I feel like I just got taken big time!

I just got off the phone with Verizon Customer Service, and I feel like I've been subjected to the big shakedown.  First, some background.  My mom had a cell phone account with two lines, one hers and one mine.  For a number of reasons, we decided to transfer ownership of the account to me, so she called CS and gave verbal consent for that to happen.  After that was done, I had to get on the line and agree to accept responsibility for the account.  No problem so far.  The CS rep and I start talking, and she notices that I just got a Droid Incredible.  We proceed to have a nice conversation about how great the phone is, and the backorder problems, etc.  Then the hammer drops!  She informs me that HTC will not honor the manufacturer warranty on the phone since I am assuming responsibility for the account.  She tells me that my only options are to pay $1.99 a month to buy the extended warranty, or some greater amount of money (7 or 8 dollars a month) for more coverage.  What a rip off!  First of all, nothing about the account changed except the name of the primary owner.  Second, I paid the $150 for the phone and they are now telling me that I will not get the warranty that I am entitled to unless I pay them extra.  Of course, she said that it is HTC's fault, not Verizon.  What a way to treat long time customers!

mdb296 wrote:
How is this Verizon Wireless' fault?  If you read the owner's manual it states that the manufacture's warranty is only valid to the original buyer. If you change the account owner then technically you are not the orignal buyer.  Changing the owner of the account is an option not a requirement and they were just informing you so you could make an educated decision. If you buy a new car then sell it to your mother does she get the manufactures warranty... no.
Apparently, you did not read my post.  I am talking about the phone itself.  I was the original buyer of the phone, so whether the phone service contract is under my name or another family member's name, I feel that I am still entitled to get the manufacturers (HTC) warranty on the phone itself.  The CS rep I talked to said that it was HTC's fault, not theirs, and maybe it is.  But I do fault Verizon for agreeing to conditions with a phone manufacturer that ends up screwing their customers in certain circumstances.  In my opinion, it is not a good business practice and certainly doesn't foster any sense of customer loyalty or satisfaction.

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    Hi Chelsey, I'm sorry to hear that. I feal your pain, as I have been having the same problems and understand the frustration (and the "I feel like I just wasted...").
    Anyhow, there is another thread going on about this same problem, the thread is called "Music stops playing and iPod Touch returns to home screen ". Some people have also suggested there to try a Restore. I haven't tried that, but yesterday I did the following steps and my music playback seems fine now. Probably not all of these steps are necessary, but I was frustrated at the time and just trying lots of stuff. You should probably try just doing the "Restore" from ITunes before doing the steps I describe below--if that works then it's easier.
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    Network extension sounds onimous.. is this wireless extension.. it is super bad for large TM backups..
    Always do the first backup direct by ethernet to the TC even if it has to be in full isolation.
    Stalling at 17kb might be just the wireless having issues. Or it can be a corruption in a file.
    Pondini is our source of all things Time Machine.. and trouble shooting it.
    A1.. install the widget so you have access to the TM logs.. what the heck it is doing.
    A4. if you upgrade installed OS.. do a reset of TM and start over.
    A5 verify the disk.
    C9 watch out for network names that are over long and over complex.. especially with Mavericks. It is hopeless.
    I do recommend using a USB connected drive.. to do a first backup it is often the easy way.
    Much faster and more reliable than over network.

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    Apple's Setup Guide for the Time Capsule is pretty simple and clear for most users, and you don't indicate at what point or step that you are getting stuck.
    So, please go to page 8 in your Setup Guide to review the topic of Plugging In Your AirPort Time Capsule.
    The Sky hub will likely have 4 Ethernet <--> ports on the back of the device. Pick any one that you want and connect one end of the Ethernet cable to the port that you choose.
    Then, connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to the WAN (circle of dots) port as shown in the Setup Guide.
    Continuing with the instructions on page 8 of the Setup Guide, power up the Time Capsule by connecting the power cord from the back of the Time Capsule to a wall AC jack.
    Note that the instructions indicate that the indicator light will be solid amber during startup, and it will change to blinking amber during the setup. The light will remain blinking amber until you have configured the Time Capsule at which time the light will turn green.
    Next, go to page 12 of the Setup Guide to see the information to Use your Mac or iOS device to set up your AirPort Time Capsule.
    You indicated in your tag line that you were using OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3), and since that will exceed the minimum requirement of a Mac using OS X (10.7.5) as noted in the guide, you can use your Mac to set up the Time Capsule.
    Continuing with the instructions on page 12 of the Setup Guide......
    1. Open AirPort Utility on your Mac.  It is located as follows:  Finder (the smiley face on the dock) > Applications > Utilities > AirPort Utility
    2. Select your AirPort Time Capsule and click Continue. You won't be able to do this, but read further......If you do not see the AirPort Time Capsule that you want to configure, choose it from the WiFi status menu in the menu bar, at the top of the screen.
    So, clicking on the WiFi icon will yield a small window that looks like this:
    The example below shows an AirPort Extreme.  You will see Time Capsule on your screen. Click on Time Capsule.
    When you click on Time Capsule, that will get the setup wizard going. it will take a minute to analyze the network, then display a screen that looks similar to the illustration below, except that you will see a picture of a Time Capsule on your screen
    3. Continuing with the Setup Guide.......Follow the onscreen prompts to create a new network
    Network Name...........Type in a simple name that you want to call your network. Do not use the suggested name.
    Base Station Name....Type in a simple name that you want to call the Time Capsule.  Mine is TC, for example.
    Password...................Type in a password that will be used for both the network and the Time Capsule.  Write that down.
    Verify..........................Type in the password again to Verify
    Click Next
    The setup wizard will configure everything for you. When you see the message of Setup  Complete, click Done.
    The Time Capsule is now set up and it will display a green light.

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    The thread running through your explanation has to do with connectivity to your server. (iCloud out of the blue asking for password, unable to message your boyfriend, unable to access e-mail). You said that you boyfriend restart his device and then the two of you were able to then imessage. My best advice for you would be to go to settings to reset to reset network settings. Once this has been done you then will need to enter the name and password of your wifi. ONce this is done you then can attempt to check to see that all passwords are enter correctly.
    Good luck.

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    I'd report the problem to the iTunes Store.
    Log in to the Store. Click on "Account" in your Quick Links. When you're in your Account information screen, go down to Purchase History and click "See all".
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    What this meant was the $10 program I bought to store all of my password no longer had any of my passwords.
    The program I bought to store my work todo list no longer had my items.
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    I hit the restore button but guess what, even thought itunes backs my phone up every single time I connect it, there was only 1 backup to restore from and it was CORUPTED!!!!
    Why in the world would a program be able to destory everything I have without even asking me??? It makes no sense.
    Even if the restore wasn't corupted, would it have had all of my data? For example, my passwords stored in the splashid app or my todo lists?
    Is there anyway I can confirm a backup isn't corupted so I can force another one if it is? Looking at the sync screen in itunes settings menu doesn't look like there is any thing wrong with the backup.
    Is there any way I can prevent this from happening in the future or should I just take it back now and get a blackberry?

    I see how it could happen.
    So windows went through a hard start because it didn't shut down cleanly. Data loss under such circumstances is common.
    Then, the system detected your connected iPhone and did as it has been instructed - to run iTunes.
    iTunes (recall it had just sustained data loss from the hard-death of power loss) performed it's automatic sync.
    Have you noticed that box that sometimes pops up regarding things on the iPhone that aren't in iTunes? The one that says if you don't transfer the apps to iTunes they will be deleted off of the iPhone? Did you click That's the next step in the sync process.
    From here, it's an event based on supposition.
    I suspect that you clicked "Do not ask me again" for transferring purchases. Because millions of people just want those boxes to get out of their face and never return.
    Result: So your iTunes profile was empty. And your iPhone was full. And it wasn't supposed to ask you what to do. It had it's answer already, so it went ahead and did as you had told it. It did not transfer purchases from the iPhone to the iTunes, so it had to dump them off the iPhone.
    If you manage your installed apps through the PC, it would be entirely expectable for you to tell it to not transfer purchases. Clicking "don't transfer" would be your method of dumping poorly performing apps from your iPhone. Uninstall an app by deleting it from your PC, and when you sync it disappears from the iPhone. Perfectly valid method of managing your herd of apps.
    Sounds to me like your whole experience there is the result of an unfortunate collision of several things. Unpredictable, but with several million iphones out there people are surely going to come up against situations that were unforseen be even the most imaginative testers.
    ((I, personally, am keeping an eye out for the odd headline of someone accidentally decapitating themselves with their iPhone. THAT will be a headline for Apple to tack to the wall of the engineering department. Because as the sayings go, if you make something foolproof the world will build a better fool... And never underestimate the power of human stupidity. ))
    Now, you should disable automatic syncing. That alone would prevent iTunes from doing anything to the iPhone unattended.
    And, if you did tell it not to ask you about transferring purchases, you should make it ask that question every time, just to be safe.
    Hope things end up better than they began for you.
    Message was edited by: Argyron

  • Okay just got a 2TB Time Capsule and setup on my new 15" MacBook Pro and on work iMac. Can't connect remotely off network.

    Both computers which I have connected to my work internet show Time Capsule under SHARED but when I click on it, it hangs on Connecting and then says Connection Failed after a few minutes.  Clicking Connect As just restarts the process of Connecting... but with an error saying "There was a problem connecting to the server "Justin's Time Capsule". "The server may not exist or it is unavailable at this time.  Check the server name or IP adress, check your network connection, and then try again"....  Any help would be great, I've browsed a bunch of the the threads and can't figure it out!
    Thanks in advance!

    Reboot the TC.. this is common problem on Lion networking.
    You may need to reboot the whole network.. don't know what your work network is so that might not be possible.. but a full reboot of the modem router TC and then clients in that order generally works..
    See C17
    The issue is very similar .. that is TM error but the problem is really the same.

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    I have had apple products since day dot and why since steve jobs died does it feel like apple are going to ****!is it cos the big corporations have got hold of it and its price over passion

    thankyou. THANK you.
    sorry about no screenie but the first option worked (at least so far!)

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    I would suggest downloading iTunes on your PC, transfer your music to the iTunes library and then sync the Nano.
    Maybe I am missing something but I don't think this is possible as you are currently set up.

Maybe you are looking for

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