I cant play facebook game Cityville

Hola! la verdad es q me encanta jugar al cityville en Facebook pero me descarga solo el 65% y ahi queda. Necesito saber q  Adobe Flash Player es el ultimo para mi Mac. Gracias!

Hola Vale,
El último destello muy compatible con PPC fue, pero si es por como Facebook o algo así, la gente ha estado engañando a FB a pensar que tienen una versión leter instalado.
Truco de Texas Mac del hombre Flash / post ...
Ver en cada navegador que versión de Flash que piensa que tiene ...

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  • Cant play facebook games

    please help, i could not play facebook games
    problems just happen this week
    tried uninstall and install again, check the Active X Filtering
    youtube is fine
    when click into this link: http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/
    seems normal but when i scroll down n up again:
    when i try to play facebook games, go blank at the game area
    and when i scroll up and down, it looks like this:

    I have been working on this issue for over a month now, I've tried everything that I could find on the net. I've uninstalled/installed flash player numerous times. The last fix that worked, for a while anyway was, I checked the box in IE tools/advanced; Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering. That seemed to work for a week but my gameplay progressively got slower over time and now it barely loads. I don't understand how it got worse over time. I used to play these simple FB games without any issues, now they're choppy, slow, and barely load. I have Windows Vista, IE 9, and the newest flash player I've downloaded a registry cleaner and a Malware cleaner, went through all those motions. I've scanned and defragged ; disabled all the add-ons in IE 9. I cleared all the cache's I could find. I can't figure out what the issue is; I used to play these simple games without any issues

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    You are downloading the Flash installer, which I think itself downloads another installer, which may again download something else that has to run. Adobe's installer is one of the worst pieces of software on the PLANET.
    That said, the problem is that you are not actually running the installer and letting it update Flash. Doing so will force you to quit Safari in the process.
    Go look for whatever Adobe downloaded to your Downloads folder and run it.

  • How to play facebook game such as cityville in ipad, because it asking for flash player, but cannot download it for ipad

    How To Play facebook games in iPad Safari?
    Safari is asking for flash player to play it.
    But i can't install it to iPad.
    Or may be i must upgrade the version of safari for iPad?
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    Thanks 4 ur help

    Safari on the iPad does not support Flash and will not for the forseeable future.
    Some of the FaceBook games have their own apps in the App Store that you can download.Some are the full games and some are not. For example "Cityville Hero" tells you when certain things happen in game so you can pop online on a computer and check it there, rather than letting you play it first.
    Checking the App Store is the best place to find a way around using a site that requires a flash player. A lot of sites create apps so you can use them on the iPad/iPhone/iPod touch. And if you find a site that doesn't you can always contact the website creators to see if they have or will create an app for the iOS devices.

  • Why cant I play facebook games?

    why cant I play facebook games?

    It's difficult to guess when you provide no details, but most of the Facebook games are based on Flash. Do you have Flash Player installed? If you do and still are having problems, post full information about the problem and perhaps someone can offer additional suggestions.

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    It's difficult to guess when you provide no details, but most of the Facebook games are based on Flash. Do you have Flash Player installed? If you do and still are having problems, post full information about the problem and perhaps someone can offer additional suggestions.

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    Your Flash Version
    Your browser name
    Internet Explorer
    Your Operating System (OS)
    Windows (Windows 7)
    I cant take a screen shot of the flash player update tab as it wont let me and wont let me copy and paste sorry
    i am using internet explore browser and trying to play facebook games thats where i am facing the issues.

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    > Is there a way that I can change something to make the
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    the Gallery
    > button?
    No. Modern browsers are designed to protect users from that
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    news:gihqrl$gnq$[email protected]..
    > I am using Dreamweaver MX 2004 with Windows XP.
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    the Gallery
    > button?
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    windows 7 is the system
    Internet explorer
    In a message dated 7/14/2013 12:41:31 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, 
    [email protected] writes:
    Re:  Why do have to download adobe flash player every other day, when
    playing  facebook games?
    created by C F McBlob (http://forums.adobe.com/people/CFMcBlob)  in 
    Installing Flash Player - View the full  discussion

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    Adobe Flash Player does not exist for mobile devices - that's why you can't download it.
    Look in the AppStore for mobile versions of the Facebook games you want to play.

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    Try a reset: Simultaneously hold down the Home and On buttons until the device shuts down. Ignore the off slider if it appears. Once shut down is complete, if it doesn't restart on it own, turn the device back on using the On button. In some cases it also helps to double click the Home button and close all apps BEFORE doing the reset.

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    == This happened ==
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    Have you tried this yet?
    1. Click on the Go menu in the menu bar and select the Home menu item.
    2. Open the Library folder.
    3. Open the Preferences folder.
    4. Look for and delete the Preferences file and the Battle.net file if it is there.
    What ports do you have open in the Firewall and Router?
    In order to connect to Battle.net and allow others to connect to you the following ports need to be opened:
    Diablo: TCP and UDP Port 6112
    StarCraft/Brood War: TCP and UDP Port 6112
    Warcraft II: Battle.net Edition: TCP and UDP Port 6112
    Diablo II/Lord of Destruction: TCP Port 6112 and Port 4000.
    Warcraft III: TCP Ports 6112 to 6119, unless you have changed the default in the Options/Gameplay screen for port forwarding.
    Some firewall programs have preset ports available in their configurations that are often necessary to be open. One in particular is a connection to your DNS server. This usually takes place on UDP port 53.

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    Private browsing doesn't store anything on your computer, so it makes difficult to log in a website like Facebook. In other words, you shouldn't be able to play Facebook games while you are on private browsing

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    Did you read any of the other recent threads here before posting? You asked your question on the wrong forum - try one for the Flash Player

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