I have two questions.

I opened my iTunes Library to find that all of my podcasts need to be downloaded again.  They have been downloaded and useable for years.  What happened?
I downloaded an album from the iTunes store and each tune has been cut in the middle.  Half a song plays then the next song comes on.  ??

ok first publish your site again using the "publish all to .mac" from the file menu in iWeb and see if that helps.
I have made some video iWeb specific tutorials that may answer your questions and they are free at http://web.mac.com/heathervenn/iWeb/Australian%20Mac/iWebIndex.html
or http://www.australianmac.com
Tell me if they helped and if not then email me from the site and I will see if I can help.
Second, you friend probably has a domain name hat they purchased from somewhere like godady.com. If you have this yo can then point it to your .mac site with domain name masking. Have a look at what they offer.

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    Again everything is explained in the reference.. you are not reading it.

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    Welcome to Adobe Community.
    Creative Cloud subscriptions dont need serial numbers as they work on the basis of your Adobe ID and password . You can use a single Creative CLoud subscription on upto two computers only.
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    The sort fields should generally be empty unless you've putting in custom values to sort solo artists by their surnames. You can apply common changes to thousands of tracks at once, just don't apply the wrong change because there is no undo.
    It is a good idea to backup before undertaking large scale changes. See this backup tip for a suggested approach.
    Message was edited by: turingtest2

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    this kernel 2.6.18-53
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    Hi user10203064
    the first questions about asm
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    ASM instance shall be installed on both nodes
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    You have to install first CRS, after that ASM and the database at the end
    Edited by: Hub on Nov 14, 2008 9:19 PM
    Edited by: Hub on Nov 14, 2008 9:20 PM

  • I have two questions about my podcast on iTunes - Image and Author

    Hello. I have very recently added my podcast to iTunes,  by submitting the RSS-feed that is given by wordpress (that's where I have my podcast homepage) It looks allright, and the feed includes Name of podcast, title of podcast shows, description and in some cases even length of the podcasts. There's two things not showing though, and that's an image for the iTunes page, and the name of the authors.
    I'm not sure if you're allowed to link to your feed like this, but here is however the feed that I've sent to iTunes: http://rodrost.wordpress.com/category/podcast/feed/ . I thought that the picture up in the right (of me and a friend) would be the picture showing up on iTunes. And I don't understand where in my feed to put in the authors. If you could answer my questions I would be very grateful, thank you.
    / Joar.
    (This is how it looks on iTunes http://itunes.apple.com/se/podcast/rodrost-podcast-podcast/id507886804 )

    Posting your feed URL is not only allowed, it's necessary to get answers to most questions, so thank you for posting it.
    You are missing some necessary entries in your feed. The second line of your feed should include the 'iTues declaration':
    xmlns:itunes="http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd" version="2.0"
    which should be added within the 'rss' tag. Without this iTunes cannot read the 'itunes:...' tags which are in any case missing. The image is carried in the 'itunes:image' tag and your name in the 'itunes:author' tag, and there are other tags which carry information - your podcast is working without them but some information is as you see missing.
    This page includes a sample basic feed so that you can see what I'm talking about:
    I can't advise on Wordpress: it seems likely that you need the PodPress plugin to get this to work properly, but I'm not sure whether you can do it without.

  • I just bought a Macbook Air 256 computer. I use three different email accounts. I have two questions: On Windows I simply go to Google, click on Mail, and one of the three email accounts comes up. How can I do this on the Macbook? Thanks for your response

    I also have a second question: How can I trash all unwanted emails by checking all of them and just clicking "trash" as I do with the Windows 7 computer?
    Thanks for your response.

    In your PC, you accessed to your Google Mail account using your browser. In Mac, the process is the same, but as your Mac is new, first you have to log in Google with your Google account.
    If you want, instead of having to open Safari every time you want to check mail, you can use the Mail application included in OS X. Open System Preferences > Mail, Contacts and Calendars, and add all your mail accounts. They will be automatically set up to be used in Mail, so just open the app.
    Then, after opening Mail, the process of deleting more than one mail is as simple as choosing the ones you want to delete pressing the Command key, and then, press the trash button in the toolbar

  • I have two questions. 1 how can I put attachments with my email. 2 how can I see my folders eg sent, and others I have set up on my Mac. Thanks, Arie.

    Oops, was a bit premature with the questions.
    1 Basically I want to be able to attach a picture to my email. I know I can email from my pictures but it is hard to keep track of those emails.
    2 how can I get to my folders. I know they are there when I sort my emails into folders, but say I want to get into one of the folders, eg sent. How ?
    Thanks, Arie.

    If you start in the photos app and select the photo(s) to email, then that email should go into your Sent folder on your email account, so you should be able to keep track of them from there.
    To get to your other email folders just tap your account id at the top left of your Inbox (it will be Mailboxes if you've only one account set up on the iPad) and that should take you to a list of your folders, and just tap the one that you want to go into. If you have more than one account active on the iPad you will have a Mailboxes button at the top of the list of folders that allows you to go up another level so that you can select a different account and then folder

  • HT201209 I have two questions.  I have purchased two songs on my gift card.  The upper right corner says I have $12.42.  When I try to buy another song, I am referred to my credit card.  How do I use the rest of my gift card?

    I have a gift card that I have not been able to use.  I am told I have $12.42 in my account, but don't know how to access it.  When I try to download a song, I am referred to my credit card.  How do I use my gift card?
    Also, there are two downloads in my account that I can not delete.  I did not order them and do not know how they got in my account.  I think they are SciFi TV programs.  How do I get rid of them?
    Hope you can help.  I have used itune gift cards before and never had trouble.  Thanks for your help.

    Are you perhaps trying to buy a gift for someone else? If so, then you can only pay for a gift via a credit card. Or is it just asking you to update/confirm your billing details? If so, that's a normal security precaution. Just make sure your credit card information is correct and it should then deduct the purchase from your credit balance.

  • I have two questions.  How do I burn a DVD from a slideshow created in IPhoto without using IDVD which is no longer available?!!  And is there any way to control the automatic zooming in my slideshow?

    I know IMac messed up by no longer offering IDVD OR ILIFE on their new computers. Yes I too am mad I spent the money.  But does anyone have a solution  on how to work with the limited programs I did get?  Or what programs do you suggest I purchase to be able to do something as simple as burn a slidewshow on a DVD!!!!  I already purchases Xilisoft DVD which does not allow for photos only videos.  I want to use both!  I have had my new mac less than a year.  Can I still return it?

    If you contact Apple at
    U.S. iPod, Mac and iPad technical support:
    (800) APL-CARE (800-275-2273)
    You should be able to get a copy of the original DVDs for  a nominal charge.

  • I just purchased an ipad 2 and have two questions....

    I am trying to listen to my music, and play games through apps, but everytime I start a game app, my music turns off? how do i fix that?
    secondly, I have the mypad for facebook app and it shows a million differnt posts of games! how do i remove the games post, as they do not show up in my facebook on my pc?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    randallfromtn wrote:
    I am trying to listen to my music, and play games through apps, but everytime I start a game app, my music turns off? how do i fix that?
    Some games will let you play music, but if the game has sound effects it will likely turn off the "background" music from the iPad - even if you turn the sound in the game off. I seem to recall at least one game that gave me the option to play music from my iTunes library, but can't remember what it was.

  • TS1702 i have two questions..

    why can't I download something I have purchased with my account?
    Like 10 months ago I purchased a couple of games ... now it says i have to buy it again so i can download them ..
    why cant I see my purchased apps list ?
    like its not loading

    What have you tried?
    Download previous purchases - Support - Apple

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