I must be doing something wrong, but I can't find it.

Hi all.
I had this code working two or three iterations ago, but in moving some functionality from one class (where it did not belong) to another (where it made more sense to deal with it) I broke something. Below, you will see my ImageViewer class source:
package us.state.pa.dli.imagetracker;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import javax.media.jai.*;
* @author ghurley
public class ImageViewer extends ScrollPane {
     static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
     private ImageFile iFile;
     //private Image i;
     private Graphics2D g2;
     private BufferedImage mBufferedImage;
     private MediaTracker mt;
     public ImageViewer() {
          // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
      * This method makes the content of the ImageViewer pane.
     public void makeContent() {
          iFile = new ImageFile("D:\\eclipse\\plugins\\com.yoxos.yim_2.2.2\\yoxos32.png");
          mt = new MediaTracker(this);
     public void replaceImage(ImageFile imFile) {
          this.iFile = imFile;
     public void renderImage() {
          String name = iFile.getAbsolutePath();
          //BufferedImage mBufferedImage = iFile.getB();
         if (mBufferedImage.equals(null)) {
//              System.out.println("No image loaded!");
         //System.out.println("mBufferedImage is a: "+mBufferedImage.getClass().getName());
         int x, y;
//         System.out.println("Width: "+this.iFile.getWidth());
//         System.out.println("Height: "+this.iFile.getHeight());
         x = this.centerImage(this.iFile.getWidth(),'x'); 
         y = this.centerImage(this.iFile.getHeight(),'y');
//         System.out.println("x: "+x);
//         System.out.println("y: "+y);
//         System.out.println("scaled width: "+mBufferedImage.getWidth(this));
//         System.out.println("scaled height: "+mBufferedImage.getHeight(this));
         if (iFile.getHeight() > this.getHeight() || iFile.getWidth() > this.getHeight()) {
              mBufferedImage = iFile.showMeScaled();
              System.out.println("scaling down");
//              g.drawImage(iFile.showMeScaled(), x, y, this);
         } else if (iFile.getHeight() < this.getHeight() && iFile.getWidth() < this.getWidth()) {
              mBufferedImage = iFile.showMeScaled();
              System.out.println("scaling up");
//              g.drawImage(iFile.showMeScaled(), x, y, this);
         } else {
              mBufferedImage = iFile.showMe();
              System.out.println("not scaling");
              System.out.println("This Panel:\n\tWidth:"+this.getWidth()+"\n\tHeight:"+this.getHeight());
//              g.drawImage(iFile.getB(), x, y, this);
         g2.drawImage(mBufferedImage, 0, 0, this);
//         System.out.println(this.g2.toString());
//         System.out.println(mBufferedImage.createGraphics().toString());
//         g = this.g2;
//         g2 = this.getGraphics();
          //Graphics g2 = this.getGraphics();
          if (!g2.equals(null)) myPaint();               
//     private void showImage(BufferedImage bufferedImage) {
//          // TODO Auto-generated method stub
     private void loadOther(String name) {
//          double myScale;
//          i = iFile.showThumbnail();
          mBufferedImage = iFile.showMe();
//          myScale  = this.getScale();
//          System.out.println(myScale);
//          if (this.getWidth() < iFile.getWidth() || this.getHeight() < iFile.getHeight()) {
//               iFile.setScale(myScale);
//               mBufferedImage = iFile.showMeScaled();
          mt.addImage(mBufferedImage, 0);
//          mt.addImage(mBufferedImage, 0);
          try {
          } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
               System.out.println("Oops.  Exception: " + ie.getMessage());
     private int centerImage(int coordinate, char axis){
          int displacement = 0;
          if (axis == 'x') {
               displacement = (this.getWidth() - coordinate) / 2;
          } else {
               displacement = (this.getHeight() - coordinate) / 2;
          return displacement;
      * @param args
     public void myParseArgs(String[] args) {
          this.iFile = new ImageFile(args[0]);
     private void myPaint() {
     public void paint(Graphics2D g) {
//         if (i.equals(null)) return;
//         if (mBufferedImage.equals(null)) return;
//         System.out.println("mBufferedImage is a: "+mBufferedImage.getClass().getName());
//         int x, y;
//         System.out.println("Width: "+this.iFile.getWidth());
//         System.out.println("Height: "+this.iFile.getHeight());
//         x = this.centerImage(this.iFile.getWidth(),'x'); 
//         y = this.centerImage(this.iFile.getHeight(),'y');
//         System.out.println("x: "+x);
//         System.out.println("y: "+y);
//         System.out.println("scaled width: "+mBufferedImage.getWidth(this));
//         System.out.println("scaled height: "+mBufferedImage.getHeight(this));
//         if (iFile.getHeight() > this.getHeight() || iFile.getWidth() > this.getHeight()) {
//              mBufferedImage = iFile.showMeScaled();
////              g.drawImage(iFile.showMeScaled(), x, y, this);
//         } else if (iFile.getHeight() < this.getHeight() && iFile.getWidth() < this.getWidth()) {
//              mBufferedImage = iFile.showMeScaled();
////              g.drawImage(iFile.showMeScaled(), x, y, this);
//         } else {
//              mBufferedImage = iFile.showMe();
//              System.out.println(iFile.getName()+":\n\tWidth:"+iFile.getWidth()+"\n\tHeight:"+iFile.getHeight()+"\n\tx:"+x+"\n\ty:"+y);
//              System.out.println("This Panel:\n\tWidth:"+this.getWidth()+"\n\tHeight:"+this.getHeight());
////              g.drawImage(iFile.getB(), x, y, this);
//         this.setGraphics(mBufferedImage.createGraphics());
//         g = this.g2;
//         g.drawImage(mBufferedImage, 0, 0, this);
          g.drawString("Hiya", 0, 0);
//          g.drawImage(iFile.showThumbnail(), 0, 0, this);
     public Insets getInsets() {
          Insets in = super.getInsets();
          if (in ==  null) {
               in = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0);
          return in;
     private void setGraphics(Graphics2D g) {
          this.g2 = g;
     public Graphics2D getGraphics() {
          //WritableRaster w = iFile.getB().getRaster();
          //BufferedImage b = new BufferedImage(this.getWidth(), this.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
          BufferedImage b = iFile.showMe();
//          System.out.println("Height Should Be:"+b.getHeight());
//          g2 = b.createGraphics();
          g2 = iFile.getGraphics();
          //g2 = (Graphics2D)g2.create(0, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight());
          return g2;
}The ImageFile class has source as follows:
package us.state.pa.dli.imagetracker;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.image.renderable.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.media.jai.*;
import com.sun.media.jai.codec.*;
import javax.imageio.*;
public class ImageFile extends File {
     static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
     private String parentDir;
     private double scale;
     private int width, height;
     private double scaledWidth, scaledHeight;
     //private Image i;
     private BufferedImage b;
     private Directory d;
     private Component q;
      * @param arg0 The parent directory
      * @param arg1 The child file
      * <p>Creates a new File instance from a parent abstract pathname and a child pathname string.
     public ImageFile(File arg0, String arg1) {
          super(arg0, arg1);
      * @param arg0 The parent directory
      * @param arg1 The child file
      * <p>Creates a new File instance from a parent pathname string and a child pathname string.
     public ImageFile(String arg0, String arg1) {
          super(arg0, arg1);
      * @param arg0
      * <p>Creates a new File instance by converting the given pathname string into an abstract pathname.
     public ImageFile(String arg0) {
      * @param arg0
      * <p>Creates a new File instance by converting the given file: URI into an abstract pathname.
     public ImageFile(URI arg0) {
          // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
//      * @param prefix
//      * @param suffix
//     public void createATempFile(String prefix, String suffix) {
//          d = new Directory(this.parentDir);
//          try {
//               File f = super.createTempFile(prefix, suffix,d);
//          } catch (IOException e) {
//               // TODO Auto-generated catch block
//               e.printStackTrace();
//     public ImageFile createImageFile(Image i) {
//          ImageFile newIfile = null;
//          ImageEncoder ie = null;
//          File newFile;
//          String []foundThese;
//          String fileType = "BMP";
//          String extension = this.getName().substring(this.getName().lastIndexOf('.'));
//          String timestamp = "" + new java.util.Date().getTime();
//          String myOS = System.getProperty("os.name");
//          char mySep;
//          if (myOS.substring(0, 7).equalsIgnoreCase("Windows")) {
//               mySep = '\\';
//          } else {
//               mySep = '/';
//          this.createATempFile(timestamp, extension);
//          foundThese = (this.d.searchFor(timestamp));
//          //take the first one
//          newFile = new File(foundThese[0]);
//          System.out.println(newFile.getPath());
////          int[] pixels = new int[(int)(this.scaledHeight*this.scaledWidth)];
////          PixelGrabber pg = new PixelGrabber(i, 0, 0, (int)scaledWidth, (int)scaledHeight,pixels,0,0);
////          try {
////               pg.grabPixels();
////          } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
////               // TODO Auto-generated catch block
////               e1.printStackTrace();
//////          if(!newIfile.exists()) {
//////               try {
//////                    newIfile.createNewFile();
//////               } catch (IOException e) {
//////                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
//////                    e.printStackTrace();
//          FileOutputStream fos;
//          try {
//               fos= new FileOutputStream(newFile);
//               if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".TIF") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".BMP")) {
//                    TIFFEncodeParam tep = new TIFFEncodeParam();
//                    fileType = "TIFF";
//                    ie = (ImageEncoder)new com.sun.media.jai.codecimpl.TIFFImageEncoder(fos, tep);
//               } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".BMP")) {
//                    BMPEncodeParam bep = new BMPEncodeParam();
//                    ie = (ImageEncoder)new com.sun.media.jai.codecimpl.BMPImageEncoder(fos, bep);
//               } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".PNG")) {
//                    PNGEncodeParam pep = new PNGEncodeParam.Palette();
//                    fileType = "PNG";
//                    ie = (ImageEncoder)new com.sun.media.jai.codecimpl.PNGImageEncoder(fos, pep);
//               } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".GIF")) {
//                    System.out.println("GIF Images not supported");
//               } else if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase(".JPG")) {
//                    JPEGEncodeParam jep = new JPEGEncodeParam();
//                    fileType = "JPEG";
//                    ie = (ImageEncoder)new com.sun.media.jai.codecimpl.JPEGImageEncoder(fos, jep);
//               } else {
//                    System.out.println("File format not supported");
//          } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
//               // TODO Auto-generated catch block
//               e.printStackTrace();
//          ImageWriter iw = (ImageWriter)ImageIO.getImageWritersBySuffix(extension.substring(1)).next();
//          ParameterBlock jpb = new ParameterBlock().addSource(i);
//          OperationRegistry ory = JAI.getDefaultInstance().getOperationRegistry();
//          String [] temp = ory.getRegistryModes();
//          String []temp2;
//          for (int which = 0; which < temp.length; which++) {
//               temp2 = ory.getDescriptorNames(temp[which]);
//               System.out.println("\t"+temp[which]+":");
//               for (int cual = 0; cual < temp2.length; cual++) {
//                    System.out.println("\t\t"+temp2[cual]);
//          ParameterBlock scaler = new ParameterBlock().addSource(i);
//          scaler.add(newFile);
//          scaler.add(new Dimension((int)this.scaledWidth, (int)this.scaledHeight));
//          RenderableOp scaleIt = new RenderableOp("scale",scaler);
//          AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform();
//          RenderContext rc = new RenderContext(at);
//          RenderedImage ri = scaleIt.createRendering(rc);
//          try {
//               jpb.set(ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(newFile), 0);
//               jpb.set(Boolean.TRUE, 5);
//               jpb.set(new Dimension((int)this.scaledWidth, (int)this.scaledHeight),6);
//               jpb.set(iw, 13);
//               //System.out.println(JAI.getDefaultInstance().getOperationRegistry())
//               RenderedOp op = JAI.create("FileStore", jpb);
//          } catch (IOException e) {
//               // TODO Auto-generated catch block
//               e.printStackTrace();
////          RenderedOp op = JAI.create("filestore", i,foundThese[0],fileType);
////          RenderedOp op = JAI.create("filestore", image, filename, filetype, encodeParam);
//          //          if (! ie.equals(null)) {
////               newIfile = new ImageFile(fred[0]);
////               RenderedImage ri = newIfile.getB();
////               try {
////                    ie.encode(ri);
////               } catch (IOException e) {
////                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
////                    e.printStackTrace();
//          newIfile = new ImageFile(newFile.getPath());
//          return newIfile;
      * @return A URI representing this file.
     public URI getURI() {
          return this.toURI();
     public URL getURL() {
          URL u = null;
          try {
               u = this.getURI().toURL();
          } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
               // TODO Auto-generated catch block
          return u;
     public boolean matchFileName(String namePart) {
          boolean matches = false;
          matches = this.getPath().contains((CharSequence)namePart);
          return matches;
     public String getParentDir() {
          return this.parentDir;
     public void setParentDir() {
          int endIndex = this.getPath().lastIndexOf(File.pathSeparatorChar);
          this.setParentDir(this.getPath().substring(0, endIndex));
     public void setParentDir(String pathName) {
          this.parentDir = pathName;
     public void move(String newpath) {
          //String myPath = this.getPath();
          String myName = this.getName();
//          System.out.println(myName);
          //char sep = File.pathSeparatorChar;
          String newName = "";
          //int startName = myPath.length();
          //newName =newName + newpath + sep + myName;
          newName =newName + newpath + myName;
//          System.out.println(newName);
          File f = new File(newName);
//     public Image show() {
//          i = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(this.getPath());
//          System.out.println(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(this.getPath()).toString());
//          return i;          
     public Image showThumbnail() {
          Image i;
//          System.out.println("Image width: "+width);
//          System.out.println("Image height: "+height);
//          System.out.println(b);
          i = b.getScaledInstance((int)scaledWidth, (int)scaledHeight, Image.SCALE_AREA_AVERAGING);
          return i;     
     public BufferedImage showMeScaled() {
          BufferedImage b;
          //b = showMe();
          RenderedOp ro = JAI.create("fileload", this.getPath());
          PlanarImage pi1 = ro.getNewRendering();
          //ParameterBlock params = new ParameterBlock().addSource(b);
          ParameterBlock params = new ParameterBlock().addSource(pi1);
          //HashMap hm = new HashMap();
          params.add((float)this.getScale());     // x
          params.add((float)this.getScale());     // y
//          ImageLayout il = new ImageLayout(b);
//          il.setHeight((int)this.scaledHeight);
//          il.setWidth((int)this.scaledWidth);
          RenderedOp scaled = JAI.create("Scale", params);
          b = scaled.getAsBufferedImage();
//          System.out.println(b.getHeight());
//          System.out.println(b.getWidth());
//          BufferedImage b = showMe();
//          //Image temp = this.show();
//          //height = i.getHeight(q);
//          if (height <= 0) height = q.getHeight();
//          //width =  i.getWidth(q);
//          if (width <= 0) width = q.getWidth();
//          System.out.println("Height: "+height+", Width: "+width);
//          this.scaleImage();
          //temp = i.getScaledInstance(width, height, BufferedImage.SCALE_AREA_AVERAGING);
          //b = new BufferedImage(width, height,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
          //i = temp;
//          b = (BufferedImage)i.getScaledInstance(width, height, BufferedImage.SCALE_AREA_AVERAGING);
//          b.getScaledInstance(width, height, BufferedImage.SCALE_AREA_AVERAGING);
          //b.getSubimage(x, y, w, h)
          //Image temp = b.getScaledInstance(width, height, BufferedImage.SCALE_AREA_AVERAGING);
          //b = (BufferedImage)temp;
          return b;
     public BufferedImage showMe() {
          RenderedOp ro = JAI.create("fileload", this.getPath());
          b = ro.getAsBufferedImage();
          height = ro.getHeight();
          width = ro.getWidth();
          return b;
//     private void scaleImage() {
//          this.height = (int)((double)this.height * this.scale);
//          this.width = (int)((double)this.width * this.scale);
      * @return the scale
     public double getScale() {
          return scale;
      * @param scale the scale to set
     public void setScale(double scale) {
          this.scale = scale;
      * @return the q
     public Component getQ() {
          return q;
      * @param q the q to set
     public void setQ(Component q) {
          this.q = q;
      * @return the b
     public BufferedImage getB() {
          return b;
      * @param b the b to set
     public void setB(BufferedImage b) {
          this.b = b;
      * @return the height
     public int getHeight() {
          return (int)this.scaledHeight;
      * @return the width
     public int getWidth() {
          return (int)this.scaledWidth;
      * @param height the height to set
     private void setHeight(int height) {
          this.scaledHeight = (double)height;
      * @param width the width to set
     private void setWidth(int width) {
          this.scaledWidth = (double)width;
     private int makeInt(double rate) {
          int iOut;
          iOut = (int) (1000000.0 * rate);
          return iOut;
     public void setSize(Dimension d) {
          this.setHeight(d.height - 20);
          this.setWidth(d.width - 20);
          double temp;
          double ratio1, ratio2;
          ratio1 = (double)this.height / (double)this.width;
          ratio2 = (double) (this.scaledHeight / this.scaledWidth);
          if (makeInt(ratio2) >= makeInt(ratio1)) {
               temp = (double)this.scaledWidth / (double)this.width;
          } else {
               temp = (double)this.scaledHeight / (double)this.height;
          this.setSize((int)(scale*(double)width), (int)(scale*(double)height));
     public void setSize(int width, int height) {
     public Dimension getSize() {
          Dimension d = new Dimension();
          d.setSize(this.width, this.height);
          return d;
     private void setImageSize() {
          this.b = this.showMe();
     private void setImageHeight() {
     private void setImageWidth() {
     public ColorModel getColorModel() {
          return b.getColorModel();
     public Graphics2D getGraphics() {
          return b.createGraphics();
      * @return the d
     public Directory getD() {
          return d;
      * @param d the d to set
     public void setD(Directory d) {
          this.d = d;
}My problem is in the display of the image, though, so only the first class is really necessary, but I was wondering if my computations of the size of the BufferedImage could have caused my problems. Additionally, this code seems to choke when displaying large TIFF files, such as those downloaded from NASA's website. My application will not use such large TIFF files, but it gives me a perfect testing ground. The error I get when loading such files is a "Java-AWT:Event Error" involving the "Memory Heap". Can someone familiar with the JAI let me know what I am doing wrong? This worked well without using JAI functionality to scale the BufferedImage, but when I tried to do that, it freaked on me with the display. I get a blank panel. System.out.println() commands are inserted to report status, and commented lines are from earlier attempts.

Well, I'll be damned, it seems I need to copy an object on
ALL the frames and make it Alpha 0% if I want the object to be
accessible through ActionScript. I actually got 5 frames and if I
only put it on the first frame, it won't be null but mouseDown
eventListener won't work... Hmmm that's the first thing I find that
looks like a patch with ActionScript 3.

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    You do not need to drill down into the file menu with this camera. It will not work. You just connect the camera and the import screen comes up. If you are drilling down into folders, that will not work for an AVCHD camera.
    Here is a tutorial of how it should work. 
    Here is another good Tutorial from Ken Stone.
    If you still can't see the camera after watching the Tutorials, I would check the following.
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    2) If you can  see the card, try making a Disk Image of the card using Disk Utility. Then mount the disk image on your desktop and import from there.
    3( If you have a faulty card reader, try importing directly from the camera. A USB cable should have come with the camera. Be sure the camera is plugged in to AC Power (not batteries only). Follow the directions for your camera for which settings to choose.
    4) If it still doesn't work, I would call Apple and Canon.

  • I must be doing something wrong because none of the Adobe software can open my RAW files.

    None of the adobe software recognize the RAW files from my Nikon D7100. I had no problems opening raw files from my D5000.   I even tried to convert them to DNG but that didn't work either. I have used Lightroom, Photoshop CC, Bridge, Photoshop Elements 13, Photoshop 8.  I wasn't able to see my Raw files in windows either until I downloaded NEC codec...and, of course, I can see them in the Nikon software.  I have 8 folders of pics taken with the new camera.  In the last folder, I can see and work with my RAW files and in one folder, there is one RAW file I can work with.  All the rest are blank and won't open.  In one folder, Lightroom won't even show the JPEGs. I shoot in RAW + (JPEG) FINE. I've downloaded all the files the same way.  I will try to download them again, but not all of them are still on the card.  I even tried to convert them to DNG, but if they can't be seen as RAW, they won't convert to DNG. The D7100 has been out for a while, so I can't believe that Adobe wouldn't work for it.

    The IMG_6564.CR2 file on dropbox is corrupted in that it is missing most of the raw data which is why PS and LR cannot open it.  For this specific file, at least, the camera-embedded-jpg preview is intact and can be extracted, so while not as good as the raw file, it is better than nothing.
    Here is what IrfanView shows for the raw image:
    Here is the camera-embedded jpg-preview as show in Windows Photo Viewer:
    I was able to extract the camera-embedded jpg preview using EXIF Tool, with the following command:
    exiftool -b -PreviewImage -w _preview.jpg -ext cr2 -r ./.
    where ./.means the current folder in the CMD window.  If the images were in a different folder, for example C:\Pictures, then the last part of the command would be -r C\Pictures
    This created a IMG_6564_preview.jpg from the original IMG_6564.CR2 file.
    The next step is to copy all the metadata over from the CR2 to its corresponding preview.jpg file:
    exiftool -tagsfromfile %d%-.8f.cr2 -all:all -r -overwrite_original -ext jpg ./.
    You can read about these two commands, here:http://ninedegreesbelow.com/photography/exiftool-commands.html#extract
    ExifTool can be downloaded from the Windows Executable box near the top of the page at the following website, and once you download the extiftool-whatever.zip then extract exfitool(-k).exe then rename exiftool(-k).exe to exiftool.exe and copy it to the folder where your CR2 files reside then run the two commands, above to extract all the embedded previews:
    ExifTool by Phil Harvey
    Finally, it would be wise to determine why the files are corrupted.  Usually it is the memory card, itself, that is going bad.  Are all the images bad or just one here and there?

  • HT4061 hi im still haveing trouble with my ipad its not conected i must be doing something wrong tell me again how to conect my ipad

    why am i haveing trouble downloading to my ipad it froze

    First, try a system reset although I can't give you any confidence.  It cures many ills and it's quick, easy and harmless...
    Hold down the on/off switch and the Home button simultaneously until you see the Apple logo.  Ignore the "Slide to power off" text if it appears.  You will not lose any apps, data, music, movies, settings, etc.
    If the Reset doesn't work, try a Restore.  Note that it's nowhere near as quick as a Reset.  It could take well over an hour!  Connect via cable to the computer that you use for sync.  From iTunes, select the iPad/iPod and then select the Summary tab.  Follow directions for Restore and be sure to say "yes" to the backup.  You will be warned that all data (apps, music, movies, etc.) will be erased but, as the Restore finishes, you will be asked if you wish the contents of the backup to be copied to the iPad/iPod.  Again, say "yes."
    At the end of the basic Restore, you will be asked if you wish to sync the iPad/iPod.  As before, say "yes."  Note that that sync selection will disappear and the Restore will end if you do not respond within a reasonable time.  If that happens, only the apps that are part of the IOS will appear on your device.  Corrective action is simple -  choose manual "Sync" from the bottom right of iTunes.
    If you're unable to do the Restore, go into Recovery Mode per the instructions here.

  • Using Back Up Mode is taking me quite literally days to complete! Is this at all normal? Am I doing something wrong? How can I speed up this process so that I can update my iPod touch's operating system!

    This is my first time joining the Apple Support Communities Help Line.
    Please refer to the subject line for my discussion/Question!

    Try here:
    iOS: Troubleshooting backup issues in iTunes
    Does the backup complete?

  • Surprisingly jaggy output - am I doing something wrong?

    Look at these examples:
    The first is a screencap of the fullscreen view in Aperture. The image is a 1728x1153 crop from an 8mp original. Not a great picture, but it looks OK.
    The second is that same version exported as a full-quality jpeg set to "fit within 1280 x 1280." Jaggy!
    What's going on here? The results are so bad that I must be doing something wrong. All I'm doing is selecting the 1728 version, choosing export version, and selecting the export option (JPEG - fit within 1280 x 1280).
    The third image, btw, was produced by exporting the cropped original as PSD and doing the resize/jpeg encoding in Photoshop. Looks much better.
    And thoughts about what's going on here?
    Dual Core 2.3GHz PowerMac G5, 2GB RAM, GeForce 6600   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Canon Digital Rebel XT, Edirol UA-5

    OK, it looks like the jagginess only happens when I set the export DPI to 300 with my particular original and export sizes. When I set it to 72, the exported version looks fine and is not jaggy.
    I see the same behavior for jpgs, tiffs, and psd.
    I also tried with some small sizes and found something else. When you export to "fit within 320 x 320" and you choose 72 DPI, the image gets sharpened. If you choose 300 DPI the image is not sharpened. Strange. Maybe there's a reason for that I don't get.
    This is what I'm seeing for all export types (jpgs, tiffs, etc) starting with a 1728 x 1153 image:
    320 x 320, 72 DPI: sharpened nicely
    320 x 320, 300 DPI: not sharpened, soft but no jaggies
    640 x 640, 72 DPI: sharpened nicely
    640 x 640, 300 DPI: not sharpened, soft but no jaggies
    800 x 800, 72 DPI: sharpened nicely
    800 x 800, 300 DPI: not sharpened, soft but no jaggies
    1024 x 1024, 72 DPI: sharpened nicely
    1024 x 1024, 300 DPI: sharpened but with nasty jaggies
    1280 x 1280, 72 DPI: sharpened nicely
    1280 x 1280, 300 DPI: sharpened but with nasty jaggies
    Original Size, 72 DPI: It doesn't look sharpened at all, no jaggies
    Original Size, 300 DPI: It doesn't look sharpened at all, no jaggies
    50% Size, 72 DPI: sharpened nicely
    50% Size, 300 DPI: not sharpened, soft but no jaggies
    25% Size, 72 DPI: sharpened nicely
    25% Size, 300 DPI: not sharpened, soft but no jaggies
    And more data, but this time starting with a 3456 x 2298 (digital rebel default) image:
    1280 x 1280, 72 DPI: sharpened nicely (some images a bit too much)
    1280 x 1280, 300 DPI: not sharpened, soft but no jaggies
    So it looks like the combination of using 300 DPI and certain original and export sizes can result in some nastiness.
    It is also interesting to note that in most situations, using 300 DPI turns off or greatly reduces the automatic export sharpening. Juicy info for those looking for ways to circumvent that feature.
    Dual Core 2.3GHz PowerMac G5, 2GB RAM, GeForce 6600   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Canon Digital Rebel XT, Edirol UA-5

  • Iphone 4s wont sync when I connect it to the pc( not apple). It is connected as it comes up on itunes but when I try to sync it with apps/ music etc it wont. I am doing something wrong or is it a mistake with the phone.

    My iphone 4s wont sync when I connect it to the pc( not apple). It is connected as it comes up on itunes but when I try to sync it with apps/ music etc it wont. I am doing something wrong or is it a mistake with the phone. I am still able to download apps and music from itunes on my phone though.
    I already restored it but that didn't help.
    TIA for any replies.

    iPod touches or any iDevices from Apple sync only to one computer. If you sync to a different computer, all your music will be replace with the music from the new computer's iTunes. If the music were purchased from iTunes, you can re-download them again otherwise the music on iPod touch will be deleted. Do you have iTunes backup? 

  • I have backed up my old phone to itunes, however, when I try to restore data to new phone it is saying the password is incorrect but I can get into my itunes account with my password so I am doing something wrong?

    I have backed up my old phone to itunes, however, when I try to restore data to my new phone it is saying the password is incorrect but I can get into my itunes account with my password so I am doing something wrong?

    I'm having this EXACT same problem with my iPhone 4, and I have the same computer stats (I have a Samsung Series 7)

  • I just purchased Adobe Acrobat in order to convert a pdf to an excel program but it appears that it will only convert to Word, not excel? Am I doing something wrong or should I cancel my subscription?

    I just purchased Adobe Acrobat in order to convert a pdf to an excel program but it appears that it will only convert to Word, not excel? Am I doing something wrong or should I cancel my subscription?

    What happens when you convert to excel?

  • In OS X Mavericks using Safari, the search bar at the top that i had on the previous system disappears only reappearing in the full screen. Do i have to go into full screen every time? Bit of a pain but no doubt I'm doing something wrong!

    In OS X Mavericks using Safari, the search bar at the top that i had on the previous system version disappears only reappearing in the full screen. Do i have to go into full screen every time? Bit of a pain but no doubt I'm doing something wrong!

    Those are all fine
    Here is how to see RAM overloaded…
    Reboot to see the system in it's default state.
    Open TextEdit for the sake of it
    Open Activity Monitor & Terminal from /Applications/Utilities.
    Select the Memory tab
    In Terminal enter the following command
    memory_pressure -l critical
    # note that is a lowercase L
    RAM usage will climb, compression will begin the VM will become way more than the system has installed.
    Eventually the system will start swapping  (look for RED) - Watch the 'memory pressure' & 'Swap used' as this happens.
    Try switching to TextEdit - the system is still coping !
    Switch back to Terminal & hit ctrl+c to stop the process.
    Watch the VM & memory pressure return to normal levels.
    This OS kicks 4ss !
    Your problems may lie elsewhere

  • HT201318 Hello. I have just built a website using iWeb but cannot upload it. I curently have the 25gb account. There doesn't appear to be any facility here for the net. ASm I correct in thinking I need an upgrade, or am I doing something wrong?  Thanks

    Hello. I have just built a website using iWeb but cannot upload it. I curently have the 25gb account. There doesn't appear to be any facility here for the net. Am I correct in thinking I need an upgrade, or am I doing something wrong?  Thanks

    iCloud does not provide website hosting. You will need to find another website hosting service - there are many to choose from - and upload your site there. How you do this depends on what version of iWeb you have.
    In order to upload your existing site in iWeb '09 and above:
    Click on the name of the site in the sidebar: the publishing settings pane will open. Set 'Publish to' to 'FTP'. Enter the name of the site and a contact address (if desired).
    In the 'FTP Server Settings' section you will need to know the server address (your hosting service can tell you that), and your username and password for that service. Your site will be published in a folder with its name at root level of the server, with an index.html file at root level (which will overwrite any index.html file which may be there already). The 'Directory/Path' field may need to include a path such as '/webspace/' or 'ht_docs/' - this is dependent on your hosting service and they should tell you this. If you want to publish within a folder you can add that to the path.
    You can then click the 'Test connection' button so that iWeb can check that it can get access to your server space. You should enter the URL of the site in the 'URL' field so that rss feeds and internal links have the correct address.
    To publish using an earlier version of iWeb:
    From the File menu choose 'Publish to a folder'. You should create a folder somewhere convenient specifically for this and choose it when publishing to a folder: this folder should not contain anything else.
    You now need an FTP program (FTP is the 'protocol' used for uploading) to upload the contents of the folder to your server.Cyberduck is free (donation requested): Transmit is $34 but I think better. You will need the server address (your hosting service can tell you that), and your username and password for that service. You can drag the contents of your folder to your webspace, or create a folder there and drag the contents to that if you prefer.
    Some facilities that iWeb provided when hosted on MobileMe will not work on other servers: comments on weblogs and photos, password-protecting your site (some hosts may provide this), searching in the weblog, and a hits counter (again, some hosts can provide code for this). Slideshows in iWeb will work on other hosts than MobileMe (they use different code when FTPing which doesn't depend on scripts hosted on MobileMe as the MobileMe version does); however there is an issue with the 'buttons' which control the slideshow which are images hosted on me.com - these depend on images which used to be hosted on MobileMe. The poster 'Old Toad' on the Apple Forums has provided a workaround, described at http://oldtoadstutorials.net/No.26.html.

  • Extensions appeared in my Photoshop CC but no longer appear in my Photoshop CC 2014? Am I doing something wrong?

    Extensions appeared in my Photoshop CC but no longer appear in my Photoshop CC 2014? Am I doing something wrong?

    This problem has been widely commented on this forum. Key point : since Adobe has withdrawn Flash support in PS extensions, most of them are now incompatible with PS CC 2014 and have to be rewritten.

  • TS3899 hi, i recently got an i phone 4, but i can not add my talktalk email account, I can't find out whether I'm doing something wrong or its just not possible, thank you

    I recently bought an i phone 4 but I can't set up a talktalk email
    Account, am I doing something wrong or is it not  possible, has any actually set one up

    Should check with your e-mail provider.
    Anyway a simple search you get this:

  • HT3819 I'm trying to watch a movie from Lovefilm on my AppleTV via the iPad but all I'm getting is the audio.  Am I doing something wrong?

    on my AppleTV via the iPad but all I'm getting is the audio.  Am I doing something wrong?

    It's not just Lovefilm - many app makers limit these things to keep the movie studios happy.
    Sky do the same I believe.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Aging made better threads getting no Vendettas

    How's that can you hear me now; decent: not undecent. What went down here with my homegrown those of you who know know the lo down...? Anyway The Way is clear to me now. Out of quite a few previous attempts too many samples had the carnival cruise ef

  • Anyone in Japan using DION?

    I'm having the "Do you want to stay connected?" icon flash up every fifteen minutes. I posted about this last night, but in the meantime I've come to learn that it's the DION server driver that's causing this, and Apple can't help me. I'm going to tr

  • IDOCs  ALE

    hi pro's well we are mapping this scenario can u please help me .. like we are getting the stock from japan to india as a intercompany sale . ok now both are distributed systems. so in this process order is done at india ( va01 ) . then transfered to

  • Transition to iCloud - Contacts - disappointed at myself and Apple...

    I have to stress that the non-automatic transition of contacts from MobileMe to iCloud is a very very poor show from Apple.  Massively dissapointed in myself for not reading the information regarding moving to iCloud more carefully and even more at A

  • Reflection of a customised BAdi in the appraisal Template

    Hi All.. I have created a Customised BAdi from an existing BAdi..i have also included this BAdi in Enhancement Area using the transaction oohap_basic.But when i go back to appraisal template and try to insert this BAdi in a column it diesnt reflect t