I need a few beta testers

I have the title creation macro working.
This macro is run from a Microsoft Word document. I wrote it on Office 2003 but it should work on newer versions. It runs on 2003 because I have the compatibility pack.
Here is how it works:
You create a title in Premiere Pro using the font and positioning that you want to use. Get it just right. (One line of text only though.)
Change the text of the title to "xyz" without the quotes.
Export the title as a title. (*.prtl)
Open the MS Word document and either type in the text you want to use or paste it in from another document.
I limited it to 9999 titles but I doubt that will inconvenience anyone. (I actually only tested it to 9990). That many titles takes quite a while though. (55 minutes) Heck, it takes quite a while to import that many into Premiere Pro for that matter.
Once you have the text in place (make sure that there isn't a blank line at the end or you will get an empty title), you just double-click where it says to double-click.
It will ask you which is the master file you want to make copies of. Then it will ask you for the file name and location you want to use for the copies. It will append the numbers 0001 through 9999
Then it proceeds to make your copies using each line of text for a new title.
When it is finished, just import the titles into Premiere Pro and drag drop to the timeline. Or automate to sequence.
Deceptively simple. I didn't write much of the code. I understand it, but only after studying what was kindly given to me by a master VBA guy on a VBA forum. Kind of like if you were a newbie around here and Jim Simon or Ann Bens offered to edit your video for you after you asked a question. It was phenomenal. Although it might have been more like what I did for the people I created intros for. Not sure just how much effort he had to put into it. But it sure works great and the code is simple, and clean.
OK? So now I need a few beta testers before I just throw it out there to the world of Premiere Pro users. If you would like to take it for a test drive, let me know in this thread.
If you are concerned about letting a macro run on your system, prevent it from running and just read the text from the Visual Basic Editor yourself. You will see that it doesn't do anything sinister.Then allow it the next time.
Just do me one favor. If you change the code to make it better, please share it with everyone.
Steven Gotz

Really? 272 views of this post at the time I write this and nobody wants to create multiple titles based on a single title using text from an external program?
We see the question all the time, and yet nobody wants to try it out?
OK. I will just wait until somebody asks again and offer the untested solution. Seriously, this is not the response I expected. Not after years of seeing requests for this feature.

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    Thanks for reading
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    # Contributor: Pável Varela Rodríguez [NeOnsKuLL] <[email protected]>
    pkgdesc="Menu generator for Openbox3, based on .desktop files"
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    makedepends=(dmd libphobos txt2tags)
    options=('!strip' 'docs')
    [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && depends=(${depends[@]} lib32-glibc)
    build() {
    cd $srcdir/obmenugen-$pkgver-r$_pkgrev
    make || return 1
    make install PREFIX=$pkgdir/usr/ || return 1
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    Last edited by NeOnsKuLL (2011-11-21 17:53:10)

    Yes, indeed, it's the same app, I'm the developer, but this thread is about a complete diferent topic: the new version, which cames with a lot of changes, not much at the interface level, but in the inside. Anyway, at the interface level, there are changes too.
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    Thanks a lot

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    All the best
    Mark Brown
    Editors Keys

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    Message was edited by: Chris McCord

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    Follow the latest Skype Community News
    ↓ Did my reply answer your question? Accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks. ↓

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    next, i found, that copying profiles wouldnt have worked either, as the windows boxes (have to) use different add-ons/plugins compared to linux (like fireshot - to give a simple example - needed a replacement on linux). - So just moving profiles doesnt help. But the promise to catch open windows/tabs, history, and so forth doesnt seem to work either. Maybe TabMixPlus is killing the whole mechanism?
    I found very detailed documentation on where to click to get it all started, but nothing about the internals nor limitations, thus being very disappointed now to find sync actually NOT working at all.
    Furthermore, while setting up the whole thing, every machine had a "sync setting" as to how to use that one machine: initial distribution/sync/receiver only/and so forth. Does this only concern the initial setup? - I wasnt able to see this configuration option ever again to be able to change it after the initial setup had been done.
    So i obviously need to understand better... as to me it looks like some real messy replication scenario, with not all backends sharing the same tables. And apparently adding/removing add-ons needs to get replicated manually anyway.
    What time delay do i have to expect? When shall i use "Syncronize" manually? And so on...
    I mean: I trusted Mozilla solution more than any other one, but it doesnt seem to live up to my expectations.
    (sorry: i had to reenter the whole thing after my email address ran out)

    Ok then! Thanks for answering!  Can you still transfer music over? I can't even get that to work! I have set my nephews up with no problem..obviously not a sec generation... please help again!

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    We're about to launch our new compatible keyboard for Logic Pro X, however before we do we requrie 5 Beta testers who can check all shortcuts for us.
    For your help, you'll get an entirely brand new Logic Pro X keyboard free of charge.
    We do only require 5 people, however any additional testers will also be given a 20% of voucher for their time.
    Please drop me an email and we can send the new PDF.
    Many Thanks
    Mark Brown
    Editors Keys
    Company Director

    Hey thanks!
    My email is mark.b (at) editorskeys (dot) com

  • Greeting/Beta Testers Wanted

    Hello, Ben here, this is my first post on this forum greetings!
    I'm a master's student at a Canadian university -- and in my spare time, for about a year now, I have been developing a web-based MMO for Java.
    It's been a fairly rewarding -- and difficult -- experience, I just noticed that Sun had a topic dedicated to Java game development so I thought I might see what the community is like.
    I'm also currently in the process of trying to hunt down beta testers for my game, so if anyone is interested, help is greatly appreciated.
    Game Website: http://www.hackwars.net
    Greeting again,
    - Ben.

    bcoe wrote:
    Hello, Ben here, this is my first post on this forum greetings!
    I'm a master's student at a Canadian university -- and in my spare time, for about a year now, I have been developing a web-based MMO for Java.
    It's been a fairly rewarding -- and difficult -- experience, I just noticed that Sun had a topic dedicated to Java game development so I thought I might see what the community is like.To be honest with you this specific forum is pretty dead.
    If you have specific game programming related questions you can get some help here but beyond that you might want to try somewhere else.

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    Timur Born wrote:
    It was an open Beta, so most people should not expect anything in return other than maybe a "Thank you!" sticky here on the forum.
    TH did just that on the Lightroom Journal blog ...

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    Happy New Year Everyone!
    I'm positing this message in an effort to recruit beta testers for a new AE plugin that allows users to convert text layers, footage layers, and solid layers into dynamic audio / visual elements driven by external data at render time.
    With this plugin users connect comp layers to data within a Google Spreadsheet document (or tab-delimited file) that is “fed” into that layer during a batch render. The plugin automatically positions, scales, and fits dynamic sized text strings and images.  If you produce any kind of video template, you can benefit from it because swapping out sources, texts, etc. is extremely easy simply by modifying spreadsheet data. Essentially, you can output batches of unique renders based on the same AEP file using this plugin: think lower-thirds, bumpers, slideshows, presentations, etc.
    I made a screencast showing how the plugin works:
    I would be grateful to any of you who would like participate in the product's beta phase, and will offer participants free upgrades after it is released to the general public.
    If you have any interest, please reply here, or send me a private message via the forum.
    Thank you for your time and consideration!

    Just wanted to update this thread to point folks to the release version of this plugin.  You can now enjoy its benefits by downloading it at aescripts.com.
    Templater now has extensive written documentation to familiarize yourself with general concepts for working with it and how-to instructions for accomplishing specific tasks.
    Thanks again for all you beta testers out there!  Your time, suggestions, and help have been invaluable. 

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