I forget my new apple id

What can I do about forgotten apple id (apple id email)??
i remember the old apple id: *********
i can remember ********** or *******
and the password of new apple id : *******
my device is : iPhone 5
country: Lebanon
phone number : ***********
device serial number : dn********ttn
imei : **********
please help me as possible
<Personal Information Edited by Host>

Apple ID: Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security - Apple Support
Since these forums are user to user only, I've asked the hosts to remove your personal info from your post as it is far too dangerous to show such information in an open forum.

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    How can I lock out my iCloud?
    Because of forget my old password I have create a new Apple ID
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    Apps and Music are not from iCloud. Are from iTunes and App Store.
    You can change this from: Settings>iTunes and App Stores>Sign out and sign in with new ID, but you will have to pay again to download apps that you already have in your old account. Or leave it as it is to share purchases with your son.

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    Hi Ronzhel,
    You will have to update your Apple ID correctly in your iPhone, Check the below LINK,
    LINK: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1311
    LET ME KNOW....

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    My apple id attached to my itunes account has expired
    They don't expire. As far as anyone knows Apple IDs live on forever - if you forgot its password use https://iforgot.apple.com. Good luck with the answers to whatever security questions it asks.
    ... I have created a new apple id but cannot transfer it to my itunes which all my apple products connect up to on my mac with all my pictures etc on!?!
    Right! That's the reason you do not create a new Apple ID.
    As far as Apple is concerned a new Apple ID is a completely different user, with absolutely, positively no access to anything available to any other Apple ID.
    Concentrate your efforts on resetting the password to your old Apple ID. It has not expired, and is the only way to use all your existing iTunes purchases, App Store purchases, computer authorizations... etc. Forget about the new Apple ID you just created.

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    Thank you for your kind, may God bless you.

    OS X Mavericks: Reinstall OS X Heres the link if anyone else had the same problem!! This is if you deleted not only the Mac App Store, but iTunes, Calendar, whatever came with the Mac (Apps that came already installed on the Mac), if you deleted one of those then you have to reinstall the Mac OS, Note: This one is for Mac OS X (Maverick) my version is 10.9.4, go to that link and follow the instructions if you have Mac OS X (Maverick). Other help: Common Mistake: If you delete the app from the dock then just go to finder and applications folder and drag the app back onto the dock(it was just deleted from the dock NOT your system/computer). Hope that helps others who had the same problem.

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    If you mean the iMac does not have an internal optical drive capable of reading DVDs, the only option requires another Mac with a DVD-capable drive and FireWire ports. Your iMac G3 will also require FireWire ports. Not all G3 iMacs have Firewire. FW started with the Summer 2000 models with 400mHz and faster processors.
    With FireWire, you can use FireWire Target Disk mode to install from a retail OS install DVD in another Mac. If you supplemental info info tells us if you have another Mac with a DVD reader and the FW ports, we can walk you through the process.
    If the iMac has a tray-loading drive, I'd forget it. They are very limited not only in the OS max (10.3.9) but also in RAM capability. Starting with the slot-loading iMac G3s, the max RAM increased to 1 GB (2 X 512MB modlules). Tiger likes 1GB RAM.
    Understand that pre-Intel Macs are getting harder to use. Even with 10.4.11, your choice of browsers is limited (TenFourFox is the most viable option) and the G3s  rudimentary video hardware means web browsing will be choppy at best.
    If you are in the USA, you can try calling the Apple Store (1-800-MY-APPLE) for an OS disk. As recently as Jan 20, someone posted here that they were able to buy Tiger by calling. It was not clear whether the disks were replacement system install/restore disks or full retail install, but it's a free call.
    When you do "About this Mac" to check teh OS verion, also look at the processor speed and tell us what that says. That can help with recommendations for an upgrade path.

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    I recently created a new apple ID
    Bad idea.
    Content bought with an Apple ID is forever associated with that Apple ID. Apple will not transfer content from one Apple ID to another and Apple will not merge Apple IDs. Unless you are prepared to forfeit all the previously purchased content and buy it all again with the new Apple ID, you will need to maintain the old ID to update and redownload your content.

  • New Apple Computer Was Using PC

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    Alienware   Windows XP  

    There is a good general guide to switching from Windows to Mac at the following link that touches on moving music as well: How to Move to a Mac - Get your stuff from your PC to your new Mac
    There are also these guides:
    How to move music between authorised computers
    Networking with a Windows PC
    Don't forget by the way to deauthorise your old PC if you are disposing of it so you don't use up your 5 allowances: About iTunes Music Store Authorisation and Deauthorisation
    If all of your songs are on the iPod, there are a few things you can do to restore your iTunes from it. The transfer of purchased content from the iPod to authorised computers was introduced with iTunes 7. A paragraph on it has been added to this article: Transfer iTunes Store purchases using iPod
    The transfer of non iTMS content such as songs imported from CD is designed by default to be one way from iTunes to iPod. However there's a manual method of copying songs from your iPod to your Mac. The procedure is a bit involved but if you're interested it's available at this link: Two-way Street: Moving Music Off the iPod
    If you prefer something more automated there are a number of third party utilities that you can use to retrieve music files and playlists from your iPod, this is just a selection. I use Senuti but have a look at the web pages and documentation for the others too, you'll find that they have varying degrees of functionality and some will transfer movies, videos, photos and games as well. This is just a small selection of what's available, you can also read reviews of some of them here: Wired News - Rescue Your Stranded Tunes
    Senuti Mac Only
    iPodRip Mac Only
    PodView Mac Only
    PodWorks Mac Only
    iPodDisk PPC Mac Only (experimental version available for Intel Macs)
    YamiPod Mac & Windows
    Music Rescue Mac & Windows
    iPodCopy Mac & Windows

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    Hi there esbrewer,
    You may find the troubleshooting steps in the article below helpful.
    iOS: Forgotten passcode or device disabled after entering wrong passcode
    If the device is not being recognized in iTunes, take a look at the article below for some additional troubleshooting steps.
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Mac OS X
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    -Griff W.

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    You can, but understand it is always tied to your old Apple ID that you will need to use if ever you need to load the files onto an iDevice or download purchased music under that ID.

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    If it is this drive, note that it is for MBA's and Mini's only:

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    WiseJD wrote:
    When I delete her email address from My Apple ID Account isn't that going to impact our shared Apps and iTunes Purchases?
    No, she can use the existing AppleID for purchasing and use her own new AppleID for content syncing. If you wish to, you can set up Family Sharing and add her to your iCloud family. That will enable you to share certain resources such as calendars.

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    stuartx4 wrote:
    Thanks Csound1, wish I have seperated everything from the beginning but when your kids are little and start buying music etc it just didn't seem like an issue.
    That has a familiar ring to it

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  • HT201248 My email address associated with my Apple ID on my iPad has been turned off from the ISp (U.S. army).   I have a new gmail account with a new Apple ID. How do I get my iPad to use my gmail account?

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    <Personal Information Edited By Host>

    Hi John,
    You can change the email address associated with an Apple ID using the steps in this article -
    Change your Apple ID - Apple Support
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L 

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