I know what I want, I just don't know HOW to do it - subtitles...I think..

I have a clip that's 5 minutes long...
at 1:30 into the clip, I want some text to show up at the bottom of the screen for 20 seconds...
and then at 3:10 into the clip, I want some different text to show up at the bottom of the screen for another 20 seconds...
and finally, at 4:15 into the clip I want another bit of text to show up at the bottom of the screen...
How do I do this?

To the right of the viewing screen and the timeline are a set of buttons. One of these is called Edit. Click on that and you can go to Titles.
Take your pick!
Just bear in mind that a title cannot be longer than the clip you superimpose it on, but you can repeat it on several clips.

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    Do as you have done. Set the lists style to "None".
    Then simply click on the ruler where you want to have tabs. To change the tab to left/right/centred or decimal keep clicking on the tab or right mouse click on the tab and choose which you want.
    So to create what you say you need, going from left to right.
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    2. *Leading tab.* In +Inspector > Text (4th tab) > Tabs > Click on the 3rd tab in the list > Leader > Choose line style+
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    If you didn't see it on the list, it's gone. You can download it again from here:

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    Edit the Name of the problem song to Name [Feat. Guest]
    Change the Artist of that song to All Time Low
    marley2012 wrote:
    ... and i want to make sure that from now on all songs from any CD I import into i-tunes all go into the same album file if they are on that album originally. i do not want i-tunes seperating songs from my CD's for any reason. hopefully this is more clear.
    What you want cannot be done. iTunes has its quirks, and the above is the kind of workaround needed to make the media display sensibly on any device. The article I pointed you to has others that you may find useful in future.

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    cajun900RR wrote:
    First I thought about making the page load alot faster and expending the borders of the site all the way out almost to the frames of IE, this would be a good first step.
    Content-wise, loading faster will likely be easier to accomplish if you use Flash only sparingly rather than depending on it to deliver all of your site's content. And avoid use of large images. This will also make it easier to maintain in the future (and it addresses the issues brought up earlier in a simpler manner).
    But what do you mean by "expending the borders of the site all the way out almost to the frames of IE"? I do hope you are thinking in terms of the browser's viewport. If so, look into flexible or liquid layouts. Just don't make the common beginner's mistake of thinking about monitor sizes and resolutions. Those are not relevant to Web pages. Also, design your pages with W3C compliance in mind before worrying about how various browser differences - you are going to test in various browsers, right?
    If you have time please post some ideas of where I would start off so I can complete this within timely fashion...maybe under 3 months
    For quick layout solutions, you might want to consider some of Project VII's solutions. Quick, customizable, compliant, and great support. Don't let that be an excuse not to learn HTML/CSS, though
    And lurk in here for lots of good advice and helpful links even when you don't have a specific question in mind.
    Mark A. Boyd
    Keep-On-Learnin' :-)

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    Adobe Reader is a FREE program, so you would not enter a credit card
    If you have a subscription to a PAID program, removing your credit card information would cause that program to stop working when you stop paying for your subscription
    If that is what you want, here is the information on how to cancel
    Cancel http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/return-cancel-or-change-order.html
    -or by telephone http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/global/phone-support-orders.html

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    Well, if they were synced fomr a computer then the iPhone says the computer "owns" them for instructional purposes.  You have two options.
    1) Plug your iPhone up to any computer with iTunes.  You can get itunes at www.itunes.com  Then tell it to sync photos, but then select no photos or an empty folder.  This will override what the previous computer put on your iPhone.
    2) Go to Settings > General > Reset > Erase All Content & Settings and say goodbye to everything including those synced photos.  If you make a quick backup first in iCloud (be sure it finishes) then you can restore form your iCloud backup via Wifi and those synced photos wont be there.  How to backup: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1766

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    If it's a bluetooth device:
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