: 
    Code Type:  
    X86 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [152]
    Microsoft Word [1380]
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    I need to get hold of my Word and Powerpoint Documents ASAP.

    Build Info:
    This indicates you had a bad install. You need to completely remove Office and reinstall using your new CD Key. See instructions here. Do not do the simple remove, Use the COMPLETELY REMOVE ALL FILES steps.
    so I purchased a new Mincrosoft Office 2011 Student/Home Pin to install Microsoft Office.
    You don't purchase a PIN. A PIN is generated when you install Office. You need a CD Key. If you bought Office365, you activate online.
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    Unless you used Outlook or Entourage you can delete both Microsoft User Data folders. When you install Office it will create a new one. Only Outlook & Entourage used this folder for data. W,E,P stores it's data in the User's Library/Application Support/Microsoft folder now.
    For help with removing dulicatate fonts installed by Office see:
    Office 2011 Font Management with Mavericks

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    As that's not an Apple product, you may get more help by using Microsoft's Office for Mac forums:
    Office for Mac forums
    The other concern I have is that Office 2011 requires an Intel-based Mac and you posted in the older iMac (pre-Intel or "PPC") forums. If you have an Intel-based iMac (Apple menu > About this Mac..." will say "Intel" if you do) then I think you'll get faster and more accurate ansers to other questiosn in the Apple forums for newer iMacs here:
    iMac (Intel)

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    Office 2008 was a Mac version. The equvalent Win version is 2007. So there is no "Office 2008 Windows." Which version are your trying to install?
    Are you using Boot Camp to run Win on your MBP and want to install Office for Win there? I can't see that being a problem..
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    Office Mac 2011 is equiv to Office for Win 2010
    Office Mac 2008   "    "     " Office for Win 2007
    Office Mac 2004   "    "     " Office for Win 2003

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