I cannot set up a Mail account?

I've spent 6 hours changing the incoming/outgoing server info, I've tried every conceivable address, and still the account will not go "offline." I have followed the Mac mail instructions. I have accessed every possible tutorial online. Please HELP!

What server are you trying to access? It might be that you need to assign a particular port, SSL, etc. Can you post a screen shot of your Account set up? We might be able to help. Most ISP's or web-based servers have specific instructions on how to set up an IMAP or POP account.
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    1. If you haven't tried this already, just delete the user account entirely, and then try setting it up again.
    2. To find the permissions file:
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         b. go to the Go menu in the finder
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    The problem is Google.
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    This site was of no help to you at all? I sent you this link the other night.
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    This indicates corrupt files.
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