I detest 4.0 & want to revert to 3.6.17, how do I do that? This version stinks!!! This isn't an upgrade, it is deterioration! I use Ubuntu 10.10 & see no way to install it.

Linux Ubuntu 10.10 desktop machine. I downloaded the tar.gz package but I don't know of a way to install this, The web site given in the readme.txt file is no longer there, I get rerouted to another page, http://getfirefox.com/releases/ Just goes back to your home page which tells me I am up to date & I don't want to be,

I see now, I use 10.04 and so I have different version of Firefox.
But, I have found one simple instruction to downgrade packages in Ubuntu.
May be you could try it: [http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/09/downgrade-package-program-previous-version-ubuntu-10-0410-10-maverick-meerkat/ DowngradeInstruction]
[http://blog.troyastle.com/2011/06/downgrade-to-firefox-36-on-ubuntu-natty.html Here] is another, more complicated instruction for downgrading, you might want to try it as well (if the previous one fails to help you).
Also, try directly downloading Firefox 3.6.18 package for Ubuntu 10.10 (maverick) from [http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/i386/firefox/download here] . Then you should install it with Debian packages installer (gdebi-gtk). Of course, another versions of Firefox (if any) should be previously unistalled.
Complete list of packages for your Ubuntu version can be found [http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/ here] .
And btw, did you upgrade Firefox along with upgrading Ubuntu, or just Firefox?

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