I have a problem with my Template as I keep receiving this message in DW CS6; Template is nested inside itself? All my other pages linked to the Template is also not working fine. I tried to us the answer in this forum, but its not working

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      <h4 align="center" style="color:#F00">ALL CLUBS &amp; COUNTRIES SALES &amp; CUSTOMIZE JERSEYS FOR SALE!!! </h4>
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      <p style="color: #000; font-size: 18px;">We recently ventured into customising T-shirts for occassions &amp; Jerseys for all your favorite clubs. We do welcome negative criticism as to help us improve on our production quality as we are full of optimism &amp; we would appreciate ideas that would help this business improve. Just kindly feel free to fill our Feedback form and make a comment. We would work on getting improved based on your comments for us to satisfy all (you) our numerous customers.</p>
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      <p style="color: #000; font-size: 18px;">We've been in the business of selling all types of vehicles for 6 years. We supply qualities and well conditioned vehicles to our customers which made us one of the best Car Dealers in town. We satisfy our customers to their satisfaction. We address some sellers nowadays as an Old Timer. They think they know everything, they don't want to learn new things, they are average (or below average) salespeople and they take great fun out of bringing new salespeople down to their weak level.</p>
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      <h4 align="center" style="color:#F00">LAPTOPS / PHONES &amp; ACCESSORIES FOR SALE!!! </h4>
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      <p style="color: #000; font-size: 18px;">We have been in the business of selling all types of Laptops, Phones and Accessories (Branded new, UK Used and Nigeria Used)for 8 years. We supply qualities Laptops, Phones and Accessories to our customers which made us one of the best Sellers in this business. We satisfy our customers to their satisfaction by offering very good greeting to all our customers in a very respectful manners both on call,  e-mails as well as in our office.</p>
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The following line tells me that this is not a template file, but a document created from a template called index.dwt
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/index.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
This means that you saved a child document as a template file at some stage.
If you go to Modify->Templates->Detach from Template, you can remove the template structure from your document. All you then need to do is to re-save the document as a template.

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    Could be several factors at play here. This ARTICLE might give you some tips on getting your computer ready for an editing session. Note that there are some added tips on Win7, thanks to Black Viper, near the end.
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    iloverockandroll wrote:
    I have been repeating those steps over and over and still nothing. ...
    Some users have reported that 8 or 9 attempts were necessary before success...
    Pay particular attention to steps 3 and 4.
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    ... should i just go in...
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  • I am trying to call from Pakistan to UK landline but its not working!

    Hi Team, I am resident of Pakistan, and trying to call landline numbers in UK, I have credit in my account, but it seems that every time I call, there is nmo tone and after 15 - 30 secnds the call drops, by saying "No Answer". I tried on 30 + numbers but the promblem persist. There is only one incident were line got connected but after 5 PM GMT. Is it any restriction that from Pakistan we can't call during office hours to UK. Can any one help! RegardsSalman

    1. For third party hardware or software, contact the maker/developer directly.
    2. Read the threads in "more like this" alongside your original post.
    3. Anything that requires Java is a security risk.

  • I need to enter my apple id in itunes but its doesnt work?, i need to enter my apple id in itunes but its doesnt work?

    huh... pls help me.

    What doesn't work - your Apple ID or iTunes? What exactly are you doing and what exactly happens? Do you get an error message? If so, what does it say?

  • After using my iPod classic in my infinity G35 a few weeks ago, I took it out of the car and it no longer works.  Just a white screen with the web address for Apple iPod support.  Worked fine when hooked up to iPod jack in car.  But wont work anywhere now

    After using my iPod classic in my infinity G35 a for the last few weeks, I took it out of the car and it no longer works.  Just a white screen with the web address for Apple iPod support.  Worked fine when hooked up to iPod jack in car.  But won't work anywhere now.  I tried re-setting but has not worked.  Any ideas would be appreciated.

    I finally resolved my problem after spending way too much time on it. I simply handed my 160GB iPod to my husband to put his fav Stones & Beatles songs on and I went back to my 80GB Microsoft Zune which has never disappointed me.
    After spending so much time trying to figure this out I did finally take it back to Apple Store who performed a diagnostic and found there was a problem with the device. They replaced it with a refurbished one which has similar issues. All I wanted to do was listen to my music. Was that too much to ask? So I am happy to be free of this problematic device. No more Apple for me!!

  • Since installing mountain lion i have a problem with mail. when i delete a message close  and open mail the message has come back. please help!

    Since installing Mountain Lion i have a problem with Mail. I delete a number of messages from the same person but keep the newest message in my Inbox. I actually delete them from the Trash. The next time i open Mail the deleted messages are back again. Can anybody please help as this is getting annoying. Thanks in Anticipation.

    Problems such as yours are sometimes caused by files that should belong to you but are locked or have wrong permissions. This procedure will check for such files. It makes no changes and therefore will not, in itself, solve your problem.
    First, empty the Trash.
    Triple-click the line below to select it, then copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C):
    find ~ $TMPDIR.. \( -flags +sappnd,schg,uappnd,uchg -o ! -user $UID -o ! -perm -600 -o -acl \) 2> /dev/null | wc -l
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window (command-V). The command may take a noticeable amount of time to run. Wait for a new line ending in a dollar sign (“$”) to appear.
    The output of this command, on a line directly below what you entered, will be a number such as "41." Please post it in a reply.

  • I have an iPad 2 v6.1.3 that has a problem with connecting to wi-fi.  My other I macs have no problem with connecting.  The pad keeps coming up with unable to join the network. Nothing has changed with passwords--it just refuses to join my secure network.

    My other Imacs and my wife's Ipad 3 have no problem with conneccting.  My Ipad keeps coming up with unable to join the network.  Nothing has changed with passwords--it just refuses to join my secure network.  A couple minutes ago, it connected for 10 seconds, then dropped the connection.  Is there a way to reconfigure the Ipad to fix this major problem, as we dropped our carrier (saved a bunch of money) and just went wifi.
    Thanks so much for any help with resolving my connection problem.

    Hello jaxgaryj,
    The following article provides a number of potential resolutions for your WiFi issues.
    iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections

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