I'm in a java programming class and i'm stuck.. so please help me guys...

Please help me, i really need help.
Thanks a lot guys...
this is my error:
C:\Temp>java Lab2
This program computes the average, the
The lowest acceptable score is 0 and th
Please enter the minimum allowable scor
Please enter the maximum allowable scor
Was Exam1taken?
Please Enter Y N or Q
Enter the Score for Exam1:
Was Exam2taken?
Please Enter Y N or Q
Enter the Score for Exam2:
Was Exam3taken?
Please Enter Y N or Q
Enter the Score for Exam3:
Was Exam4taken?
Please Enter Y N or Q
Enter the Score for Exam4:
Was Exam5taken?
Please Enter Y N or Q
Enter the Score for Exam5:
Score for Exam1 is:65
Score for Exam2 is:32
Score for Exam3 is:32
Score for Exam4 is:32
Score for Exam5 is:32
the Minimum is:0
the Maximum is:0
Can't compute the Average
Can't compute the Variance
Can't compute the Standard Deviation
this is my code:
// Lab2.java
// ICS 21 Fall 2002
// Read in scores for a student's exams, compute statistics on them, and print out
// the scores and statistics.
public class Lab2
     // Create a manager for this task and put it to work
     public static void main(String[] args)
          ExamsManager taskManager = new ExamsManager();
// ExamsManager.java for Lab 2
// ICS 21 Fall 2002
// make these classes in the Java library available to this program.
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
// ExamsManager creates managers and contains the tools (methods) they need to do their
// job: obtaining exam information, computing statistics and printing out that information
class ExamsManager
     // INVALID_INT: special integer value to indicate that a non-integer
     // was entered when an integer was requested. It's chosen so as not to
     // conflict with other flags and valid integer values
     public static final int INVALID_INT = -9999;
     // valid user response constants:
     public static final String YES = "Y";               // user responded "yes"
     public static final String NO = "N";               // user responded "no"
     public static final String EXIT_PROGRAM = "Q";     // user responded "leave the program NOW"
     // INVALID_RESPONSE: special String value to indicate that something other than
     // "Y", "N" or "X" was entered when said was required
     public static final String INVALID_RESPONSE = "!";
     // ABSOLUTE_MIN_SCORE and ABSOLUTE_MAX_SCORE represent the smallest
     // minimum score and the largest maximum score allowed by the
     // program. (The allowable minimum and maximum for one
     // execution of the program may be different than these, but
     // they must both lie within this range.)
     public static final int ABSOLUTE_MIN_SCORE = 0;
     public static final int ABSOLUTE_MAX_SCORE = 1000;
     // The manager needs a place to store this student's exams
     private OneStudentsWork thisWork;
     // ...places to store the min and max scores allowed for these exams
     private int minAllowedScore;
     private int maxAllowedScore;
     // ...and a place to hold input coming from the keyboard
     BufferedReader console;
     //                    -------------------- Constructor --------------------
     // ExamsManager() make managers that delegate the major tasks of the program
     public ExamsManager()
     //                    -------------------- Processing methods --------------------
     // createResults() is the "manager at work": it calls assistants to welcome the user,
     // initializes things so we can read info from the keyboard,
     // obtain the minimum and maximum allowed scores,
     // obtain a student's work and comute the statistics on it and
     // print out the scores and the statistics
     public void createResults()
          // *** YOUR CODE GOES HERE ***
     //                    -------------------- User input methods --------------------
     // readyKeyboard() sets up an input stream object 'console' connected to the keyboard
     // so that what's typed can be read into the program and processed.
     // Do not modify this code!
     private void readyKeyboard()
               console = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
     // obtainMinAndMaxAllowedScores() asks the user to enter the minimum
     // and maximum allowable scores for this execution of the program.
     // Both the minimum and maximum allowable scores must be between
     // ABSOLUTE_MIN_SCORE and ABSOLUTE_MAX_SCORE (inclusive). This
     // method should continue to ask the user for a minimum until a
     // valid one is entered (or EXIT_PROGRAM is entered), then continue
     // to ask the user for a maximum until a valid one is entered. If
     // the minimum entered is greater than the maximum entered, the
     // whole thing should be done again.
     public void obtainMinAndMaxAllowedScores()
          // *** YOUR CODE GOES HERE ***
          int response = INVALID_INT;
          if (response >= minAllowedScore && response <= maxAllowedScore)
               System.out.print("Please enter the minimum allowable score:");
               response = getIntOrExit();
          while (response > maxAllowedScore || response < minAllowedScore)
               System.out.print("Please enter the minimum allowable score:");
               response = getIntOrExit();
          if (response <= ABSOLUTE_MAX_SCORE && response >= ABSOLUTE_MIN_SCORE)
               System.out.print("Please enter the maximum allowable score:");
               response = getIntOrExit();
          while (response > ABSOLUTE_MAX_SCORE || response < ABSOLUTE_MIN_SCORE)
               System.out.print("Please enter the maximum allowable score:");
               response = getIntOrExit();
          /*int response;
          String allowedMin;
          boolean done = true;
               done = true;
               System.out.print("Please enter the minimum allowable score:");
               response = getIntOrExit();
               allowedMin = getYNOrExit();
               if(allowedMin == EXIT_PROGRAM)
               else if (response >= ABSOLUTE_MIN_SCORE)
                    done = true;
               else if (response >= ABSOLUTE_MAX_SCORE)
                    done = false;
                    System.out.println("INVALID: " + INVALID_INT);
                    System.out.print("Please enter the minimum allowable score:");
                    response = getIntOrExit();
          }while (!done);
/*          System.out.print("Please enter the maximum allowable score:");
          response = getIntOrExit();
          if (response <= ABSOLUTE_MAX_SCORE)
          return response;
          else if (response <= ABSOLUTE_MIN_SCORE)
               response = INVALID_INT;
          while (response == INVALID_INT)
               System.out.print("Please enter the maximum allowable score:");
               response = getIntOrExit();
               done = true;
               System.out.print("Please enter the minimum allowable score:");
               response = getIntOrExit();
               String allowedMax;
               if(allowedMin == EXIT_PROGRAM)
               if (response <= ABSOLUTE_MAX_SCORE)
                    done = true;
               else if (response <= ABSOLUTE_MIN_SCORE)
                    done = false;
                    System.out.println("INVALID: " + INVALID_INT);
                    System.out.print("Please enter the maximum allowable score:");
                    response = getIntOrExit();
          }while (!done);
     // The overall strategy to building up a student work object is
     // to have the student-bulding method call on the exam-building
     // method, which calls upon user input methods to get exam info.
     // Thus, user entered info is successively grouped together
     // into bigger units to build the entire student information set.
     // obtainOneStudentsWork() builds the five exams
     // and constructs the student work object from them
     private void obtainOneStudentsWork()
          // *** YOUR CODE GOES HERE ***
          int index = 1;
          Exam exam1 = buildOneExam(index);
          index = 2;
          Exam exam2 = buildOneExam(index);
          index = 3;
          Exam exam3 = buildOneExam(index);
          index = 4;
          Exam exam4 = buildOneExam(index);
          index = 5;
          Exam exam5 = buildOneExam(index);
          thisWork = new OneStudentsWork(exam1, exam2, exam3, exam4, exam5);
     // buildOneExam(thisTest) reads the exam information for one exam and returns an
     // Exam object constructed from this information. Uses obtainWasExamTaken() to
     // determine if the exam was taken and obtainOneScore() to get the exam score, if needed.
     private Exam buildOneExam(int thisTest)
          // *** YOUR CODE GOES HERE ***
          int score = 0;
               score = obtainOneScore(thisTest);
          return new Exam(score);
          return new Exam();
          System.out.println("Enter score for exam1:");
          Exam exam1 = new Exam(getIntOrExit());
          System.out.println("Enter score for exam2:");
          Exam exam2 = new Exam(getIntOrExit());
          System.out.println("Enter score for exam3:");
          Exam exam3 = new Exam(getIntOrExit());
          System.out.println("Enter score for exam4:");
          Exam exam4 = new Exam(getIntOrExit());
          System.out.println("Enter score for exam5:");
          Exam exam5 = new Exam(getIntOrExit());
     // obtainWasExamTaken(thisTest) keeps asking the user whether 'thisTest' was taken
     // (e.g., "Was exam 1 taken? Enter Y, N or Q", if thisTest equals 1)
     // until s/he provides a valid response. If Q is entered, we leave the
     // program immediately; if Y or N (yes or no), return true if yes, false if no
     private boolean obtainWasExamTaken(int thisTest)
          // *** YOUR CODE GOES HERE ***
          String response = INVALID_RESPONSE;
          System.out.println("Was Exam" + thisTest + "taken?");
          while (response.equals(INVALID_RESPONSE))
               System.out.println("Please Enter" + " " + YES + " " + NO + " " + "or" + " " + EXIT_PROGRAM);
               response = getYNOrExit();
          if (response.equals(YES))
          return true;
          return false;
     // obtainOneScore(thisTest) keeps asking the user to enter a score for
     // 'thisTest' (e.g., "Enter the score for exam 1", is thisTest equals 1)
     // until s/he provides one within range or s/he tells us to exit the program.
     private int obtainOneScore(int thisTest)
          // *** YOUR CODE GOES HERE ***
          int response = INVALID_INT;
          if (response >= minAllowedScore && response <= maxAllowedScore);
               System.out.println("Enter the Score for Exam" + thisTest + ":");
               response = getIntOrExit();
          while (response > ABSOLUTE_MAX_SCORE || response < ABSOLUTE_MIN_SCORE)
               System.out.println("INVALID: " + INVALID_INT);
               System.out.println("Please Enter again:");
               response = getIntOrExit();
          return response;
     // scoreIsWithinRange() returns true if the given score is inside of
     // the allowable range and false if it is out of range
     private boolean scoreIsWithinRange(int score)
          // *** YOUR CODE GOES HERE ***
          if (score >= minAllowedScore && score <= maxAllowedScore)
               return true;
               return false;
     // getYNQ() reads a String from the console and returns it
     // if it is "Y" or "N" or exits the program if "Q" is entered;
     // the method returns INVALID_RESPONSE if the response is other
     // than"Y", "N" or "Q".
     // Do not modify this code!
     private String getYNOrExit()
          String usersInput = INVALID_RESPONSE;
               usersInput = console.readLine();
          catch (IOException e)
               // never happens with the keyboard...
          usersInput = usersInput.toUpperCase();
          if (usersInput.equals(EXIT_PROGRAM))
          if (usersInput.equals(YES) || usersInput.equals(NO))
               return usersInput;
               return INVALID_RESPONSE;
     // getIntOrExit() reads an integer from the console and returns it.
     // If the user types in "Q", the program exits. If an integer is entered,
     // it is returned. If something that is not an integer (e.g. "Alex"), the
     // program returns INVALID_INT
     // Do not modify this code!
     private int getIntOrExit()
          String usersInput = "";
          int theInteger = 0;
               usersInput = console.readLine();
          catch (IOException e)
               // never happens with the keyboard...
          // if the user wants to quit, bail out now!
               System.out.println("Program halting at your request.");
          // see if we have an integer
               theInteger = Integer.parseInt(usersInput);
          catch (NumberFormatException e)
               // user's input was not an integer
               return INVALID_INT;
          return theInteger;
     //                    -------------------- User output methods --------------------
     // printWelcomeMessage() prints a welcome message to the user explaining
     // what the program does and what it expects the user to do. In
     // particular, it needs to tell the user the absolute lowest and
     // highest acceptable exam scores
     private void printWelcomeMessage()
          // *** YOUR CODE GOES HERE ***
          System.out.println("This program computes the average, the variance, and the standard deviation of 5 exams");
          System.out.println("The lowest acceptable score is 0 and the highest is 1000");
     // printResults() prints all of the scores present, then prints the
     // statistics about them. The statistics that can have factional parts
     // -- average, variance and standard deviation -- should be printed with
     // exactly three digits after the decimal point. If a statistic could not be
     // computed, a message to that effect should print (NOT the "phony" value stored
     // in the statistic to tell the program that the statistic could not be computed).
     public void printResults()
          // These statements create a NumberFormat object, which is part
          // of the Java library. NumberFormat objects know how to take
          // doubles and turn them into Strings, formatted in a particular
          // way. First, you tell the NumberFormat object (nf) how you'd like
          // the doubles to be formatted (in this case, with exactly 3
          // digits after the decimal point). When printing a double you call
          // format to format it -- e.g. nf.format(the-number-to-format)
          NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();
          // *** YOUR CODE GOES HERE ***
          System.out.println("Score for Exam1 is:" + thisWork.getExam1().getScore());
          System.out.println("Score for Exam2 is:" + thisWork.getExam2().getScore());
          System.out.println("Score for Exam3 is:" + thisWork.getExam3().getScore());
          System.out.println("Score for Exam4 is:" + thisWork.getExam4().getScore());
          System.out.println("Score for Exam5 is:" + thisWork.getExam5().getScore());
          if (thisWork.getStatistics().getMinimum() == Statistics.CANT_COMPUTE_STATISTIC)
               System.out.println("Can't compute the Minimum");
               System.out.println("the Minimum is:" + thisWork.getStatistics().getMinimum());
          if (thisWork.getStatistics().getMaximum() == Statistics.CANT_COMPUTE_STATISTIC)
               System.out.println("Can't compute the Minimum");
               System.out.println("the Maximum is:" + thisWork.getStatistics().getMaximum());
          if (thisWork.getStatistics().getAverage() == Statistics.CANT_COMPUTE_STATISTIC)
               System.out.println("Can't compute the Average");
               System.out.println("the Average is:" + thisWork.getStatistics().getAverage());
          if (thisWork.getStatistics().getVariance() == Statistics.CANT_COMPUTE_STATISTIC)
               System.out.println("Can't compute the Variance");
               System.out.println("the Variance is:" + thisWork.getStatistics().getVariance());
          if (thisWork.getStatistics().getStandardDeviation() == Statistics.CANT_COMPUTE_STATISTIC)
               System.out.println("Can't compute the Standard Deviation");
               System.out.println("the Standard Deviation is:" + thisWork.getStatistics().getStandardDeviation());
// OneStudentsExams.java for Lab 2
// ICS 21 Fall 2002
// OneStudentsWork is the exams and the statistics computed from
// them that comprise one student's work
class OneStudentsWork
     public static final int NUMBER_OF_EXAMS = 5;
     // The student is offered five exams...
     private Exam exam1;
     private Exam exam2;
     private Exam exam3;
     private Exam exam4;
     private Exam exam5;
     // The statistics on those exams
     Statistics studentStats;
     //                    -------------------- Constructor --------------------
     // Takes five constructed exam objects and store them for this student.
     // Constructs a statistics object that holds the stats for these exams and
     // store it in studentStats.
     public OneStudentsWork(Exam test1, Exam test2, Exam test3, Exam test4, Exam test5)
          // *** YOUR CODE GOES HERE ***
          exam1 = test1;
          exam2 = test2;
          exam3 = test2;
          exam4 = test4;
          exam5 = test5;
          studentStats = new Statistics(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5);
     //                    -------------------- Accessor methods --------------------
     // getExamX() methods make available ExamX
     public Exam getExam1()
          return exam1;
     public Exam getExam2()
          return exam2;
     public Exam getExam3()
          return exam3;
     public Exam getExam4()
          return exam4;
     public Exam getExam5()
          return exam5;
     // getStatistics() makes available the Statistics object that is part of this student's work
     public Statistics getStatistics()
          return studentStats;
// Statistics.java for Lab 2
// ICS 21 Fall 2002
// A Statistics object stores the statistics for a group of Exams.
class Statistics
     // This constant denotes a statistic that cannot be
     // computed, such as an average of zero scores or a variance
     // of one score.
     public static final int CANT_COMPUTE_STATISTIC = -9999;
     // The stats
     private int minimum;
     private int maximum;
     private int numberOfExamsTaken;
     private double average;
     private double variance;
     private double standardDeviation;
     //                    -------------------- Constructor --------------------
     // Calculates (initializes) the statistics, using passed-in exams.
     // Note that the order of computing thst stats matters, as some
     // stats use others; for instance, variance must be computed before
     // standard deviation.
     public Statistics(Exam exam1, Exam exam2, Exam exam3, Exam exam4, Exam exam5)
          // *** YOUR CODE GOES HERE ***
     //                    -------------------- Accessor methods --------------------
     // getNumberOfExamsTaken() makes available the number of exams this student undertook
     public int getNumberOfExamsTaken()
          return numberOfExamsTaken;
     // getMinimum() makes the minimum available
     public int getMinimum()
          return minimum;
     // getMaximum() makes the maximum available
     public int getMaximum()
          return maximum;
     // getAverage() makes the average available
     public double getAverage()
          return average;
     // getVariance() make the variance available
     public double getVariance()
          return variance;
     // getStandardDeviation() make the standard deviation available
     public double getStandardDeviation()
          return standardDeviation;
     //                    -------------------- Statistics methods --------------------
     //     ---> Note: all statistics are to be computed using the number of exams taken
     // calculateNumberOfExamsTaken() computes the number of tests the student took
     // and stores the result in 'numberOfExamsTaken'
     // (Note this statistic can always be computed.)
     private void calculateNumberOfExamsTaken(Exam exam1, Exam exam2, Exam exam3, Exam exam4, Exam exam5)
          // *** YOUR CODE GOES HERE ***
          numberOfExamsTaken = OneStudentsWork.NUMBER_OF_EXAMS;
     // calculateMinimum() sets 'minimum' to the minimum score of exams taken, or
     // to CANT_COMPUTE_STATISTIC if a minimum can't be computed.
     private void calculateMinimum(Exam exam1, Exam exam2, Exam exam3, Exam exam4, Exam exam5)
          // *** YOUR CODE GOES HERE ***
          /*min = exam1.getScore();
          if (min > exam2.getScore())
               min = exam2.getScore();
          if (min > exam3.getScore())
               min = exam3.getScore();
          if (min > exam4.getScore())
               min = exam4.getScore();
          if (min > exam5.getScore())
               min = exam5.getScore();
          if(numberOfExamsTaken == 0)
               minimum = CANT_COMPUTE_STATISTIC;
          else if(numberOfExamsTaken == 1)
               minimum = exam1.getScore();
               minimum = exam1.getScore();
               if(numberOfExamsTaken >= 2 && numberOfExamsTaken <= minimum)
                    minimum = exam2.getScore();
               if(numberOfExamsTaken >= 3 && numberOfExamsTaken <= minimum)
                    minimum = exam3.getScore();
               if(numberOfExamsTaken >= 4 && numberOfExamsTaken <= minimum)
                    minimum = exam4.getScore();
               if(numberOfExamsTaken >= 5 && numberOfExamsTaken <= minimum)
                    minimum = exam5.getScore();
          if (getMinimum() == ExamsManager.ABSOLUTE_MIN_SCORE)
               minimum = exam1.getScore();
               //exam1.getScore() = getMinimum();
               exam1.getScore() = CANT_COMPUTE_STATISTIC;
     // calculateMaximum() sets 'maximum' to the maximum score of exams taken, or
     // to CANT_COMPUTE_STATISTIC if a maximum can't be computed.
     private void calculateMaximum(Exam exam1, Exam exam2, Exam exam3, Exam exam4, Exam exam5)
          // *** YOUR CODE GOES HERE ***
          /*if (maximum == ExamsManager.ABSOLUTE_MAX_SCORE)
          return true;
          return CANT_COMPUTE_STATISTIC;*/
          max = exam1.getScore();
          if (max < exam2.getScore())
               max = exam2.getScore();
          if (max < exam3.getScore())
               max = exam3.getScore();
          if (max < exam4.getScore())
               max = exam4.getScore();
          if (max < exam5.getScore())
               max = exam5.getScore();
          if(numberOfExamsTaken == 0)
               maximum = CANT_COMPUTE_STATISTIC;
          else if(numberOfExamsTaken == 1)
               maximum = exam1.getScore();
               maximum = exam1.getScore();
               if(numberOfExamsTaken >= 2 && numberOfExamsTaken >= maximum)
                    maximum = exam2.getScore();
               if(numberOfExamsTaken >= 3 && numberOfExamsTaken >= maximum)
                    maximum = exam3.getScore();
               if(numberOfExamsTaken >= 4 && numberOfExamsTaken >= maximum)
                    maximum = exam4.getScore();
               if(numberOfExamsTaken >= 5 && numberOfExamsTaken >= maximum)
                    maximum = exam5.getScore();
     // calculateAverage() computes the average of the scores for exams taken and
     // stores the result in 'average'. Set to CANT_COMPUTE_STATISTIC if there
     // are no tests taken.
     private void calculateAverage(Exam exam1, Exam exam2, Exam exam3, Exam exam4, Exam exam5)
          // *** YOUR CODE GOES HERE ***
          if (numberOfExamsTaken == 5)
               average = (exam1.getScore()+exam2.getScore()+exam3.getScore()+exam4.getScore()+exam5.getScore()/OneStudentsWork.NUMBER_OF_EXAMS);
          else if (numberOfExamsTaken == 4)
               average = (exam1.getScore()+exam2.getScore()+exam3.getScore()+exam4.getScore()/OneStudentsWork.NUMBER_OF_EXAMS);
          else if (numberOfExamsTaken == 3)
               average = (exam1.getScore()+exam2.getScore()+exam3.getScore()/OneStudentsWork.NUMBER_OF_EXAMS);
          else if (numberOfExamsTaken == 2)
               average = (exam1.getScore()+exam2.getScore()/OneStudentsWork.NUMBER_OF_EXAMS);
          else if (numberOfExamsTaken == 1)
               average = (exam1.getScore()/OneStudentsWork.NUMBER_OF_EXAMS);
          else if (numberOfExamsTaken == 0)
               average = CANT_COMPUTE_STATISTIC;
     // calculateVariance() calculates the returns the variance of the
     // scores for exams taken and stores it in 'variance'
     // For a small set of data (such as this one), the formula for calculating variance is
     // the sum of ((exam score - average) squared) for scores of exams taken
     // divided by (the number of scores - 1)
     // Set to CANT_COMPUTE_STATISTIC if there are fewer than two tests taken.
     private void calculateVariance(Exam exam1, Exam exam2, Exam exam3, Exam exam4, Exam exam5)
          // *** YOUR CODE GOES HERE ***
          if (numberOfExamsTaken == 5)
               variance = ((exam1.getScore()-average)*(exam1.getScore()-average)+(exam2.getScore()-average)*(exam2.getScore()-average)+(exam3.getScore()-average)*(exam3.getScore()-average)+(exam4.getScore()-average)*(exam4.getScore()-average)+(exam5.getScore()-average)*(exam5.getScore()-average))/4;
          else if (numberOfExamsTaken == 4)
               variance = ((exam1.getScore()-average)*(exam1.getScore()-average)+(exam2.getScore()-average)*(exam2.getScore()-average)+(exam3.getScore()-average)*(exam3.getScore()-average)+(exam4.getScore()-average)*(exam4.getScore()-average))/4;
          else if (numberOfExamsTaken == 3)
               variance = ((exam1.getScore()-average)*(exam1.getScore()-average)+(exam2.getScore()-average)*(exam2.getScore()-average)+(exam3.getScore()-average)*(exam3.getScore()-average))/4;
          else if (numberOfExamsTaken == 2)
               variance = ((exam1.getScore()-average)*(exam1.getScore()-average)+(exam2.getScore()-average)*(exam2.getScore()-average))/4;
          else if (numberOfExamsTaken < 2)
               variance = CANT_COMPUTE_STATISTIC;
     // calculateStandardDeviation() calculates the standard
     // deviation of the scores of taken exams and stores
     // it in 'standardDeviation'
     // The formula for calculating standard deviation is just
     // the square root of the variance
     private void calculateStandardDeviation(Exam exam1, Exam exam2, Exam exam3, Exam exam4, Exam exam5)
          // *** YOUR CODE GOES HERE ***
          if (variance == CANT_COMPUTE_STATISTIC)
               standardDeviation = CANT_COMPUTE_STATISTIC;
               standardDeviation = (Math.sqrt(variance));
// Exam.java for Lab 2
// ICS 21 Fall 2002
// An Exam object stores information about one exam
class Exam
     private boolean examTaken;     //was the exam taken? true for yes, false for no
     private int score;               //the exam's score; = 0 if test not taken
     //                    -------------------- Constructors --------------------
     // Construct a taken exam; it has score 's'
     public Exam(int s)
          score = s;
          examTaken = true;
     // Construct an exam not taken; it has a score of 0
     public Exam()
          score = 0;
          examTaken = false;
     //                    -------------------- Accessor methods --------------------
     // Make the score of an exam available
     public int getScore()
          return score;
     // Make available whether an exam was taken
     public boolean wasTaken()
          return examTaken;

Your code is absolutely unreadable - even if someone was willing to
help, it's simply impossible. I do give you a few tips, though: If you
understand your code (i.e. if it really is YOUR code), you should be
able to realize that your minimum and maximum never get set (thus they
are both 0) and your exam 3 is set with the wrong value. SEE where
those should get set and figure out why they're not. Chances are you
are doing something to them that makes one 'if' fail or you just
erroneously assign a wrong variable!

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    There is nothing you can do with iMovie program itself.  Slow response in usually due to a shortage of system resources (CPU, RAM and disk space).
    How much free disk space do you have on your boot drive and what is the capacity of the drive?
    You can check memory utilization while running iMovie using Activity Monitor (in Applications/Utilities).  What does the Memory tab show for Swap used?
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    Take it into an Apple store for evaluation.

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    Macbook Pro Mid 2009 Processor 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Memory 2 GB 1067 MHz DDR3. iOS 10.10.1 (14B25). My mac is running slow and have ran EtreCheck. Please help me fix my mac. Thanks!
    Problem description:
    My mac has been very slow lately. Any suggestions?
    EtreCheck version: 2.1.2 (105)
    Report generated December 14, 2014 at 8:15:29 PM PST
    Hardware Information: ℹ️
      MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2009) (Verified)
      MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro5,5
      1 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU: 2-core
      2 GB RAM Upgradeable
      BANK 0/DIMM0
      1 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok
      BANK 1/DIMM0
      1 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok
      Bluetooth: Old - Handoff/Airdrop2 not supported
      Wireless:  en1: 802.11 a/b/g/n
    Video Information: ℹ️
      NVIDIA GeForce 9400M - VRAM: 256 MB
      Color LCD 1280 x 800
    System Software: ℹ️
      OS X 10.10.1 (14B25) - Uptime: 0:54:52
    Disk Information: ℹ️
      Hitachi HTS545016B9SA02 disk0 : (160.04 GB)
      S.M.A.R.T. Status: Verified
      EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
      MacHD (disk0s2) / : 159.05 GB (49.15 GB free)
      Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB
      HL-DT-ST DVDRW  GS23N 
    USB Information: ℹ️
      Apple Inc. Built-in iSight
      Apple Internal Memory Card Reader
      Apple Inc. BRCM2046 Hub
      Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
      Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
      Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
    Gatekeeper: ℹ️
      Mac App Store and identified developers
    Startup Items: ℹ️
      DVD3EnablerService: Path: /Library/StartupItems/DVD3EnablerService
      Startup items are obsolete in OS X Yosemite
    Problem System Launch Agents: ℹ️
      [failed] com.apple.AirPlayUIAgent.plist [Details]
      [failed] com.apple.CallHistoryPluginHelper.plist
      [failed] com.apple.coreservices.appleid.authentication.plist [Details]
      [failed] com.apple.icloud.fmfd.plist [Details]
      [failed] com.apple.secd.plist [Details]
      [failed] com.apple.security.cloudkeychainproxy.plist [Details]
      [failed] com.apple.telephonyutilities.callservicesd.plist [Details]
    Problem System Launch Daemons: ℹ️
      [failed] com.apple.ctkd.plist [Details]
      [failed] com.apple.icloud.findmydeviced.plist [Details]
      [failed] com.apple.ifdreader.plist
      [failed] com.apple.nehelper.plist [Details]
      [failed] com.apple.softwareupdate_download_service.plist [Details]
      [failed] com.apple.wdhelper.plist [Details]
      [failed] com.apple.xpc.smd.plist [Details]
    Launch Agents: ℹ️
      [loaded] com.google.keystone.agent.plist [Support]
      [invalid?] com.oracle.java.Java-Updater.plist [Support]
      [not loaded] com.teamviewer.teamviewer.plist [Support]
      [not loaded] com.teamviewer.teamviewer_desktop.plist [Support]
    Launch Daemons: ℹ️
      [running] com.adobe.ARM.[...].plist [Support]
      [loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist [Support]
      [loaded] com.google.keystone.daemon.plist [Support]
      [invalid?] com.oracle.java.Helper-Tool.plist [Support]
      [not loaded] com.teamviewer.teamviewer_service.plist [Support]
    User Launch Agents: ℹ️
      [loaded] com.adobe.ARM.[...].plist [Support]
      [invalid?] com.nds.pcshow.plist [Support]
      [invalid?] com.nds.pcshow.uninstall.plist [Support]
    User Login Items: ℹ️
    Internet Plug-ins: ℹ️
      WidevineMediaOptimizer: Version: - SDK 10.7 [Support]
      FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Support]
      QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
      AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: Version: 11.0.10 - SDK 10.6 [Support]
      AdobePDFViewer: Version: 11.0.10 - SDK 10.6 [Support]
      Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Support]
      Default Browser: Version: 600 - SDK 10.10
      Silverlight: Version: 5.1.30514.0 - SDK 10.6 [Support]
      iPhotoPhotocast: Version: 7.0
    3rd Party Preference Panes: ℹ️
      Flash Player  [Support]
    Time Machine: ℹ️
      Mobile backups: OFF
      Auto backup: NO - Auto backup turned off
      Volumes being backed up:
      MacHD: Disk size: 159.05 GB Disk used: 109.90 GB
      KINGSTON [Local]
      Total size: 30.88 GB
      Total number of backups: 0
      Oldest backup: -
      Last backup: -
      Size of backup disk: Too small
      Backup size 30.88 GB < (Disk used 109.90 GB X 3)
    Top Processes by CPU: ℹ️
          6% WindowServer
          0% AppleSpell
          0% SystemUIServer
          0% powerd
          0% Google Chrome
    Top Processes by Memory: ℹ️
      131 MB softwareupdated
      112 MB Google Chrome
      41 MB Finder
      34 MB Google Chrome Helper
      32 MB WindowServer
    Virtual Memory Information: ℹ️
      51 MB Free RAM
      587 MB Active RAM
      551 MB Inactive RAM
      350 MB Wired RAM
      10.96 GB Page-ins
      865 MB Page-outs
    Diagnostics Information: ℹ️
      Dec 14, 2014, 07:37:58 PM Install Adobe Flash Player_2014-12-14-193758_[redacted].crash
      Dec 14, 2014, 07:21:27 PM Self test - passed

    Please describe the problem in as much relevant detail as possible. The "etrecheck" fad hasn't made that step any less necessary. The usual results of posting etrecheck output on this site without a full description of the problem are very poor.
    The many "failed" warnings that etrecheck sometimes spews mean nothing. Those warnings are not a reason to reinstall the OS, or to do anything else at all. They should be ignored.
    The better your description of the problem, the better the chance of a solution.
    For example, if the computer is slow, which specific actions are slow? Is it slow all the time, or only sometimes? What changes did you make, if any, just before it became slow? Have you seen any alerts or error messages? Have you done anything to try to fix it? Most importantly, do you have a current backup of all data? If the answer to the last question is "no," back up now. Ask if you need guidance. Do nothing else until you have a backup.

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    - See if this program will place it in recovery mode since that erases the iPod and bypasses the passocode.
    RecBoot: Easy Way to Put iPhone into Recovery Mode
    - Next try letting the battery fully drain. The try again.

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    '''(in English)'''

    Hi Danny,
    Per my understanding that you can't get the expect result by using the expression "=Count(Fields!TICKET_STATUS.Value=4) " to count the the TICKET_STATUS which value is 4, the result will returns the count of all the TICKET_STATUS values(206)
    but not 180, right?
    I have tested on my local environment and can reproduce the issue, the issue caused by you are using the count() function in the incorrect way, please modify the expression as below and have a test:
    =COUNT(IIF(Fields!TICKET_STATUS.Value=4 ,1,Nothing))
    If you still have any problem, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

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    you don't need to disassemble your device.
    4 days is a lot.
    maybe rust has already been created.
    cross fingers.
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

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    Just want to echo this complaint.
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    I thought is was too much of a coincidence that the adapter went out the same day, but sure enough it did. Just replaced it and it works fine. Thanks

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    I've upgraded to OS 10.8.2 and my Bowers and Wilkins MM-1 Speakers were working fine until today, and now they won't play any sound at all, even though iTunes shows the audio is playing. I've tried both the headphone jack and the USB port. Please help! I don't want to have to be stuck using my internal speakers!
    Thank you,

    Thanks. I haven't mixed down the audio or checked the number of tracks in Prefs. Good points.
    As far as a mixdown goes, I'll definitely give it a try, though I wonder whether or not the tracks will be recognized during mix down recording - given that you can't hear either of those segments in playback. Just have to try.
    Re the preferred number of allowed tracks - I'll go check as soon as I send this off, but I'm not sure that applies in this case, since the two Channels containing the segments that are pinked out are not in additional tracks. I should have mentioned that other audio clips and segments on the same Channels in the SAME tracks ARE heard in playback. As are two additional track in the 2nd Sequence. It's only when the two sequences are joined that the pink tinted segments can't be heard. Within the sequence the same audio cuts playback as they should. Thanks again &
    Best regards,

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    please helpme i block my ipod touch second generation and forget the code, try putting the code so many times that now says connect to itunes, I connect but will not let me do anything that tells me this  should unlock with key and I should do for Please help!. thanks

    Place the iPOd in recovery mode and then restore. For recovery mode:
    iPhone and iPod touch: Unable to update or restore

  • HT5631 how do I verify my apple id? I can't sign in to it in mail and I can't make a new one because it just will not process I'm trying to set up iCloud between iPad and iPhone and having ALOT of difficulty pleAse help need it done by later on today!!!!!

    how do I verify my apple id? I can't sign in to it in mail and I can't make a new one because it just will not process I'm trying to set up iCloud between iPad and iPhone and having ALOT of difficulty pleAse help need it done by later on today!!!!!

    In order to use your Apple ID to create an iCloud account, the primary email address associated with the ID must first be verified.  To do this, Apple will send a verification email to your account and you must respond to the email by clicking the Verify Now link.  Make sure you are check the spam/junk folder as well as the inbox.  If it isn't there, go to https://appleid.apple.com, click Manage your Apple ID, sign in, click on Name, ID and Email addresses on the left, then to the right click Resend under your Primary Email Address to resend the verification email.

  • When i plug my ipod in, it shows up on desktop as a hard drive, but wont show up on itunes. All my music/videos everything has been wiped off somehow, restored it and still wont work! Please help!

    When i plug my ipod in, it shows up on desktop as a hard drive, but wont show up on itunes. All my music/videos everything has been wiped off somehow, restored it and still wont work! Please help!

    - Have you tried the troubleshooting here:
    iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    - You can try disabling the camer notification
    - Do you have any camera, scanner or similar software installed?  That may prevent iTunes from seeing the iPod.

  • I recently tried to erase a seas gate expansion external harddrive and when i did all that shows up in disk utility now is something called expansion and all my opitions are greyed out in the partation tab, it doesnt mount and idk what to do please help,

    when i did all that shows up in disk utility now is something called expansion and all my opitions are greyed out in the partation tab, it doesnt mount and idk what to do please help.
    Running macbook pro 2.53ghz late 2010
    mountain lion
    8gbs mem

    I would try it on a PC and see if you can format it, then put it back on the Mac and try again. If it's not seen on a PC, then there's the strong likelihood that there's a hardware issue; either the bridge/chip set or the HD itself is dying/dead. There's also the small possibility that the cable is faulty, so I'd try a different cable too.

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