I have lost everything on my phone!

Please can someone help me?  I updated and synced my phone this evening on i tunes, but something has gone horribly wrong.  Not only have I lost everything on my phone, but i tunes will not let me restore it to factory settings.  I have no phone, no telephone number I just don't know what to do and apple do not seem to have any method to let me contact them.  Can anyone help me please?

I guess you didn't look here: http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1538
Error 23, 28, 29, 40, 1002, 1011, 1012, 1014, 1611: These errors may indicate a hardware issue with your device.  Follow the steps in this article and also attempt to restore while connected with a known-good 30-pin Dock Connector cable, computer, and network to isolate this issue to the device.  If the MAC address is missing or the IMEI is the default value (00 499901 064000 0), this can also confirm a hardware issue.
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