I get an email everytime soneone asks a question please make it stop....

I set my prefences to no and they still come

Stopping emails from ASC is a three step process. All the steps in the user tip I wrote Stopping emails from ASC have to be followed as written.
There is confusion because there are two settings Email Notification Preferences and Email Notifications which sound the same but control different things.
Email Notifcations (not Preferences) is most likely your problem
As a rule if you are getting 100's of emails a day then
If you are receiving many notifications per day you most likely have selected to receive notifications from a community. That means you are getting notified anytime anything is posted to that community. Some communities in ASC can generate 100's of posts per day.
To delete the notifications you do not want to receive, select the checkbox after the notification and then press Remove Selected Notifications.
Follow the tip as written even if you think you did them aready.
post back if you still have a problem.

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    OK, I don't have the exact same problem, but here are a few things you could try.
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    Hi sb2hockeymom,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below may be able to help you with this issue.
    Click on the link to see more details and screenshots. 
    The settings are the same for iOS 7:
    iOS 6 and OS X Mountain Lion: Link your phone number and Apple ID for use with FaceTime and iMessage
    - Judy

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    Apple Support Contact
    Apple Support contact - Telephone
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    The HT5312 page that you posted from has instructions for how to reset them i.e. if you have a rescue email address (which is not the same thing as an alternate email address) on your account then steps 1 to 5 half-way down that page should give you a reset link.
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    Apple - Support - iTunes - Contact Us
    Contact them like everyon else must do.

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